Morning Prayer Summary for Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Pastor Ray…

I felt like we should, not just this week, but maybe focus more this week on the blood.

Ms. Annie…

Mark Hankins shared many times how when he was growing up his mother would always say “I plead the blood.” Then he went to Bible college and learned all the hermeneutical, theological  things they teach you in Bible college. He came home to visit once and said “Now, mama, that whole pleading the blood thing…” He meant to correct her about it. I can’t remember either she was doing it too much or in unbelief. His mama just said “Well, let’s see. You’re going to Bible College and that’s a miracle.” She gave examples of how he used to be. She said, “It seems to be working. So, I am going to keep doing what I am doing.”

He shares that quite often as an example of the truth that when you plead the blood your mind might not connect with it or it might seem like a foolish thing to the theological, hermeneutical, whatever they are, but when you plead the blood of Jesus there is power in the blood! So, I think I’ll just keep on doing it too.

When we hear threats against our nation, what do we do? Plead the blood of Jesus over our nation, over our soldiers, over our military bases, over all the ships at sea, over all the commerce, over all the schools, the children! We plead the blood over the media, over voices that go out over the airwaves! We plead the blood of Jesus over the borders of our country, over all the containers that come into our country, over all the immigrants that come into our country, over all the politicians, over the (tongues!)

Because there is power in the blood of Jesus! We put the blood of Jesus over the doorpost of our house, our body, physical dwelling, over the house of God in the earth – the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. We plead the blood of Jesus over the doorposts of America, every military base and embassy, over ever missionary on foreign lands – they are safe! They are protected! We plead the blood of Jesus! So precious. Why is it precious? Because of what it can do. Is gold and silver precious if you are dying of cancer? No. What is precious? The medicine that lifts you up and heals you and raises you to life – it’s the BLOOD! It’s the blood of Jesus that is precious!

If you are lost in sin, in darkness and in chains—can gold and silver set you free? No! There is something more precious than gold and silver because it breaks the chains! It’s Jesus’ blood. Hallelujah! Thank You, Jesus. Thank You for Your blood! And it still speaks today. It speaks of better things than the blood of Able. Oh, it speaks of redemption, healing, freedom, righteousness, forgiveness of our sins. Oh, Jesus, thank You! Hallelujah.

We apply the blood of Jesus over everything that God is trying to do today and we say “He’s going to do it unhindered in Jesus’ name.”

Pastor Ray…

There is protection and direction through the blood. That power is working in us in this hour when we watch, when we plead it, when we declare it, when we believe it. Our faith is in the blood.

The following is an excerpt from The Blood and the Glory by Billye Brim:

One old-timer, Carl Roos, told me before he moved to heaven, “The Lord told us, ‘Make much of the Blood; and the Blood will make much of you.”

That concept of “honoring the Blood of Jesus” was well known to the saints I have researched. Like Mrs. Nuzum, they had faith in the power of the Blood. And they wielded their weapon. Often by setting a watch with it—a Blood watch.

The Price of Constant Victory
It was in this area that I found the answer I was seeking. The preventative action we can take against Satan’s unfair blows.

In Mrs. Nuzum’s book in Chapter Seven entitled, “Hold Fast That Which Thou Hast” she exposed the doors Satan uses to enter and “take a place.”

We are all in the land of the enemy and are subject to his attacks in spirit, soul, and body, but God says, “Give no place to the devil” (Ephesians 4:27). That means that he cannot take a place in us when he attacks us if we do not let him. We open the way for him to come in if we sin; the smallest sin we commit in word, deed, or thought, gives place for the devil to do us harm.

The first door she mentioned is obvious sin.

Thank God for the Blood of Jesus which cleanses us from all sin and makes us new creations when we are born again.

And, thank God, if we sin after we are born again, we can take advantage of First John 1:9, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

It is the Blood in either case which cleanses us and closes the door of opportunity to the devil.

But when I read what she had to say about another door, I knew I had what I was looking for, an opening Satan uses to afflict the innocents and how to keep it closed.

God’s remedy always accomplishes just what God says it will accomplish—overcome the enemy. But watchfulness is the price of constant victory. “Be vigilant (watch all the time) because your adversary the devil as a roaring lion walketh about, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8).

Our enemy is so set on our destruction that he never sleeps or neglects to follow after us to destroy us. How sad that we, who have so much at stake, should be less diligent than he. A failure to watch, also gives the devil a place in us or permits him to return. “I say unto all, Watch.” We are not safe from his attacks one moment without the Blood of Jesus. As soon as we waken in the morning, we should cry for the Blood to be upon us, within us, around us, and between us and all evil and the author of evil. The last thing before we sleep we should, in the same way, cry for the protection of the Blood…

Oh, that we could rouse ourselves to a greater intensity in the things of God. We are so halfhearted and yet we must overcome an enemy that is constantly alert and ready to take advantage of all carelessness and neglect. Soldiers are severely dealt with for even a small carelessness or neglect. If we neglect to watch, can God call us good soldiers? Oh, how much we suffer because we fail to watch all the time. “I say unto all, Watch.” Not one person is excused from watching. We shall never in this life get to a place where the enemy cannot attack us, but God is not willing that we should be overcome even once, “always causes us to triumph in Christ” not one failure as we obey and trust.

I saw it! First Peter 5:8 is so clear! Be vigilant! Watch!
That’s how he slips in on us! A lack of watchfulness!
The old-timers set up a watch. A Word watch. A Blood watch. They drew a Blood line Satan could not cross.

Pastor Ray…

Can we do that? Must we do that? Yes. Especially as we go here from 2019 into 2020, things are moving so quickly and so many things are happening on the world scene where the blood needs to be applied. Do you think our President needs to be covered in the blood? Yes! The blood of Jesus, churches, ministries, missionaries… There is a couple that lives in Iraq and they are missionaries. They said because the Iran military leader was taken out, There is rejoicing in the streets. Have you seen that in the news?

That is the news. There are so many that are so happy that he is out. I saw this this morning. In the funeral march, over 70 people were killed.

Ms. Annie…

They were trampled upon by a stampede. This is something that happens every year at the Hajj, which is the pilgrimage they all have to go on to that place in Mecca. It’s a strange spiritual occurrence when they come together in this type of spiritual fervor. It’s a common occurrence that there is stampede and hundreds are trampled to death. It’s hard to wrap your head around. But when I saw that it happened at the funeral precession, I plead the blood.

There are a series of books that were written and smuggled out of Saudi Arabia by a Saudi princess and it really gives you a window into what it’s like living under that religious belief system. But on one of the stories she tells, she had always had happy memories of childhood going to the Hajj with her family. She always wanted to go but her husband would never go because he had recurring nightmares of the stampede. In the dream, he was being trampled to death. I am just trying to put a window that these are not natural occurrences; these are spiritual occurrences that harm these dear precious people who Jesus died for. They are there because they know no other way to serve their god. And the devil is so cruel. I am not trying to exalt what he is doing but just… we plead the blood over all the people in Iran.

We plead the blood over all the Jihadi’s who are trying to reach God the only way they know how. We plead the blood of Jesus over all of them!

Ms. Marian…

When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice. We plead the blood over the leader that his eyes will open up so he can see Jesus, so their people can rejoice.

Ms. Annie…

And Jesus is appearing to these people because they have no other way of ever hearing the Gospel. And yet through the prayers of the saints and the love of the Father, spiritual forces are penetrating that darkness and Jesus is appearing to these dear people in dreams and visions, coming to them in their sleep because they can’t have a Bible and they can’t listen to the truth because nobody can bring it to them. But Jesus is coming by Himself personally and showing them “I love you.”

Father, we ask for more of that. We ask for more and more and more and more of Your love to penetrate the darkness of the Islamic nations, Lord, that they would be able to know You and see You for who You really are and receive the love and the freedom and the peace that only You can bring and the joy unspeakable and full of glory.

We PLEAD THE BLOOD! Oh, the blood of Jesus! It’s for everyone. It’s for everyone! It’s for all of those dear souls that are lost and bound in darkness. Oh, we believe You are making a way, Lord.

When you sent that missile down to destroy that leader of darkness, Lord, You were penetrating the wall that’s trying to keep the truth out! We ask for an opening, a great opening for the Gospel now in Jesus’ name send laborer into those harvest fields, Lord.

The Word of God is not bound but it goes through the earth, that Your Words are being sent now like flaming arrows!

Pastor Ray…

Thank You, Father. You know how our embassies are an extension of us. It’s the United States in other countries through Embassies. Thank You, Father, that the attack was shut down and I know many other believers have prayed over the last months over all of the Embassies and that caused a line of protection around the Embassy in Baghdad. No lives were lost! But thank You, Father, for our President that did something about it!

Before any other attack could take place, the enemy was taken out, annihilated. Thank You for the protection of the blood of Jesus! Hallelujah! Glory! Thank You, Father. Thank You, Lord.

We do watch. We take up our watch. We watch with the blood. We’ll make much more of the blood, not less. The blood, the blood, the blood, there is such power in the blood. Thank You, Father. Thank You, Lord.

Pastor Folu…

Oh what victory in the blood! That’s what I see VICTORY! The blood of Jesus purges, purges everything that needs to be purged, of every kind of defilement (ha, ha, ha) the blood of Jesus! Hallelujah!

The blood of Jesus covers you, covers your family completely—spirit, soul, and body! Oh, the blood of Jesus! Every waywardness, every prodigal covered in the blood of Jesus.

In these last days, the men and the women that are carrying this Gospel forward, covered in the blood as they go forth. They are protected in the blood. Even as men and women go to different countries that have been restricted for years, they are covered in the blood as they go by the unction of the Spirit in the name of Jesus. Hallelujah! Halleluah!

This great country covered from the north, south, east, and the west. This wonderful country covered completely in the blood of Jesus! That crimson blood makes a way where there is no way! Oh, Lord! We say thank you! Thank You for Jesus! Thank You for that blood that still speaks, that still speaking peace over you, speaking joy over you, speaking abundance over you! Better things for you, for me, for your children, your children’s children! A legacy! Oh the blood of Jesus protects your legacy in Jesus’ name. You don’t even have to defend yourself! The blood of Jesus defends you! Defends you! Defends you!

The blood of Jesus heals you completely! Are you sick? Are you challenged with infirmities? Right now we agree with you and plead the blood of Jesus all over you in Jesus’ name. Do you have family members in mental institutions? Right now the blood of Jesus reaches them where they are in that mental institution and we speak wholeness and restoration and the blood of Jesus brings them out of that place in Jesus’ name.

Because of the blood of Jesus, my brother, my sister, you are strengthened! The blood of Jesus brings about boldness for you to accomplish the task that God almighty has assigned you to accomplish! The blood of Jesus protects you! Hallelujah! It makes a way for you where there is no way. The blood! The blood! The blood! You know that song “Victory in the Blood.”

Victory! Victory in the blood!

Just see it saints, victory in every area of your life and my life. Victory! Victory! It encompasses you and me around. It goes before us. It goes behind us. It surrounds us! We’re surrounded by it!

It’s interesting that Pastor Ray would talk about making much of the blood. Just this morning in my quiet time, I was making much of the blood, just seeing it, just covering myself, my whole family, this entire nation with the blood. And then I come here and I hear about it. There is something about that, saints. The Lord is speaking expressly these last days. The old timers got it right. They got it right! They know what they were talking about, about pleading the blood! Hallelujah!

We thank You for this Church! Today, covered from the top. We thank You for our senior pastors, Pastors Mac and Lynne Hammond, covered in the blood! Their entire family, covered! Everyone, everything that pertains to them, covered in the blood of Jesus! Hallelujah!

The leadership of this church covered completely in the blood of Jesus. Every decision that we are about to make and that we have made, covered in the blood of Jesus! Hallelujah! Oh victory! Victory is in the blood of Jesus! Hallelujah!

Every plan of the enemy right now is thwarted by the blood of Jesus. Every ambushment of the enemy that he has sent against you, right now we stop it, we forbid it, we stop it dead in its tracks in Jesus’ name. The blood speaks for you, my brother. The blood speaks for you, my sister. And it makes a way where there is no way! Aha! Victory! Victory in the blood! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Victory.

Saints, just see that. Everywhere you go just see victory because of the blood. Everything you do just see the victory. See the blood of Jesus just making a way for you before you get there. It’s just parting the way, just opening doors that have been shut for years! The BLOOD! We make much of it.

And it is going to be an easy thing. You are just going to walk through full of that Majesty on High very conscious of your kingship, very conscious of your rulership. When you know that you have already won, what do you do? You just walk majestically, you walk rejoicingly, you walk full of the confidence of heaven because majesty has arrived. The king has arrived; the queen has arrived because of the blood, because of the blood in Jesus’ name. Hallelujah.

This is a Word of the Lord that was given through Brother Copeland on September 13, 2019:

“Not a trickle, not a stream, not a river, but flood stage! Financial flood stage! Miraculous flood stage and breakthroughs of an uncommon nature. For this is the time. This is the time, ha, ha, ha! Yeah, this is the time,” saith The LORD, “when the bottom of the world will become the top of the world.”

You and I, we’ve become the top of the world because of the blood! Because of the blood, we have become the top of the world! So, everywhere we go, we just think like that. We think that we are the top because guess what, Jesus! Because that blood has put us on top! Hallelujah.

You know the Bible says “as a man (woman) thinketh in his heart, so he is.” So everywhere you go because the blood has already gone before you, when you show up… I don’t care how many people are against you there, because you show up and the blood that has already spoken a better word for you, everything pales, everything falls, everything crumbles and they say “Who is this woman?” Who is this woman?” Because this woman showed up, the very atmosphere changed. Receive that in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Ms. Annie led us singing Oh, the Blood It Is My Victory

Ms. Cindy…

This morning I took communion and I always thank Him specifically for what the blood has done to change the way I think. The blood of Jesus purges my conscience from acting out of condemnation, fear, and guilt and self-doubt. We all sin in this life and we can feel guilty. But the blood is so supernatural. It actually purges our conscience from all guilt.

How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God? Hebrews 9:14 (KJV)

And I know I’ve been changed. I am not the shy, uncertain person I used to be. The blood has strengthened my conscience so that I can boldly do what He has prepared for me to do. It’s like Pastor Folu was saying. When you are going about your day, pay attention to the opportunities around you and be bold. The blood washes our conscience clean and our thought patterns are put right and we can boldly walk it out knowing it’s not in our own righteousness but the righteousness of Jesus that the blood has afforded us; knowing who we are and what we’ve been appointed to do—the good works.

Pastor Ray…

Almost 50 years ago, I was attending a church in the area and I was searching. I had a hunger for the Lord but I wasn’t born again. I didn’t even know about it because no one ever told me about it. But this morning thinking back on that time, I just got a thankful heart that the priest actually said something that drove me out of that church. He said something so obnoxious, so un-Word like that I got up, left, and never came back.

Then a few months later I met Sandy. Well her mom knew how to pray and she would pray with Sandy for her future husband. It all worked out together and we met. But thank God for the blood! There is such power in it if we just use it, it makes a way! It made a way for me back then through one step here and one step there, and boom! We get in the right place.

Just because we are covered in the blood, we can go into places, bring the presence, and make changes because of the presence within us; not even having to say anything. But you know that our eyes speak, our joy speaks, and our love speaks. The blood speaks. So, let’s be aware of it. We are on a blood watch. Alright! Thank you for coming today; It’s all blessed, Amen.

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