Prayer Summary for July 22


The following excerpt was taken from A Larger Christian Life by Rev. A.B. Simpson:

The Larger Life

“Be ye also enlarged.” 2 Cor. 6:11.

The law of growth is a fundamental principle of all nature and redemption. Whatever ceases to grow begins to die; stagnancy brings corruption; the corpse belongs to the worm; a self-contained pool becomes a malarious swamp. Vegetation springs from a seed, the seed grows into a tree, and the tree into a forest. Human life commences in infancy and develops to maturity. The word of God has all unfolded from a single promise. The great plan of redemption has been a ceaseless progression, and will be through the ages upon ages that are yet to come.

The experience of the soul is a growth. True, it must have a starting point. We cannot grow into Christianity we must be born from above and then grow. And so sanctification is progressive, and yet it has a definite beginning. Christ is completely formed within us, but He is the infant Christ, and grows up to the maturity of the perfect man in us just as He did in His earthly life.

It is here that the enlargement of our text meets us. It is only the truly consecrated Christian that grows. The other treads the ceaseless circle of the wilderness. But he has crossed the Jordan and begun the conquest of the land and the progressive experience of which it was the beautiful pattern and symbol. No book in the Bible has more progress in it than the book of Joshua, and yet from the very beginning it is the life of one who has wholly died to self and sin and has taken Christ for full salvation and is walking in the
heavenly places in Him.

And even the book of Joshua only begins its highest advance when it is almost ended. It is after the whole land is subdued, that the call comes, “How long are ye slack to go up and possess all the land? There remaineth yet very much land to be possessed.” And then it is that old Caleb, who has the weight of eighty-four years on his honored head, steps forth and claims the privilege of entering upon the boldest and hardest campaign of his life, the conquest of Hebron and the Anakim. It is to us then, who know the Lord Jesus in His fullness, that He is saying, “Be ye also enlarged.”


1.  We need a larger vision. All great movements begin in great ideas. There is no progress without a new thought as its embryo. China has remained the same for three thousand years because China has not accepted a new idea. Her teacher is a man who lived long before Christ, and for nearly thirty centuries she has followed the ideas of Confucius and is just the same to-day as she was thirty centuries ago. Let China receive the American idea or the Christian idea, and she will be revolutionized at once.

So the first step in our advance must be a new conception of the truth as it is in Jesus and a larger view of His word and will for us. We do not need a new Bible, but we need new eyes to read our Bible and brighter light to shine upon its deep and pregnant pages. We need to see, not simply a system of exegesis or a system of Biblical exposition and criticism; a thorough knowledge of the letter and its wondrous framework of history; geography, antiquities and ancient languages; but a vivid, large and spiritual conception of what it means for us and what God’s thought in it for each of us is. We want to take it as the message of heaven to the nineteenth century and the last decade, nay, the living voice of the Son of God to us this very hour, and to see in it the very idea which He Himself has for our life and work; to take in the promises as He understands them, the commandments as He intends them to be obeyed, and the hopes of the future as He unfolds them upon the nearer horizon of their approaching fulfillment. How little have we grasped the length and breadth and depth and height of this heavenly message! How little have we realized its authority and its personal directness to us! “Open thou my eyes, 0 Lord, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law!” “I will run in the way of thy commandments when thou shalt enlarge my heart.” That ye may be filled with “the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him; the eyes of your heart being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of His calling, and what the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints.” May the Lord grant it to each of us in the largest possible measure in accordance with His will!

If you would like to purchase this book, please contact Living Word Bookstore online or call (763) 315-7015.

We thank You, Father, that You are able to perform every good thing
You are the author and finisher of our faith
The complete plan of God is operating in our lives
We are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus
Money flows to us in great abundance—we always have more than enough
Every organ operates the way that is should, no disease can live in the body of Christ
Ministries will not be restricted or stopped!
We are strong in the Lord and in the power of his might
Our children will grow up in the nurture, instruction, and care of the Most High
No weapon formed against us shall prosper
All that the Lord has called us to do shall come to pass!
No devil or world problems can hold back the plans of our Father
We will have all the resources and equipment we need to fulfill the plan He has for us
Those blinders are coming off—the truth is being revealed
Greater revelation and illumination of and by Your Spirit
Calling for boldness and courage that we may go forth
Not drawing back but pressing ahead
We have been called for such a time as this
Let the fire of God burn away all those things that are behind
Declaring for a multiplication of the anointing and power of God!
All things are possible with Him
Staying strong and steady in the flow of Your plan
Each one receiving their call and taking their place
Alignment of the Spirit—rearranging that into its right place and plan
Calling those things not as though they were
Entering into a furtherance, Father
Greater hunger and thirst for that!
Shake off those old ways and enter into the new
It is for greater empowerment of the Church
Calling the Church to a level that it has never seen before!
Increase a spirit of seeing and knowing!
Greater manifestations of the Holy Spirit, Father
Orders are coming forth from Heaven
Deliverance from those evil plans of the enemy
Moving out of the mental realm and start moving and speaking out of the deepest part of the spirit man!
We will not quit on what we know to do
Drinking from the living water of Your Holy Spirit
Turning things in their right ways, Lord
Clearing out that way to be a path—clear it all the way through
Pleading the blood of Jesus over Your plans, Father
Setting the course clear and straight
Shaking out of the old and moving in onto the new
Mounting and rising up by the Spirit
We yearn for You, Lord
Coming forth now!
Lifting up the timing in Jesus’ name!
Every limitation and lie be bound in Jesus’ name!

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