Morning Chapel Prayer Playlist
Morning Chapel Prayer Today
Brother DJ…
We have come to worship and pray this Friday morning in Minnesota. Come on, let’s lift Him up this morning. Oh, we glorify your name.
We glorify His name in all the earth. We glorify you, Lord, in this chapel. We glorify you in our homes. We glorify you at our work. We glorify you when we are driving early in the morning.
When you glorify Him above all the issues of life, guess what happens? And He’s lifted up. Everything’s down … noise starts to shrink. All the big problems shrink. Hallelujah. They’re still there, but we’re looking at it with different eyes now.
The perspective of the four lepers…
Eyes… The way we look at the situation, how we look…
I’m thinking about the four lepers who were sitting in the corner. The lepers have no food. But then they start thinking, “If we just get up and go there, we might live. There’s food there. There are clothes there. Here we have nothing. We’re going to die here.”
They start thinking, “Let’s get up. Go to church. Let’s get up and pray. Let’s get up and start reading the Bible.” And then they got up and went! And the Lord sent… what kind of noise? A noise in the camp of their enemy. And the enemy had all fled. And they found food and clothing that was left in the camp. When they decided to get up, the Lord get involved in the miracle.
“Get up. Get up and come to church. Get up and read the Bible. Get up and pray. Get up and start some business.”
Today is Friday, February 23rd.
Quickly, my thoughts go to Psalm 23. Today will be like all day long Psalm 23. Thank you, Father. There is something in Psalm 23. The Lord is my shepherd.
Good morning, to everybody that is watching. Hallelujah. If you’re watching this morning, you will have a miracle. Because the Lord… I’m talking about lungs.
Psalm 23…
1 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. 2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. 3 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. 4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. 5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. 6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.
Our cup overflows so we can give it to somebody else… joy, peace, love, goodness, mercy. We give it away. Oh, the cup will overflow. He anointed our head with oil. The head, hearts, right hearts, productive hearts. Spirit-led hearts. Thank you, Lord. Spirit-led thinking …
He anoints our head with oil, that our cup overflow. Thank you, Father, your goodness and mercy shall follow us and them who’s watching. All the days of our life… we shall dwell the house of the Lord forever and forever and forever. Oh, bless the Lord of my soul.
He restores my soul. He restores your soul. He restores everything… whatever you need He restores. Restore your body. He restores your relationships. He restores your finances. He’s a good shepherd.
Everything we need comes from the earth…
I read this morning when the Lord said, “Let’s make man His own image.” He made man from the earth. Everything is from the earth. Everything we need comes out of the earth. And He breathed His breath and man became a living soul.
DJ testimony…
I went to the bank and the gas station. I parked my car. I know the guy who worked there. He’d been there forever. I go there first, then I walked in and said, “How’s it going?” He says, “Oh man, my lungs. My lungs… I can’t breathe anymore. I still work 70, 75 hours a week. My lungs.”
I was there two weeks ago. And I told him the last time, I prayed over him. Before I went there, I was just minding my own business. I say, “You heard how the disciples say, ‘Lord, teach us how to pray,’ and He taught us to ask and it shall be given. Seek and you’ll find. Knock and the door shall be opened. If you ask Him, ‘Teach me, Lord, how to make money,’ He’ll tell you. Teach me, Lord. He can teach you. The Lord is a good shepherd. We shall not lack anything. We can ask anything in His name and He said it shall be given unto thee.” I said, “Teach me how to preach.”
So I remember the last time and the time before that I talked with him. So this time I said, “You know what, Tom? Before I go, I want to tell you what just came upon me, the Spirit of the Lord. You know what Jesus did when He left the earth? He called His disciples. ‘Come on, disciples.’ And they came near to Him. He said to them, ‘I’m about to leave.’ And then He breathed upon them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.” Jesus breathed upon them. I said, “He’s going to breathe upon you today. The Holy Spirit will breathe upon you and your lungs are going to get better.” He said, “Yes.” I said, “Jesus breathe upon the man, and I’m going to pray.” I said, “Breathe, Tom.” He goes… [takes a breath]. I said, ‘Breathe again… Breathe again…’ Three times! And the fourth time, his lungs opened up. It happened in a gas station.
The Holy Spirit is going to breathe on you…
Today while we are praying, the Holy Spirit is going to breathe… breathe Holy Spirit, let the lungs open up this morning. Anybody have a lung issue? Breathe. Breathe the breath of God. Breathe! Hallelujah.
I’m reading this morning, I read about the woman with the issue of blood. She had been 12 years sick. She gave all her money to the doctor. When she touched Jesus, she was healed.
Jesus was on the way to pray for the daughter of man who was dying. As He was on his way there, she died. He got there and said to the little girl, “Get up.” And she was 12 years old. Thank you, Father, for the miracle …
Lungs, open up… the dead rise… the bleeding stopped.
Last Sunday when I left the church, I brought somebody. I bring him every other week or so. I used to bring him every week. Can you believe I brought this man 60 times? And he’d been prayed for 60 times, laid hands on and prayed. Anyway, I brought him 60 times. I want to see him filled with the Holy Spirit.
I’m like, “Lord, I went to church only one time.” So anyway, he wanted to do grocery shopping. So I drove to the grocery store and parked my car. I said, “Go ahead, I’ll wait for you. I make some calls.” And when I parked there, suddenly on my left side, a guy walked up to me and said, “Sir, excuse me. Can you spare some money? I’m hungry.” When he said, “I’m hungry,” I remembered the word when Jesus said “When I was hungry, you fed Me.” I said to him, “Okay. McDonald’s is right there.” He’s a young guy, maybe 30, 32. I said, “Sure, no problem.” I said my friend is shopping and when he comes out, I’ll go to McDonald’s and buy you food.” He’s like, “Okay…” I think he just wanted money.
So he went to the door by the grocery store and started asking everybody, “I need money. Can you give me some money so I can go buy McDonald’s food?” If somebody gave him one time, he would have enough for McDonald’s. But nobody gave him any money. So by the time my guy’s done, he got in my truck and he’s still asking for money. I said to him, “Let’s go. You asked for McDonald’s. We’re going to give you food.”
So he got in my car and I drove there. I said, “What’s your name?” He said, “My name is Joe. But don’t get me French fries because I cannot eat them. I don’t have any teeth.” I said, “What happened to your teeth?” He’s only about 32 years old. He said, “Because I was on drugs.”
So we got in McDonalds and I said “Whatever you want, just order it.” So he ordered two Big Macs and large chocolate shake. And I said, “Give me one extra separately for me or somebody else.” Feed them, Jesus said, you feed them. I’m just doing what He said. So I said, “Okay, now I’m going to leave but I want to pray for you before I leave.” I put my hand on Joe and said, “Lord, help Joe to get off drugs. Help, Joe, Father to straighten his life like you did mine. Oh God, help Joe!”
As I’m praying over him, suddenly his friend showed up. They did drugs together. I’m praying for them. Where two or three meet together… So then I left. Now I have a bag of one Big Mac sitting next to my seat and the guy sitting behind me, “Oh, it smells good.” Anyway, now I know if I eat it, I eat it, but if I give it, it becomes seed. So before I drop the guy off who I brought to church, I gave him the third Big Mac. And he’s happy.
And I laughed. I was maybe a mile away and the Spirit of God said, “I’ll give you three big miracles.” My mind go quickly. “Three big miracles!” I thought about that million dollar property I’m listing. My mind started thinking… sell that, sell that, sell that. Three big miracles. Later, the Lord said, “Why don’t you ask somebody else if they need a miracle?” Three miracles. Father, in the name of Jesus, one miracle I ask you today for [person] Second one, I ask you, Father, in the name of Jesus, [name] who’s in the hospital. And third one give it to anybody else. He said, “I’ll give you three big miracles.”
Breathe, Tom. Three times he breathed. His lungs opened up. He said, “I’m feeling better, DJ.” And three big miracles! Hallelujah.
And look at this miracle yesterday. This guy called me. He wanted me to list his house in I think New Hope. I said, “You know what, I’m in this area. I’ll meet you over there.” He said, “No, I want you to meet me…” Guess where? You guys want to know? He said, “I want you to meet me now in 15 minutes. I’ll give you keys for this house to list.” I said, “Why don’t you meet me there? I’m in this neighborhood.” “No, I want you to meet me here because I’m this neighborhood.” Guess where he wanted me to meet? Where I prayed for Joe. That same McDonald. Oh, God is so good. He said, “If I’m going to sell this house, I’m going to sell it through you. And meet me in this McDonald.”
Sister Cindy…
DJ was talking about how the Lord asked him, “What do you want? Three miracles.” And he thought about asking for himself. But then he asked for somebody else. That brought me to King Solomon. And how when King Solomon gave all those offerings to the Lord. And then the Lord said, “What do you want?” He asked for wisdom to rule, to help the people, to guide the people. And then because he didn’t ask for wealth, didn’t ask for those million-dollar listings, you got those in addition, added them to you. Thank you, Lord.
We keep our eyes on you! We’re not like the world. What the world seeks after … What shall I wear? What shall I eat? How shall I get ahead in this world? All those things, the world seeks after. We seek after you, righteousness, peace and joy. We have a holy, fervent desire to see your will on earth be accomplished. Miracles, signs, and wonders. We have a holy anger against anything that would come to kill, steal, and destroy from your purpose and plan here on earth, already paid in full with the blood of Jesus.
You have a heart, Father, that is beating for the lost. And we’re tuning our hearts in to those rhythms, Lord, wherever we go, Father, that good works and appointed destiny changing transformations, miracle, signs and wonders… Our hearts desires to see your glory unfolding… The eternal light that we walk in, it opens up destinies, reveal secrets, exposes lies, makes manifest everything that is accusatory because, Father, we thank you that we bring the Gospel. Our hearts are aligned and tuned into the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ.