Morning Chapel Prayer Playlist
Brother DJ…
He has done great things. And He’s going to do more great things. Let’s worship and thank Him for what we accomplished so far this year. The next 90 days, 3 months, is what we have left of this year. We’re going to ask the Lord to lead us into victories, health, healing, winning victories.
Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Your will is to prosper and be in good health. Our souls prosper that your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Thank you for provision. Thank you for giving us cars, houses, church, chapels, everything we need. Thank you for your goodness and mercy.
King David said…
I will bless the Lord at all times. His praise shall be in my mouth. Bless the Lord O my soul and forget not all His benefits… who forgive all our sins… remember not our inequities… and heals us from every single disease.
Obedience is better than sacrifice. I was maybe a couple miles away from here, maybe half a mile. I’m driving. I thought I’m early. I’ll stop by and get some fancy donuts for us, but I thought I’m going to be late. So I drove in fast, but I called Cindy. “Can you pick up this good, fancy donuts?” And she did! “Obedience is better than sacrifice.” Hallelujah!
Mother Teresa…
One time some senator flew to India, Calcutta, and talked to Mother Teresa. He said he saw what Mother Teresa was doing, feeding, changing diapers, shoes changing, giving and giving. She’s always giving. Anyway that very well-known Senator saw her doing this and people are all around in Calcutta, poverty, wounds. She’s cleaning wounds, changing diapers, day and night. She won’t even sleep. She is very well known. So the Senator said, “Mother Teresa, look what you’re doing. You should be doing this on the camera and let people see you and you’ll be a popular.” She says, “Senator, the Lord hadn’t called me to be popular. He has called me to be faithful.”
A faithful man will abound. Faithful men or women… Faithful to prayer. Faithful to read. Faithful to go to church. Faithful in giving.
Another time, same woman, Mother Teresa. Somebody went to India and saw she’s doing a great work for the Lord. She was called to India, Calcutta. And they said, “Mother Teresa, we want to stay here. We want to serve God.” She said, “Are you married? Do you have children?” “Yes, I’m married. I have a couple of children.” She said, “Go back home and love your wife and your children. Serve them.”
Father, you’re strengthening those watching this morning by your Spirit in their inner man… that Christ shall dwell in our hearts through faith… being rooted and established in His love. We’ll have power together with all the saints to know how wide, how long, how deep, how high is the love of Jesus Christ. Oh to know this love!
Now unto you who is able to do exceedingly abundantly what we can pray, ask, or imagine according to His mighty resurrection power working within us, working through us…
Oh, let the words of my mouth and the meditation on my heart, my mind, the thoughts be pleasing to your Lord. Let no unwholesome communication come of our mouths. Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing unto you, Lord.
Pastor Lynne…
I saw a sign Pastor Lynne is preaching this weekend. We’ll pray for her in a little bit and also pray for financing, money for this church and people.
I remember 23 years ago when Pastor Lynne started this prayer group. I started coming here 23 years ago. I’ve been sitting in the same place! Somebody told me about this prayer group. I ended up in this chapel 23 years ago. So I would sit in the back. Pastor Lynne would do worship and praise. And whenever I see her car, I would speed up to listen to her. And 32 years, I’ve been coming to Living World Church. Bless His name!
Thank you, Father, for preparing us.
Sister Cindy…
Yes, Lord, thank you for the tables that we might partake of your good food, the thing that truly feeds and enriches us. Thank you, Father, for this chapel and for the opportunity to gather together in your name. Thank you for every single member and more members that you are adding to us daily.
Thank you, Father, for your plan, your great, glorious plan.
Father, give us eyes to see everything that you’ve prepared today, lovingly planned for us.
Lord, we thank you for the gifts of the Spirit. We earnestly desire to operate in the word of knowledge and the word of wisdom… understanding all the seven spirits of God fully operational…
I was sitting here on Tuesday listening to Pastor Jim and the Lord spoke this to me. At one point in my life, I didn’t talk so much. I was more reserved and tentative, but now I just hear the Lord say, “You’re never shutting up because you have Me within you. And I give you words to say that dismantle the strongholds that are erected through fear.”
We bust up fear, Father, with those words that are spoken in season. How good they are. The Word of the living God.
He is the word that was made flesh and came and dwelled among us and showed us exactly what it looks like.
That we might walk it out … He did and He said nothing unless He heard it from the Father.
Father, we just thank you that we can be living epistles, written of all men, given by your Spirit.
Those things that we see and hear, that we might walk… for the world to see.
Excerpt from Practicing the Principles of Prayer…
I just thought I’d read something today, because I haven’t read anything in a long time. So this is from Practicing the Principles of Prayer by David Pawson.
“There are three things that the devil can do to people according to the Bible and prayer can deliver them from all three. Firstly, he can bind their bodies in sickness. That doesn’t mean that all sickness is from Satan, nor that God removes all sickness in answer to prayer. Even if sickness is from Satan, God does not always remove it.”
He walks us through our salvation. Sickness is from the devil. Sickness is not from God. But I was like, “Lord, what meaneth this?” I lift up the basket and He gives me the ability to see things in the light of truth. Any kind of sickness is rooted in a lie. So if it’s abiding, I can speak to it the truth of God and cause it to be removed from my house, my dwelling. It’s like a squatter that’s taking up residence in God’s temple.
But we thank you, Father, that you give us those words in season, the words that dismantle.
So I thank you, Father, that we do put on the whole armor of that we might be prepared for everything that would come up against us… the helmet of our salvation… that we know we’re saved from everything. Sickness, any kind of lies that would cause distress.
Father, because of your light and because Jesus died for us, the salvation through the blood of Jesus. We are already saved.
Thank you, Father, that we put on the belt of truth, that is the Word of God.
Yes, by the stripes of Jesus we are healed. Hallelujah.
That’s the whole Word of God that we are to meditate on daily to consider.
The breastplate of righteousness that we have right standing with God in everything. Positional righteousness with God. We’re able to go before Him at any time and boldly ask for grace without a sense of fear or condemnation.
And the shield of faith, which is able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. Arrows that are flaming… to push us into fear and take us off of our self-identity in Christ.
So, Father, we thank you that our shields are up. Our feet are shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace, so that we would be able to at any given time speak the good news to those around us. At your word, Lord, at your word.
Thank you, Father, that you highlight those times for us. Our feet are ready. We’re prepared and the sword of the Spirit, which isn’t the whole word of God. It’s that word in season that we take connected to the belt of truth out at any given time.
We thank you, Father, for confidence and boldness because we hear your Word and do your good pleasure with confidence, not reservedness, not shrinking back, drawing back in any way, but continuing to yield our sword.