Morning Prayer Summary for Tuesday, May 1, 2018

The following is an excerpt from The Man Who Talks With Flower – The Intimate Life Story of Dr. George Washington Carver by Glenn Clark:

“…there is going to be a great spiritual awakening in the world, and it is going to come from… plain, simple people who know—not simply believe—but actually know that God answers prayer. It is going to be a great revival of Christianity, not a revival of religion. This is going to be a revival of true Christianity. It’s going to arise from the layman, from men who are going about their work and putting God into what they do, from men who believe in prayer and who want to make God real to mankind.” And because I know that George Washington Carver knows how to talk with the flower and because I know that flowers know how to talk with him, I know that this prophecy is going to come true.

Pastor Ray…

I totally believe it. I believe he was talking about the days that we are in, these days. Do you? Alright.

Ms. Jeani…

Father, thank You for Your directing us today by Yours precious Holy Spirit
You know the enemy will try and deceive us, he’ll use persistence
Because something doesn’t look like it’s going to change, he’ll try to make us believe that he won
But he never wins – it’s impossible for him to win if we stay on the Word
But when things persist, he’ll lie and tell us that standing on the Word doesn’t work
But it is a lie, because it’s already done

Scripture focus…

Whatever [plot] you devise against the LORD, He will make a complete end of it; Affliction will not occur twice. Nahum 1:9 (AMP)

Ms. Jeani…

Thank You, Father – we rely on Your faith
Even when we feel like we cannot go on, cannot do it
It doesn’t matter if we just lean into our Father
When we lean into His presence, His peace will direct circumstances and people to our favor
People and things respond to God’s presence
Thank You, Father, any situations that have been stuck and anytime we have agreed with stuck, we repent right now
It’s Your goodness, it’s Your goodness that causes us to change the way we see things and causes us to change the way we think
And we declare over those things right now “Get out of the way”
We tell you “You will not stay this way”
In fact, you are out of the way right now – today is the best day for you to get out of the way!
And so we just agree, we thank God for “suddenlies,” we thank God for “nows,” we thank God for “today”
Because today is the best day for miracles, today is the best day for breakthrough
We give those mountains notice right now
Any mountain that has attempted to devise a plan or plot against the people of God, God makes a complete end to it!
Thank You, Father, that these things have come to an end and the end is complete
In America, in every form of contradiction, the end is complete
The plots of the enemy, we give them notice right now – your end is complete!
Never to return, never to return
And, Father, we rest in it, we thank You for it
You’re a good God, You’re a good God
It’s who You are, Your love never fails
The goodness of the Most High is upon us, it’s in us and everywhere we go it does the work for us
We speak to every cell in the body of Christ right now, we call out Your destiny for complete and full healing today
We speak to America, we call out your destiny today
And Israel, we speak to Israel, we call out your destiny today
We see those things, those things that have appeared chronic, those things that have lied and said it’s never going to change – we shut your mouth! We shut your mouth!
And we thank God that it is complete
The Lord makes a complete end of it – there is no pressure on us when we pray
Cut it out! Stop it! No pressure on us!
Our only job is to keep our eyes on Him right now and that does the work
In fact that is a lie too by the way
So, any situation that looks like it’s not changing, we don’t let it put pressure on us
We just say “God, You have a problem”
It’s just like when Jessie Duplantis tells God “You got mail”
So, we have joy in that! There is no pressure on the Church!
The only pressure we ever have to deal with is the pressure of the blessing chasing us down!
The pressure of His goodness, the heavy weight of His glory – thank You, Father
We bless Your name today! We bless Your name!
It’s already done! It’s already finished! Wonders and miracles
The affliction of God’s people will not occur twice

Did Jesus have to die twice?
No, it’s done! It’s done! It’s done!
It’s finished – we thank You, Father – we receive Your tender mercies and loving kindness
That we would never, never take for granted Your tender mercies and loving kindness
Even when You had Isaiah prophecy that “He was chastised for our transgression”
Does it occur to us that a prophet prophesied in past tense, before it happened?
He prophesied in past tense – it was already done
He didn’t prophesy into the future; He prophesied that it had already happened
How “God” is that? We have a God that covered it all!
And we have an enemy that doesn’t want us to believe it
We believe You, Father – we do not fear, we only believe, we only receive Your goodness

Scripture Focus…

GOD is good, a hiding place in tough times. He recognizes and welcomes anyone looking for help, no matter how desperate the trouble. But cozy islands of escape He wipes right off the map. No one gets away from God. Why waste time conniving against GOD? He’s putting an end to all such scheming. For troublemakers, no second chances. Like a pile of dry brush, Soaked in oil, they’ll go up in flames. Nahum 1:9–10 (MSG)

Pastor Ray…

So much for the Devil, so much for symptoms, sickness, disease, lack of every kind
So much for poverty, so much for doubt, fear – whatever it might be
When I sat down in my office and this book stood out to me, “Don’t Limit God” (ha, ha, ha)
So, don’t limit His Word
Ms. Jeani said that the Devil is persistent but God is even more persistent
His Word is persistent – what He said, it is going to come to pass!

The Following excerpt was taken from Don’t Limit God by Andrew Wommack:

Dwight L. Moody once attended a service in Chicago where he heard a preacher make the following statement: “The world has never seen what God can do through one person who is totally committed to Him.” Dwight stood up and said, “I’ll be that man,” even though he only had a third-grade education and could barely read. When Dwight preached, he would read a passage of Scripture up to a word that he didn’t know, then stop and preach on it. Then he would start on the other side of that word, so people wouldn’t know that he couldn’t read.

Dwight L. Moody was rejected by three churches. He tried to join them, but they didn’t consider him to be a good enough Christian to be a member of their churches. They kept him from being a member, yet he preached to crowds of 150,000 before they even had microphones. He preached to kings and impacted every continent on the face of the earth. He was the Billy Graham of his day. He saw miracle after miracle, and amazing things happened through his ministry.

You may have some things in your heart that would cause you to live your life differently if you didn’t have restrictions. Yet fear is causing you to limit yourself and limit what God can do, because you’re afraid that you might not prosper as much as you are prospering now. You are afraid that people might criticize you or that something negative might happen.

Before I die, I believe I will accomplish everything that God has put on the inside of me. I can truthfully say that right now, I am in the process of doing everything that God has placed in my heart and I know that as I continue to grow, He will give me more things to do. I haven’t arrived, but I’ve left. I am moving in the right direction.

Pastor Ray…

Our circumstances may look the same, but we are moving in the right direction in Jesus’ name. Not because we shout about it or get loud about it but because we are persistent on what the Word says, that we were healed! We curse attacks, plans of the enemy and say “Go! Leave! Get out! In the name of Jesus” – thank You, Father.

We are so grateful, so thankful to Your Word that we have
That Your Word does not come down and bounce off the ground and to back up
It does what it said it would do – hallelujah!
We have favor, we are kids of the King! Hallelujah
We worship You, lift You up, magnify the name that is above every other name – Jesus!

Ms. Annie led us singing Reckless Love of God

Ms. Jeani…

Father, we thank You for the opportunity that You have, that we have, to witness Your goodness
We are so glad You are good! You’re so good!
That is all You are – is good! And that is all we ever needed, that’s all we will ever need
And this is Your opportunity to show off, and You are showing off
You are showing up and You are showing off
It is, it’s because You are good, You are so good
We rest, we stand on Your goodness, You are good!
That is the whole thing, really, that’s it – it’s not complicated
We just stand on Your goodness

Ms. Jeani read the lyrics to Reckless Love of God by Cory Asbury:

Before I spoke a word, You were singing over me
You have been so, so good to me
Before I took a breath, You breathed Your life in me
You have been so, so kind to me
Oh, the overwhelming, never-ending, reckless love of God

Ms. Jeani…
This is not religious! God chases you down! He’s reckless!

Oh, it chases me down, fights ’til I’m found, leaves the ninety-nine

Ms. Jeani…

What is appropriate about that! He is not appropriate! He leaves the 99. Is that appropriate? I don’t know… That’s pretty inappropriate. Because we matter that much to Him.

Father, let our praise be inappropriate
Let our love be reckless, let our prayers chase You down
Even though it seems like that doesn’t seem theologically correct!
We chase You down with our desires! We desire YOU!
We get serious about not being serious, we get serious about not taking ourselves seriously!
Cut it out! Be who God made you to be! Go for it! Believe Him!
And just stop it!
Today is the day that He has made and today we inappropriately recklessly rejoice!
Today we are glad, today we are happy, today we are strong
Excuse me but David danced in his underpants and Jesus went naked on the Cross
So we can be reckless in our praise and thanksgiving!
And by the way, the woman that criticized David for dancing in His underpants
Um, no more fruitfulness in her life
I don’t know… I think religion is fruitless and stupid – so stop it!
We are taking it all and we are taking it all NOW!
And if you are quiet, be quiet and if you are not, don’t be
Just be who are! Glory to God!
Hallelujah! Whooooooo!
Glory, glory, glory to God! Thank You, JESUS!

Ms. Annie…

Okay, I will be even more undignified yet! I will be viler still.

Ms. Jeani…

You go, girl!
Before I spoke a word, You were singing over me – this is personal
Reckless love – inappropriate, not religious, completely full and complete reckless love of God
Happy, joyful, always winning God

Before I spoke a word, You were singing over me
You have been so, so good to me
Before I took a breath, You breathed Your life in me
You have been so, so kind to me
Oh, the overwhelming, never-ending, reckless love of God

Ms. Jeani…

If it’s all His idea, then we are free already
God is chasing you down
I think You are a big deal! Don’t ever say you are not a big deal
That is such an insult to the Cross!
That’s actually pride by the way – stop it!

Oh, it chases me down, fights ’til I’m found, leaves the ninety-nine
And I couldn’t earn it, and I don’t deserve it, still, You give Yourself away
Oh, the overwhelming, never-ending, reckless love of God, yeah

Ms. Jeani…

What? Do you hear that… That is reckless

Ms. Annie…

Him dying for me is reckless. But I thank Him for it! Hallelujah! I did not deserve it.

When I was Your foe, still Your love fought for me
You have been so, so good to me
When I felt no worth, You paid it all for me
You have been so, so kind to me

Ms Annie…

You know what I am hearing there in my spirit? Jesus said, “A new commandment I give unto you, that you love one another the way I have loved you.” This is not “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” No. This is you shall love one another as I have loved you – recklessly. When other people have no worth, we fight for them. When other people are all the things we used to be or we still are, He wants us to love them recklessly because that’s the way He loved us, not counting the cost you know. Not thinking “well they are just going to turn around and trample me under their feet.” Well, so what! That’s what the world did to Jesus and He still loves us recklessly – Hallelujah! Meaning, we don’t care what it cost us. We are not looking at wither they are going to love us back or love Him back. But they are going to, glory to God! Hallelujah!

Pastor Ray…

Thank You for the presence, Lord, the manifested presence of Your Spirit, Lord
In this room, these rooms in Jesus’ name
We walk in it and we give it out – we minister that out
That love of the Father for us we minister and give to those we come in contact with
Even when we look at them with eyes of love
Oh, I just thank You for it, Father
We give You all of the thanksgiving and glory for this day in Jesus’ name

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