Prayer Summary for September 17


We lift up the name of Jesus today!
We speak to ourselves and proclaim the Word to be true!
Lord, Your presence brings us out of the debris
We come by the blood and are giving You free reign
By faith, we receive an increase
In You, we can move through every day
Pleading the blood of Jesus over our natural and spiritual families, our churches and pastors


The following prophecy was given by Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin on January 24, 1988:

Maintaining the Glow

“For He is high, and He is holy, and you cannot worship Him with man’s means. Yea, you dare not come into His presence in your own holiness or righteousness. But you must come into His presence robed in His righteousness. Come into His presence clean and holy but thou canst not make thyself clean, neither can thou make thy-self holy. For man alone is an utter failure. But you can come into His presence because His blood cleanseth you from all sin. You can come into His presence because His blood has atoned for your sins and all are washed away. And you are made unto your God kings and priest. So, put on your robe of righteousness and enter into His presence with thanksgiving and allow the Holy Spirit, who dwells in your spirit to teach you to be reverent. Yea come not with the clamorings of the flesh. There shall come a time, in fact, the day has now arrived, that you will learn to worship Me,” saith the Lord of Hosts, “on a different level in which you have worshiped. Even learn to praise Me on a different level in which you have learned to praise. For so much of that which has been in that manifestation among you has only been in the flesh. But now you will come into the broad place of the Spirit. Come with a reverence. Come with a humility. Come with a desire to fellowship with Me. Come not in arrogance. Come not in the energy of the flesh. But rather come with a humble spirit. Crucifying the flesh. Not letting it dominate you or even endeavor to worship Me as such. But come in a spirit and oh that can only be as you respond unto to the Holy Spirit. For the Holy Spirit knoweth the mind of God and He will lead you in the way even in worship as the Father would have you to worship Him. For He is high and He is holy. And you come not unto Him as you would come unto man. And you give not Him applause as you would man. For you must not bring Him down on the level of man but you must come up on the level where He is in holiness and reverence. Worshiping Him and Him alone. And then shall the Spirit of God descend upon you like mighty rain from heaven. Mighty rivers shall flow out of you and ye shall be known as a reverent worshipful people. And ye shall be known as a supernatural people. For the supernatural will be ordinary with you. And it shall be said of you as it was said of those in days gone by they that have turned the world upside down and come hither also. Hallelujah.”

Continued Praying…

We receive Your Word, Father
Thank You for the power of the blood!
We pray over spiritual atmospheres
Pleading the blood over every spiritual condition!
Covering ALL of the assemblies in the blood!
We pray and call for more!
Seeing favor go out in front
Eyes to see and ears to hear
Calling for greater doors of opportunity
People set over in the righ place and plan
Watching over the steps, orders, and details
Declaring protection over that!
Assembling and getting every part together
There needs to be a moving and an adjustment
Pushing out and pushing through
We humble ourselves and reach by faith
We lift the high place before You!
Lifting the watershed moments of the Church
We are not ever called to blend in, but to stand and rise to our place!
Leaders taking their places now!
What we set our hands to prospers!
Our trust is in You, Lord!

Scripture Focus…

(6) “The Lord is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me? (20) This is the gate of the Lord; the [uncompromisingly] righteous shall enter through it. (21) I will confess, praise, and give thanks to You, for You have heard and answered me; and You have become my Salvation and Deliverer. (22) The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone. (23) This is from the Lord and is His doing; it is marvelous in our eyes. (24) This is the day which the Lord has brought about; we will rejoice and be glad in it. (25) Save now, we beseech You, O Lord; send now prosperity, O Lord, we beseech You, and give to us success!”

(Ps. 118:6, 20–25 Amp.)

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