Scripture Focus…
(19) “The way of the sluggard is overgrown with thorns [it pricks, lacerates, and entangles him], but the way of the righteous is plain and raised like a highway.”
(Prov. 15:19 Amp.)
(3) “A voice of one who cries: Prepare in the wilderness the way of the Lord [clear away the obstacles]; make straight and smooth in the desert a highway for our God! (4) Every valley shall be lifted and filled up, and every mountain and hill shall be made low; and the crooked and uneven shall be made straight and level, and the rough places a plain. (5) And the glory (majesty and splendor) of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together; for the mouth of the Lord has spoken it.”
(Is. 40:3-5 Amp.)
Father, we praise and magnify You!
We continue to build the highway for our God
Today, we come in by the precious blood of Jesus
We apply the blood over our families and over our church families
By the blood we are protected!
We take off all the limitations-like a bulldozer in the spirit clearing out a way!
Father, we pray over the economy of the United States of America
Declaring that which has been lined up for the Church will begin to come in
We have more than enough finances to do what You have called us to do
Businesses are prospering
We are whole and healthy!
Fear, get out of the way in Jesus’ name!
Calling an alignment of those things that need to be aligned now!
Letting go of the past hindrances-we shake the dust off of our feet and move forward!
No, we will not go in any other way
Things are being continually transferred corporately
Companies walking in victory and prosperity
Declaring we stand strong
Calling for things to clear up and out
Minds are being made whole by the oil of the Holy Ghost
Walking in love, peace, grace, and endurance
Calling things that are not as though they were
Eminent change is ahead!
The way must be prepared for tomorrow to walk through!
Father, we are calling for the unrolling of Your blueprints
There is more than one!
Calling all of the workers and participants to come at one time
Father, there must be an articulation and a revelation of the plans
Nothing missing and nothing broken
Preparing that way and smoothing it out
It is time to get on God’s timeline!
Walking in step with You, Father!
There is synchronization by Your Spirit
Removing the stakes and expanding the boarders
Devil, we bind you and forbid you to destroy relations that have been ordained by God!
We loose angels and ministering spirits to go and work on our behalf!
Anointings of and by Your Spirit, Lord, are being released and operating
We pray over true new ways and territories
An increase of influence in the body of Christ!
Satan, it is finished-you no longer have any influence!
We go on and through the open door now-it is an advance!
Now is the time to press, declare, expect, see, know, and hear!
Run in that right way!
Receiving understanding and vision TODAY!
Our feet are standing upon the ROCK!
Not leaning on our own understanding
Praying over the codes-there is an alignment that must be just right
There is so much more at stake in the city that we live in right now!
We resist every evil work of the enemy in Jesus’ name!
Father, we ask for boldness and courage to break out and rise above
We pray for an anointing to come up on the spokesmen
Father, we must come up now-moving with Your time
There must be a fixing of the fittings-it is by the oil of the Holy Spirit
The oil keeps us from squeaking, it keeps us moving, and it keeps us pressing!