Pastor Ken…
Happy Wednesday, everyone. Good morning. Great to see y’all.
God is up to something good…
Make no mistake about it. He’s up to something good. As I said recently, the Holy Spirit’s mother tongue is encouragement. And He’s here today in your heart if you profess the name of Jesus. And He’s speaking encouragement, He’s speaking hope, He’s speaking to us that God is up to something good… something big… something that’s going to shake your enemy’s foundations and move them out of the way.
God is all about victory…
After all, God is all about breakthroughs. He’s all about victory. He was the one that had the idea that He would be our God and we would be His people. And He would fight for us. And He would go before us and make a way. And in the New Testament, He promises us that He would be the one that would always cause us to triumph. So just let your heart be lifted. Let your heart be stirred this morning. Whatever is going on in your life, God is up to something big. He is on the move in this hour. Make no mistake about it. Don’t get it mixed up with what CNN is reporting, what Instagram is publishing, whatever the case is. He is still on His throne.
He will still have His way…
He had a solution for that problem that you’ve discovered yesterday before you knew you had a problem. He’s the God of the future. He’s always ahead of things. In fact, let me just share with you what it says in Isaiah.
Isaiah 43:15… I’m going to read from the New Living Translation. It says, “I am the Lord your holy one, Israel’s creator.” You could say your and my creator. “…and king. I am the Lord who opened a way through the waters, making a dry path through the sea.” I love that. It reminds us of what God did with the children of Israel as He delivered them out of Egypt. He didn’t eliminate or prevent the problem. The problem, or the weapon, as Isaiah says in another place, was formed against Israel. But God made a way through the problem. Sometimes it’s not a matter of God preventing or routing you around. Sometimes He will route you around a problem, but oftentimes, He makes a way through the problem, through the challenge.
Bigger assignments are on the docket…
That’s why I often encourage us with what the New Testament writes that we need to continue in prayer. Continue in the Word. Just keep swimming as it says in the movie Nemo. Right? Just keep swimming. Just keep going. Obviously, pick up wisdom and take advantage of the Holy Spirit on the inside of you and be a student of the Word. Of course, be learning and evolving and growing spiritually, but keep moving forward. Brighter days are before us. Bigger assignments are on the docket for your journey and your prayer assignments.
God is making a way today…
And that’s a good prayer to pray right there. Sometimes prayers are things you pray in the conventional sense. Other times, prayers are things you declare, a declaring type of prayer because your words and your utterances have taught at different times. They impact the spirit dimension. They make a way in the spirit realm. They prepare things. They move things. They shift things. They require entities, demonically speaking, from the dark kingdom to respond to what you say. I mean, after all, Jesus made it really clear in a couple different places that all power in heaven and earth was granted to Him. And that He had delegated that authority, that empowerment to the church, to us! So that the word He spoke would be spoken through us in this day and in this generation. And that that Word would release supernatural ability, supernatural power, supernatural results. The enemy has to listen to you. If you will step up and stand in your place of spiritual authority.
Isaiah says no weapon formed against us will prosper…
That we would have the ability to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing by any means would hurt us. So Isaiah 43:16 goes on to say, “I am the Lord who opened a way through the waters, making a dry path through the sea. I called forth the mighty army of Egypt with all its chariots and horses. I drew them beneath the waves and they drowned. Their lives snuffed out like a smoldering candlewick. But forget all that. It is nothing compared to what I’m going to do. For I’m about to do something new. See, I have already begun. Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.”
Turn toward your spirit, your heart…
So be intentional, first of all, to dial in, or as I said Monday, turn your heart, your attention toward your spirit. Turn toward your spirit. Turn toward your heart. Turn away from living exclusively from an intellectual standpoint, from a five-physical senses filter. Turn toward your spirit. Tune in to what God is saying to you, to what Wis Word is saying. And begin to say the same thing. Begin to speak out over that situation.
I don’t care how practical or how seemingly insignificant it may be, your words carry impact. Your words release the kingdom-of-God forces in the earth. Your words cause cancer cells to die. Your words send harassment of the enemy reeling backwards.
As Pastor Lynne has taught us, our prayers push back the forces of darkness. And it’s not enough to just have done it one time. The Bible admonishes us to pray without ceasing. Go on praying. Don’t give up. Go on praying. Be encouraged in your own heart. Cheer yourself on and remind yourself your prayers are making a difference. Your declarations are orchestrating a comeback. Your words are orchestrating a way through the valley, a way through the uncertainty, a way through.
On certain days, just the emotions that you feel. You feel like a hot mess, right? Or you feel challenged or like giving up or going away somewhere and crawling into the fetal position and laying there for a time. I would challenge you to stir yourself up and even speak over your own soul, over your own body, over your finances, over your children. And remind yourself that our God is the God of faithfulness. He will have His way. He is doing something new. Will you not be aware of it? That’s what He’s saying.
Let’s be aware of it…
He’s doing something new. He’s making a way through the valley place, through the darkness, through the harassing thoughts that come from time to time, through the uncertainty, through the chaos. He’s making a way. Stay with God. Keep going with God. If all you can do is take baby steps, then just take baby steps. But in time, His empowerment and strength will give you the ability to pick up the pace when you need to do so. Spiritually speaking.
Make no mistake about it, your words make a way for you…
But your words make no mistake about it. Your prayers, make no mistake about it, make a way for you. Your words enable heavenly hosts, angelic ranks, and God Himself to bring you into the newness that He’s already planned for you. The newness in your finances, the newness for your church, your ministry, your household, the dream that has been in your heart for some time. A delay, as I’ve often said, does not equal denial. Stay with God. Persevere. Just grow strong like Abraham. Continue just to grow strong in faith by giving praise to God, by sinking deep in your relationship with Jesus, deep into the Word.
And so, Father, we thank you that you are faithful… that you have made a way… that you are doing something new.
And I just declare the newness and the renewal and the reinvention over our lives, over our church, over our very nation today and the church around the world.
Lord, we declare that new things are springing forth.
We declare that the enemy does not stand a chance.
We declare in the name of Jesus to our hearts, be encouraged. Why are you downcast? Why are you discouraged? Why are you disquieted within me? We will put our hope in God. We will turn our attention toward our spirits and toward the Spirit of God within us.
And Lord, we pray that you would open up our spiritual faculties to be able to hear and sense and know what you’re saying.
Lord, I perceive that there’s some things you’re trying to get over to us right now, that you’re saying to us, that you are encouraging us with now…
There are some things you want to paint on the inside of our hearts regarding future vision and next steps and where we need to go and what we perhaps need to step into today.
So, Lord, we pray right now that our hearts would be opened up, that distractions would be banished.
We declare to our own souls this morning, “be quiet on my soul and put your hope and trust in God for He shall have His way in me and through me.”