Morning Prayer Summary for Monday, November 25, 2024

Morning Chapel Prayer Playlist
Morning Chapel Prayer Today

Pastor Ken…

God morning! Hello, everyone. Happy Monday. Good to see you guys.

We are going to get after it today and spend some time in prayer.

God is accelerating His purposes…

I know this one thing that when I think about what God is doing in the earth, my heart is stirred and I’m excited because I see Him accelerating His purposes, accelerating His desires and what He wants to bring about in America and around the world. And so we get to partner with Him in bringing forth, or releasing the plan of God into the earth, into our lives.

And so this morning, I want to start off reading a couple prophetic words from years gone by that I feel like are in some ways timeless and inspirational when it comes to our place in prayer. And they’re both by brother Kenneth E Hagin. And he shared this one many years ago. And he said this under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

Prophetic word by Kenneth E. Hagin…

“I can hear the Spirit of God saying, Hear and hear you well, for you see, responsibility is upon your shoulders. Responsibility is upon the followers of Jesus to loose those around about them from their grave clothes to which they are bound.”

In other words, we have a part in helping people get set free. We have a part in helping Christ, as Paul wrote, “Become formed on the inside for people to mature and advance and take next steps.” You ever thought about that? In fact, your own journey and your own next steps oftentimes are contingent upon your prayer flow. Because prayer releases the plan of God. Prayer releases you and others around you to take those next steps in His design and in what He has mapped out for our future. He goes on to say…

Prophecy cont…

“And they’ll never be loose until you loose them. Enter into the ministry of prayer. ‘Oh, I wish I could do something for the Lord. I wish God would call me to preach.’ But yes, says the Lord, the greatest ministry of all is the ministry of prayer. The greatest ministry of all is the ministry of intercession. And even all the other ministries will fail unless the intercessors will take their place.”

Can I get an amen? Amen!

“And will stand against the forces of darkness and the forces of evil and will intercede and will help bring to birth the move of the Spirit, the revival, the manifestation of God’s power, and bring to birth the ministries that God desires. Supernatural ministries to be in manifestation in the church but…

“It will take those who will travail.
“It will take those who will bring to birth those ministries.

“And oftentimes the one who stands to minister, many will look upon him or her and think he or she is a mighty person of God. And he should get all the benefit. But you see, the reward will not go with him or her because they were not the one who gave birth to it. The minister is the result of the birth. The birth was caused by those who had travailed until what God desired was brought forth. So in this day, in this hour, there is a work of God that has yet to be accomplished. Oh, yes, He was in the move of healing [in the middle of the 20th century. The 1950s approximately.] He was in the move instigated and men prayed and brought about the revival that we call the charismatic move in the denominational church in the Catholic church. And what a mighty move it was. But you see now you stand, saith the Spirit of God, on the threshold at the very door of another move of God. Will it be brought forth?”

Yes, it will emphatically. We declare that right? Because we are engaged in our Father’s business in prayer.

He finishes up by saying…

“Shall I bring it to birth and not bring it forth? Oh, saith the Lord of hosts, wen Zion travailed, she brought forth her children. Hallelujah. You see, it is not just the Lord that will bring forth the move, for He moves through men. He uses His church to do His work in the earth. It is instigated by the Spirit. But you see, it is Zion that travails. So travail ye.”

And then at another time in another meeting, brother Kenneth Hagin, again, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, spoke out and said…

Second Kenneth E. Hagin prophetic word…

“Now for as much as you are zealous of spiritual things, you’re to be commended for that, saith the Lord. For as much as you are zealous to desire to be used of God, yes, for as much as you are zealous and even sense the call upon your life unto ministry, you do well, says the Spirit of the Lord. But remember this: Your ministry. [You could say your life, your calling, your responsibility for what God has assigned you to do] will never be powerful, speaking from a human standpoint, get off the ground unless it’s backed with prayer.

“So build your prayer life first. Build your prayer life upon the Word. Build your prayer life. Wait upon Me, says the Lord, and you’ll renew your strength. Yes, you’ll run and you’ll not be weary. You’ll walk and not faint. Yes, only a ministry that’s built upon prayer will be effective in these last days.

“And then some will say, ‘Well, the Word will do it. Just let the Word do it. But the Word will never be effective as it should if that who delivers that Word is not backed up with a prayer life.”

Pastor Ken…

I want to just pause there for a moment and prompt your thinking, challenge you in your heart to consider all the ways as you go through this holiday season, and into 2025, all the ways that are presented before you,

Where you and I can engage with the plan of God through prayer
Where we have the opportunity to pour water upon dry ground
Where there are seeds of greatness and divine purpose that have yet to germinate and grow and produce their intended divine results because they wait for someone to pray.

That’s very true. There are a lot of things in the plan of God for our lives individually, for those in our households, in our churches, for our nations, for cities that lie dormant, waiting for water to be poured onto dry ground, for there to be prayer offered because God, for whatever reason in His divine providence, has chosen to do what He does through the church.

Jesus made it clear that He was the head of the church, but we are the body. We’re the ones that carry out the plan. We’re the ones that are able to release that plan, as I said earlier.

I double dog dare you to take up the mantle of prayer in some new ways. Even practical ways. Like I shared the other day about my daughter; she tries out each year for club volleyball and it’s super competitive. There were some 30 girls in her 17-age class that competed in the elite level, just 12 positions. Three in her position. She’s a libero DS [defensive specialist] and three on each team in those four elite levels. And all that to say, I’m convinced and see God’s handiwork because she made the top team. So she was one of the three top DS liberos, which she was so thrilled, by the way, and excited about that.

Certainly she worked hard and certainly the favor of God rests on her life. But there were also people praying for her that she would rise to the level of her potential, rise to the level of her preparation and training. There’s just something about prayer. Yes, you have to do your due diligence in the Word. You have to be a student of the Word. You need to be obedient to the Word. The Bible says, “Don’t be deceived being a hearer of the Word only, but be a doer.” You’ve got to step out. You’ve got to be aggressive in your faith and take steps of obedience in spiritual things and impractical things.

This isn’t something new, but there’s something about prayer that energizes the call of God, that energizes the plan of God, that activates the plan of God in your heart and in your life and in others’ lives.

Paul said that he travailed in birth till Christ would be formed and fully furnished on the inside of the early church. In other words, you and I have something to do with the progress and advancement, not only of the larger plan of God through the body of Christ, but also the plan of God through individuals, through your family members.

You trigger and activate God’s plan…

You have something to do with people being reaped and brought into the kingdom. In other words, souls being harvested. So look for opportunities this week as you go throughout your days and weeks. Look for opportunities to pray. Be intentional, once again, in what you say. Because you are triggering, you are activating, you are energizing and propelling God’s plan to go forth to prosper and to even accelerate in this final hour.

Yes, in the offices of leadership across our nation and around the world.
Yes, in certain situations that have gone off the rails that need to be corrected.
And yes, in individual hearts and lives.

Will you take hold of His promise?

It’s not just the fact that God has stated a certain thing or declared a promise and we have it recorded in scripture. That is significant and we thank God for that. But the question is, “Will you take hold of His promise? And will you contend for that promise and refuse to back off and refuse to be denied?” Hallelujah.

Tell the Lord, “We’ll contend for that…”

Say, “Lord, your Word says as far as me and my household, we shall be saved. We’ll contend for that.” Amen? And in situations where you don’t know quite how to pray or God hasn’t given you the strategy to pray or the right words in that moment to pray, lean on your prayer language and just lift up a situation and say, “Lord, I’m going to pray for so-and-so…” like I did a couple of weeks ago for my daughter sitting in a parking lot. I was going to eat dinner and just enjoy myself after a long, busy day, but I felt, “You know, I need to pray for my daughter.” And so I sat in a parking lot. Chose not to eat in that moment and began to just pray. I didn’t know exactly how I had some ideas, but mostly I just prayed in the Spirit and prayed that the plan of God and the favor of God would be energized, that she would stand out, and that she would step up and embrace an opportunity after all the preparations she’s put in. And just prayed in the spirit.

That is a very biblical way to pray. “Lord, I don’t know about so and so, but I sense there’s something going on in this person’s life or in this situation. So I just simply direct my prayer language, my tongues in the direction of this person. I lift them up or I lift the situation up,” and then I just begin to pray in the spirit. And if you sense a word or you see something in your heart, then articulate that in your understanding.

When you pray, pray that you may interpret also…

Once again, Paul admonished the early church and us to this day, when you pray, pray that you may interpret. In other words, understand or pick up on words or impressions in your heart in the natural, in your understanding. And when you pick up on them, that’s the Holy Spirit translating. “Well, maybe I should pray that this would shift,” or “Maybe I should pray that their eyes would be open,” or “Maybe I should pray that the trajectory of this deal would be changed today.”

The Holy Spirit coaches and mentors you…

There have been stories, and I don’t need to share them now, but of people who pick up names of people that they don’t even know and they just kind of start coming up on their heart. We’ll just lift that up, keep lifting that up. And the Lord will give you continued interpretation. That’s the Holy Spirit coaching and mentoring you how to pray. If you sense “I need to bind that spirit behind what’s going on there,” then leverage your privilege to bind and to loose. Right? You can stop things. You can prevent things. And you can permit or release things with your words. You’ve got God’s Word on it. Pastor Mac reminded us yesterday about that. That all authority in heaven and earth, Jesus said, has been given unto Him. And in the gospels He says, “Therefore, go in My name,” because in His name we as well possess an identical authority to bind and to loose, to prevent and to release darkness and the work of the enemy.

Lift up those prayer burdens…

I just want to encourage you in that don’t overlook even the simple things that if you sense something or a burden… Someone left me a voicemail about how she senses just this burden in her belly, in her gut. And she just begins to pray over that. The old timers used to call it a burden. Well, lift up that burden. I’ve had it so strong in my life at times that I thought I was sick or Ill. Like, am I feeling depressed? What’s going on?” The truth of the matter I was identifying with the situation with what somebody else was going through. I was picking up on that in the spirit. And that was my cue as Pastor Lynne puts it, to pray, and to keep praying until it lifts.

Well, what if it returns tomorrow?

Then I guess your prayer assignment isn’t over. You take that as another prompt and continue to pray. And if you are battling depression, guess what? That’s still a good thing to pray because it activates the joy of the Holy Spirit on the inside of you.

And some things are seasonal. You might be praying for months, maybe weeks, months, and even years about certain things. Just continue to yield to that on the inside in your prayer language. And then as you interpret or you get understanding…

Pray out scriptures.
Pray out words.
Pray out phrases.

We’re called to “fiddle with the dial”

Let the Holy Spirit coach and mentor you in how to deal with situations because you’re sent, I’m sent, we’re sent individually and collectively to alter things, to fiddle with the dial, so to speak, of what’s happening in America, in the church, and around the world. We can tune things differently based on the plan of God. We can release things. We can change things.

There’s so much more power at our disposal than we realize. And sometimes God will just give you something even very practical, maybe just in your family or in your life to pray about it. And He’ll let you see the clear connection between your prayers and your words and the positive result that occurs to inspire you that there’s a whole lot more that I have for you. There’s a whole lot more that I want you to affect and change and bring redemption to and bring transformation to.

Prayer changes things…

As the commonly used goes, “Prayer change things.” Prayer brings transformation. Prayer supernaturally synchronizes you with the plan and the timing and the blessing and the favor of God. It’s not like in a moment you speak something and it changes. It’s a journey. Prayer is life. It’s not just something you “check off” your to-do list. It is a big, bold, beautiful and burgeoning life that’s before us. If we will take up the mantle of prayer, if we will give ourselves readily and daily and often to prayer, it will shift the momentum of not only what’s going on in your life but shift the momentum of what’s going on in our nation, in our churches, in others’ lives.

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