Prayer Summary for May 9


The following excerpt is taken from The Necessity of Prayer by Edward M. Bounds…

“Prayer is always in place in the house of God. When prayer is a stranger there, then it ceases to be God’s house at all. Our Lord put peculiar emphasis upon what the Church was when He cast out the buyers and sellers in the Temple, repeating the words from Isaiah, ‘It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer.’ He makes prayer preeminent, that which stands out above all else in the house of God. They, who sidetrack prayer or seek to minify it, and give it a secondary place, pervert the Church of God, and make it something less and other than it is ordained to be. Prayer is perfectly at home in the house of God. It is no stranger, no mere guest; it belongs there. It has a peculiar affinity for the place, and has, moreover, a Divine right there, being set, therein, by Divine appointment and approval.

-Edward M. Bounds


We exalt You, Lord, every hour of every day
Lifting You up and magnifying Your precious holy name—Jesus!
Father, we exalt Your will, we exalt Your plans, and we exalt You!
You are working in and through us today!
No, we cannot do this without You; we need You, Father
Fill us with Your Spirit, Lord
We want and need to be continually filled with Your presence
More, more, more!
Declaring, speaking, and calling for more of You!
Pulling up the stakes of where we have been and we move them out further than they have ever been before
By faith, we call for an expansion and an increase in the body of Christ!
We believe to enter into new days, new positions, new opportunities, and new steps!
Putting all of our hope, trust, and dependency in You, Lord
You gave us a voice to speak, and we will call those things forth in Jesus’ name!
Pushing that out even further with greater expectancy!
We will prepare for the more, we will prepare for the greater!
Calling those things not as though they were!
Reclaiming those things that were lost, we are on a mission!
Open up those things that have been hidden and those things that have been buried!
Uncover it, reveal it, and release it, Father
Loose those things by Your Spirit!
We speak light and life in the name of Jesus!
Speaking life to those body parts, life to those plans, and life to those visions!
Come up and come forth, be exposed, revealed and uncovered!
Calling for supernatural aid and assistance in the name of Jesus
Arising! Arising from the grave, and arising from the dead!
Rise and shine for the Lord has come
Every right plan and every right step be uncovered and revealed
Busting out into the new!
Preparations of and by Your Spirit, oh God!
Digging up wrong thinking, digging up dead works, and worldly ideas
Plowing up the vain, empty thoughts and ideas
We are preparing that ground to receive the rain of Your Spirit, Father
All across this nation, there is a digging up and a preparing of that ground
The former and the latter rain are coming together!
It is the flow; there is movement and motion in every stream, Father
Illumination and revelation, a change and a shaking up
Give us a greater revelation of Your Word, of Your love, and of Your faith, Lord
Open up our eyes to see more of Your grace, more of Your power, and more of Your glory
We will be obedient unto Your call and plan, Father
Loosing angels and ministering spirits to go and work on behalf of the Church of the living God
Calling for the great arising of the Church, for a great stirring and a great shaking up
Helpers and ministering spirits go forth, keep on moving and covering that territory
Send us help from Heaven today!
We join forces, and we cross denominational lines, and we step into the body of the anointed One
Lifting up every member and every part that they would take their place in the body of Christ
Nothing missing and nothing broken, all working in one accord
We call for a great arising, a great awakening, and a greater unification in the Church
Each member would be operating in Your grace and operating in Your Spirit
Fresh wind of the Holy Ghost blow!
Holy wind blow on university campuses, stir up those that are called to stand in the gap!
Strengthen and quicken them to finish their races that they would run with the holy fire of God
No limits, no boundaries!
Pleading the blood there, there are some times to be prepared!
Lifting up every tongue, every people group, and every kindred
Moving together in one accord!
Preparing some things in May, calling those things to straightened up and straightened out
We will go through, we will apprehend, we will declare and expect it!
Rising up now, it is an awakening, it is the great commission
Praying over every opportunity, open those doors, Father
We will stay steadfast in our call, steadfast in our expectation!
Oh, the vision and the plan
Grant us unlimited access, unlimited ability, and unlimited capacity, Lord God
There is a great influence, joining together in a pattern and in a movement!
Boundaries and limitations are being removed in Jesus’ name!
No, we will not be status quo, but we will move further in the plans of God
We apply and sling the blood over this city, over this state and over this nation
The blood keeps the destroyer back today!
The blood of Jesus supplies, the blood secures, the blood opens, and the blood covers!
It is the great commission; it is reaching out and bringing things together
There is so much at stake, and this is the time and the hour
We plead the blood of Jesus over freedom and liberty
There is no limit to what the blood of Jesus can do!
Touch this city, Father
With just one touch, everything will change, and nothing will stay the same!
Praying over those in positions of authority, give them the desire to pray, Lord
That they would pray the kind of prayer that brings revival and that brings strongholds down!
We call out Your name – Jesus!
That is a shift there, and they are crying out for You!
Lord Jesus, reveal Yourself to us; Lord Jesus, we need You
The land is shifting, they are lifting up their voices, and prayer is rising from there!
Release the angels over this city; turn the hearts of the men, Father
Go into the highways and the byways, and release Your Spirit over them
This is the hour, this is the time, and there is no time to waste!
We bind the evil principalities of darkness in the name of Jesus!
No, Devil, you will not be able to obstruct the plan of God
Come like a flood, Father

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