Morning Prayer Summary for Monday, October 14, 2024

Morning Chapel Prayer Playlist
Morning Chapel Prayer Today

Pastor Ken…

Happy Monday! Good morning! It’s good to have you with us.

There’s nothing but opportunity in front of us…

I’m excited about today. I was reflecting a little bit last night as I was preparing for this morning and, I was just overflowing in my heart with gratitude and thankfulness for His faithfulness… for God’s goodness. He is faithful.

And then as Miss Annie was leading in worship, I had the sense that there’s nothing but opportunity in front of us. Nothing but opportunity for us—the church, for you and me as individual followers of Jesus to do good things with God’s plan. And so God is up to something today, and He’s at work and He intends to do some good things through us, for us to seize opportunities, for us to co-labor with Him in the plan of God.

I want to read a couple of things, just to stir your hearts and as a point of reflection. But this is something the Lord gave me. I just want to stir your heart with it this morning. It goes like this…

Pastor Ken’s notes…

“We must persevere in prayer during this next season. So many lives and so much is at stake. The plan of God for our families, states, and nations hangs in the balance. And we have the opportunity… There’s that word, opportunity… to tip the balance in the direction of divine justice, life, and the plan of God. We must take our God-appointed positions and represent the heart of God in our world. We must be found occupying until Jesus returns. Don’t lose sight of your assignment both spiritually and naturally. The seriousness and urgency of our cause has escalated, and the enemy is playing for keeps.

“So don’t loosen your grip on your God-given responsibility to exercise spiritual authority. Pray until God breaks through enemy strongholds and His glory covers the earth like the waters cover the sea. The Father is counting on us, the church, to ask, seek, knock. And persist in doing so. He will work to perform what you and I and the church take a stand for. Step up and be accounted for in the rank and file of God’s army. This is our time to make a way with our prayers, for the knowledge of God to fill the earth, to push back darkness and prepare the earth for the imminent return of the triumphant King Jesus.”

The sons of Issachar…

Another scripture that I was thinking about last night… I don’t have all the understanding in regard to what it means. But I feel like it’s something God is saying to us or prompting us in. And it’s found in 1st Chronicles 12:32. It talks about the sons of Issachar. And it says this: “Of the sons of Issachar who had understanding of the times to know what Israel ought to do.”

I thought that was interesting. There were three characteristics of the Sons of Issachar that we know of from scripture and one of them is that they were studiers of scripture.

Number one: They were diligent students of scripture.
Number two: They were aware and observant of the culture and what was going on around them.
Number three: They were intentional about how they lived.

And so I think that that’s something God’s saying to us, that we ought to be like the sons of Issachar…

We need to be like the sons of Issachar in this way…

One: In us being students of the Word, more than ever before
Two: In us being discerning of the times and the seasons, being observant of what’s going on around us in culture and in society and how God would have us to pray and what He would have us to do.
Three: That we would be a people who live intentionally.

You only get so much time, right. I don’t know about you, but the longer I live, the more intentional I have purpose to be in how I’m living.

In fact, I was praying that last night: “Lord, help me to be more intentional about how I live. Help me to bring more glory to you. Help me to live more accurately and more strategically and more in sync with your desires and your will and your way. May I decrease like John the Baptist prayed that you might increase.”

So that my life could reflect Him. That’s ultimately what we want to be, right? We want to be reflective of who He is. I want to grow up to be in the fullness. I want to reflect the fullness of who He’s called me to be. And I know you do too.

Prayer is more than just a bullet-pointed list of requests..

That’s the beautiful thing about prayer is it’s more than just a bullet-pointed list of requests or supplications. It is or ought to be this journey of relationship with our God and our King and our Savior, and the one who sticks closer to us than a brother. And in that relationship, we draw life. Jesus Himself even went on to say in the gospel of John, He said “My words our spirit in their life.” So have an awareness of that as you feed on the Word today. His words are spirit and they are life…

And they’re meant to change us.
And they’re meant to change situations.
And they’re meant to shift the course of the affairs of humankind.

Fiddling with the dials…

Some minister said, “We’re here to fiddle with the dials.”  Back in the day when we had dials on radios and televisions, right? We’re able to adjust things. We’re able to change things. We’re able to be game changers, history makers because of our relationship with Him, because of our yieldedness to His Spirit and to us taking up the Father’s cause in prayer. Hallelujah. Glory to God. Thank you, Jesus.

The rest of your life is going to be the best of your life…

And so we ought to be discerning of the times and the seasons and very intentional about how we live now. There’s nothing but opportunity ahead of you. There’s nothing but the best of your life that will be the rest of your life. I like that saying: The rest of your life’s going to be the best of your life. I believe that!

Will the days become more ominous on the horizon? Perhaps. Probably so. As far as I’m concerned, as far as my household is concerned, we will serve the Lord. And we will rise and thrive in these days. And we declare that Living Word will rise and thrive and fulfill her calling.

America will be saved! All of Israel will be saved! My prayer is that God will have His way to the ends of the earth to every degree of His intention and what He has planned. I want to see it. Revival is happening now. Just even saying these things is prophetic and powerful. Don’t take the fact that you have been created in the image of God as a “speaking spirit” for granted. That’s very a very powerful thing. There’s a reason why we read in the scriptures why demonic entities always sought for a body. Why is that? Well, one of the reasons is because they were seeking to express themselves; they were seeking for a voice.

Isn’t it interesting that when Jesus dealt with demonic entities, He did not give them place to speak. He told them, in fact, to shut up and to be still and to be quiet and say no more.

But to you and me, He’s saying, “rejoice.” To you and me to this very hour, He’s saying “Pray! Give yourself to prayer. Speak forth My Word. Prophesy, son and daughter. Prophesy over your own soul. Prophesy over your circumstances.”

God was very intentional about creating you, who you are and the way He did. As a speaking spirit, the ability via a will to choose your words and choose them wisely. Choose them firstly to speak them and proclaim them and declare them and worship with them. Because they change things.

You have the right to speak as an oracle of God. God is co-laboring and working in conjunction with your articulation. He’s working in conjunction with your words. Never be flippant or casual or familiar about what comes out of your mouth. Let the words of your mouth be aligned and be inspired and be propelled by the Word of God.

And maybe your words don’t transform something in a day, but I guarantee if you’ll look back a little ways where you took up the mantle of prayer and you took up the promise of God in your heart and with your words, you’ll see a performance of what God said ought to be so in your life.

God will be faithful to you until the time of the end…

He has been nothing but good in my life. I don’t know about you. He’s been nothing but amazing and wonderful and faithful. And He’s going to be faithful into the future, to the end of time—to the church, to you, and to me, to that situation that you’re tempted to worry about. He’s going to be faithful. He’s going to see you through till you break the tape and cross the finish line. So let your heart be stirred this morning. We serve the God of heaven, the one who was, and is, and is yet again to come.

Quote from book, “Authority in Prayer” by Dutch Sheets…

Okay, let me read something else here from a book entitled “Authority in Prayer” by Dutch Sheets. And in this particular chapter, he talks about the church, which from the original Greek is pronounced Ecclesia. And he says this…

“When Jesus showed up on the fallen world scene, He left no doubt as to the ownership of it. He, that is Jesus the head of church, established authority over the laws of nature by walking on water. And if you look at the life of Jesus, be reminded that He’s a template for us. He was a forerunner and one who showed us an example or ‘the’ example of how we not only can live, but we ought to live. And He was the one that walked on water, as described in the gospel of Matthew. He controlled the forces of nature altering weather patterns as we see in Mark 4:39. He trumped the laws of physics, multiplying food, turning water into wine, translating His physical body from one place to another, and destroying trees simply by speaking to them.

“He demonstrated authority over the animal world using fish to collect money needed for a tax. He had dominion over disease, healing multitudes.”

You know that’s within your ability, right? Because of Him. Because of His Word. In fact, the Bible says that a sign of true believers is that they’ll lay hands on the sick and they will recover. They will cast out demonic entities. They will drive out darkness. They’ll speak in an unknown language, aka tongues. If they accidentally drink any deadly thing, it shall not harm them. That’s you. That’s me. I don’t know about you, but in my place of prayer, that’s something I’m praying about. I want to see more of that in my life firstly, but in general, in the body of Christ. We’re not secessionists. No. We’re occupation-ists in the dominion that He has invested in us. We are recipients of the flow of heaven.

So I desire and I pray that it would be expressed through me, through my words, through my actions, through my decision making, through how I treat people in my everyday going around life, in my relationships, in my leadership, in every aspect of who we are.

I don’t know about you…

But my prayer, first and foremost, is that Jesus would be expressed and seen because I follow in His footsteps. I possess His Spirit. That’s why it was such urgency in His voice on that notable day when He said to His disciples, “Disciples, my brothers, it’s incumbent that I go to My Father. It’s important. In fact, it’s to your benefit, your profit that I go to the Father because if I’ll do so, I’ll send back and take up My rightful place at the right hand of the throne of God, then I will send God the Holy Spirit and He will be a deposit on your salvation, and He will indwell or take up residence on the inside of you and He will be God in you.”

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