Morning Chapel Prayer Playlist
Pastor Dustin…
Welcome to morning prayer! It’s good to see you all. Thank you for joining us. My name is Dustin Sherry. I’m the Next Gen Youth Pastor at Living Word. And on behalf of our senior pastors, Mac and Lynne Hammond, I’m going to welcome you to our morning prayer.
Let’s get into prayer this morning…
Can we just go ahead and begin praying this morning? Let’s do that. I’m just going to begin by praying in the spirit. The Lord’s just been emphasizing to me lately the importance of praying in the Spirit, not praying from our own understanding, only exclusively, but really yielding ourselves over and being more accurate with our prayers. And so we know that happens when we take time and we let the Spirit pray through us. So I’m just going to begin by praying in the Spirit. We’ll just declare anything we feel led to declare. Do whatever we believe the Lord’s directing us to do. And if we do that, we’ll accomplish everything that we need to.
A reminder to the pray-ers…
I want to remind you to keep praying in the spirit… I want to remind someone watching online or wherever you are, this is not you watching us pray. This is us corporately praying. It’s called corporate prayer because we’re all coming together and we’re all giving our supply. So make sure that you’re praying as well. You’re adding your faith and your expectation and your hunger with what God is doing here in this room.
We come in gratitude and humility…
Father, we come before you from a place of thankfulness, from a place of gratitude, from a place of humility. Dependent on you. We look to you as the author and the finisher of our faith. We look to you as our strength, as our sword, as our shield. We look to you as our protector. We look to you as our source. Our faith isn’t in our ability. Our faith isn’t in our wisdom. Our faith isn’t in our ability to administrate. Our faith is in you and in your power.
A mantle to pray falling on the church…
I thank you, Father, for a mantle, for a burden of prayer falling on your church. Falling on Living Word Christian Center, falling on the members. A desperation to pray. A hunger to pray. Yes, Lord. I pray that we would be willing to just lay down our plans, lay down our lives and respond to that call.
Raising up people of prayer…
Thank you, Lord, for all of the people that have a unique calling to pray. I pray that they would rise up and they would take their place. Father, I thank you for raising up pray-ers. Not just more Christians praying, though we want that, but people that have a specific call to pray. People that will devote hours to prayer. People that will pray through assignments. People that will pray things all the way through.
Yes, Lord, we thank you for raising people up who aren’t just content for their little five morning “Thank you, Lord, session,” but people who will dig in and take on these assignments and pray and pray. With no one looking, with no one watching. Just like a good soldier, just doing what is asked of them.
Everything begins with prayer and sustained by prayer…
Raising up pray-ers. Because everything that God wants to do begins with prayer. It’s sustained with prayer. And so prayer is not a lesser assignment. Yeah, so respond to that.
There are things that need to be declared… that need to be said… that need to be uttered…
So start yielding to that. And stay on it. Stay on it until it’s done… until it lifts.
A calling. A calling. A calling to pray. It’s not just an accessory, it’s not just a side thing. Ministries will be birthed, lives will be changed. It’s the vehicle God wants to use to execute His plan and purpose in this earth. So pray out those mysteries and allow Him to give you the interpretation and then declare it when it’s necessary.
Get lost in prayer…
Imagine a prayer where you lose track of what time it is. You’re so wrapped up in Him, you’re experiencing Him on such a deep level and you’re caught up that you just forget about this natural temporal world. You just forget about what’s happening around you. You just forget about what time it is. There are places in prayer like that. There are places in prayer where you’re just in the spirit.
Prayer assignments…
Assignments for governments, assignments for specific people in government positions. Prayer assignments for nations, prayer assignments for churches, prayer assignments for ministers.
So we pray. We yield ourselves over and we pray. We’re here to give our voice this morning. We’re here to surrender our voice to you this morning. We’re here to be led by you this morning. We’re here to pray about stuff. We’re not here for a show. We’re here to pray. We’re not here to watch a show.
A fresh wind that produces a fresh move…
I thank you, Father, for a fresh wind that produces a fresh move… with a fresh revelation. It’s not a new revelation, but it’s fresh. It’s not just parroting something you’ve heard. It’s something the Spirit of God revealed to you in a way that brings life and nourishment and strength and enthusiasm. And people will come from all over and resources from all over to partner, to add, to give, to serve this thing that God is doing… this thing that no one else can take credit for… this wind, this wave, this move… it’s preceded by prayer. Prayer makes a way. Prayer removes hindrances. Prayer removes burdens. Prayer removes obstacles. Prayer makes the crooked places straight. Prayer opens up blind eyes.
You’ve got to pray it out…
You’ve got to open up your mouth. You’ve got to pray it out. You might say, “I don’t know where to start.” Well just yield to Him. Just pray in the Spirit until He tells you what to say. And don’t stop until you feel that release in your heart and stay after it. Because He’s raising up another group. He’s raising up more people who will serve Him faithfully… people that will fear Him over anything else… people that carry honor in their hearts and a reverence for the things of God and the things of the spirit …
Barb, do you have things that you wanted to pray out?
Sister Barb…
Thank you, Father. Caught up in the spirit. Caught up in the spirit now. Thank you, Father God, that your anointing coming upon even the little ones. Father God, the elementary students, Father, that they would be caught up in the spirit. Father, that your anointing would come upon them, that they would be caught up in a spirit of prayer, that they would be caught up in your Spirit, speaking out, even prophesying into the earth, the little ones, Father God, the younger generation… in the name of Jesus, we thank you, Father, for your Spirit moving within and upon them now, in mighty power. I thank you, Father, just like the days of Azusa Street Father, when the youth were out there healing the sick, every miracle being performed at the hands of the little ones … the young ones… We thank you, Father, for raising them up, for using them now in this time, in these last days, in Jesus’ mighty name…
I thank you, Father, it’s not just for the adults, it’s for the youth. In Jesus’ name… Everyone. If they are willing, you will move upon them. You will use them in the night hour, … even as they sleep, Father, you will use their Spirit, glory to God, to pray out things, to go places to minister, Father God, night and day.
I thank you, Father. Caught up. Caught up now. Caught up in the name of Jesus.
Yes, Father, every place that there is an opportunity, every moment that one would yield to you, that you take that opportunity and you use them… you use their voice, you use their hands, you use their feet… you take them where you need them to go. In Jesus’ name.
Walking out prayers prayed in the past…
I thank you, Father, that we are walking in things today that have been prayed out many years ago before we were even born, Lord, people have prayed out this day and this hour.
I thank you, Father God, that we are walking in those prayers. We are walking in those words and right now in Jesus’ name, we thank you for all those that have gone before us and I thank you for every seed and every word that has been sown in the name of Jesus… every person that has yielded themselves to your Spirit to pray out your plan… we thank you for them and we treasure them… we thank you that they have paved the way for us. They have paved the way for your plan. I thank you, Father, that we are not behind, but we are ahead. We have prayed ahead.
Open doors…
Lord, I thank you that you have opened doors… that we ourselves haven’t even prayed about. But those that have gone before have prayed them out for us. Hallelujah. I thank you that we don’t stand alone, but we stand as a company of believers… and you’re having each one to pray out those things that need to be prayed at the right time, at the right moment… so that everything is prepared in Jesus’ name. Hallelujah.
Pouring out your Spirit in these last days…
More and more and more and more in Jesus’ name. Yes, in these last days. Thank you, Father, for pouring out of your Spirit… right out of your people, your Spirit flowing into the earth. Flowing into the world in Jesus’ name. That anointing, that river of life flowing out of your people everywhere that they go, Father God… words flowing.
I thank you, Jesus, that we are tuned in to your Spirit. We don’t miss anything that you’re speaking to us. We pick up on every cue and every prompting. Yes, there is a depth in us. I thank you, Father.
Ha ha ha. Thank you, Father. We are so far ahead. Hallelujah.
Thank you, Father, that there are those that when you look, that they would answer the call… that one that would stand in the gap, that would make up the hedge for others, Lord…
I thank you, Father, when you prompt them by your Spirit, that they would lift that person, that they would lift that situation, so that you could move in that person’s life, so that you could resolve that situation by your Spirit. In the name of Jesus, we thank you, Father, for sensitivity now… that we’re not just led by our senses, what we see and what we hear, Father, but we’re hearing what you’re speaking by the Spirit and we’re responding to that direction of the Spirit to pray out those things at the right time.
It’s time to see, Father, the people overwhelmed with your presence. Not just in a prayer closet, Father, but wherever they are… when they’re walking around in the city, when they’re driving around in their cars that your presence comes upon them in a mighty way… That they begin to experience you in ways that they never have before… that manifested glory upon them, Lord, that manifested glory… Decoding those things, those mysteries in the name of Jesus.
Praying for revival…
Oh yes, Father, operating by your Spirit, operating, moving, flowing by your Spirit.
Thank you, Father… for so many years, Father, we have prayed for revival. I thank you, Father, that you have opened the way. I thank you that revival is in this place. I thank you that your Spirit is moving in this place. We declare it to be so. We declare it to be true today in Jesus’ name. I thank you that your miracle working power is moving in this place, in your body throughout the nation throughout the earth. Your Spirit is moving. Your miracle working power is moving. We declare it in Jesus’ name.
We speak forth as your vessels, Father, your truth today in Jesus’ name, that which you have established, that which you has spoken, it comes to pass in Jesus’ name…
Your gifts flowing in Jesus’ name… all the gifts that are within your people, Father, they’re flowing in Jesus’ name.
It’s time to overwhelm this earth with your wonderful presence and glory… it’s time to be who we are in this earth… it’s time to rise up and be the people that you called us to be… Yes, humble but mighty in the spirit. Humble but strong, doing exploits in the Spirit. Thank you, Lord.
Just lean into the Spirit right now. We can get into a place where we pray in tongues… but we are really not connecting. Let’s just really connect and lean into the Spirit. Put your faith into those tongues that you’re praying out by the Spirit right now. Because there’s something He wants to get today…
Father in the name of Jesus, we go after that thing today. By your Spirit, we go after it.
Prayer for hunger in the body of Christ…
Hunger. Hunger. Father, let hunger rise. Let your people not be satisfied. Let that hunger rise up and that hunger that cannot be filled with anything else but you, Lord. We call you hungry to the table… to feast at the table of God. We call you hungry to come and to feast on the one that can fill you to overflowing… Open, Lord. Open. Open, open the hearts.
Come on, come on, come on. You said those that were hungry would be filled, Lord… you said those that would seek, they would receive. If we would knock, it would be opened. We thank you for that hunger rising up in your body, rising up greater than the hunger for the things of this world… greater than the desire for the things of this earth…
Thank you, Jesus. An appetite for your glory, an appetite for your miracles, an appetite for the move of God, an appetite for something that is not ordinary and usual, an appetite for things that are beyond our imagination, Lord, because you can do greater than we can even imagine or think… higher, Father, it’s time for more in Jesus’ name. Now, now, now, in Jesus’ name. No more time to waste fighting off these little devils. There’s no more time to waste. It is time to get rid of that junk. It’s time to get rid of those oppressive things and move on. It’s time to step up and out of that circumstance and that situation, and into the Spirit of God, into the realm of the spirit.
We make a choice today, Father, to focus our attention on you, to focus our attention on your Word, to hold that Word before you and to proclaim it into the earth. Every word that you have spoken in Jesus’ name over your church, over this church, over your body, in the name of Jesus… do we call forth in Jesus’ name.