Morning Prayer Summary for Monday, May 10, 2021

Pastor Ray…

Hallelujah. It’s only in His will that we’re really free.

Every morning when we gather together, I always expect the presence. Sometimes we sense it more than we do other times. Like the song we sing, even if we don’t see it or feel it, we know He’s with us. There’s such comfort resting in Him. Hallelujah. This will be a good week in His presence.

We are anointed because He said we are. Lifting Him up, magnifying Him day by day, standing on His Word. At one point in Pastor Lynne’s life she was dealing with depression. She would actually put the Bible on the floor beside her bed and stand on it. Standing on the Word, literally. Did it work? Yes! Because the Word works.

This is an older book and it’s about all the pioneers of faith, maybe twenty-four or twenty-five different men and women and some things about what they did, how faith worked in their lives. A lot of them we would be familiar with. One is Smith Wigglesworth. Lester Sumrall said some things and then reported on some things that Smith Wigglesworth prayed over him and declared for the world. This part takes place 1939.

The following excerpt was taken from Pioneers of Faith:

Lester Sumrall was in England at the time. Hitler’s armies moved through Poland, Belgium, Holland, and into France. The French had thought the Maginot Line would hold the Germans, but Hitler went down through Holland and France fell in six days. I have not only lived through spiritual upheavals caused by wave on wave of the Holy Spirit in this century, but through all of the natural upheavals caused by all of the wars of this century.

One morning someone knocked on my door at the Bible school where I was staying in London, and I opened it to find a big policeman, more than six-feet tall, standing there with a paper in his hand. He said, “I’m looking for Lester Sumrall.” I answered, “I’m Lester Sumrall.” And he handed me the paper, saying, “His Majesty has sent this notice to you that you have ten days to leave the country. This is now a war zone, and Hitler is getting himself in position across the (English) Channel to hit us conveniently. As you are a visitor here, you will need to leave. If I had not left then, before open hostilities broke out, there was no telling how long it would have been before I could have left the country safely. I began to visit friends I had made there to tell them goodbye. I went to Smith Wigglesworth’s home to tell him goodbye. It was a sad visit, because I knew I probably would not see him again in this world.

He had blessed me in so many ways. He had discussed the Word of God with me in many wonderful sessions, so that I was always eager to get to his house. And he seemed eager for me to come. At that time, I was in my mid-twenties, and he was eighty in 1939. I suppose not many young men were interested in spending time sitting at the feet of an old man, no matter what his life had been.

I said, “Brother Wigglesworth, I am on a special mission today. I have orders from your government to leave the country. It is nothing I have done. It is what Hitler is doing.”

Explaining that I only had so many days to leave the country because of the expectation of an imminent Nazi attack, I told him I planned to go back to the States and then on to other countries to continue preaching the gospel.

I said, “The fellowship with you has been very rare. Only a person like Howard Carter or Donald Gee has blessed me equal to the blessing I have received from you, and I humbly thank the Lord and thank you for giving me so much of your time.

“I thank you for letting me hear you talk to God in prayer and hear you read the Word of God and see how it comes alive within you. I am grateful, but now I will have to leave.”

Wigglesworth stood up, and tears began to flow down his face. He looked like a “Philadelphia lawyer” or a “Boston banker,” not a hair out of place and, as always, groomed so perfectly and beautifully.

He stood as straight as a general and said, “I want to bless you.”

He laid his hand on me and pulled me close to him, and I let my head go in closer to him. Tears flowed from his eyes and ran down his face and dropped off onto my forehead and ran down my face.

As he cried, he said, “Oh, God, let all of the faith that is within my heart be in his heart. Let the knowledge of God that resides in me also reside in him. Let all the gifts of the Spirit that function in my ministry function in his life.”

I just stood there weeping, and he stood there praying and weeping, holding me in his embrace. I felt the holy anointing of the most high God as it flowed from him into me.

As he broke the embrace, he said, “You will be blessed and faith will reside within you, and you will do unusual things.”

Then he stopped a moment, opened his eyes, and said, “I wish to tell you something,” and his eyes looked as Elijah’s must have when he saw the chariots of fire coming. I said, “Yes?”

He exclaimed, “I see it. I see it.”

I asked, “What do you see?”

Shutting his eyes again, he said, “I see the greatest revival in the history of mankind coming to Planet Earth, maybe as never before. And I see the dead raised. I see every form of disease healed. I see whole hospitals emptied with no one there. Even the doctors are running down the streets shouting.”

He told me that there would be untold numbers of uncountable multitudes that would be saved. No man will say “so many, so many,” because nobody will be able to count those who come to Jesus. No disease will be able to stand before God’s people.

It will be a worldwide situation, not local, he said, a worldwide thrust of God’s power and God’s anointing upon mankind.

Then he opened his eyes and looked at me and said, “I will not see it, but you shall see it. The Lord says that I must go on to my reward, but that you will see the mighty works that He will do upon the earth in the last days.”

In Sidney, Australia, a pastor asked me, “Have you ever met Smith Wigglesworth?”

I said, “Not yet. I’m on my way. I’m going to find him somewhere. I have heard of some of the miraculous things that happen in his unique ministry.”

The pastor said, “He was here in my city recently, and did we ever have a time! I took him to one of the fanciest restaurants to have lunch on Sunday. When we came into the restaurant, someone took his coat and hung it up for him. He looked around like an eagle. Only wealthy people ate in this restaurant. Instead of sitting down, he took a fork and began to hit the side of his glass with it. Bing! Bing! Bing! Bing! Everybody stopped eating.

“Here was Wigglesworth, a handsome-looking man, beating his water glass. Then he raised his hand and said, “Ladies and gentlemen, I have noticed since arriving here that none of you prayed over your food. You resemble a bunch of hogs to me. You just jump in and eat without giving thanks to the One Who provided it for you. Bow your heads, and I’ll pray for you.”‘

The pastor told me, “I could have crawled under the table very easily and gotten out of the way so people wouldn’t see me. Wigglesworth raised his hands and prayed for those people. Before we left the restaurant however, two families came over and got saved. Then I was ashamed of myself for not being as strong as Wigglesworth.”

Wigglesworth’s ministry centered on salvation, healing, and the baptism of the Holy Spirit. He was strong in character and created his own atmosphere wherever he went.

After receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit, the Lord spoke to Wigglesworth to prepare a banquet for the poor, the lame, and the blind. He secured tickets and hired two people to go throughout the city and find the afflicted, the tormented, and the crippled and bring them to a supper he would provide at the mission.

He often said the sight of those suppers was beyond description, and that this was the happiest time of his life. The mighty healings that took place during those times increased Wigglesworth’s faith.

During the 1920s, he came to America on several evangelistic tours. The first time I heard any specific details of his ministry was in San Francisco before starting around the world with Howard Carter.

I was preaching at the Glad Tidings Tabernacle, which seated more than three thousand people.

People said to me, “Have you met Smith Wigglesworth?”

I said, “No, not yet,” and they told me he had been there in the same tabernacle where I was preaching. They told me of a cancer patient brought to the healing service.

Wigglesworth went down the line, saying, “What’s up?” British-ese for “What is wrong with you?”

When he got to this man lying on a bed wearing only a little hospital gown that tied in the back, Wigglesworth asked the doctor with the man, “What’s up?”

The doctor explained that his patient was dying of cancer.

Wigglesworth asked, “Where is it?” and the doctor replied, “In his stomach.”

The evangelist promptly balled up his fist and hit the man in the stomach so hard the man appeared to die. His hands fell off the bed, and the doctor began to scream, “He’s dead! He’s dead!”

He looked up at Wigglesworth and said, “You’ve killed him! The family will sue you!”

Wigglesworth calmly looked at the doctor and said, “E’s ‘ealed.” He talked with a Cockney accent, not pronouncing his “h’s.”

He did not stop but kept on walking down the line praying. About ten minutes later, the man came down the line behind Wigglesworth on the platform. He had stood up, moved the doctor to one side, and was walking around in that funny little hospital gown with his backside hanging out before more than three thousand people!

He did not have one thought for his appearance, however. He had his hands up over his head and was screaming, “I’m healed! I’m healed!”

Even the doctor had developed faith. He was right behind the sick bed yelling, “He’s healed! He’s healed!”

The man caught up with Wigglesworth and said, “I have no pain. I feel wonderful inside. I have energy I have not had for I don’t know how long,” but Wigglesworth never even turned around to look at him.

He just said, “Well, thank God for it,” and went on praying for people. It was no big surprise to Wigglesworth. He already knew the man was healed.

Pastor Ray…

He just expected he was healed, and he was healed.

I saw this in my spirit. I saw a picture of somebody that Sandy and I used to know. Cancer had come against this lady. She stood on the Word, did nothing else, and the cancer left.

I Just saw a picture of her face right now. And I want to declare this, “Cancer, you cannot come back against this lady, in Jesus’ name! No Way! No How! She’s healed! She will be healed always! Because Your Word, Father, is true. What You did on the Cross through Your Son and the blood that was shed! Hallelujah! In the stripes that were taken which the Word makes clear we were healed by the stripes of Jesus!

There were things that happened all over the earth through these men and women of faith because they absolutely believed what the Word had said.

Today, by the power of the precious Holy Spirit, we pray over the so-called wells in cities, countries, different nations where they operated, those things that took place. Then we get in agreement with Smith Wigglesworth, that it’ll be bigger, better, and greater in the souls. And the lives that will be saved will be in such great numbers that they cannot begin to be counted.

Over and over and over people will testify like that man in the gown. They will not be concerned about anything else. But they will be lifting up their voices and thanking the King of Kings, and the Lord of all Lords!

Gifts! The power of the Holy Spirit! We don’t take credit for ourselves or try to receive glory but we know where every good thing comes from. Heaven!  Heaven’s ways, days, plans, will – over and over and over. So many changes, situations being rearranged. Hallelujah.

Healing, wholeness, Hallelujah. Thank You, Lord.

Just reading that about hospitals being emptied out. What about nursing homes? What about those that have been placed in there, surrounded by what looks like death on every side. There are many that need to get out of those places. Because of the power of the Holy Spirit bringing forth healing and wholeness and restoration in Jesus’ name. Hallelujah!

Miracles, supernatural power of God. Changing and turning in Jesus’ name. I keep seeing faces. Leaning not on our own understanding but just trusting in the presence of God.

Some people are being healed that didn’t know they needed healing. That’s what I saw. They are just living their lives, not even knowing that internally something had changed. But we declare it today. Something has changed. Healing has come even though you didn’t even know you needed it. Open doors, hearts that are wide open, healing, restoration times, in Jesus’ name.

We pray over Italy in Jesus’ name. Healing, wholeness, restoration, revelation, understanding who Jesus is, who He was. Oh, My! Lives just supernaturally coming to the Lord God Almighty! Getting out of all the religious ways and coming on over into God’s perfect will and God’s perfect ways. Revival and awakening in Italy!

Maybe we might think, “Well, really?” But we do think that. We declare it in the name of Jesus. Revival and awakening in the Catholic church, in Jesus’ name. Let that power flow. Let the power of Your Spirit move and open up eyes, hearts of leaders in the name of Jesus!

It just came to my remembrance. In northern France there is a little boy. He’s five years old, filled with cancer (so the doctors say). We lift him up this morning in Brittany, in Jesus’ name. We hold him up. We stand with the parents. We declare healing in that little boy’s body. Cancer, be removed in Jesus’ name!

Ministry by the Holy Spirit and it will make a difference. Different territories, different regions, and realms. Just let those that are sick say, “I’m healed! I’m healed! I’m healed!”

Miss Annie led us singing Let the Weak Say I am Strong, Let the Sick Say I Am Healed

Pastor Ray…

Feet being right, walking right. No, you don’t even need assistance. You don’t need a walker. Pack it up! Get rid of it! Give it away. Your legs are strong. Your knees are strong. Your feet are right. The blood is working right. Hallelujah! And all the pain has to go because you have been made strong!

I felt something about yesterday, on Mother’s Day. The love of God that was shared through children to their mothers. His love came through. I just have a sense that many mothers were healed and didn’t even know know it. And some did feel change. But I just want to say it today, don’t quit, don’t give in, don’t give up. Believe you have received the healing power of God! Believe that you once were weak (maybe) but you’re strong. In everything. Maybe finances were an issue for you. “You’re rich!”

Mothers, and of course it’s not just for mothers, but that’s just what came up. I saw that His love came through, could’ve even come through the flowers that were handed out. You know what I’m saying. The love of God that was shed abroad yesterday to mothers did bring change in hearts. But it also brought change of mind, a change in bodies, a change in finances. Hallelujah! Because He is so good. Thank You, Lord.

Years ago, we received through sister Billye, “No man, no woman would change America. But it would be an awakening of the things of God.” We know things are happening in California (spiritual things and not just what the news is reporting). And things are happening all over in America.

We need that awakening. We lift it up this morning, in expectation for an awakening of God.

Some things, like we’ve said before, have been declared up here in the northern part of our country, here in Minnesota. But in state by state by state, where the people of God begin to rise up and take their place, and begin to say, “Listen! Devil get out of here! Get out of our cities! Get away from our streets! Leave! Get out, go, be gone!” And an awakening beginning to break loose and break out.

When I read when Smith Wigglesworth was in the restaurant, he started clanging that fork on the glass. Hello! (ha, ha, ha) And called everyone in the restaurant to his attention. There is beginning to be a ringing in America. And it will be because bodies are being restored like never before. It’s part of what Smith Wigglesworth declared back in the late 30s for America. Absolutely the Church would have authority to bring about supernatural healings like never before. Hospitals would be cleared out…

Thank You. Excess water in somebody’s body, it has to be cleared up and cleared up and cleared out. Be normal. Be whole. Lungs, be restored and be right, bodies be restored and made whole by the stripes that Jesus took. Thank You, Father. Thank You, Lord. Hallelujah.

Some of it is political sickness. You got to leave, too! We’re declaring over the United States of America this morning, “Be made whole! Be restored!”

Let the Church rise up! Let the bells begin to ring like never before! Healing has taken place! Eyes are opening up to see the King of Kings, and the Lord of Lords! Hallelujah!

Thank you, Lord, for what You’re doing. Thank You for an awakening. You’re moving! Your Holy Spirit moving across the face of this nation. One nation under You!

We take authority over every division, every racial problem in Jesus’ name. Be made whole in Jesus’ name. Be restored in Jesus’ name. America, one nation under God. Jesus is Lord over America!

Ms. Annie led us in worship.

Pastor Ray…

We believe it. We receive it. We’re in agreement.

One body to another part of the body. The body of Christ together, joined up in one accord, seeing things in the right way, saying things that should be said, calling the things that are not as though they were, declaring wholeness and health and prosperity of every kind, peace of God and the presence of God all across this nation, shore to shore, top to bottom, side to side.

We pray for all of the positions of authority and leadership to make right decisions, that it would go well with us as the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. We lift up the body, plead the blood of Jesus this morning over the body of Christ, all of the leaders in the churches, different ministries, different streams, we lift them up. We cover each and every one this morning with that precious covering of the blood and say, “No weapon formed against you will prosper!” But there’s prosperity.

And just like we sang!

Any kind of sickness, keep saying, “I’m healed!”

Any kind of poverty, “I’m rich!”

Can’t see? Declare, “I see!” Hallelujah.

Thank You, Father. We do not take any glory and we know where all of our help comes from—heaven. Heaven’s help. And thank You, Holy Spirit, for moving through us. It’s all about You. It’s not about us. We yield to You and we believe that we do receive. Thank You for it in Jesus’ name. Hallelujah.

God bless your Monday. It is blessed. Thank you for coming and tuning in.

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