Thank You for Your love, Lord
We welcome You, Holy Spirit, in this place
Your presence is welcome, and we welcome what You have to say, Father
Yes, we yield to You and we honor and reverence You
You have priority in our lives, and we surrender to You, Lord
We will sync up to Your mission, to Your purpose here today
Laying aside our agenda, and we turn our hearts and attention toward You
Guide us, direct us, have Your way in and through us
Help us to reroute some things today, to recalibrate to the heart of God
Yes, individually but also as a church and as a nation
We pray for divine, heaven-sent adjustments now, recalibrations
Calling for a reset, and an increasing even today!
You are resetting our hearts, that we would move, live, and breathe in a constant reset mode!
Yes, we will continually be resetting, recalibrating, and connecting with the heart of the Father
We pray for an increasing of the work of God and the unveiling of the supernatural
Calling for signs, wonders, and miracles, Lord!
There will be an increase in accessibility in and through the Church in the name of Jesus
We pray for an openness, and we give ourselves to You
You are making available a supply of the spirit, wisdom, and knowledge
Yes, our prayers are being released and they are going out on assignment today!
Open up, open up, open up!
We call for the Church to open up, that there would be a greater prayer flow
Father, we yield ourselves over to prayer
Praying for a holy hunger on the inside of us, for more of You
A hunger to pray, a hunger to give ourselves over to the things of God
Doors in the spirit are being opened, we will be skillful in navigating the things of the spirit!
Open up in Jesus’ name, doors are being opened up, hearts are being opened!
Hearts are responding, and we pray for a greater stirring of the spirit of prayer
We are coming together now, a rallying cry of the spirit heard now!
Praying for a greater move of the Spirit in these last days
Yes, we come to the altar now; we surrender on our knees and give ourselves to You
History is being changed; we lift up decisions that need to be made today
Father, You know those decisions, and we lift them up to You, and we pray for wisdom
Praying that everything in darkness would be revealed
Deception is being broken in the name of Jesus
We pray for an exposing of darkness, praying for those things to come into the light
Praying for light to shine out of darkness now, for light to shine upon those decisions
Cover those in decision-making positions to be covered in the blood of Jesus
Lifting those decisions up to You and we call for them to line up to Your Word
Your Word says to pray for those in authority, so we lift them up to You in Jesus’ name
There is a turning, a turning to the right direction for those decisions
We call for a greater supply of Your Spirit, Father
Loosing angels and ministering spirits to go and work on our behalf
They are assisting and helping the right decisions to be made!
Yes, we send you into our nation’s capital; we send you into those offices, Lord
Thank You for the power of God that is flowing in and through each and every believer
We bind the spirit of anarchy, we bind the spirit of lawlessness in America today
Raising up a standard of the spirit, and we plead the blood of Jesus over our borders
Applying the blood over offices of authority today
Calling for there to be a coming up higher now, to come up out of that
We call for the Church to rise up higher and higher into the spirit realm
Yes, we are doing Your will and Your plan in these last days, Lord
Praying for an aligning and a recalibrating in the Church
Your will and Your plan will be done, we will obey in Jesus’ name
It is time to obey; today is the day; it is time to come up now
We give ourselves to You, and we surrender to Your will and plan
God is moving, and we give ourselves to You
Praying for grace and supplication to cover us, Lord
It is time to come up and go out now; it is time to step into greater
No, we will not procrastinate, but we will continually move ahead to the thing of the Father
Lord, we thank You that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal
Every high thing that exalts itself against you, we pull down in Jesus’ name
We choose Your will and Your ways, Lord
Yes, we pray out Your will and Your plan
Thank You for Your mercy and Your ways; we call for Your righteous ways
You watch over the way of the righteous and the way of the wicked You turn upside down
Lord, we plead the blood of Jesus over the United States of America
Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus is Lord
We call for Your glory to be manifested in this earth
Declaring that God would arise and our enemies are being scattered!
It is time for You to act, Father
Your Word is running swiftly throughout the Church and this nation
Jesus, You are being exalted in this nation and in our lives
Let the words of our mouths be pleasing in Your sight
Up, up, up!
We elevate and lift that now, go higher now!
Lifting that to a higher place, to a higher visibility
Praying for an elevation of gifts and callings
Give us the words to speak, and we will proclaim Your Word
We pray for our generation that they would fulfill the plan of God for their lives
Grant unto them wisdom to speak the truth of Your Word
Yes, they are stepping through doors of opportunity
They will speak, they will proclaim the hope of heaven
Praying for men and women who are to be thrust into positions of opportunity
We are grabbing hold of the horns of the altar and we will pray
Yes, those things are turning more and more in the right way
Calling for those that are to shift the momentum in the earth today
Praying over the offerings of time, offerings of surrender, and we offer ourselves to You
Father, we lift up the military, and those that are in the educational system
We pray for voices in the media and in the arts, grant unto them boldness to speak the truth
Magnify the voice of Your servants that their voices would be heard
Casting down every evil lie of the enemy in Jesus’ name
Turning those things up, that those things that need to be amplified would be amplified
Praying that the sound would be turned up, the broadcast of heaven would be heard
Help us to hear those words that You are speaking
We get behind those things You are transmitting to our leaders today
Calling for heaven-sent messages, and heaven-ordained visitations
Yes, we stand against the forces of the enemy
Laying hold of those promises, and we simply lift them up to You
We remind You of what You have said, promised and said should be so!
Contending for America, and we want all that You have for us
There is a turning now, praying over those turning points
We command for the enemy to stand down in Jesus’ name!
Forces of darkness, wickedness, we command you to stand down, we rebuke you!
Father, we will do all that You have called us to do
We stand up and rally for the forces of righteousness today
Yes, we will seek Your face; we will do the right thing
No, we will not remain, but we will rise up and take hold of all You have for us
Calling for breakthroughs, a sudden movement forward in the ministry
We will stir ourselves up, and we will march forward into the light
They shall come from the north to the south and from the east to the west
Sons and daughters shall respond in the name of Jesus
There is a sound of harvest; there is a sound of the redeemed coming forth
Yes, there is a coming together in the house of God and in the family of God
Casting down all hopelessness, and we call for the sound of victory and revival
We are tuning into the sound; anoint us to see and hear!
You have called us for such a time as this
The Church is on the go, not out of religious duty but out of rejoicing!
Calling for joy, and rest in Jesus’ name
Praying that every tongue would confess, we lift up the nations today, Lord
We are going after the harvest, praying for that supernatural harvest
There is a reaping going on, reaping going on in cities, in the suburbs and in the countryside
Praying for a harvest, a great harvest in workplaces and in the Church
Those that have gone astray, we call them back into their place in Your body
Sons and daughters, turn back today!
Those that have gone way out, we pray for mercy and grace to turn back
Grant unto them wisdom to come back to You, Lord
We call for divine appointments, and we pray for doors to be opened, Father
Open up their ears, so they can hear the Father calling them by name!
Hallelujah, we love You, Lord, and we honor and worship You
Scripture Focus…
As you labor together with us through prayer. Because there are so many interceding for us, our deliverance will cause even more people to give thanks to God. What a gracious gift of mercy surrounds us because of your prayers!
(2 Corinthians 1:11 TPT)