Morning Prayer Summary for Friday, April 17, 2020

Pastor Tim shared…

Good morning and happy Friday to everybody. Thank you for tuning in and joining us this morning. We’re really glad that you’re with us. This morning, we felt like we wanted to share a couple of verses with you. This is from Psalm 118 and it starts with, “O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. For His goodness and His loving kindness is forever.” It says, “Let Israel say His goodness and loving kindness endures forever. O let the house of Aaron say His goodness and His loving kindness is forever. O let those who reverently fear, honor, reverence and revere and worship the Lord say, His goodness and His loving kindness is forever.” I think you and I this morning should make that same declaration. We should say together, His goodness and His loving kindness is forever.

It goes on to say, “I called on the Lord and the Lord answered me and set me free.” That’s good news. “The Lord is on my side so I will not fear. What can mere man do to me? The Lord is on my side. He is among those who helps me. Therefore I will look on in triumph on my enemy.”

I want to say again, the Lord is good and His mercy and His loving kindness is forever. He is our helper today. And He’s going to help us. No matter what you’re going through. In fact, I feel like there are those of you that are maybe fighting some fear, some discouragement. Maybe you’re disappointed. You’re looking at your situation right now and you’re thinking, “It’s not going to get any better. It’s going to keep getting worse.” I’m there to tell you this morning, in fact, Pastor Ray and I are here this morning together to tell you it’s going to get better. It’s not going to stay the same. God is still on the throne. He’s still working on our behalf. He’s working all things out for our good because that’s what He does and that’s who He is. So you can count on that. Just declare this morning that God is good, His mercy and His loving kindness are forever.

And if you stop and think about it, He has been good to you. You could probably think of half a dozen things right off the top of your head where God has been good, how He’s blessed you. He’s worked things out for you. He’s moved things on your behalf. So you know He’s been good. He’s still good. He’s going to be good. And He’s always good.

You know, David at times was discouraged. He said “Soul, why are you downcast? Why are you discouraged? Soul, put your hope and put your trust in the Lord.” Well, He is good and His mercy and loving kindness are forever. So let’s do that this morning. Let’s just choose to put our hope and trust in Him. Let’s think about the goodness of God this morning. In fact, I feel like I want to sing about His goodness again. There’s a song that we’ve been singing. It talks about the goodness of God and how He just keeps getting better. Every day. I want to sing the verses this morning. We’re going to start with this. You sing along with me.

I will sing of Your goodness… I will sing of Your love… for the seasons come quickly… You have always been enough…though the night may be dark… though the waiting seems long… You have always been faithful to remind me of Your love…You are good… in the morning I say You are good… in the evening, I say You are good… You are good to me…

I like this part.

Every day is sweeter… every day gets better… 

I feel like we need to make this declaration this morning. We need to declare this over our circumstances. Over our minds, our thoughts, our imaginings. Over our feelings and emotions. Over our families, over our finances. Our health. Every area of our lives. Over our situation. Over our circumstances. Just make this declaration:

“It’s not going to stay the same, in Jesus’ name. It’s only going to get better.”

That’s the promise of God. He said in Jeremiah 29:11 He said I know the thoughts and I know the plans I have for you. They’re only good and not for evil or for destruction but to give you a hope and a future and an expected end. God had only good for us. He has only good in store for us. That’s His plan. That’s always been His plan. He’s not changing His mind on that. He’s not altering that plan. His plan is still the same. His original intent, plan and purpose for us is only good. Ha, ha, ha…

I want you to wrap your hearts and minds around that this morning. That’s the truth. I want you to believe that and to receive that and embrace it with your whole heart. Let that be your new expectation. God is good. His mercy and His loving kindness are forever. It’s going to be a good day. Tomorrow is going to be a better day. It’s just going to keep getting better and better and better and better. Whoo! Thank You, Lord.

Oh, I say every day is sweeter… every day gets betterthe day after that, it’s better… oh it’s going to get better… the future is brighter… you can hope… you can believe… you can trust… it’s going to get better… it’s going to get brighter… you’re got a hope and a future…every day is sweeter…

I don’t know… I just want to keep singing about the goodness of the Lord this morning.

All my life, You have been faithful…♪ That’s my testimony. ♪ All my life, You have been so, so good… With all of my breath, every breath I will testify, I will declare You’re good, only good to me… ♪

Come on, if that’s been your experience and I believe it has been, say this with me…

All my life, You have been faithful… All my life, You have been so, so good… ♪

If you think about what the chorus says… we’re singing All my life He’s been faithful. So we’re acknowledging the goodness and the faithfulness of God. We’ve got a track record. We’ve got experience that we can base this on. So if He’s been good to us in our past, why would He not be good to us and continue to be faithful to us and continue to provide for us and to take care of us and to protect us? He is not going to let us down now. He didn’t bring us this far just to leave us. This circumstance is not bigger than our God. This is nothing to Him. He’s right here with us. He’s taking care of us right now. He’s watching over us. Cuz He cares about us. He’s going to take us through this. Right on into all the good things that He has in store for us. Everything that He’s promised to us. ha, ha… still “yes and amen”… what He promised, He will bring to pass. He’s been faithful. He’s still faithful.

You are good, good… Oh yeah… You are good, so good… yes You are!… You are good, so good… oh yes, You are… You are good, so good… and I know that I know that You’re never going to let down…God, You’re so good… You’re so good to me… ♪

Pastor Ray…

We’re being lifted up. We’re lifted up to bring out from us this same goodness to others. It’s the love of God. He loved us so much that He sent His only begotten Son. You’re so good, Lord. All the time we’ve been singing about how good He is… Pastor Tim said at one point, just think about how good He’s been to you personally. There’s not one person tuning in that has not have things happen to us… sometimes we don’t even know what was about to happen, but He’s so good that He worked it out for us.

I’m reminded of this situation that happened years ago. I was driving on a two-lane highway in the morning. It was in the country. I could see way ahead and there was a semi coming in the other lane toward me. There was a car in front of me. We’re in our lane and there is a curve in the highway. All of a sudden, the semi did not keep turning on the curve. He kept coming straight toward both of us. He kept coming over into our lane. All of a sudden, he’s in our lane coming toward us. The car in front of me went way over on the shoulder and I went way over on the other lane, into oncoming traffic. The semi went between us. Do you think God was good to me that day? I was so amazed. When he got almost on the shoulder, he woke up and corrected. We all were saved and protected. There are so many things, Sandy will tell you, that have happened driving. Some of them were even my fault, but I’ve been so protected. I’ve even been shot at! Just think about how good He is. Today, He’s good to us. He’s protected us. We’re safe. We have His Word on it. He’ll never change. He’s always the same. He’ll never not be the way He was. This is a good Friday! We are where we should be right now, and doing what we should be doing right now. It’s not just for today. It’s for the days to come.

Thank You, so much, Lord. I read this in Hebrews. But I had written down below Hebrews 13. I guess at that point, we were talking in prayer about getting into a routine and doing the same things over and over and over. I was kind of raised that way. We say this and we say that. It’s something we have to watch out for, not to get into a routine and take a revelation that we have and then don’t go any further. Taking that revelation and turn it into something religious. So I wrote this in my Bible: “When we start to pray just remind ourselves that God is anything but routine.” He’s not routine. He is the same. But He’s unusual. This is what I wrote down. “He’s surprising. He’s creative. And He’s an original, so if we fellowship with Him, our prayer lives will be that way too. So every day connecting to Him, brings about new adventures with Him.” That’s why every day we join together here in the chapel. Every day is different.


Lord, I’m asking You right now to show us what words You’d have us speak today or what You want us to do. I sense Your presence right now. Just in saying that, I sense a touch of His presence. I’m thinking, that’s what He wants right now. For each of us and those watching with us, praying with us… but today right now in this time, the precious presence of the Holy Spirit… Holy Spirit, You’re welcome… whatever You want to do… we’re open and expecting to be changed… from one degree of glory to the next… keep moving ahead… equipped through You… so we can make a difference in others lives… so we’ll keep marching… much more that is yet to be done… we command things that are out of line, to get in line now… a marked difference… we look up… we watch with the eyes of our faith… come on up, church… be lifted up, church… the Great Commission… the wholeness… eyes to see… we pray for laborers to speak… things to be lined up… ears to hear… steps to take… words to speak…

Pastor Tim, maybe we should sing in other tongues for a bit.

I keep hearing the word “recovery.” The Bible says we must be, first of all, born again, saved, cleansed. But we also are to be baptized in the Holy Spirit and praying in other tongues. In case you’ve never been baptized in the Holy Spirit, just ask Him to fill you up. And there’s another language that we can pray out things we don’t even know about. Don’t you love it, Tim? So when we say “recovery,” we don’t know all the things that in our brains that we should pray about recovery. But He knows because He’s in the recovery business! Ha, ha… hallelujah… I keep remembering what Kenneth E. Hagin said several times, that we’re right on the verse, right on the doorstep of a great move of the Holy Spirit with signs and wonders happening. We’re in those days now. Recovery can mean signs that are supernatural. Wonderful things happening that we many times didn’t even know we asked for them. But He had them preplanned for us. He puts His plan inside us. So we will fulfill what He’s called us to do. Hallelujah! All kinds of recoveries. Not just finances. Not just health. Not just protection. Every kind of recovery. Relationships.

Speaking of finances, they’re moving up. They’re turning around. Money… Ministering spirits, go forth today in every direction and bring in the finances in Jesus’ name. My needs are being met. A show… a showing… a greater revealing of who He is… endurance is in each of us. He put it in us so we would keep going. 

Pastor Tim leads out singing in the spirit…

Pastor Ray…

Father, we know there are so many decisions still to be made. There were decisions made by our President yesterday, how we can come out of this lockdown, how we can be free. We’re thankful he has wisdom from heaven and those around him speaking to him, giving him words from the Bible that he can make decisions that line up with the Word. We pray for our President and the positions of authority in our nation. Just like we’ve been told to pray in Timothy. We pray for all in authority. We pray for those all over our nation. We cover them in prayer and they are protected by the blood. We pray they walk in wisdom and understanding. We remove all of the political decisions and declare we are one nation under God. That they will do and say the right things. We pray for Minnesota, for our governor in Jesus’ name. That he’ll make the right decisions. We pray for all the states and their governors to do and make the right decisions. We see for America a great awakening, revivals. We see the Church rising up and taking her place. We see with the eyes of our faith, churches so full, overflowing. More and more coming into the body of Christ. We take hold of that with our faith.

I don’t have time to pray Psalm 91 with you this morning. But those of you that are watching, get your Bible out and read through Psalm 91 and believe every word of it. It is a place of safety when we’re in Him. No virus can take us out. No symptoms can take us down. We’re healed. Made whole by what was done at the cross at Calvary.

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