Morning Chapel Prayer Playlist
Good morning. Welcome to morning prayer. Happy Tuesday. Hope everybody had an awesome weekend and got really blessed being here at church. I’m excited for this morning. Welcome, welcome to everybody online.
Let’s posture our hearts…
Let’s just posture our hearts in a place of giving to the Lord, in a place of thankfulness and just begin to thank Him.
Just begin to love on Him… begin to minister to the heart of Jesus this morning.
Just ask Him for a deeper revelation of who He is and what He’s like and what He has for us this morning. Because He’s always speaking. He’s always moving. He’s always pouring out His love.
There’s never a moment that He’s not attentive to our hearts and not attentive to what He’s saying in our lives.
And so, Jesus, come and just speak to us this morning.
We love your voice. We love your heart. We love to be with you, God. We love to be in your presence. We love to be near to the heart of the Father. We love to hear you speaking.
We want to know what is it that’s on your heart this morning?
Would you draw us closer? Would you draw us deeper into the intimacy… into the glory… into the presence of Jesus. The only one that matters.
We love and exalt you. We magnify you this morning.
We love to be with you, God. We love to be with you in your house.
So precious are you… so beautiful are you.
We’re so thankful this morning that we get to do this, that we get to be with you, that we get to intercede with Jesus for the nations of the earth, that we get to intercede with Jesus for our church and for the lost.
We’re so thankful this morning. We’re so grateful. Come and fill us with your words of life. Come and fill our hearts with your joy, with your truth.
Come and fill us with the knowledge of you, with the knowledge of Jesus, because we want to know you more.
We want to know your heart in a deeper way this morning.
So come and speak, Lord. Come and open our eyes.
We just want more.
Your way is better. We give you permission, Lord, to come and pour it out…
We want your way.
Shake up the ground of our tradition.
Break down the walls of all my religion. Your way is better.
We’ll follow cause your way is better. We’ll follow you wherever you go.
This is our declaration. We’ll follow you wherever you go.
Where your Spirit leads us, we’ll follow you.
You are the Good Shepherd of our souls.
Pastor Jim…
I’m going to read to you out of the Bible Prayer Study Course by Kenneth E. Hagin. We have prayer on Saturday nights following the service with the congregation for about 10 or 15 minutes. It’s usually my mom’s prayer meeting. But I covered for her on Saturday night. And so this is what I read.
Brother Hagin quote on George Whitefield…
Kenneth E. Hagin said, “I also read about George Whitefield. He came over from England to preach and held street meetings. He was preaching on the square in Boston, Massachusetts, because the crowds were so large. Some would climb up in trees to be able to see. Whitfield would tell them to come down out of the trees when he preached, because if the power of God did come down, they might fall out of the trees. He was Methodist. Many were saved in his meetings. This was old time Methodist preaching. These were men who knew how to pray for results. They made prayer their business for the glory of God.”
Quote on Charles Finney…
“For example, when you read about Charles Finney, you find he was a real man of prayer. I read his autobiography years ago. He said that he’d had some experiences in prayer that alarmed him.”
I wish we could say in the same way Finney meant it, that we had experiences in prayer that alarmed us.
“What Charles Finney meant was that many times in prayer, he found himself saying to the Lord, “Lord, you don’t think that we’re not going to have revival here, do you? You don’t think that thou couldest withhold thy blessings. You said in your Word to ask and it would be given unto us.”
Finney said he found himself telling the Lord what the Lord had said in His Word. He found himself telling the Lord that the Lord was obligated to perform His Word because He had said it. The following is an excerpt from something Finney said, and it shows us that Finney prayed for results basing his petitions firmly on the promises in God’s Word.
Finny wrote, “I was constrained to pray without ceasing. I could not rest in the house and was obliged to retire to the barn frequently through the day where I would unburden my soul and pour out my heart to God in prayer. I had wonderful faith given to me at that time and had some experiences that alarmed me. When alone, I would wrestle and struggle and my faith would rise till I would say to God that He made a promise to answer prayer and I could not and would not be denied. I could be so burdened as to use such strong language to God in prayer. I felt so certain that He would hear me and that faithfulness to His promises and to Himself rendered it impossible that He should not hear and answer. I frequently found myself saying to Him…” This is what he was saying to God. “I hope thou dost not think I can be denied. I come with thy faithful promises in my hand, and I cannot be denied.”
Find scriptures to lift up in prayer to God…
You can see how necessary it is to find scriptures that cover your case. If you don’t know what God’s Word has to say about a situation, you can’t put Him in remembrance of His promises. If God wants us to put Him in remembrance, then put Him in remembrance.
He’s asked us to do so, so let’s do it.
And He says that in Isaiah 43:26. He says, put me in remembrance. In regard to prayer, let us plead together. Declare it. Declare thou that thou mayest be justified.
We are currently facing great need everywhere. People are dying because of their lack of knowledge about Jesus. The sick need healing. The weak need strength. What is our part in this mighty prayer life?
So He says to put me in remembrance. Come, let us plead together. That’s a court term. Pleading. Pleading your case. Declare thou. And so you can see the Lord is telling us to put Him in remembrance. He says for us to declare that, and that gives us justification for our prayers being answered. He does not want us to put Him in remembrance because He doesn’t remember. He wants us to speak His promises and actually pray using His promises as the base of our prayers.