Prayer Summary for April 4


Hallelujah, thank You, Father
I am undone, undone!
You have a great and mighty plan for each and every one of us
Open our eyes that we may see what You have called us to do
It is such an honor and privilege that we are living in these last days
We want to be co-laborers with You, in the final outworkings of Your plans
Your presence is overtaking us today, Father
Your Holy Spirit is revealing, disclosing, and unveiling to us the things of the Father
Thank You for Your mercy that triumphs over judgment
You are so faithful, faithful to Your Word and to Your promises
There is no one like You, Lord
We want to be filled with Your presence today, Father
You have provided us with everything we need to fulfill the call and destiny that You have called us to


The following excerpt is taken from For Such a Time as This by Patsy Cameneti:

For Such a Time as This

“For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS?”
–Esther 4:14

But why did Esther become queen? Did she come into the kingdom for such a time as this—splendor and ease?

Actually, this time of which Mordecai spoke to Esther was a time of impending annihilation of the Jewish people. This was the precise time for which she became queen!

God knows the plans of the devil in advance. He purposefully brings people to positions of authority who are best suited for the time. At first they may not understand their divine purpose for being in authority. They may think they came to that political or military or otherwise influential position for a totally different reason. Then something happens which gives them a defining moment. Perhaps someone speaks into their lives as Mordecai spoke to Esther, and it dawns on them, “Oh, this is what I’m here for!”

Esther enjoyed dressing up like a queen and appreciated all the advantages of her position until her husband, the king, issued a proclamation for the extermination of her people. Suddenly she became more aware of her responsibility and purpose for being queen than she was of all the glamour and personal benefits.

Esther responded: “‘GO, GATHER ALL THE JEWS WHO ARE PRESENT IN SHUSHAN, AND FAST FOR ME; neither eat nor drink for three days, night or day. My maids and I will fast likewise. And so I will go to the king, which is against the law; and if I perish, I perish!’” (Esther 4:16).

When Esther gave this instruction to Mordecai, she was in essence saying, “Okay, cousin Mordecai, I’m here. I am the queen. I understand that nobody else is closer to the king than I. But now you go get all of God’s people together and have them fast for me.”

In order for the plan of God to be put into action, Queen Esther wasn’t the only one to play a vital role. All the Jews in Shushan fasted three days for her! This part of the story beautifully depicts the flow of Heaven’s supply of wisdom, grace, and strength which comes through the prayers of God’s people to those who have been placed in positions of natural authority.

In answer to prayer, Esther received courage to risk her life on her people’s behalf. As the story unfolds, we see her operating under the influence of such divine wisdom and favor that the king not only granted her access into his presence, but promised her up to half his kingdom!

Queen Esther was able to fulfill her destiny and save the Jewish people from annihilation (hence, the ancestral line through which the Messiah would come), not just because she was queen, but because she was backed up with prayer.

It is important to pray for the right people to come into positions of authority during critical times. But it is grossly irresponsible, after having fervently prayed a person into a position of authority, to then resort to a passive, apathetic mode, saying, “Now you work for us. Do a good job for us.” Abdication of our position puts the welfare of the government and nation at risk.

Even with the right person in authority, we must remember that the government is not itself the highest authority. The government rests upon the shoulders of the Body of Christ. The Church is to carry the government.

In fact, governmental authority is not the highest position of authority which can be occupied by the righteous. The highest authority is the Throne of God, and we have been raised to sit at God’s right hand in Christ.

In the story of Esther, God’s purposes were accomplished through the person of His choosing in a position of natural authority and God’s people who were simultaneously operating in their place of authority.

To the Church and Through the Church

Prophecies are going to come to pass in these days. We will be able to watch them on the news broadcast of our choice. Many of these prophecies will not be fulfilled by the Church directly. They will, however, be fulfilled by the Church praying. Anointing, power, direction, and influence from God will be issued through our prayers to people in authority: kings, leaders, people of influence, people in civic authority, and military people.

Through prayer, the Church will issue and dispense the anointing by which these people will fulfill the prophecies, in much the same way that Elijah and Elisha dispensed the anointing.

God can do amazing things with our prayers when we obey what is said in First Timothy 2:1-2.

Proverbs 21:1 says that God can turn the heart of a king. When we pray, God communicates with leaders and influences them in a variety of ways.

One way God speaks is through dreams. King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream which made him sick and unable to eat or sleep. (Dan. chapter 4). Pharaoh had a dream which only Joseph could interpret, positioning Joseph as a second in the kingdom (Gen. chapter 41).

God confused the counsel which was to be given to King Ahab so he did the wrong thing. God arranged for him to believe stupid counsel (2 Chron. Chapter 18). The same things happened with Absalom: he believed the wrong counsel (2 Sam. chapter 17). Originally, these men had dangerous plans, but their schemes were foiled when they believed wrong counsel. Do you see what tremendous advantage we have as we work together with God?

Haman’s wicked scheme was sabotaged and a “road was built” for God’s glory to be manifested.

God also used unusual signs and wonders. What about writing on the wall? That would get the king’s attention, as it did in Daniel chapter 5.

A divine appearance of Jesus Himself changed on man of great authority by the name of Saul into Paul the Apostle and writer of most of the New Testament letters (Acts chapter 9).

Too often, we only pray for those in authority when circumstances relating to our government begin to crowd in on our lives to threaten or hinder our happiness. Even so, this may not evoke a prayer, but a complaint.

We are not called to complain; we are called to reign! And not just until the situation is tolerable and then stop. We are to earnestly continue reigning, so that more is brought about than just happiness and ease to our personal lives. With the Holy Spirit’s leading, we can be more precise, focused, and effectual in our praying, making tremendous power available for God’s plans to prevail in the earth in these last days.

Let’s be inspired to pray and do our part in preparing the way of the Lord. Surely we, too, have been brought to the Kingdom for such a time as this!

Continued Praying…

We lift up a greater spirit of prayer in the church, Father
Wake us, Father, awaken us to the responsibility, Lord
There is much more that we can engage in every single day
Even in the night seasons, we will go behind the scenes and turn those events
Praying over those transitions, that all along the way we would prepare the highway for our God
Clearing out those obstacles and filling in those low places
Yes, that would be a defining moment, clarifying for those individuals to awaken to their call
You have called us for such a time as this!
We humbly answer Your call and that responsibility
Thank You for utterance from Your Holy Spirit
Give us wisdom and courage to finish the race You have called us to
Surround those in positions of authority
Fill their mouths with Your counsel and with Your wisdom
Limitations, be removed in Jesus’ name!
We call for operations and manifestations of and by Your Spirit, dear God
This nation was chosen by You for such a time as this!
Awaken the church to her responsibility, awakening in boldness and in courage
We stand on the sure word of the living God
Let us not hide in the sand, but let us be about the Father’s business
Quicken the church, that we would be aware of Your presence, Lord
That we would walk accurately and circumspectly
Give us ears to hear and eyes to see
Cooperating with You, cooperating with Your Word, and cooperating with one another
Defined by You and by Your Word
Words, words to be spoken, words to be declared, words to bring down and to build up
We know who’s we are and whom we serve
Standing on the living word, and we operate from that position of authority that You have called us to
Continually waiting on You, to hear from You, Lord
More cooperation in that way!
There must be one heart, one plan, one mind, one purpose
United by the spirit, united in the spirit
Nothing missing, nothing broken, that each and every member would be whole
That each member would take their place in the race
Greater, greater manifestations of and by Your Spirit
Covering those territories, removing those stakes
Moving right into some governmental buildings, we call those things that are hidden to be revealed!
Expose those plans of the enemy in Jesus’ name!
Loosing angels and ministering spirits to go and work on our behalf
No, we will not be subjected to threats, no fear in the Church of the living God!
We will not be intimidated by their money; we will not be intimidated by them!
Open our eyes to that, calling for a paradigm shift regarding those things, Father
Give us wisdom from the highest kingdom!
Pleading the blood of Jesus over policies and procedures
Praying that the church would take her place, and make her stand
We cover those that are running for political offices with the blood of Jesus
Strengthen them, and let their vision be clear and acute
Let them move by Your Spirit, grant them words from heaven
Words that will pierce and penetrate, words that bring light and life
Pleading the blood of Jesus over those in positions of authority in school systems
We apply the blood over them, over the national, state and local levels
There must come a change even in this day!
Back to the very foundational principals of this nation!
No, we are not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ!
Grant wisdom how to negotiate and navigate in the position You have called them to
Reveal those things by Your Spirit
Give us boldness and courage to stand up for what is right in these last days!
Calling for a shift in that regard, Father
Praying for strength for those to take those steps that God has revealed to You
We are no longer cowardly, no longer hesitant!
Lifting up those in the military, and those in security, give them wisdom from Heaven
Turn this nation; turn more and more in the rightness of God
We are looking for change, instituted and implemented by Your mercy and by Your grace
Preparations of and by Your Spirit in these last days!
Stop in those maneuvers, those evil plans of the enemy will be brought to naught!
Lifting our eyes to You, Father
Give us an even greater revelation of You and of Your plan
We ask You for a burning and passionate desire to do all that You want us to do

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