Morning Prayer Summary for Thursday, November 12, 2020

Pastor Ray…

Good morning. I just had this to go over some things about victory. But first, we’ll lift Him up because He is our Victory. I was talking to someone yesterday. Wherever we are when we gathered together and get in unity in the spirit, get over more into the spirit. And I always noticed this here in the chapel, I know you can’t see the back doors here, but I always believe to leave whatever has been happening up here, out there, outside the doors. And then come in and then just literally come in to the spirit, you know, get into the spirit.

So anyway, let’s just make a concerted effort to do that. We were kind of joking about it outside the doors here. I put a couple of garbage cans, leave your garbage outside as we come into His presence and get more into His presence than we can than we ever have. And then, you know, we reflect Him wherever we go without even saying anything. We are reflectors of His glory. Amen. Wherever we go. So, Miss Annie, that’s how we can be victorious. Staying more out of our mental realm and more into the realm of the spirit because we always have victory. Okay. Thank you.

Annie led group in worship…


So we all know about Gethsemane and when it looked like everything was over, even to the point where Jesus wanted there to be another way. And sometimes it can look like it’s over, and sometimes we just wished there was another way. But then we just have to keep our eyes on Him, submit to His well and then it’s finished. That’s what Jesus did. And I would suspect that that’s where the Church is right now. We just have to lean into him, submit to His will and it’s finished. But then at Gethsemane. Okay in Luke 22: 45… Now this is Jesus. “And when he got up from prayer, he came to the disciples and found them sleeping from grief. And he said to them, why do you sleep? Get up and pray that you may not enter at all into temptation.” So right now we could be tempted to sleep from grief. We could be tempted to just lay down because it looks really bad. (tongues) And even right before Jesus came to the disciples and said, why are you sleeping? He wanted to give up. But then the Word says that an angel was sent to minister strength to Jesus. So Jesus received strength. He saw the disciples sleeping from grief and He said, “Get up and pray earnestly that you do not enter into temptation… the temptation to believe that it’s over … the temptation to completely expel that the best is yet to come. The finished work has already been finished. So even as the Church prays right now, we lean into the will of the Father and to the words of the Father and we proclaim that it’s finished. The One that finished it already lives in us. And I just think it’s amazing that in that text, that Jesus first wanted there to be another way. And then He leaned into the will of the Father, then He received ministry that strengthened Him. And then He went out and He found the Church. And the Church was sleeping from grief. And He said, “Why are you sleeping?” We will not sleep from grief because there’s nothing to… When I say this, hear me in context, there’s nothing to grieve. I’m not saying things aren’t hard. That’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying we move forward knowing it’s finished. We won’t give into the temptation that we haven’t won already, but we are going to have to suck it up and fight until the finished work shows up and that’s what we’re doing. So we just encourage the Church right now to stand. I think about what Dutch Sheets said the other day: “I’ve been praying for America for 30 years. What’s another three months?”

Father, I thank You that the Church is strengthened, that she’s strengthened with hope, with fortitude, with the finished work already, with the one inside of her that finished it. And by the way, the one inside of you wanted to give up too, but there was no sin in that. He leaned into the will of the Father. And so right now we just lean into the will of the Father. And as that thing happens, the finished work shows up. And sometimes we have to do it every hour.

Sometimes we have to do it every five seconds, but we do it. And then the finished work shows up, and we will not lay down from grief because the best truly is to come. Father, we thank You right now that the best is yet to come. I think about what Sean said, “Revival’s coming and there’s nothing you can do about it.” And we thank You, Father, that revival is coming. Revival is coming. It’s already here. We are revival. So we thank God for it. Thank You, Father, that revivals here, awakening is here. The Church is awake. The Church stands up and she stays up. You know, this happened so many times. When it looked like it was over, but the people of God would not accept that. We’re there again. And could it be that you’re here because God trusted You with this time? What a concept! How humbling it is that He trusts you with this time. So Father, we receive the assignment. And Father, we know when we lean into Your well, that the best is yet to come. In fact, the best is crashing in on us. It’s chasing us down. And if you don’t believe it, just think about the history of our nation. If you were rehearse the victories, if you read the Word and put yourself there, you can’t help but be in a good mood. So it looks really bad, really bad. And then the best shows up. It’s like precedent in the courtrooms of heaven. Really bad, really bad, really bad. The best shows up! That’s what’s happening.

Pastor Ray…

What do we say to that? Amen. So be it. So it is. And then over on the other side of these… Let’s just take it one victory at a time. I know we can have more victories all at the same time, but when we arrive over at the victory, when it comes to pass, there’s another side of that, that as we walk forward and stay awake and alert as the Church, there are many more victories that are to come. That’s over on the other side of the victory that we’re standing for right now. We’re standing for it. We’re alert. We’re awake. We don’t have to watch whatever all the time. We watch His Word and we know He’s faithful to perform, or do, what He said He would do. So we keep moving in victory because the best is yet to come over on the other side of the best that’s about to come right now. If the Church goes to sleep, then there’s trouble. But the Church is not going down. The Church is on the increase in Jesus’ name. You know what? Just for a minute, I speak to the north, the east, the south and the west, and I call the Church to get up and get back into the Church. It’s time to arrive on the scene where you were called unto to be and get into the body of Christ. Get in under the anointing that’s greater than we could ever receive over the Internet. In person, we call the Church back up. We call the Church back in. We call for an even greater amount of believers in Church now in these days, weeks, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.

I didn’t mean to say every day of the week, but maybe it will be. When revival comes, the Church will be on fire every single day and night of the week. Greater days are yet to come. Thank You for the blood. We’re protected by that precious blood. No weapon formed against us can prosper in Jesus’ name. No man can stop it. No man can stop it! Revival is here. No man can shut it down. Really no man can start it up, but God by the power of the Holy Spirit brought it forth. It’s increasing all the time. The Church is rising up in Jesus’ name.


Let’s just point out that when you start to feel sleepy, you never start to feel sleepy when it’s Christmas day. Right? Cause it’s a really great day. Like little kids wake up early. When you start to feel sleepy, that’s an indicator you’re tempted to believe the wrong way. So let’s just remember that. And what is the solution? We pray. It’s the good news! Think about how nutty it is that the Church is overcoming all of this, like trillions of dollars, trying to make things go the wrong way. That makes me laugh. It makes me giggle. Maybe that’s why God laughs all the time, because nothing can overcome the overcoming Church. Nothing! The name that is above every name lives in you. But He also understands what we’re going through. He gets it. And because He understands, He knows how to get to you. He knows how to minister to you. He knows how to help you get up. There’s no shame in the struggle. There’s no shame in that. There’s no condemnation in this really bugging you. I get it.

But the point is we just won’t fall asleep. We might have to keep getting up, but we’re winning. We are winning!

Pastor Ray…

Winning means we’re victorious! Victorious in every way. And when the enemy just tries to come, the Spirit of the living God comes in like a flood and blows that debris out of the way. Thank You, Holy Spirit. Let’s welcome Him, Annie.

Annie led group in worship…

Pastor Ray…

Annie, I think I heard you say in the middle of that, “we need You more.” Anyway, that’s what I heard. And I heard Him say back to us, “I need you more. I need you to trust. I need you to totally rely upon Me. I need you to walk more in My ways because I’ve directed and I will continually direct you in the right ways, not over in the other road or on the other pathway, which would be the world’s way. I need My Church to actually need Me more and request a greater amount of My manifested presence by the Spirit. To actually manifest around you and through you so that, even words that seemingly are not so spiritual, there will be a spiritual side to those words. And when you speak filled with My Spirit to overflowing, your words will contain a greater degree of My glory. And it’ll bring others into that awakening, so to speak. Well, they’ll begin to wake up and see more of My ways. Oh, it’s My glory.

Let’s sing “we need you more.”

Annie led group in worship…

Pastor Ray…

When you were singing that, Annie, I went back to January, February, pre-COVID. But we don’t want to go back to where we were then. I don’t want to go back there. I don’t want to go back to January 2020. I feel like He’s calling us post-COVID. You know what that means. Afterwards. Right now, I can’t even see it. I can’t see the COVID. I can see beyond the effects, you know, March, April, May, June, July, August, September… into November. We see beyond, and we see the Church when Jeannie was saying that about being alert and awake. And yesterday we read that when we’ve done all, what do we do? We just keep standing. And if we’re standing. We’re standing on His Word. And when we’ve done it all and we’ve declared, we believed. I have it so strong that we need this Holy Presence. Maybe just a little more time spent with Him, you know, that when we pray in the Spirit, one thing it does. It charges us. Maybe our batteries have run a little low, you know, but He is our strength. He brings that strength to us so that it can come through us. There’s no defeat in Him. No defeat. There’s only victory, after victory, after victory.

This just came to me. Years ago, we took our whole family where the presence of God was manifested. So glorious, just the manifested Presence. It did not matter who was singing or who else they’d bring in or who else was doing a message. The presence was so saturating every person in that room. This was 94 into 96. And we took all of our children. None of our children were married. But we never turned on a TV. We just got into worship. We just stayed in one room. Just everything we did was Him. And every meeting that this particular church would have, we’d just be in it. Whatever it was, we got ourselves into the continual presence of God. And that changed us. And I want to say this: it is still changing us today. So when He comes like… have you ever sat in a service where it felt like you had a heavy…When you’re at the dentist and they put that thing over you and they do your x-ray… it’s kind of a heavy deal like that. Have you ever sensed that? And sometimes in our older building and we’d have… Sue here in the front, she was there then. And we’d have what we’d call “afterglow.” So after the service one of the musicians would just keep going. And we could just sit in the sanctuary and be moved by the presence of the Spirit. Thank You, Holy Spirit.

When we sing “we need You more…” I keep hearing this in my spirit, “You don’t even know how much more you need Me.” Father, we need that presence more today than ever before. I know that in that presence we’re changed and we’re changed from different degrees of glory. And, and I know we can make a difference if we keep in that presence. I know You’re helping us, Lord. I know You’re directing us.

I don’t know how else to ask. We still need more. We need more, you know, we need that presence more in our homes. We need that presence more in our churches and in our services. We need that presence born our cars. We need that presence in our schools. We need to that presence in our jobs. We need the manifested presence wherever we go. And so much so that we know we’re not alone. He’s with us. Thank You, Lord.

I’m not really sure what to do right now, so I’m not going to do anything. Do you have anything else you could sing or say?

Annie led group in worship…

Pastor Ray has word…

I wish we could see everyone tuning in, but we know you’re there. And we, you know, I hear from lots of precious people. This is just what I got right now. Maybe you’ve already gone through some difficult situations. You’re pretty much on the other side. But there’s still the remnants of whatever it is that you had gone through. I sense the wind of the Spirit right now blowing and blowing away all of the residual effects of that situation. Blowing it away! Removing it this day. Just blowing it away, and destroying the effects that would try to hold you wherever you are… trying to hold you back… to bring it to your remembrance. “No” saith the Lord, “you’re not going back, you’re going ahead. I’ve given you My directions. I’ve giving you My plans. I’ve laid out a blueprint before you were even born. I laid it out for you. I know every hair on your head. I know your plan because I created it for you. And I’ve given you a purpose on this earth right now in these days to step free, to step right out of the past and step over into the new. Because My plan for you is new. You can’t stay where you are. That doesn’t mean you have to move out of your house. I’m saying you can’t stay in a place where the debris or whatever the effects of it are still trying to come back. No! The wind of the Spirit, the power of the Holy Spirit, the blood of the Lamb… We push it back away from you. We push back with the precious holy blood of the Lamb.

And we can do that as our nation too. Just push back the lies, the inaccuracies, the things that we’ve gone through… the attacks of what many call a plague, all those things past. Let’s see in our future that He’s called us to walk in greater ways, higher plans, more of the glory, more of the manifested Presence than we’ve ever sensed or known, or actually felt before. And then let’s see ourselves get a picture of yourself personally, taking it wherever you go. If we don’t give it away… We can’t keep it. We’ve got to keep giving away His glory, the manifested presence of the Holy Spirit.

Annie led group in worship…

Thank You, Lord. Hallelujah. We give you all the glory.

Pastor Ray…

I keep seeing the garden tomb, where the stone was rolled back. And on the third day, He rose victorious over death, hell, and everything. Victorious Savior! The battle was won. He declared on the cross, “It’s is finished.” A victorious church, one body.

Annie led group singing Hallelujah…

Pastor Ray…

Let me give you three scriptures on victory. So 1st John 5:4, (Passion) “You see every child of God overcomes the world. For our faith is the victorious power that triumphs over the world.” Whatever the world’s ways are, whatever’s trying to take place. A footnote says the Greek verb tense indicates “continuous action or continually conquers the world.” It’s not a one-time deal. It’s continual. And then in Deuteronomy 20:4, “For the Lord your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory.” John 16:33, “I have told you these things so that in Me, you may have peace in this world.” You’ll have trouble. Yeah, there’s troubles. “But take heart. I have overcome the world.” And what do I say to that? That’s victory! He’s already overcome it. And then back over in 1st John 5, just two other scriptures. I can’t go by without reading this. “And this is the confidence, the assurance, the privilege of boldness, which we have in Him. We are sure that if we ask anything, make any requests, according to His will in agreement with His plan, He listens to and He hears us.” Verse 15. “And if since we positively know that He listens to us in whatever we ask, we also know with settled and absolute knowledge that we have granted us as our present possessions, the requests made of Him.” And that is absolute victory. Hallelujah. Thank You for it, Father.


Father, we give you glory and we thank you so much for all of our leaders. We pray over our President, over our nation, over the decisions that are being made daily. And we thank You that Your favor goes before him, goes before our country. In Jesus’ name, no weapon formed against our church, no weapon formed against our country, no weapon formed against the earth will prosper. But in Jesus’ name, You’ve given onto each one of us the victory.

Sue prayed…

Thank you, Jean. You brought up the precedent set in heaven, set in the courts of heaven and we stand as the Church and we set the precedent as victors in the courts of our nation. And we speak forth that it is an abomination to our Father unjust balances and unjust weights. So we call you out as the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, taking authority over the courts of our nation, that things that will be called forth will be called out of balance when they’re out of balance and they’ll be called… (tongues)  When I worked here for a number of years and Pastor Mac and Lynne, Ray Kelly are generals in the courts of heaven. I was sitting back there during one of our staff prayer, praying in the Holy ghost and Pastor Mac was going back and forth here and it came in my spirit, “Angels come here for direction.”

That’s how much Pastor Mac and Lynne have taught us the authority and the privilege we have of being in Him. And Ray is here live going across all the world. So I would like to send these angels out. Jean, you talked about the precedent set in heaven in the courts. Jesus overcame Satan. Made a show openly triumphing over Satan. There is a precedent that will be set in our courts. And I’d just like to speak to that as a church. Holy angels, you that come here for direction, we send you forth out into our nation, out into the courts of our nation. And we send you forth with the Word of God that it is an abomination to our Father for unjust balances. That’s right. And so we speak truth and uncovering and exposing in Jesus’ name.

Pastor Ray…

Ministering spirits. Yeah. Keep going, keep moving. Keep doing what needs to be done to go in those hidden places. We tell you and in the courts …

Sue prayed…

We set a precedent that the Church sets the precedent. We have the authority over the courts of our nation. In the name of Jesus, we call you out unjust balances. You’ll be called out in the name of Jesus. Angels, you bring it now to the courts. You bring it to the courts in Pennsylvania, you bring up to the courts in Georgia, you bring it to the courts in Michigan, in Wisconsin, and you bring it to the courts in Nevada, and you bring it to the courts in Arizona. And we called truth and just balances that will go forth from our courts in this nation in the name of Jesus, and thru the blood of the everlasting covenant angels. You go now in Jesus’ name. Hallelujah.

Pastor Ray…

Hallelujah! Can’t you see that picture? They go where they need to go. They do what needs to be done. That’s what the Bible says. And a lot of times, we don’t tell them to do anything. Oh, it got silent in here. It’s silent in this church, but anyway, we keep speaking to them telling them to go. And what did they do? They go, and they work on our behalf. We thank You so much for it this morning. Things are changing now. Every day there’s supernatural changes in numbers. Let me just add that. So we believe for that. And we just thank you so much for it. Father, you’re working, even when we can’t always sense it or maybe know it but we know You’re working. Thank You for it in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Thank you for tuning in and for coming today. Appreciate it. It was good.

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