Morning Chapel Prayer Playlist
Morning Chapel Prayer Today
Sister Jeannie…
Thank you, Father, for your plan… that your plan is playing out. I thank you that we are all an integral part of your plan. As we all know, it’s a very sobering time and a very joyful time. Have you noticed that when you read times in the Word where there’s a sobering time, that ends up being a joyful time?
If you think about the Red Sea moment. It was terrifying and sobering. And then it was joyful when it parted. If you think about when the walls of Jericho came down, it was sobering. They were walking around seven times, not understanding, just doing what God said to do. And I’m sure many times singing… what are you doing? And then the walls came down.
Despised for doing the right thing…
I was talking to a friend of mine the other day and she was dealing with just pain in her emotions. She’s getting custody of her grandson and for good reason. And because of that, people that she loves despise her. We’ve been friends for a long time, she knows my background. I said to her, “I’m don’t want to discount what you’re experiencing right now, but I’m sure you understand that I know what that feels like, to be despised for doing the right thing.”
We take custody in prayer…
And we’re in that time right now. We will be despised for doing the right thing. And even today, last night when I was thinking about… okay, what does prayer look like today, Holy Spirit? I looked up the word “custody” and here’s the definition of the word custody: “the protective care or guardianship of someone or something.” And that’s what we do in prayer. We take custody, we take protective care, we take guardianship of the precious things of the kingdom.
Dutch Sheets, Give Him 15…
I also think it’s poignant and not at all a mistake that the Friday before the attempted assassination on Donald Trump’s life, Dutch Sheets Give Me 15 was titled “The Unseen Realm.” And I’m just going to read a portion of it. And before I read that, Holy Spirit, you speak through us today, each of us, because I’m going to ask you to actively participate today. We’re going to be praying the Word and we’re going to be declaring the Word over our country, over our city, over our state, and globally. God has a plan. And we are a part of that plan, not a missing piece where if the missing piece is missing, it’s okay. No! You are a major, integral part of that plan. And right now, we can see those prophetic pieces start to fall into place. And what I’m about to read to you is a part of that. So this was the Friday before the attempted assassination of Donald Trump’s life.
The unseen realm…
“While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal.” That’s from Corinthians. For we walk by faith, not by sight. Corinthians again. Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. [And I’m continuing in his Give Him 15 from Friday.]
There’s a relatively unknown dimension that must be understood in order to fully partner with God and experience the fullness of His blessings. It is the unseen realm of the spirit, invisible, yet real. Hidden, yet very active. Much of what happens on earth is influenced by this realm. Certainly anything of eternal significance or which controls the destinies of people and nations is controlled from there.”
Keeping in mind that where he began from that Friday, the perfect timing of Holy Spirit working through His people, that continuing the conversation with God, that continuing relationship with God. It was that perfect timing, knowing what the enemy was up to the following day… a sobering time and a joyful time. And watching. And being a part of what God is doing.
Let me read that again: Much of what happens on earth is influenced by this realm, certainly anything of eternal significance. Eternal significance. What happens now affects tomorrow, affects the next day, affects generations, affects your calling.
“Or which controls the destinies of people and nations is controlled from there.” We are in a time where the pressure of our prayers are being realized and put out there for the world to witness. That’s encouraging and sobering. We are in a time where the pressure and the results of our prayers are being witnessed, and it is now to cheer us on, to keep moving forward, to keep that needle moving.
Our prayers are creating results…
And so we pray the Word today actively. I’m going to propose to you today that you are not coming to prayer to be ministered to… not today! You’re coming to prayer to break through. You’re coming to prayer to declare God’s plan on a national scale, on a local level, and statewide, as well as globally.
Children from Uganda…
I saw a short the other day where children from Uganda are playing out that scene of the assassination attempt on Trump’s life! They’re playing it out. Little children! Saying “We fight.” Do you understand your prayers are inspiring children in different nations to rise up?
I’m going to pray out these scriptures and then we’re going to pray them out together. I’m going to read the scriptures and then we’re going to pray them out together. We’ll start with Genesis 1:27. At least so far we’re just going to be chronological. Speaking of children, Genesis 1:27, the New Living Translation. “So God created man in His own image, in the image of God, He created them, male and female.” So let’s pray this out.
God made male and female…
Father, I thank you right now that your plan is being played out, that man was created in your image. Man was created to be free. Man was created to live out the finished work of “it is finished.” And man was created, male and female. Father, I thank you for that revelation in the church. Let it begin with the church, Father.
Father, it began a Genesis. Isn’t that amazing? You set that from the foundation of the world. And now we are in a time where this is foundational for the church. We declare over the church. That she not rely on politicians for this to be foundational. That’s not what you said. You created man in your own image, male and female. We declare right now for a wave of revelation that it crashes in on the church. It crashes in on culture. That man was created in your image. That man was created with a calling. That man was created with solutions… God’s solutions… kingdom solutions. And she was created by God and he was created by God. In fact, we curse and take authority in Jesus’ name over anything else that would try to say otherwise, that would try to teach otherwise.
Any deceitful industry, we call it cursed. In fact, any industry that would come against this foundation, we tell you, you must return seven times already. That man was created in the image of God. Man receives his rights for freedom from God. Man receives his mandate to live free, to live fearless, to live in prosperity and abundance from God. Man is created man. And man is created woman by God. And that is our foundation. And we will not move from this foundation in Minnesota.
I thank you right now that we are not confused about this. In fact, massive clarity is sweeping all over Minnesota. That man created by God, that woman created by God to be free, receiving her freedom from God, created to be prosperous, created to be whole and healed, created to occupy until He comes. And it is foundational. In fact, we declare it over Minnesota right now and we continue to declare it over Minnesota.
Declaration over Minnesota…
“Minnesota, God created you in God’s image, in the image of God, you were created. Male and female, you were created. We will not add to that, and we will not subtract from it.
Genesis 50:20…
Many of us, when we first heard about the assassination attempt, this was the first. Or at least one of our first utterances or declarations over President Trump. “You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people. No, don’t be afraid. I will continue to take care of you and your children.”
Isn’t it compelling that the children are mentioned in that scripture? It’s thrilling. I’m going to read it again and we’re going to pray it out. “You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people.” And then verse 21. “No, don’t be afraid. I will continue to take care of you and your children.”
Declaration continued…
Minnesota, the enemy has intended to harm you, but God has intended all of this for your good. Church in Minnesota, you were brought to Minnesota for this position. So that we could save the lives of many people.
This also touches on abortion.
No Minnesota, no church, don’t be afraid! The church will continue to take care of you and your children.
Now, let’s get this for a second. Could we propose that abortion… I’m just going to plant a little seed here. That abortion is not a political issue as much as it is an issue in the church… that it gets done through prayer, through revelation in the people of God, that the people of God see that God created man for a plan and a purpose. And then we shift the culture and influence that arena. That’s all I’ll say about that right now.
What the enemy intended to harm Minnesota, God has intended for Minnesota’s good. In fact, the church has been brought to this position and it is the church’s responsibility now to save the lives of many people, to be unafraid and to continue to take care of the children. We do not back down from this. Whatever the enemy is using to come against Minnesota, to come against the church rising up in Minnesota, to come against the people of God, gaining clarity that the children are their mandate, created boy or girl, male or female, blessed in the womb… that we rejoice in life, that we rejoice in God’s perfect plan. And it shall be carried out in Minnesota. And it begins with the church. It begins with the body of Christ.
It begins in the church…
How much rejoicing was done in the church when Roe v. Wade was overturned? It begins in the church! We know a tree by its fruit. Did we have a President that appointed judges that helped make that happen? You know a tree by its fruit. Remember that.
Sometimes when I’m up here, I can feel like a barrier in prayer. There’s a barrier in this scripture right now, and I’m asking you to pray this through with me for Minnesota. And we’re going to get to the other side. Sometimes it means He’s just not on that scripture. There’s just not an anointing on that scripture. But that’s not what He’s saying right now. He’s like you pray this thing out and get revelation on this.
So I’m going to read it again.
“What you intended to harm me, God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the many lives of people. Don’t be afraid. I will continue to take care of you and your children.”
This is the church in Minnesota speaking to people that need the church in Minnesota. Do you get it? Let’s pray it out.
Father, what the enemy intended to harm the church, to harm the church’s purposes in Minnesota, to harm your plan in Minnesota, you are working it all for the good of Minnesota. You have brought us to this position to save and preserve many lives and we will not be afraid. In fact, we continue to watch over the children. We continue to come against the tide of an evil agenda that would tell the children, “No, you are not a boy. You are not a girl.” We continue to say your calling and the way God created you is perfect, and God has a plan for you.