Morning Chapel Prayer Playlist
Morning Chapel Prayer Today
Pastor Ken…
Good morning, everyone. Aren’t you glad we get to seek Him today? Regardless of how life maybe has been going or what you experienced over the weekend, you can take advantage of God’s grace and forgiveness and mercy and just go on with Him. Seek Him. Pursue Him.
There are many “flows” in our walk with Him…
And in that this morning, I’m grateful for the fact that there are many “flows” in our walk with God. Jesus said in the gospels, “out of your belly would flow rivers…” Plural. There are rivers available to us today. That’s always inspired me. That’s always caused my imagination to run in a good way, to think about what is available in God. He’s a good Father and His kingdom and His realm is far greater and more vast than what we have ever understood or even begun to understand. Just know that today. That whatever you’re facing, whatever you’re going through, whatever you’re dealing with, God’s grace and His power and wisdom and ability to solve our problems, to fix our issues, to enable us to take a step from where we are to where He is calling us to be… His ability to do that is not ending at all. It doesn’t come to an end. It’s abundant.
And so just know that; your problem is not a problem to God. And so I’m just in agreement with you today, with us today, that we will experience His rivers of living water. Whether that’s healing as we just sang about or wisdom or direction or a breakthrough in some way, God is active and alert and watching over His plan for your life to perform it. His plan for the church to perform it.
Ps. 119:25…
I wanted to read a passage of scripture as we get going here today. One of them is found in Psalm 119:25. It simply says, “My soul clings to the dust, but revive me according to your Word.” Can anybody use some reviving this morning? Revive us according to your word. I’m stirred in my soul this morning regarding what is to come for you and for me and for the church—what’s ahead of us.
His grace will take care of your mess ups…
God is not stuck on your problems or your mess ups or your mistakes. His grace was made available through Jesus to solve your mess ups and your mistakes and to give you, as Pastor Jim said this weekend, a restart or a reset every day or every hour if you need it. So that we can keep going after Him. Because His intent and plan have always been that you would be a displayer, someone who would put on display His glory in your life and through every aspect of your being and calling. He wants you to experience His goodness and to put on display His glory, His brightness, His faithfulness, His kindness, His mercy, His abundance. Amen!
So stay with Him today…
Understand yesterday was just a day. Today is just a day. We’re on a journey to know Him. The Apostle Paul said, “It’s my determined purpose,” at least in the Amplified Bible. “It’s my determined purpose that I might know Him.” In other words, be in relationship with Him and continue to walk with Him day after day, knowing that while nothing changed yesterday and maybe nothing will change in my circumstances today, if you’ll continue with God, He promises that…
you will see change
you will see breakthrough
you will grow in strength
you will grow in wisdom
you will experience more of what He has planned out for your future.
He’s rigged things in our favor…
Because the truth be told, He’s rigged things in your favor if you’ll follow Him. The truth is you’re crowned with His favor and that speaks in the realm of the spirit, that you are to be favored. You are to receive preferential treatment. You are His handpicked child. You’ve been robed with His righteousness. Just visualize that this morning. That’s a good thing to do when you enter into a time of prayer: visualize yourself robed in righteousness.
You are the apple of His eye…
In other words, you have right standing before God. You are the apple of His eye. You are the son or the daughter of His great love. And He has set you up to succeed today.
Don’t let the enemy talk you out of God’s goodness.
Don’t let the enemy talk you out of God’s plan.
Your past does not determine your future…
Just because you feel a certain way or see certain things or certain things have happened to you in your past does not determine your future. If you go with God and you let His Word revive you in your soul and in your life and you will continue to navigate according to His Word… then guess what? God will have His way and His will, will come to pass in your future.
Pro. 4:18…
So in Proverbs 4:18, it says, “But the path of the just is like a shining light, that shines even brighter unto the perfect day.” Verse 19 says, “The way of the wicked is like darkness. They do not know what makes them stumble even.” Verse 20 says, “My son give attention to my words. Incline your ear to my sayings.” Incline means like bend your ear so that you can hear what God is saying. Turn your ear. Be intentional to listen for His voice and what He’s saying to us today.
Have your journal handy…
That’s why I always like to say, have your journal handy. Open up your journal. Open up your notebook section in your phone, wherever the case might be, because God is speaking. He’s wanting to get some things across to us today.
“My son, Give attention to my words. Incline your ear to my sayings. Do not let them depart from your eyes. Keep them in the midst of your heart for they are life to those who find them and health to all their flesh. Keep your heart with all diligence for out of it spring the issues (or the forces, in other words) of life. Put away from you deceitful mouth and put perverse lips far from you.”
Lester Sumrall…
Now let me just share something else with you just to kind of inspire you a little bit. This comes from an account by Lester Sumrall, who was a well-known minister many years ago. He’s in heaven now, but for a number of years he lived in the UK. The UK was England back in the day. And he had an opportunity to build a relationship with the great Smith Wigglesworth who was known as the Apostle of Faith. He was a guy who was known to have raised a number of people from the dead and had notable signs and wonders and miracles in his ministry.
And I thought this was an interesting account from Lester Sumrall in his younger days as he got to spend time with Smith Wigglesworth regarding his lifestyle. I’ve always said that success leaves clues. So if you want to succeed in a certain area of your life, look for those who’ve had success in that area and see what they did and apply it. And Wigglesworth had a particular way of living that clearly produced the power of God in his ministry.
And it says this…
“Many people have sought out Smith Wigglesworth to be healed or discover his spiritual secrets; one of these was the American Pentecostal minister, Lester Sumrall. In the 1930s, Sumrall had his opportunity when he spent two years in England, just before the outbreak of World War II.
“Wigglesworth invited Sumrall to his home in Bradford. But the visit was not quite as Sumrall expected. He said, ‘I thought I had come to talk, but he read to me a half an hour from the Bible’ Sumrall I wrote in Pioneers of Faith (which is a book). Then Wigglesworth told him that it was time to pray, which lasted another half hour. He laid his hands on me and prayed “God bless him. God bless him.” Lester Sumrall recounted, ‘My body was becoming weary. I was glad when we got through.’
But then…
Wigglesworth read to Sumrall again for another half hour, following this with another 30 minutes of prayer. Finally, Sumrall recalled he got up from his knees and began to tell beautiful stories how God had healed this disease and that condition. I sat there weeping, absolutely overwhelmed. Sumrall returned to the Old Warriors home in Radford about every 10 days for the next two years that he remained in England.
Sumrall wrote some 60 years later…
“My faith began to mount up strong in the presence of this man. We became good friends.” Sumrall, who had interacted with many Christian leaders by that time, described Wigglesworth as an extremely remarkable man, totally sold out to God.”
Come on now, that’ll preach right? Do you have a desire to be totally sold out to God? Bottom line. That’s it. Like abandon ourselves to Him, right?
“Wigglesworth had his own expression for the Spirit-led walk; he called it “to be immersed in the life of God.” You could say maybe in a more modern phrase, “total immersion.”
Kenneth E. Hagin…
There’s something else I want to read to you this morning. It comes from another great man of God, brother Kenneth E. Hagin, who many years ago gave a prophetic word that I think is still relevant and where we’re at right now. And perhaps this will give us some inspiration as far as prayer this morning. I believe this is right what God is saying to us, even to this day, even though Brother Hagin gave this a number of years ago. But he spoke about the end of the age.
He prophesied…
“We’re right at the verge of the greatest move and manifestation of the Spirit of God that this world has ever seen. We’re right on the edge of it, just like one standing on a creek bank about to jump in. And if you will give the more earnest heed unto those things that you have heard, not only those things which you have heard about faith and those things which you’ve heard about healing, but those things which you’ve heard about the Holy Spirit and the things which you’ve heard about angels and the things which you’ve heard about divine visitations.
“For remember that it was prophesied of Joel of old, that in the last days, sayeth the Lord, I will pour out of My Spirit upon all flesh and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams. Upon my handmaidens, I will pour out of My Spirit and they will prophesy. So not only will it be so that the young men will prophesy but the young women will prophesy. The anointing and the outpouring of the Spirit of God shall be great and amazing in these days.”
So get ahold of that this morning. The outpouring and the anointing on you in this church in the earth is to be great in these days. And our prayers help facilitate that. Our prayers help to make that possible.
But he goes on to say…
“There shall be visitations of angels. Be not afraid. But take heed even in these areas Satan himself has at times come as an angel of light. But examine things in the light of the scriptures and walk in the light of the Word. And sometimes angels will give you direction, even in your finances and direction that will save your life. As in the case of the shipwreck of Paul. And direction concerning ministry, as the salvation of Cornelius and his house. And Philip as the angels spoke to him and said to go down in the way of Gaza. And the Ethiopian was converted. So in these days, there shall come a mighty manifestation of the Spirit and the work that God intended should be done in these last days.
“And it shall be accomplished, for the time is short. Things must be speeded up. And so you will learn much faster spiritual things than those of yesteryear. And you will develop much faster and it will be so with some that they’ll just virtually mature overnight and they will go forth to speak in the name of the Lord because they’ll understand the principles of faith and they’ll understand the principles of the kingdom and they’ll understand the laws of God and they’ll operate and minister in that area and nothing shall be hid from them.
“And there are some who stand here now who have operated in a measure of those areas in times past. And because they have let those things slip, they themselves in ministry and in life have slipped. But they shall be restored. Yes, they will be restored this day. And the manifestation shall come and the glory of God shall rest upon you. And His glory shall be seen roundabout you and the cloud of God will come and fill the house of God.”
Can you envision that right now? The house being filled with God’s glory, like a smoke, like a residue.
“And yes, it shall seem as though the whole building has been filled with smoke because you see the glory of God shall be in manifestation. And yes, great shall be the noise of praise and adoration that will go up from His people. And it shall be noised abroad and men from afar shall hear of it and shall come and behold it. For the Lord shall be in manifestation in these days.”
In other words, He will be in evidence. He will be seen and witnessed and signs and wonders and miracles will be reported or published on social media.
“And the Lord shall be in manifestation in these days in all the ways that He ever manifested Himself, both in the Old Covenant and in the New Covenant. Plus the multiplying of the Spirit and power of God in these days. So get ready. God is about to multiply and accelerate His power. Get ready. You’re about to see signs, wonders, and miracles. Prepare yourself. Perhaps God’s going to use you today to lay hands on the sick, to cast out a demonic entity, to speak in other tongues, to speak a word of encouragement.”
Final comment…
He wants to use us as divine portals to bring heaven into the earth. While we see evil increasing and accelerating across the globe and all sorts of unusual and strange and bizarre ways, God wants to bring forth His goodness to this generation.