Morning Chapel Prayer Playlist
Morning Chapel Prayer Today
Worship leader Annie…
Rainbow sighting…
Good morning. Did anybody else see that rainbow? It’s a clear blue sky here in Minnesota, not where you would expect to see a rainbow. And it’s 14, 15 below zero Fahrenheit without the wind. As I was driving, what did I see in the east? A vertical rainbow! It was sitting there in the blue sky. And what does that represent? God’s promise of mercy. Hallelujah. It’s a day of His mercy today.
Pastor Ken…
Good morning on this cold January morning here in Minnesota. Good to have you with us. If you don’t already know, my name is Ken Olson. I’m one of the pastors here at Living Word.
Martin Luther “Sola Fide”—faith alone!
I was reflecting on the fact that it’s MLK day here in the States: Martin Luther King Day. However, Martin Luther, the one from the Middle Ages, came up in my heart as well. And I was thinking about the scene long ago in the Middle Ages when he nailed his “95 Thesis” upon the Castle Church door in Wittenberg, Germany, proclaiming something different than what people had embraced at that point. In many ways, people saw ministers or priests as the middleman between humanity and heaven. However, one of the 95 Thesis that Martin Luther nailed on the door is pronounced Sola Fide, which means “faith alone.” In other words, we find justification, we find righteousness in faith alone in Him. Each of us individually.
Stepping into a season of movement…
And so I just want to remind you of that this morning, I believe we’re entering or we have stepped into really a season of movement, a season and time in the body of Christ where God is at work. But He’s wanting to bring about some things. Overarching, He was wanting to bring about His glory to be seen now in the earth and reported on and witnessed and documented. The glory of God seen upon His people. Seen upon your life.
God wants us to tune up spiritually…
And I think one of the reasons why I had that phrase Sola Fide come up in my heart is because God is wanting to tune us up spiritually in this season as we step into a season of taking ground, into a season of movement, into a season of manifestation. He wants to tune not just the ministers up and not just the pray-ers up, but each and every one of His sons and daughters. He wants us to tune us up spiritually so that we can tune into Him fully. Because it’s by faith alone that we follow Him. It’s by faith alone that we are righteous. We see in the New Testament it says that He became sin for us… who knew no sin that we might become or be made the righteousness, the rightness of God in Christ.
Before you had a problem, He made provision for you…
And so aren’t you glad this morning that you sit or you stand or you are before God righteous today? Not based on a feeling, not based on what the pastor said to you or prayed for you, but based on the fact that you’ve embraced His love. You have received His redemptive work, and you trust in Him. Your faith and your confidence is in Him, and the work that He did and accomplished for you before you even showed up. Before you even knew you had a problem, He made provision. And we put our hope and we put our faith, our confidence, in Him… in His finished work, in the fact that He not only died, but He rose again from the dead. So understand God is wanting to tune us up in our hearts so that we can fully tune in and give ourselves to Him in this season.
Beware of the little foxes…
And one of the things that came up to me over the weekend was something I heard from a well-known minister that kind of struck a chord with me is he gave a bit of a warning. He said, “Beware of the little foxes. Be very wary and aware of the little foxes, lest they become big foxes.” And in the Song of Solomon, Song of Songs, it says in Song of Solomon 2:15, “Catch us the foxes, the little foxes that spoil the vines, for our vines have tender grapes.”
In other words, the little beast of the field, if the Israelites in the ancient times weren’t watchful, they would come and steal the little grapes and the little strawberries and little tomatoes, whatever when they’re tender and they’re fresh and on the vine. The animals would come and snatch them and steal them before the Israelites could enjoy them.
Give no place to the enemy…
And so beware of the little foxes in your life the enemy has sent to steal. Give no place to the enemy. Give no place to your flesh. Give no place to that which would take in a season that God has designed and assigned for harvest.
It’s not a time to sit back and rest on our laurels…
So I don’t know if that strikes a chord with you, but it did me. Like, you know what, this is not a season to just coast or mail it in or… Praise God. President Trump’s being inaugurated today. That’s great. But it’s not time for now us to sit back on our laurels as pray-ers. It’s time for us to lean into the season. This is a season of movement. This is a season where God wants to manifest. This is a season where God wants to produce some new harvest that you didn’t even know were possible or you didn’t think were even going to happen for you because it’s been so long.
But the word of the Lord is God desires to bring forth a harvest where you have planted seeds, where you have prayed prayers, where you have made requests, where you have stood your ground. It will surely come to pass. I’m not prophesying. But I could say “thus saith the Lord” almost there.
Prophetic word that came forth…
And so, I just encourage you in that this morning. And in doing so, let me read a couple of prophetic words I came across. One of them, Sue Garcia shared with me recently. And it comes from Billye Brim who just a couple of days ago had a conference of some kind. I thought I’d share it with you as a point of reflection and just encourage you before we pray this morning.
Billye Brim prophetic word “Blessing”…
She said, “This comes under the heading of blessing. It comes with the definition of increase. Not only can you expect increase upon your finances, but increase upon your health, increase upon the function of all your cells, increase upon and in those cells on a cellular level—wholeness to drive out what was decreased by cursings. And in the name above every name, you can expect upon the cellular level of your body, they will increase at the right rate of speed. Cells will increase. Not too quickly, but just right.”
Perhaps that’s very specific for someone this morning. If it is, take it, receive it.
“Expect the blessing upon your eyes. Expect the blessing upon the sugar count in your blood. Expect the blessing and look upon it. For the blessing of the Lord maketh rich in every area and addeth no sorrow to it. Expect the blessings and look for it in your teeth, in your fingernails and your hair and your skin.”
And somebody said, “Amen!” Come on now!
“For God would be seen upon His people again.”
I mean, you got to know in the Old Testament, we read that wherever the arc of the covenant went, which represented the glory and the presence of God, supernaturally atmospheres were changed. We read about supernaturally Israel won battles and the enemies of Israel were routed. Supernaturally, the grass grew greener. And the crops grew fuller and bigger. There’s something about God’s presence that changes things in a positive way. So even when you’re in your prayer closet praying out something halfway around the world leaning into a prayer assignment, know that God’s presence comes for that assignment to pray and that assignment to contend and intercede. But His presence comes and it’ll affect you and benefit you as a pray-er in all sorts of ways. In the condition of your soul and the attitude of your mind, in the functioning of your body, in the outcome of your business, in the relationships of your family, the presence of God is the presence of God. And that presence is chock full of life. And His presence brings an anointing and a power and a grace and a beauty and a fullness that changes our lives like nothing else can.
He wants us to take Him in every aspect of our lives…
So what great work we get to engage in when it comes to prayer and following Him each and every day. God’s not interested in prayer, this being just a compartmentalized segment, you could say, of our day-to-day life. He wants us to take Him with us everywhere, into every aspect of our day and our journey to become more and more cognizant of His presence. Acknowledging Him when you’re writing out the bills… acknowledging Him when you’re filling up the car with gas (or plugging it in if you’ve got an electric car). Be aware of His presence. It’s there with you. If you professed His name, then you’re His son, you’re His daughter, and you have a right to His presence. He’s graced you to live on the inside with His presence.
His presence will make the difference in the coming days…
And it’s His presence that will make the difference in the coming days, like nothing else, like no one else. It’s Him. He wants us to expect Him to show up in the middle of that adversity. He wants you to expect Him to show up in the boardroom during those negotiations. He wants you to expect Him to show up in your studies or while you’re taking a test or while you’re once again paying the bills.
Revival is a greater awareness of Him. Not man. Not what we can do. We know what we can do and it’s pitiful and it’s pathetic. But what He can do is so much greater and He wants to put on a show in this day and in this generation of His presence and His glory.
He wants His glory to be seen upon us…
And as we’re going to read here in just a bit, He wants His glory to be seen on us. But first, it starts by us acknowledging Him and being aware of Him and expecting Him to show up and show forth in every aspect of our lives, not just from the pulpit or in the place of prayer, but in the day-to-day mundane and routine of what we do.
He wants us to become more aware of Him…
That’s what fasting… we’re in a season of prayer and fasting. That’s what that is meant to do for us to become more aware and conscious of God, not just so we can starve our flesh for the sake of starving our flesh. And there’s good benefits naturally to fasting. But most importantly, God intends for us to become more aware of Him. He wants to tune us up on the inside so that we can fully tune into Him in our day to day.
He wants us to become more surrendered and yielded to Him…
What’s needed is not for you to work harder or strive in some way spiritually or otherwise. What’s needed is for us to become yielded and more conscious of Him, more surrendered to Him, more willing to say, “Lord, have your way in me. What would you want to do here, Lord Jesus?” Not just in a service or in prayer, but in every aspect of our lives where we open up a lane in a way, a bigger lane for God to just come and do what He wants to do. Yeah, there is some corresponding action to the prompting and the presence of God. But first and foremost, He desires to be in the driver’s seat of every part of our lives, that we would die to ourselves, and that He would live more fully and more formidably and more purposefully in every aspect of who we are.
Billye goes on to say…
“For God would be seen again upon His people. The glory of the Lord would be manifest for all to see. That is a blessing to be in the covenant with Me. I will establish My covenant on three parts of you: spirit, soul, and body. Expect to walk in a realm that is higher. Expect to know and manifest holy ghost fire and power. Expect these things to flow out from you.”
There’s a pause and reflect on that moment. Like, wait, we’re not trying to get something? No, you’ve got something. You’ve got everything. All things that pertain unto life and godliness. He’s already provided and He lives on the inside of you. He wants something to come out of us. The key actually is to get something flowing out of us. Not trying to convince or cajole or manipulate God into getting something. No, He gave you all things through Him in His death, burial and resurrection.
She goes on to say…
“This! Even as the prophet Elijah. Yes. These are the days and these are the end of days and all of these things will be seen and men will not move about as zombies or some sort of fog or dream. But they’ll wake up suddenly to the manifestation of the Lord.”
We are in the day of “suddenlies”…
I was thinking about that this morning. I was thinking, we wake up and I’m like, oh my gosh, there are wildfires in California. We wake up another day and oh my gosh, there was a terrorist attack in the Middle East, or a war broke out in the Ukraine, for example. Or we heard about an eruption of a volcano in Central or South America or whatever. We wake up and suddenly!
Well, guess what? I prophesy we are in a day of the “Suddenlies” where we’re going to wake up and the glory of God’s being reported on ZNN. We’re going to wake up and we’re going to see a story more and more of the glory of God seen upon a movement of young people or in a particular nation, or in a particular church or way. It’s going to show up suddenly in Jesus’ name. And the manifestation of the Lord in you and upon you and through you will come.
Get ready. It’s coming quickly. Do your part. Be the house of prayer. Believe, receive, ask, and ask largely of Me. Largely, you shall see the answers all around. Why? Because the glory has come. For the glory of the Lord will be found upon the body of Christ, upon those in covenant with Me. For its time for the world to see My glory.
Someone says, ‘Not me. Surely that couldn’t be me. That couldn’t be.’ Take that little adjust knob inside of you right now on your tummy and turn it to the right. Make the adjustment to walk within the light to present your body before the Lord and live and walk in one accord. Not as the past. Let it go.”