Prayer Summary for January 6


The following prophecy was given by Kenneth Copeland on November 4, 2014, during the America Stands 2014 broadcast:

A New Birth for America

The dominating power and authority of My Word is very plain and very obvious in the Scripture. I made certain statements calling things that be not as though they were. I said a virgin would give birth to a child in the city of Bethlehem. And My Word dominated the heavens and the earth and peoples in the earth for over 700 years until that child was born in Bethlehem at the appointed time, by the appointed virgin, and the Son came into the earth at the exact proper time.

I have spoken certain words over this nation. They will come to pass. They are coming to pass now, saith the Lord. And all of the things that satan has attempted to carry out in order to stop My voice in the earth has come to naught. For I said this gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all nations and then the end shall come, and not before. It’s coming to pass, and this nation is the cradle of that message. It has come out of this nation, the revelations and the changes that have taken place. And over the years and centuries that have gone by, I’ve called upon this nation to be My judgment arm. I’ve called on this nation to be My voice. I’ve called on this nation and many, many of your sons and daughters have answered My call and laid their lives on the line and I do not forget that.

So hear, My people. Hear My voice. Yes. The door is open. Repent and come through it; for I have a plan, and it’s THE BLESSING plan, and it’s far greater than anything you have ever seen before. I have a new birth for this nation. I have planned a nation that, right at this moment, you really don’t have any concept of what it’s like. For think back to 1770, 1771, 1772, 1773 and a new nation was being born.

But do you think that the men of that hour had any concept of what this nation would look like 100 years from that time? No. They had no idea. It had never happened before. Hear My words, America. I have a new nation in My heart and in My mind and you don’t know what it looks like. The door is open. Step through it and together we will bring a new nation on the earth, one nation under God that trusts in God. And there are those who would say, “How could that possibly come to pass?” It can come to pass because I am God and I change not. And My plan has already been planned before the foundation of the world. And you listen to Me, and you walk with Me, and together we’ll see it come to pass.

But for all of those who will turn their backs on what I am doing now, you will be like those of old who get trapped in the desert, and your bones will fall in the desert, and you will not experience the greatness that I have in store. But I have a people. I have a people that have humbled themselves and have turned from their wicked ways, and I have more and more and more who are seeking My face. And I’ll tell you this: I’m easy to find. And I’ve raised up people throughout this nation and I have a people all over this earth who are praying for the United States in this very hour, who are holding this country up before Me because they realize they need this nation also.

So these are the days of your deliverance. Rejoice, and be glad, because I have given you your nation back. And the manifestation of its new birth is at hand. So rejoice and lift up your head and be of good cheer. Your sins are forgiven you.


Thank You, Father, for a new birth for this nation
For all the wonderful opportunities for absolute change
We trust You, Father, in everything
For declarations that we have yet to see being revealed
Declaring that we are healed and whole in every way—spirit, soul, and body
The Church is increasing—souls are coming in
We believe increase is at hand!
Thank You, Father, for the power of Your Holy Spirit
“This United States of America is marching in step once again!”
Moving in one direction—UNITED in Jesus’ name
Pleading the blood of the Lamb over positions of authority over every State
Linked together and pressing ahead in the right direction
New advancements, details, resources, restorations—it’s by Your Spirit!
Alignments in Jesus’ name
Walking in the increase by faith
We speak over every step as we go—preparing for the new
Thank You, Father, for the laborers—strengthen them for the increase
Pleading the blood over every operation in Jesus’ name
Speaking by faith and staying filled and overflowing
Thank You, Father, for real light and direction—the Spirit of seeing and knowing
For the Church cooperating with heaven—giving and receiving and walking right
Concerning the things we do not know — we inquire and receive from heaven
Molding, making, and receiving!
Some have left but they are moving back into their right places in Jesus’ name
Staying in the race—steady and fixed
Declaring we are in the right place at the right time
Thank You, Father, for abundant resources
It is coming up and growing—the fruit!
For encouragement and power in these days
For the overflow and abundance – more and more of You
We trust You to keep us in the way we should go
Father, we give You all praise and honor and thanksgiving today in Jesus’ name

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