Scripture Focus…
I would have lost heart, unless I had believed That I would see the goodness of the Lord In the land of the living. (14) Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord!
(Psalms 27:13–14 NKJV)
Then the Lord said to me, “You have seen well, for I am ready to perform My word.
(Jeremiah 1:12 NKJV)
For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts. (10) “For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven, And do not return there, But water the earth, And make it bring forth and bud, That it may give seed to the sower And bread to the eater, (11) So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.
(Isaiah 55:9–11 NKJV)
However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come.
(John 16:13 NKJV)
Father, we love and thank You
We turn our eyes and ears towards You, Lord
Holy Spirit, we welcome You in this place
Have Your way in our hearts, we open our hearts up to You
We honor and love You, and we want to be receptive to truth
Align us more and more with Your will and Your plan
Calling for a release of a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of You
Today, we pray that You would cascade over our lives and our hearts
Release wisdom and knowledge, grace and supernatural empowerment!
Calling for strategies, strategies released into hearts and into homes
Thank You for a release of Your wisdom into leaders and pastors
Grant unto us wisdom and insight for the days that are to come
Holy Spirit, be free to show us those things that are to come
Give us eyes to see the truth of Your Word
Show us which direction we need to go, and what decision we are to make
Unveil mysteries and hidden things, Father
Open up, open up the way, open up hearts, Lord
We receive the King of Glory, we receive answers and encouragement
Thank You for the days that are yet to come
We speak an opening up over the church and over America
Commanding an opening over Washington, DC and over our leadership
Pleading the blood of Jesus over our military and law enforcement agencies
Praying for a delegating to military leaders, Lord
We cover them with the precious blood of Jesus
Father, we pray for a supernatural release of Your wisdom
Speaking over world events and we plead the blood of Jesus over them
No, Devil, you will not have your way
You will not advance and create chaos or cause confusion!
We cast down all death, disease, and destruction
Releasing the blood of Jesus to the earth today
Devil, stand down!
No, you will not have your way in this earth
We speak diffusion to those situations
Praying for a release of angels, and we commission ministering spirits today!
Ministering Spirits, go and work on our behalf in Jesus’ name
Loosing those angels to go to work and to diffuse that darkness
We diffuse that demonic strategy that is meant to bring destruction
No, you will not have your way, but we will go more in God’s way!
Yes, we stand and agree and call for heaven’s agenda
Calling for a greater acceleration now, greater progress now
Father, we pray for an increase of God-ordained events and harvest
Yes, Your glory will be witnessed and experienced!
Thank You for the power of God to be put on full display
We agree that, that will be so, and we will not have it any other way
Praying over the church and we contend that You would have Your way
Open up, open up, we lift up the nations
Lifting up Israel today, cover them with Your Spirit, Lord
Praying over the east, we pray for an order of events now, Father
There is a release of Your Spirit over those nations
Even in the midst of war we pray for peace!
Openings for the Spirit of God to invade!
God is going to invade North Korea
Calling for a spreading out of Your Spirit all across Asia now
There is movement now!
Casting down strongholds of every kind, Father
We release the hand of God over those nations
There will be an overthrowing now of demonic entities and strongholds
Your Word says that You are willing that all would come to Christ
Today, we pray for a supernatural net to be cast out into those nations
We pray for a harvest of souls in these last days, Father
Lifting up each and every nation, and we pray for an awakening
Praying for a way to be made now for glory, for revival and for awakening
Invade, we pray for heaven to invade the earth
We love what is happening in America!
No, we are not resting, but we are contending all the way to the end
Glory of God we call for You to cover the earth
Declaring for a greater awakening in these last days
You said it would be so, and we thank You for it
Lord we pray for a spirit of prayer
Praying for a supernatural release of Your spirit all across the church
Lifting up every believer and we cover them with the blood of Jesus
Calling for a release in the church, and in the body of Christ
Thank You that Your plan and will are being fulfilled in these days
It is time to go higher, time to go farther, and time to go deeper
It is time for hearts to change, for hearts to be transformed
Calling for a revival in hearts, Lord
Yes, we will respond like never before, Father
Unleashing the hand and the plan of God over North Korea and China today
Releasing the spirit of God all across Ukraine and Russia
Casting down the mist and the fog, we call for clarity now!
You are calling, revival is calling, and awakening is calling
Give us eyes to see and ears to hear the calling from heaven
Breaking those things up, breaking up strongholds in Jesus’ name
Declaring a breaking up today of every stronghold
Every chain shall be broken off, and we call for breakthrough in Jesus name
Sin be cast down and out
Calling for restoration of every kind!
The church is being gathered and brought together again
We will move forward into the plan of God
There is a leveling up now
Praying for God ordained shifts, shifts in finances and family situations
We curse sickness and disease in the name of Jesus
Healing is covering each and every believer today!
Father, we pray for restoration in families and bodies
We command lift and breakthrough in Jesus name
Praying for healing of hearts, bodies and relationships
Healing and restoration now
Let the glory and goodness of God be seen all across this earth
No hindrances, no boundaries and no obstacles!
Holy fire is spreading all across this nation
Fire, holy fire, fire!
You are fanning the flame, Lord
Thank You for heavenly winds to blow all across humanity now
We give You glory, honor and praise today
Hallelujah, we surrender all that we are to You