Morning Prayer Summary for Monday, February 17, 2025

Morning Chapel Prayer Playlist
Morning Chapel Prayer Today

Pastor Ken…

Hello everyone. It’s Presidents Day here in the United States. Happy Monday.

Working with God in prayer…

I want to share a few thoughts; I’ve been thinking much lately about the importance of working with God. And in particular in prayer and the invitation of sorts that I believe the Father is extending to the church in this time and hour for us to come up higher, to step into a promotion that’s already been prepared for us.

That’s for you. That’s for me. That’s for us together, collectively as the body of Christ, to work with Him.

To not rest on our laurels. To not fall back into some place of comfort or ease or defending the status quo; but to, instead, step into the opportunity that’s before us in this particular time and season and the timetable of God when it comes to working with Him, collaborating with Him.

We are here on a mission…

As I often say, the Lord has sent us here on mission and our desire is that we would carry out that mission, carry out that assignment. For whatever reason, God has chosen to use humans redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, His sons and daughters to carry out His plan on the earth. Not because of us. But despite of us. And because of His grace.

We must be connected to Him…

And so understand that working with God in prayer is more than saying a prayer or even a powerful sounding prayer. Instead, it’s being vitally connected to Him. Like a fruitful branch is vitally connected to the vine, you will bear fruits.

You can’t do the work of God without God…

Prayer inspired by God and Spirit led is a way that we work together with Him as an extension and expression of His will and desire being accomplished in the earth. We get the amazing opportunity to work with Him here. And there is absolutely no way to do the work of God without doing it with God. And I like to say there are many chapters in your book, my book, of destiny, that will not become reality until you learn to connect or engage with the Father on a higher level. Yes, there is a higher level. There is a level up God is granting us today—you and me today!

God is granting wisdom…

So just be aware of that as you begin your Monday and begin a new week. That God is granting wisdom. He is the God of all wisdom. And He’s not asking us to do something on our own when it comes to the plan of God, when it comes to prayer. He grants prayers. He’s granting divine strategies. I believe to some of you individually, all of us individually, in different ways. So I just encourage you just to be present in this moment as you take time to separate yourself unto the Lord today. Be present and be aware of the movement of the Holy Spirit on the inside of you. The voice of the Holy Spirit… Jesus said that He would send the promised Holy Spirit because He would come to be profitable for us. He would come to give us an advantage, to give us inside information, to as John 16:13 states, “even show us things to come.”

God is giving divine strategies…

And last night as I was praying, I sensed that God is wanting to give us divine strategies now, that He wants to download information, that He wants to position and

set us in places and
set us up for opportunities and
set us up to reap harvest and
set us up to make a difference in atmospheres, in environments, in situations, in churches, in homes, in the marketplace.

Author Patsy Camenetti: “The Spirit Realm: The Place We Work With God in Prayer”

Patsy Camenetti wrote a book called, “The Spirit Realm: The Place We Work With God in Prayer.” She writes in the second chapter where she talks about the Ministry of Prayer. “Whichever way you minister or serve the Lord will become the most optimal when you work with God and not work for Him.” So work “with” Him versus work “for” Him. Isn’t that beautiful? I mean, the Lord hasn’t called us just to be at His beck and call.

He wants to give us inside information
He wants to clue us in on how to live stronger today
And how to reap harvest today
And how to be effective in prayer today
And how to worship so that the enemy is fully and completely stilled or quieted down
And how to exercise authority so that darkness is repelled from us.

God wants to work with Him as sons and daughters.

She goes on to say…

“The most optimal when we work with God and not just for Him. These two verses say it well. First Corinthians 1:9 from the Amplified Bible says, ‘God is faithful, reliable, trustworthy, and therefore ever true to His promise. And He can be depended on.’ Aren’t you glad He can be depended on? Somebody needs to just say, ‘I depend on you God.’ I depend on you in my life today for my sustenance today, for breakthrough today, for health today, for transformation in my soul today, for the way forward… I depend on you. I trust you.

First Corinthians 1:9 says, “By him, you were called into companionship and participation with His Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord.”

Then in John 15:4 from the Amplified, it states, “Dwell in me and I will dwell in you. Live in me and I will live in you. Just as no branch can bear fruit of itself without abiding in or being vitally united to the vine, neither can you bear fruit unless you abide in me.”

Patsy writes…

“We have been called to bear fruit that represents the life that comes through Jesus Christ. We have also been called to participate with Jesus, not just to work for Him. We get the amazing opportunity to work with Him. There is absolutely no way to do the work of God without doing it with God. One of the most thrilling and fulfilling things I have found to work with God is in the Ministry of Prayer. It’s interesting to see what the Bible says about a man in the church at Colossi who served God in this vital ministry.

“In Colossians 4:12–13 from the New Living Translation, it states, “Epaphras, a member of your own fellowship and a servant of Christ Jesus sends you his greetings. He always prays earnestly for you, asking God to make you strong and perfect, fully confident that you are following the whole will of God. I can assure you that he prays hard for you and also for the believers in Laodicea, and those in Hierapolis.”

Also for the believers at Living Word in your home, in your city, or in your workplace.

She goes on to say…

“Epaphras isn’t the only one God has invited to be a part of a ministry in prayer. Praise the Lord! It’s possible for you too to become very skilled in this ministry as well. The first key in this ministry is that you serve the Lord, not yourself. You work with Him under His direction and not on your own like I attempted to do in my dream in the operating theater. I had determined that I wanted the outcome and the future of this person to look like and was praying day and night to make it come to pass. Other areas of my life and ministry were not adequately attended to as a result. I felt it was the price to be paid, but it certainly wasn’t the price the Lord was asking me to pay. Obedience is better than sacrifice.”

The backstory…

So the backstory is Patsy was corrected by the Lord on one particular day many years ago when she realized with God’s help, that she had been praying for a particular person, that they would get their breakthrough, that they would get their answer. And she realized with God’s help, once again, that wasn’t what God had assigned her to pray for, that she was too busy praying to be cognizant of what God was saying. So understand, we’re not here we’re just doing something for God to put in X amount of time in prayer or in our journey of faith. We’re here to collaborate with Him. God wants to work with us, be aware of Him, be cognizant of His presence and His flow.

Go in the direction of the Holy Spirit…

We want to go with His flow. Certainly we can be influenced by outside entities and outside things, and we can choose to be influenced and go with those outside things. But I want to go in the direction of the one who inspires me on the inside, the Holy Spirit. Jesus taught His disciples and teaches us to this day that we’re to learn of Him, to take His yoke, to yoke ourselves literally with Him and learn from Him and learn to work with Him, not just for Him.

Finally, she says…

“Did you ever notice the way Epaphras’ prayer life is described. It says, ‘He always prays earnestly and he prays hard.’” Then I’m going to jump down to the next page here and just read another little short excerpt.

She writes…

“In the prayer room, when we are working together with God, we’re not trying to be the Savior and telling God what to do. But we’re there to carry out His will. God doesn’t need any of our bright ideas for how we should rule. We are to assist and serve Him. A good surgical team…” So she uses the analogy of a surgical team in a hospital or an ICU.  “A good surgical team does exactly what needs to be done, and they are activated by the surgeon’s word. The people who respond to those words save lives. In the same way, there are some massive prayer assignments that God needs to be carried out in this time by people like Epaphras, who are one of us, we serve God and His purposes. The verse of scripture doesn’t mention Epaphras being the pastor, speaking on a platform or having a big spiritual title. No, it says Epaphras, who is one of ‘you.’ He was one of the people in the church family. And this is what Paul says about him, that he prayed earnestly for the people of that church that they may stand strong, perfect, and complete in all the will of God.”

We must stand strong, mature and grow into the fullness and stature of God…

My prayer is for all of you today that you would stand strong. That you would mature and grow up into the fullness of the stature of Christ. I pray that over you today. I pray that over the saints at Living Word Christian Center, those who are part of your church family, those who are in your home. Without a doubt, this is the time we must grow and develop in our faith and not “mail it in.” To be daily and even moment by moment intentional with our decisions, with our words. Not beating ourselves up if we miss it. Or we mess up or we make a mistake. It’s all good. The grace of God is able to swallow up to swell it back. The Bible says He is able to swell and swallow up your mess-ups. So just take advantage of your grace. Don’t sit there and beat yourself up. Don’t sit there and take the harassment of the enemy, the condemnation. Y’all know the verse: “there is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus.”

God sees you as someone who has never messed up…

One translation says, “There is therefore now no blockage nor stoppage nor thing to prevent the flow of God from coming to and through your life.” You are a child of God crowned with His favor, endowed like a robe with His righteousness, justified. What does that mean? That means that God sees you as one who has never messed up or sinned and always obeyed. You are shining with the righteousness that Jesus obtained, that Jesus demonstrated because you are in Him. In Him we live and move and have our being. Truly, we are the offspring of God, the Bible declares.

Today is a new day…

So today is a new day. His grace is available to you no matter what happened over the weekend, no matter what has happened over the last month, the last year, or your whole life for that matters, God’s grace is greater… to give you a fresh start today. God’s grace is greater to help you step into the level up that He’s ordained for you, the step up, the new place.

Take the reins…

2025 is not going to be the same old, same old. It’s a new day! Do you believe that? Declare that over your life. Declare that over your home. Come on now! Take the reins of what Jesus obtained for you. Take the reins or the right to rule within your given domain. That’s what spiritual authority means. It means the right to rule and reign within your given domain. So take the reins of authority, take the reins of your situation or what you’re seeing and begin to speak out as it should be, not as it has been. Right?

We frame our world with our words…

In the Gospel of Mark, it says that we would have what we say. In the word from James, it says we can frame our worlds with our words. Death in life, it says in Proverbs, is in the power of the tongue. And those who choose to speak words of life or words of death will eat or experience the results of those words. So today, take the reins of whatever situation you’re facing, whatever’s going on in your body, whatever’s upset in your soul, whatever’s out of kilter in your home. Make a way where there doesn’t appear to be a way. Be the one voice in the wilderness, crying out “Make the way straight. Let the crooked places be aligned and straight with the will of God. Let the high places be leveled in the low places be raised. Let there be a pathway in a highway for the plan of God to be carried out, for the will of God to be experienced, for the goodness of God to be witnessed and enjoyed and celebrated.

We are a supernatural people…

You are divine agents. We are to be a supernatural people. That seems really simple but it’s really profound if you think about it. Not simply a natural people once in a while having a supernatural experience, but a natural people functioning, in other words, in the supernatural-ness of God’s power and grace. By the help and assistance of His Holy Spirit, you have the Holy Spirit with you today. Go with the Holy Spirit. Take hold together with Him. Let yourself on both sides, be linked together with the Holy Spirit in prayer but in the day to day of what you will do today and this week. Be conscious of Him. He’s right there with you. You’re not alone. You’ve not been left behind. It’s not too far gone.

The last time I read my Bible, it says that God actually enjoys and seizes the opportunity… When things look hopeless, when things look lost, when things look too far gone, God is able to intervene and turn it all around. He’s ever working to turn things around—for individuals, for churches, for businesses, for families, and even for whole nations. He’s doing that in America. He’s doing that in your life. Don’t just sit back and spectate, step up and engage with Him through fellowship, through worship, through being conscious of Him today.

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