Morning Prayer Summary for Friday, June 12, 2020

Pastor Tim…

Good morning, everybody. Welcome to Friday morning prayer! We’re so glad that you’ve decided to tune in with us this morning. I believe that you’re going to be blessed. I just want to remind you of all the goodness of God. No matter what you’re facing or what you’re dealing with, or what you’re going through, God is good. He loves you. He cares about you. He knows what you’re going through. And He’s got exactly what you need. So just look up, because He is where our help comes from. He never, never fails. He said He would never leave us, never forsake us. He’s always for us, never against us. He’s faithful. And His mercies are new each and every morning. Isn’t that good news? God is so good. Maybe we should start this morning by singing about the goodness of the Lord.

I love You, Lord… Your mercy never fails me… All my days, I’ve been held in Your hands… From the moment that I wake up till I lay my head, I will sing of the goodness of my GodYou are good and Your mercy endures forever… ♪

That’s what they sang when King Solomon dedicated the temple. The Bible says when all the choir and the instrumentalists and the priests and the congregation all lifted up their voice together, they sang “For the Lord is good and His mercy endures forever.” And when they came into one accord and sang that and gave praise out of their hearts to the Lord, it says the glory of the Lord came in such a manner they couldn’t even stand in His presence. So in spite of our circumstances and in spite of how we feel, when we just lift up our hearts and praise and declare the goodness of the Lord, I’m telling you, He delights in that. He delights in our praise. Because we’re choosing to overcome. To overcome our circumstances… to overcome our feelings. And we’re making up our mind that we’re going to praise God because He’s good and His mercy endures forever. When we lift up our praise, the enemy has to flee. God moves on our behalf. He comes in like a flood and blesses us. Moves on our behalf. Changes and rearranges things. The enemy has to flee. He cannot stand in His presence. It shuts the devil up. Whoo! I’m telling you, praise changes things. Praise will change your circumstances. God will take what the enemy meant for evil and He’ll turn it around for your good. If you’ll just release your praise to Him, you just lift up your heart, just praise Him this morning and declare the goodness of the Lord, He’s going to move because He’s always moving even when you can’t see it. He’s moving. Even when you don’t feel it, He’s moving. Because that’s who He is and that’s what He does. He’s moving on your behalf.

Thank You, Lord, Your mercy endures forever… ♪

I just sense that there’s a breaking in your favor this morning. Things are shifting. Things are turning in your direction. Come on, just be bold and just choose to believe Him.

He’s good and His mercy endures foreverinhabitants of the earth are burned,

Thank You for the breath that we breath, Father. Because You are the very breath that we breath. Thank You for strength in our bodies. For provision… for supernatural protection… for peace that passes all understanding… over our hearts and minds… it keeps up even in the midst of a storm… thank You for that peace… that the joy of the Lord is our strength…

Joy unspeakable and full of glory… new joy… the joy of the Lord is our strength… when we run, we’ll not be weary… thank You for strength… You exalt the horn of our salvation…

Pastor Ray…

Pastor Tim, when you said “there’s a breaking in our favor,” that remined me of when I quoted Tim Sheets and he had a vision of angels had a huge sledgehammer and he would hit the ground with the hammer and everything would shake and he would say, “Break up!” Then he hit it again. “Break out!” He’d hit it again. “Breaking through!” and then there was an added thing on to that, “…into the new!” Can we sing that?

Pastor Tim…

Oh there’s a breaking in your favor… a breaking is coming your way… coming today… there’s a breaking in your favor… it’s coming your way… it’s coming today… renew strength… peace… joy… it’s coming your way… coming todayso good… so good …  ♪

Pastor Ray…

I like how you sang “His goodness is running after me…” It’s such a great picture. It’s running after us. Mercy is running…

Pastor Tim…

Your goodness, Your mercy is running after me


Sometimes when I hear that song, I feel like people think that God is chasing after them and they’re running too, like He’s never going to catch up. But you know what? Let Him catch you today! I just saw this picture. I’m not a big football person but the little I’ve seen… You see these outtakes where they throw the ball and the guy catches it and just from the side or something, someone comes and tackles them. It’s like “Oooo!” That’s the goodness of God coming after you. You’re just on your own merry way or doing what you’re supposed to be doing and BOOM! The glory and goodness of God… So we’re not running away. He’s not chasing after us and not catching up. He’s overtaking us with His goodness. We’re not going to escape it. So today, wherever you are, you let Him overwhelm you with His goodness right now. Everything you need, let Him come upon you in His glory and goodness and just completely possess and overtake you today. Every situation in your life can be turned now. He said it’s time for a breaking, a breakout, a breakthrough. Today! Right now! Receive deliverance. Receive freedom. Let Him overtake you. In the name of Jesus! I release you from every bondage. I release you now in Jesus’ name from everything that’s been holding you back. And I release the goodness of God to overwhelm and overtake you. Be free! Be free from that bondage, from that attack… we release you and set you free from darkness… those people whose minds have been bound like in a vice of the enemy, we loose you today… we allow the goodness of God to flow to you… in Jesus’ name… every bondage, you bow to the name of Jesus… be saturated with Him… ha, ha, ha… it’s not okay for that thing to be on you… for that thing to be in your life… for that situation not to change… we draw that line today by the spirit of God and we declare that, that thing is changed… moved out of the way… transformed today… because His goodness is coming after you and He’s overtaking you… cooperate in Jesus’ name… open, open, open up and receive… rapid increase… rapid change… rapid transformation… rapid turn… it’s time… we’re well past what we should be walking in… it’s time to turn the tables… on the enemy… it’s time to step up, stand up, to speak forth, to declare, to take those things back from the enemy… time go get into the enemy’s camp and take back those things he has stolen from you… time to stand up in Jesus’ name… There are some things that look like they’re in shambles. You’re looking at something and it looks irreparable. But there is nothing too hard for the Lord. There is nothing He can’t turn. Nothing He can’t heal. Nothing He can’t repair and restore so that it’s perfect and new. It’s whole… receive it today… receive that peace and speak like to that situation… we release the resurrection power into those situations now in Jesus’ name… we speak life to you… be raised up…

Pastor Ray…

When you said something about minds, it was like a vice. A vice is something you use to tighten up. There is a breaking loose today and that thing is loosening up. I just saw it like that. Almost like His hand, but the power of the Holy Ghost began to turn the vice the other way and loose it and loose it until that mind or minds are completely free in Jesus’ name.


And a separation is coming… it’s time for you to be separated… separated from the world… separated unto your calling… it’s a time… the Holy Spirit is calling out to you… He’s separating you today from the things that you’ve walked in and He’s bringing you into a new place in Him… so that you can accomplish the plan He has set out for you… so receive that separation unto the call… receive that separation from those things that you’ve been warring against… receive that… let Him separate you… just pull you away by His power… it’s not by your strength or might but it’s by His Spirit… He’s going to pull you away… so you can walk in the truth and the light and His power and His peace and His joy and you can experience His blessing and see those things that you so desired in your heart to see… glory to God… for it’s His anointing that delivers… His holy presence…

Pastor Tim…

Separate me… separate me… to You… separate me to You… consume me, saturate me, draw me unto You, Lord… separate me so I can do what You called me to do… consecrate me, purify me, O God… so that I can be what You called me to be… I can do what You called me to do… separate me, Lord… ♪

Barb shared…

There’s a joy that comes in that separation. Sometimes it doesn’t seem like it’s going to be pleasant but there’s a joy, a joy that rises up on the inside. Not a joy that comes from external means but a joy that comes by the Spirit. Hallelujah, thank You, Lord. That You’re restoring joy. Joy comes in the morning. It’s morning, right? Joy comes!

Pastor Tim…

Joy comes in the morning… weeping may last through the night, but joy comes in the morning… ♪


You remove every burden… destroy every yoke… and You fill us with joy…

He said we should ask Him for the things that we want in Jesus’ name that are joy would be full. What is His heart that our joy could be full? Ever think about that? He says, “Ask Me for what you need, cuz I want you to be happy. I want you to be so full of joy, that wherever you go, just like Jesus did… He went around doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the enemy.” But first your joy has to be full so today receive that fullness of joy. Cuz He’s running after you with His goodness and joy…

Pastor Tim led group in worship…

Pastor Ray…

I saw this in my spirit. Doors that had names on them. Big doors. One was peace. One was joy. Right after joy, there was a strength door. There was a wisdom door. A boldness door. A fire door. And we had choices to make to either go through a door and choose what we needed at that time. Maybe we needed a little joy, or a little more of His goodness. Whatever the needs was, it wasn’t just that these things are running after us. it’s on us but it’s into the future. That’s how I saw it. Let’s open every door. When we need that door to be opened, we call the shots here on this earth. What we loose will be loosed in heaven. What we bind will be bound in heaven, according to the Word. Let’s loose our ministering spirits and let them do what they’re ready to do! Let’s not bind our ministering spirits. Let’s loose those that have been sent to us to minister on our behalf. There’s peace that passes all understanding… can’t even understand it…

Pastor Tim led in worship…

Pastor Ray…

I have a quote from Charles Capps. He said our words based on “the” word, give orders. They’re giving orders. So when we loose our ministering spirits by saying what it is lined up with the Word… healing or whatever… they’ll go and work on our behalf. The same way with healing. There’s a healing door! Healing is not just running after us. We are healed. These things were all accomplished on the cross when He said, “It is finished.” It’s ours.

Breaking up… breaking out… breaking through… breaking some things that have been holding you up… some things that have been trying to hold us down and back. But this day we say, “Break up.” We also declare there is a breaking through. Many of these things are impossible with us but all things are possible in Him. Amen?

Pastor Tim continues…

Pastor Ray…

There is more… and answers… there is a shift some might call a paradigm, but it is a shift. It is a turn. It is moving this nation more and more toward God’s perfect will and ways. There is a shifting in these days and it is a supernatural shift which will manifest in the realm of the natural. But before we see it all and before we say it all, we must see in the realm of the spirit so we can say what we want to see and it shall come to pass. It’s supernatural.

Father, we lift up America. We pray over all our leaders beginning with our President. We pray protection over him and that all these things that we say about today regarding Your goodness and mercy and peace and strength and joy would all overtake him today. Surround him and working on his behalf. We lift our country before heaven today, all the things that you have preplanned for this nation, we receive it. We receive Your will and plans for the United States.

I just got an order. Just think about President Trump. I’m going to sing these words in tongues.


I got a little bit more. We’re singing over the President. Keep singing. ♪ Hold fast… hold fast to what the Lord put in your heart… don’t let go… don’t ever let His Word depart… keep on yielding to His voice… keep on listening to Him… don’t let go… don’t let go of the promise you heart… surround yourself with His word… be strong, be strong in Him… be built up… be strengthened today… be lifted today… let that light come to him now… flow to him now… let him see the answers… the way… the path today, Lord… show him the way… we speak peace to your mind… we speak peace to your mind… we surround you with His power and blood… we sing victory over you… over the white house… over your victory… your staff… over your body… over your mind… any type of darkness, any deception coming against you, we cast it out and push it away from you now in Jesus’ name… by the power of the blood… we surround you… hold you up and lift up your arms… receive the strength that comes by the Holy Ghost… breakthrough for you today… these things will be broken over you… these plans will be broken… destroyed…they will not manifest… against you… for He holds you in His hand… He keeps you…  ♪

Pastor Ray…

God is for you. He’s not against you. God is working on your behalf, Mr. President. God is for you. For this nation. Every evil plan and all the lies and tumult and every wrong fire is leaving because this nation is one nation under God almighty! That’s the way we are. That’s the way we will be. And it’s in victory. Not in defeat.

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