Morning Prayer Summary for Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Scripture focus…

(1-2) I can’t impress this on you too strongly. God is looking over your shoulder. Christ himself is the Judge, with the final say on everyone, living and dead. He is about to break into the open with his rule, so proclaim the Message with intensity; keep on your watch. Challenge, warn, and urge your people. Don’t ever quit. Just keep it simple.

(3-5) You’re going to find that there will be times when people will have no stomach for solid teaching, but will fill up on spiritual junk food—catchy opinions that tickle their fancy. They’ll turn their backs on truth and chase mirages. But you—keep your eye on what you’re doing; accept the hard times along with the good; keep the Message alive; do a thorough job as God’s servant. II Timothy 4:1-5 (MSG)

Pastor Ray…

So He is watching over our shoulder. He is not watching over our shoulder to kick us down or whatever. He is watching us, helping us by the power of His Spirit.

When we were in our old building in 1995, during that time, everything changed at Living Word. Pastor Mac and Lynne had gone on a vacation and when they came back the church had changed. There was a move happening here. The Spirit of God was moving in such a way that it just changed pretty much everyone. We had a staff meeting every week headed up by either Pastor Mac or Pastor Lynne. And this particular time Tim Amstutz was there with the keyboard. He was playing and Pastor Lynne came in and you could just sense that something was different. Usually people would come in, get in a corner somewhere and be in there an hour. And we would pray but not all of it was real alive. Sometimes she would just stop everything and have people get further down in their hearts. Well, this particular time you could just sense something really was different. She came in and Pastor Tim was playing “Spirit of the Living God, Fall Fresh.” By the Spirit the first thing she said was “Now you must let the wind of God blow.”

The following prophecy was given by Pastor Lynn Hammond on March 9, 1995 at Living Word Christian Center Staff Meeting:

Now, you must let the wind of God blow. You must turn your face into the wind where the breath of God is sweeter and where His brightest glory shines. Let us sing that now. Just open your heart to God and really mean that when you sing it. (Spirit of the Living God)

Ms. Annie is going to lead us in singing Spirit of the Living God. We are not re-enacting that time. But that meeting changed into a different kind of meeting where the Holy Spirit took over and we were there for a minimum of three hours and I was so changed by the Spirit. One word by the Holy Spirit spoken to our hearts can change us forever. It will change us forever. That’s why I say, “Well, 1995, that’s just like yesterday.” It really isn’t in years but it is as far as my memory and what happened.

Ms. Annie led us singing Spirit of the Living God, Fall Fresh on Me


It’s Your presence, It’s Your presence, Lord
Father, we lift up the weekend for the Christmas program. That just came up in my heart just mentioning his name
So, we pray over Pastor Tim and Monica and all those that are included, that are practicing, that are planning, that are being, being made ready for that program
We put the blood of Jesus over every aspect of it and we pray that everything will go according to the Master’s plan
And that the presence, the Spirit of the Living God will fall fresh in that sanctuary
And Father, we know that there will be those that are visiting, those that have never been here, we pray that they shall be ministered unto, that their hearts will be softened by Your precious holy presence in that sanctuary
We pray the blood covering over every singer, over every musician, every plan that You have planned Father, that You have given by Your Spirit
Whatever, all it is that they have planned, Lord, we cover it, we cover it, we cover it with the precious blood of the Lamb
Thank You!
No weapon formed against it will prosper, we pray over the light, the lighting, the sound, we pray for every person that by Your Spirit, You would draw them here
Draw them by Your Spirit, bring them from the north, the east, and the south, and the west
That many, many will be ministered to on that afternoon, on that evening, and on that morning in Jesus’ name
By the power of Your precious Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus
We cover, we cover, we cover it
We thank You, Father, thank You for having Your way, Your will, Your plan, Your purpose in Jesus’ name

[Pastor Lynne Word Continued]
“It’s Your presence, Lord. It has always been, Father, Your presence that we have sought and yearned for in our spirits, because, Lord, You have created us that way. When we were born again, the very breath of God that recreated us in Christ Jesus, when that breath was breathed upon us, there was a presence that came with that breath and because of that presence You made us to still yearn for it and so our spirit man, it does, it does cry out to God for it. Jesus, Jesus. Spirit of the Living God fall afresh and renew us. Revive us, oh Lord. Revive us through Your plan and Your will, Lord. (Tongues) Oh, Lord. Fill us, Lord, and then use us, Father, because that was always Your great plan, Father God. That was it right there. That we would be melted in Your presence and we would be molded by Your touch and by Your hand: That we would be so filled with You, Lord. And that we would move out in Your great plan. That was it, Lord, all along. Thank You, Lord Jesus. (Tongues)

For have I not spoken unto you plainly, year after year, as My own children? Jesus. That the very inheritance of Mine, My very inheritance is in you and it is nothing less than the Spirit of Christ. God, (tongues) oh, the Spirit of Christ coming to live in His fullness. Coming to live in His completeness, so that He would be manifest to the world. Jesus. The Father’s inheritance shining through You because You have become single-minded to His glory and because You were void of offense.

Did I not tell you, has it not been written, and you have heard with your ears and know in your heart that you are written epistles to be read by men that even when they didn’t know and the wondering ones that never heard the Word preached or never seen it on written paper before? But they would see you and He would read Me and they would see the Living Christ loosed. And they made free.

And did you not know, and did you not read and did you not see when I spoke to Ephesus who stood on the highest pinnacle of knowledge of their day? And I gave them prayers to pray. And those prayers at that hour that they were prayed were registered in Heaven. And those prayers spoke of the hope of your calling and of My inheritance in you. Did you not know who, saith the Lord, that as much as you have inherited the cross, as much as you have inherited redemption in all of its works, as much as you have inherited healing and salvation and prosperity, did you not know that now you have inherited places to walk in? Access to my courts? Jesus. Oh, Lord. And all that I have belongs to you.

So whatever shackle or whatever prison would try and hold you and bind you. Whatever tomb of life would try to hold you like it tried to hold Lazarus in a death realm. It could be shaken off right now if you look unto Me. Because you are a part of a very great move and soon you will realize that you are in such cooperation with Me. Soon you are going to realize that this is a plan much bigger than thee and this, saith the Lord, is not an organization but this is a living, moving organism of God and it has come in the person of Jesus. Hallelujah.

For you know, I don’t have any hands, except your hands. I don’t have a voice except your voice. Jesus. And I don’t have feet except your feet, that is why I said how beautiful they were for you are My body in action. Hallelujah, Jesus. I can hear a ringing in glory now. I hear a ringing of Heaven today and there the Spirit of the Lord would say the cross came out of mocking and jeering and sneering and a sip of vinegar and thorns upon a brow, but Pentecost came with a very great cry and I hear the cry and the cry was, it is finished, it is finished, it is finished rings in all of Heaven. It is finished and so now that it is finished, rise in the resurrection power, rise in the mark of the Holy Ghost, rise in the catch of My power and go forth to an inhabited world. Thank you, Father. Glory. Hallelujah. Thank you, Father.

A scripture is coming to me. Hallelujah. This is a different prayer meeting. Father, I am praying now that You would grant us a spirit of wisdom and of revelation, of insight into the mysteries, the secrets and deep intimate knowledge of You. Oh God, You open our eyes, the eyes of our hearts and You flood us, Lord, with light so that we can really know and we can really understand the hope, the hope in You, the hope in You. The hope that is in You which You have called us to and how rich is His glorious inheritance in the saints. He has set apart ones so that we can know and we can understand what is the immeasurable and unlimited and surpassing greatness of Your power in and for us who believe as demonstrated in the working of His mighty strength which He exerted in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His own right hand in heavenly places far above, far above, Lord. All rule and power and dominion in every name that is named. Above every title that can be conferred not only in this age and in the world, but also in the age in the world which is to come and that You, oh Lord, through Jesus, has put all things under His feet and You have appointed Him the universal and supreme head of the Church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all for in that body lives the full measure of Him who makes everything complete and who fills everything, everywhere with Himself. Hallelujah.”

Continued praying…

We thank You so much, Father, it’s not about us, it’s about Your presence
It’s Your glory, it’s the manifestation of Your great presence on this earth
Through us, Your children

Ms. Annie led us in singing Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Continued Praying…

It’s in Your presence, it’s in Your presence, Lord
We know one touch from heaven opens doors, closes doors, makes a way, brings revelation to us day after day after day
It is Your presence, thank You for Your wonderful precious touch of Your Spirit upon us today
For more, for an increase of Your great presence propelling us into more and more of Your divine will for each one of us
The steps that we’ve been predestined to fulfill, Your plan, Your purpose, Lord

[Pastor Lynne Word Continued]
And you were put in the earth today to be a fruitful position in God. If you would say, “What is my calling? What am I called to do?” Bear fruit, herein is the Father glorified. For you see, I love to take weak frailty and manifest Myself to them and make an oracle of Myself.

Stop, stop questioning your position. Stop wondering for the disciples you know, they were flesh just like you, yet I, saith the Lord, joined them to Myself. Impulsive Peter, what a different spirit. Peculiar Thomas, with His defiant ways. I loved it, saith the Lord. I loved it. I loved for Heaven to touch them. I loved to be the Potter with the clay. I loved it because one touch of the Master changes everything. One touch of the Master. One touch of resurrection power changes it all.

And so it is that you are marked by Me and you have been marked all along for a time you see and so the hour has come. Glory. So Jesus, you be Jesus in us. Father, help us to so decrease that You, oh God, can increase. You are the resurrection power, and I believe with all of my heart that You are filling us this hour. Thank You, Father. Jesus, be Jesus in me. Don’t let it any longer be me, but just You, Lord, just You, just You,oh God. Resurrection power. (Song – Jesus be Jesus)

Ms. Annie led us singing Jesus, Be Jesus in Me

Pastor Ray…

More of that resurrection power
An end some other ways, some other plans, an end to those days and on over into the resurrection power days
Days filled with more and more of the glory of God
Days filled with more and more revelation knowledge knowing what we’ve been called on to do
Bear fruit, bear fruit, walk in love, bring forth God’s love, declare the love
Speak forth God’s love; operate in the love of God
And bring that in these days into every single person we come in contact with

More and more and more and more and more!
Thank You, thank You, thank You, Father
It’s different, it’s different, it’s not the same
It won’t be the same, but in the name, that name that is above every other name
Things are changing! Things are moving beyond what we have ever seen before
Turns, rearranging, doors opening, some other ones closing forever more
Thank You, Father
We come by that precious blood in the precious presence this morning
In this time we lift up our nation
We pray over it, our president, our leaders, positions of authority
Let’s pray in tongues a little while for them (tongues)

Thank You Father, You are the hedge of protection around this nation
Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord
Thank You, Father, for giving our president the wisdom from above
It’s the heavenly wisdom, not the earthly
So we call those things that are to be, we say our president is blessed
He is anointed to do the job You have called him to do
The anointing from above, so we call him anointed
And we declare he has the mind of Christ
Not only him but, Father, everyone around him seeking You in the morning
In the daytime, in the night to do right things, good things
We declare the Spirit of wisdom upon him, the Spirit of power
There is no strife, there is unity in the White House
Why? Because we have bound the spirit of division already!
It’s been bound, we have loosed the spirit of unity, love, oneness in both sides
Strife is over

I had two people stand out in all that, while we were praying over our country and over our leaders: Vice President Pence and the First Lady. Those two just stuck out to me.

Father, we lift this man, this woman
We pray over the vice president in the name of Jesus
That the utterance that You have put within him, that by Your Spirit, He would step into another degree of utterance from heaven above and declare those things very, very freely and liberally
We pray the covering of the blood around him and around his family in Jesus’ name
And we are declaring today that no weapon formed against them would prosper in Jesus’ name
We cover the first lady, Melania, we put that blood covering around her
We pray that Your purpose and Your plan would come forth through her in Jesus’ name
That by the Spirit, she will have utterance from heaven to declare to the president of the United States and bring forth that that needs to be brought forth, that will bring him into a new place, into another degree, into another plan or revelation and insight and strengthen him as the leader of this land
We pray over their family, over their children, the husbands, the wives, the grandchildren in the name of Jesus
We cover every single one of them in Jesus’ name
We are coming by the blood and we are using that blood and we declare “there is protection in it and through it in Jesus’ name!”
Thank You, Father, thank You, Lord

Oh, somethings that needed to be put aside, they shall be put aside
Speaking of our nation, speaking of our leaders – some things
It’s like they need to be brushed aside, put aside, done away with, not spoken about any longer
But those things that will bring about an increase, bring about momentum in our country
Those are the things that shall be brought to the light!
Those are the things that shall be uncovered – Glory! Glory! Glory!
And brought out in sight! Hallelujah!
We declare and come against and take a stand today against every lie, every inaccuracy, every plan of the enemy in Jesus’ name
And declare “Confusion there!”
Confusion in Jesus’ name! Hallelujah! Thank You, Father

I wanted to, not just because Thanksgiving is on Thursday, but I want to just declare some things over each one of you this morning. It is the week of Thanksgiving. It is divinely set up for people to begin to think on the things they have been blessed and prospered in them, for them, for their families. And so I declare in faith this morning under the power of the Holy Spirit that the anointing that is resident in each one of you would begin to increase on the inside. But it would not stay on the inside. It would be an overflowing in the anointing of the precious Holy Spirit. It would be unfolded or come out in a greater degree this week than it’s ever come out before. And I declare divine supernatural utterance and that the plan and the purpose that God has for this Thanksgiving for you would come to pass!

I take authority and hold the blood and use the name against every operation of the enemy that would try and bring about any form of division in Jesus’ name. Just see it. Just see it in your heart. There is no way division can come your way! There is no way the plan of the Devil would have its way this week in any way in Jesus’ name. And I declare; I am speaking Thanksgiving to you for your plan, for your purpose, and for your destiny to come forth in a greater way. And I speak a blessing over the declarations that you brought from your heart into this room, this chapel, day after day after week after month, year after year after year. And back upon you, greater and greater blessings from heaven to bring you up into another degree of God’s glory where you’ve never, ever entered into before!

So, days of greater glory! Days of great restoration!
Okay, restoration – restoration days!
Days of restoration! Days of wholeness, days of wellness!
I take authority and hold that blood against any operation of the Devil whose been trying to operate in your natural bodies and declare “Get out! Get away! Get your hands off today in Jesus’ name!”
We thank You for it, praise You for it

We go out today thinking on and honoring the blood
And the power that is in the name
But that covering of the blood, it’s a bottom line truth of the Word
They overcame because of the blood!
Therefore we overcome through that precious holy blood of the Lamb

Ms. Annie led us singing There Is Power in the Blood

Continued praying…

Because of the blood, the past is past, it’s over, it’s done
We are cleansed, we are washed, we are new and we overcome
Through the power of that precious blood of the Lamb
Thank You for it Lord, today
All glory and honor to You, thank You for Your presence, hallelujah
So, if you can cannot come tomorrow, Happy Thanksgiving
God bless you, I appreciate you coming today

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