Greetings GPAN subscribers! As you can see, we have a new format for the Morning Prayer postings. The “Global Prayer Alert Network” (GPAN) has undergone a rebranding. The Morning Prayer GPAN report now falls under the umbrella of The Prayer Movement. Though you see the heading “The Prayer Movement” at the top of the page, the actual Morning Prayer report will not change.
Pastor Dustin greeting…
Thank you for joining us this morning for morning prayer. Praise the Lord. It’s a beautiful three degrees here in Minnesota. My name is Dustin. I’m the youth pastor here at this wonderful church, and I have the opportunity of leading us all in prayer. And I think we have some things we could pray about, right? A couple things going on in the world. And so I think it would be good if we spent some time in prayer covering those things and yielding to the Spirit.
We can watch the news and think we know what to pray. And I think there’s certainly a place for being aware of what’s going on in the world and using the mind that God gave you to pray things out. But we also know that the Spirit will lead us to pray things out that might not make sense to our natural minds but could be very crucial and important. I’m going to just start by kicking us off with some prayer. We’re going to spend some time worshiping together in the presence of God.
Father, we thank you that we aren’t in this season alone. We have everything that we need available to us, and we know that it’s found in you. That it’s been given to us to rule and reign in this life to establish your kingdom here, to lead people into harmony with you to preach the Gospel, to heal the sick, to raise the dead, to cast out demons, to speak in tongues, everything that we need. Lord, we know that it’s found in you and it’s available to us as believers. And so we just thank you for this truth. We pray that we would accomplish every single thing that you have for us.
Pastor Dustin got word about people being in fear…
I was just thinking, before we launch into prayer, I just got the sense that there were some people watching or here in the room who’ve just been really, really, really anxious, really worried and fearful. And I feel like the place that we should start from should be from a place of faith and confidence in Him. And so what I want us to do is just to take a moment… like I said at the beginning, just kind of get control of your mind, put it on Him and just begin to meditate on and think about His goodness and love… His faithfulness to you. Enjoy His presence. Let it surround and wash over you. Let it fill you. His goodness and mercy and love… So let’s just do that.
Father, we thank you for your goodness, for your love, for your mercy, for your faithfulness. We recognize that you are all that we need, everything that we need as found in you. You are our source, supply, strength… an ever present help in times of trouble.
Allow God to fan the flames of your heart…
Come on, just allow Him to speak to your heart minister to you. Lift you, encourage you. If you’re weary or tired, or heavy heavy-laden Jesus said, “Come unto Me.” Let Him bind up any broken hearts. Let Him fan the flame in your heart. If it’s just kind of flickering, barely hanging on, allow Him to stir you up, encourage you, remind you of the promises that He’s spoken over your life and over your family.
Why does this matter? It’s because we have nothing apart from Him. The Bible says apart from Him, we are nothing. We can do nothing. But aren’t you glad as believers that he’s never far away. He’s never gone. He lives and abides on the inside of you. And we have to remember that we have access to Him and everything that He has to offer us… the grace, the strength. Grace is a supernatural empowerment for you to do what He’s directed you to do. That’s a lot. Those two things alone are a lot. You have His grace, you have His strength, His peace, His rest.
Be still and listen for His voice…
And I just felt like before we kind of shifted into praying for nations and for people. I felt like it was important first to come into this place of stillness where we’re listening for and hearing His voice. We’re allowing Him to meet us in this place. We’re connecting with Him. And then from that place of hope and faith and confidence, we begin to pray and to make declarations. So we’re not coming in just anxious and frazzled and stressed out. We’re confident in His love, goodness and from a place of faith, we begin to make declarations that He speaks to our hearts about.
A way of escape…
Yesterday I had this phrase in my heart. It’s a part of a verse in 1st Corinthians 10:13. It says “For no temptation, no trial regarded as enticing to sin, no matter how it comes or where it leads has overtaken you, laid hold of you that is not common to man. That is no temptation or trial has come to you that is beyond human resistance that is not adjusted and adapted and belonging to human experience. And such as man can bear, but God is faithful to His Word and to His compassionate nature and He can be trusted.”
We’re just so tempted sometimes to read the Bible and just not really let it get into our hearts. But God is faithful to His Word and to His compassionate nature. And He can be trusted not to let you be tempted and tried beyond your ability and power to endure. But with that temptation, He will always provide the way out, the means of escape to a landing place that you may be capable and strong and powerful to bear up under it patiently.
The phrase that kept kind of ringing in my heart the past day and a half was “a way of escape.” And so I want to pray about that this morning. I know in my mind, when I hear the phrase “a way of escape,” I’m like, “Are there Ukrainian pastors that need a way out or somebody that needs a way in.” My mind goes there right away. Cause that’s what I’m seeing. But I don’t know what that means. Maybe it means something for you personally. Maybe we’re praying for believers in other nations, but we’re just going to yield ourselves over to that. We’re going to jump off of that phrase and see where the Lord takes us.
Story that Pastor Kent shared with Dustin about “case,” “suits,” and “frivolous”
As we’re praying, I was just reminded of this story Pastor Kent told me. He said the Lord woke him up and he felt like he was supposed to pray out the word “case.” As he prayed, he kept hearing the word case… case… case… case… And he’s just praying in the spirit. He said he stayed up all night long and he was just praying about the word case. And he’s like, “Is there another word.” What’s going on here?
And then the Lord dropped in his heart the word “suits.” And so he’s praying about suits. And he’s like “suits”? He’s praying about suits praying in the spirit. He would declare the word suits and continue to pray in the spirit. And after hours he said, the Lord said “frivolous.” All right! Frivolous suits! He had been thinking about suits like people wear. And he’s like “frivolous suits” in a case. He said “All of a sudden, the Lord just dropped it in his heart… “Frivolous lawsuits.” There were cases that needed to be dismissed. And he realized, “This is my prayer assignment.”
But he had the persistence and diligence to stay with what the Lord gave him. Why did the Lord not just say all of it at once? I don’t know. But in his mind, he’s thinking like, “Why am I praying about suits? Why is the Lord having me up all night praying about suits, right?” It’s not for him to understand. It’s for him to be obedient. Right? And allow the Lord to work it out.
I said that to say sometimes when you pray, the Lord just gives you phrases… it just comes out in phrases. So just stay on it. Don’t tune out. Just stay engaged. And as the Lord gives you words, say them and declare them. If He gives you the word “suit,” say “suit.” If He gives you the word “case,” say “case.” Whatever it is.
As I’m praying in the spirit, as I have a word or a phrase or something like that, I’ll speak it out. You pray out what you have. Maybe I’ll have the next word and then you will have the next word. Maybe you’re here in this room and you have a word that builds on that. And we build this thing together by the grace of God.
Prayer about doors opened and closed…
Father, we just thank you… a way out… and a way in … we thank you, Father, for a way out and for a way in… doors being opened… doors being opened… Those doors are being closed. And those doors are being opened… orchestrating things, moving things… moving people out and moving people in… doors being closed and doors being opened… new access…
Prayer about new opportunities… look up … fix your eyes on Him…
new opportunity… a whole new thing… new access and new opportunities… don’t look to the circumstances to try to understand… there the ? indicator… They’re the last thing to come into place… look up … don’t look horizontally to the things that are going on around you… look up … incline your ear to what the Spirit is saying… fix your eyes on Me… fix your eyes on the Lord… and incline your ear… watch and listen… doors open … doors open… access given … positioning, positioning… a repositioning, a realigning… it’s part of the unfolding plan that He has…
A reminder to someone that the devil has lost… and God has already won…
I feel like I need to remind somebody that the devil has already lost. In case you thought you were praying for God to win, let me remind you, He’s already won. I don’t know why I just got so happy when I said that. The devil has already been defeated and the devil has not been able to stop His plan. The devil has not been able to stop his plan yet. He tried with Jesus. He tried over and over and over again. And every single time God got the victory. If you’re wondering how is this all going to work out? Well, you can just open up the Bible and turn to the last page. You won’t get in trouble, and you can see that it all ends in glory. It ends with us seated with Him in heavenly places. It ends with us enjoying eternity with Him in heaven. It ends with a glorified new earth.
He spoiled the ending. He told you how it’s going to go. It ends in victory. Not defeat. And His plan is at work in this earth as it always has been… He’s still undefeated. So keep your eyes on Him … incline your ear … cooperate with what He’s doing in your life and in this earth… cooperate… cooperate because His way is the way… there are other ways, but His way is the way … So it’s better not to resist Him or His plan. It’s better to cooperate. It’s better to come into agreement with what He wants to do…
And so if you’re wrestling with something, immediately your mind goes to “But except for…” No. Remember you have what you need. The plans have been made. He’s already won. So now will you cooperate with Him? Will you allow Him to lead you? Will you live by faith and not by sight? Will you walk by faith and not by sight?
Quote from Keith Moore… all you have to do is follow God’s will and plan…
It’s an old familiar verse. It’s one that you might’ve heard before. But it’s how we’re called to live as believers … and that’s all that it is. Somebody asked Keith Moore, “How do I walk in the perfect plan of God? How do I fulfill my purpose? I feel so confused and I feel so lost. And I feel like I don’t know what to do.” And he said, “It’s really simple. All you have to do to follow God’s will and plan for your life perfectly, to walk in divine protection, walk in divine health, just wake up every day and say, ‘Yes, sir.” That’s it! Regardless of what it looks like, regardless of what it feels like… I know feelings can be real. I know feelings can be powerful. I know feelings can be strong, but they’re not God. And your feelings will lie to you. Your feelings cannot always be trusted. Your circumstances are not permanent. They’re temporary. The way things look now is not how they will always look. The way things feel right now is not how they will always feel.
Here’s why we should be led by the Spirit…
Don’t make permanent decisions based on temporary circumstances. Because those things are subject to change. This is why we are led by the Spirit of God. And we do what He tells us to, because we know that everything else can change. Everything else can move. Except for Him. He said, “I am the Lord God, and I do not change.”
So let’s get into agreement this morning with His Word and promises. Let’s cooperate with what He wants to do in and through us…
We thank you for access… for opportunity… for opening doors… for ways of escape… that you are God. And like you, there is no other. You are moving things, shifting things, rearranging, bringing alignment, all to accomplish the will and the plan that you have in this earth. So we won’t be afraid of the arrow… of the pestilence… of the rumors… of the gossip… of threats because we know who we belong to. We know who we’re in covenant with. We know what’s available to us. We know who we are. We know that we are protected. And so we aren’t going to be moved by anything other than you… we will remain stable, steadfast and led by your Spirit, Father.
We thank you for the protection that is available to us as believers… we plead the blood over this country. We plead the blood over believers all over the world. We declare your promises over them. And we say no weapon, no word, nothing forged or spoken against them will prosper in Jesus’ name…
Prayer for Europe… Ukraine…
Father, we thank you for the people in these situations in Europe all over. We know that our eyes have been drawn to Ukraine and what’s happening there, but we know that there are things happening all over this world. Lord, we thank you for the spirit of wisdom and revelation, that their eyes would be filled and flooded with light … that your Spirit would bring grace and comfort to their hearts… strengthen them internally… protect them and keep them safe.
Prayer for people…
And Lord, I pray that whatever the enemy has intended for evil, you would turn for your good for your glory. We pray that in the midst of all of this, people would be saved and brought into harmony with you. People would experience you … people would experience your healing power … that your love would be like a shield … We pray for protection… a divine protection… sensitive to your voice … sensitive to your promptings… led by your Spirit and walking accurately by your Spirit… Leading them out of danger … awakening people in the night and giving them direction… visions or whatever you have to do, Lord… visions, dreams, moving on people’s hearts… Yes people waking up … knowing that they heard your voice and knowing they have to respond to it…
Prayer for lost children to be reconnected with families…
Father, we pray for protection… children reconnected to families… children who are lost, connected to their families… and don’t know where their families are … parents finding their children… children finding their parents…yes, raising up ministries … to take in these children and love them and nurture them and support them… reconnected…
Pastor Dustin shared what he was seeing in his spirit man…
As we were praying, I kept seeing… I don’t know what it is. I’ve never really had this in prayer before, but as we were praying, I could see children’s faces who are lost and in panic. I can see a little girl’s face who’s lost. So that’s why I’m praying parents finding their children, children finding their parents.
When we don’t know what to pray, pray in the spirit…
I don’t know what to pray. So we’ll pray in the Spirit about that … angelic intervention… reunited families … brought together… children who have been abandoned, children who have been left… we thank you for rescuing them, bringing people to rescue them… raising others up… see your hand of protection… divine protection, divine protection… a peace that passes all understanding …
Prayer about atmospheres changing…
Filling homes… changing atmospheres, changing atmospheres of buildings, regions, places where there’s fear and there’s worry and loss… a sweet presence filling the place… resting on their hearts bringing hope, comfort. You said you’re near to the broken hearted. So we know that you’re here in this place… a presence just filling, driving out fear, driving out worry … replaced with your peace with your love. A love that brings wholeness … so we pray that … we declare that … filling these little ones with your peace… Wholeness… binding up broken hearts, bringing restoration…
Pastor Dustin shared about how we are interconnected by prayer…
As I was praying, like I said, I saw this little girl’s face and it just moved me. So that’s my prayer assignment, right? I’ll be praying for her. And, one thing that I love about prayer is that the Lord will raise people up all over the world who don’t even know each other to pray for each other. And Pastor Kent was telling me once that when you’re faithful to yield yourself over to pray for other people, I believe based on like the principle of sowing and reaping, I believe that the Lord will raise other people up to pray for you. And so it’s a pretty cool thing to think about that. You could have somebody in Indonesia that’s praying for you and the Lord’s giving them the exact words to pray out for you and for your situation. But the same thing is true for you. Maybe the Lord will give you a situation or a person to pray about. And you’ll just know when that’s lifted. When you’ve done what you were supposed to do with it. But as long as it’s still on your heart, just keep praying about it. Allow Him to lead you in it.
Well, thank you for joining us for prayer this morning. We love you. So thank you all. I appreciate you.
Morning Prayer YouTube Playlist
We’ve created a YouTube playlist for you, our pray-ers. You now have the opportunity to listen, watch, and prayer with us any time that fits your schedule. Each video is titled with the day and date of morning prayer.