Morning Prayer Summary for Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Pastor Ken…


This morning, thank you for the breath of God breathed into us and onto us and into our lives.

Holy Spirit, we just give you permission to dwell among us and through us during this time today. Have your way in every heart, in every situation, in every set of circumstances…

We need you, Spirit of God, to breathe on us today, in our churches, on our nation, on our leadership, Lord.

We’re hungry for that which you’ve come to give. We need your breath upon our very souls and upon our efforts and upon our prayers.

Lord, we pray that there would be an inspiration and an animation by God the Holy Spirit, that there would be fresh life and fresh oil and fresh inspiration and help from heaven.

Lord, we want to know how to walk and engage with you and do life with you in such a way that it’s increasingly reflective of life in heaven rather than life on earth.

We pray and we ask and we agree for shifts today… shifts in our mentality, shifts in our perspective, shifts in our everyday going around doing what we do…

Even activations… (That was a word I heard last night and I kind of sensed that there’s something to that…) Lord, that there would be activations even today, Lord.

I speak activation over you in Jesus’ name, activation over each and every one of us today that we’re being activated … some new things that have been dormant, some new dreams, some new gifting, some new purposes…  

We speak activation over this prayer community and prayer movement. We speak activation over your church. We speak activation over Living Word.

Let there come a great and wholesale activation of the saints of God of the church of the Lord Jesus Christ in this hour around the world and in America… activated for duty, activated for prayer, activated to step up into the messy middleness of what’s going on, to make a difference and to reroute situations…

 In Jesus’ name, we speak activation to our souls this morning. Be activated with hunger. Be activated with passion and pursuit for intimacy and time alone with Jesus …

Yes, Lord, for the door is wide open. It’s open. It’s open. It’s open. The door is open.

We call your people, Lord, and those far from you as well to the door and through the door… the door of activation, the door of preparation, the door of readiness, the door of intimacy and connection with you…

Father, we pray today for a great roundup, if you will. Just like cattle ranchers and farmers will corral their herds, their flocks… let there be a corralling and a herding now in the right direction… Lord, that you would corral and you would guide and you would prepare and you would ready and position the church now.

For it’s time. It’s time to get ready. It’s time to be in position. It’s time to move… move with the instruction of the Spirit. It’s time. It’s time. It’s time and it’s now in Jesus’ name…

Church, we say and declare “It’s time. Be activated. Be moved now by the hand of God, be pliable and malleable and willing to adjust and to morph and to pivot as needed.

Now brace yourself. There is a great and divinely released activation now… oh, a shifting now… a pivoting now… in a new direction for a new day and time.

We pray for adjustments and changes today… whether it be a small tweak or a wholesale change that needs to happen in your situation…

We declare change today… a shifting today, a shaking in a God-ordained way …

In Jesus’ name we speak movement now… movement to those stuck places… movement now in the body of Christ … movement to where the body of Christ is stuck… Angels, we send you now on assignment to go and assist in moving the body of Christ through this narrow place, through this narrow season right now.

We bind every hindrance and blockage and stoppage here at Living Word … Devil, you are off limits. We break every assignment… we command every demonic entity that’s operating, harassing, insinuating, lying, deceiving… in your situation, home, life, business, mind, church or ministry.

We declare boomerang… it’s a boomerang season over you, over yours… and together in faith, we declare boomerang… it’s all boomeranging back into the Devil’s face in his own destruction and boomeranging into the perfect will of God.

Pastor Ken shared…

Good morning. Last night, I was listening to an interview on a podcast by a pastor who has been a pastor for some 20, 30 years or more. And another well-known pastor was interviewing him and said, “Well, what still works?” He was speaking of kind of church planting and church building because this particular pastor that was being interviewed planted a church some 25, 30 years ago. And this other pastor asked him “What still works?” And without hesitation, this pastor said, “Well, prayer still works.” And he’s got a very relevant and vibrant and vital church in Memphis, Tennessee. And he said, “Prayer still works.” And he went on to say leadership still works and creating the right culture still works. But out of his mouth instantly was “prayer still works.”

What if prayer is everything the Bible says it is…

And I love that because we live in a time including in the church where we rely way too heavily on man’s ways. Our intellect, our best efforts, our machinery, our organizational abilities to do the work of God, our finances for that matter. And I thought, it really all boils down to our engagement with our Heavenly Father for the work to get done. And I ask myself, “Well, what if prayer is everything the Bible says it is. And that that is the great portal and the great place where truly the work of God goes forth and churches are built and the Gospel is preached and great power is released in that place of prayer.” What if it is everything we talk about and read about? I believe it is.

The value of prayer is precious beyond all price…

I was reading out of an old book called “Power Through Prayer” by E.M. Bounds. I’m going to read just a couple of quotes that kind of emphasized that point. And one of them is by Sir Thomas Buxton, who many years ago said this, “You know the value of prayer. It is precious beyond all price. Never, never neglect it.” So what if prayer is the answer? And I’m not trying to point to just the prayer of agreement or just the prayer of consecration or prayer of faith. I mean, our opportunity to engage with the God of heaven through communion and relationship and time with Him. In other words, prayer is an understanding that you were created for connection. You were created to live an ongoing organic connection with your Heavenly Father each and every day. That like one old time pray-er once said that he never rose from a place of sitting without first acknowledging his Heavenly Father.

Prayer is the first thing…

Edward Payson once said, “Prayer is the first thing, the second thing, the third thing necessary to a minister.” You could say a pray-er, a believer, a mom, a dad, whatever you are or describe yourself as, it’s the first, it’s the second, it’s the third thing. And he goes on to say, “Pray then, my dear brother, my dear sister, pray, pray, pray.”

Prayer is the highest source of illumination…

Canon Liden once said, “The great masters and teachers in Christian doctrine have always found in prayer their highest source of illumination. Not to go beyond the limits of the English church. It is recorded of Bishop Andrews that he spent five hours daily on his knees. The greatest practical resolves that have enriched and beautified human life in Christian times have been arrived at in prayer.

You can talk to God and He’ll talk right back to you…

Like George Washington Carver, right? Him simply just being in connection with his Heavenly Father and asking Him questions and realizing that not only could he talk to God, but God would talk back to him and reveal to him something as simple as the potential in the peanut, which changed the course of the economic fortunes of the southern part of the United States back a hundred years ago. And still brings blessing and prosperity to the world through the peanut, hundreds of uses. They were unlocked and tapped into because of a man who valued his place of prayer.

So what’s possible for you today?

What’s possible for each of us today? What’s yet to be unlocked? What’s yet to be tapped into? What’s yet to be released? What’s yet to come through you and me? Jesus is the ultimate door but you and I are doorways to this generation. You have a right to be here because you have a belly button. In other words, you were born into this earth. Therefore, you have authority and you have the right to use that God-given authority in this realm. You have a right to dictate, in fact, the conditions within your given realm because you’re a human being in this time and dispensation. That’s unique and powerful. You have the ability to wield the keys of life and death through your words. You have the ability to bind and loose the very keys that the kingdom Jesus said that He placed in our hands… To bind things in the heavenly dimension or to loose things from heaven to earth into the earth realm.

We are doorways of the supernatural…

We are doorways for life and restoration and salvation and hope and the help that is needed. We’re the answer. God sent you here to be the answer. And that answer is unlocked. And that answer is made available and useful and relevant in this time as you give yourself much time alone with God. What if that is the norm? And that the norm isn’t our best efforts from a human standpoint… or our organizational structures or our best planning or networking or leadership. I’m not saying any of those are bad.

What if the normal for humanity was to go to Him first…

I’m just asking the question, what if the normal for all humanity and all of God’s planning was for us to go to Him first, be alone with Him much that we might become that door to a generation. A door! Not just for works of healing to flow through us, although that’s amazing in itself, but for creativity to flow through us, for answers, for a whole new industry to be opened up because somebody took the initiative. Because God is not going to hunt us down and track us down and beat us over the head and drag us by the hair into some prayer cave and make us to pray. He waits and He looks. He is willing and wanting … the Bible’s very clear about that… to show Himself strong on behalf of those who will turn their hearts and their attention to Him. But we have to humble ourselves and turn our hearts and our attention to Him. We must be intentional to give ourselves to God, to yield to Him.

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