Morning Prayer Summary for Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Morning Chapel Prayer Playlist
Morning Chapel Prayer Today

Worship leader…

Good morning, everyone. Welcome to morning prayer. Thanks for being here.

The Lord put this song on my heart this morning. I couldn’t get it out of my head, but I don’t have it memorized. So we’re just going to go with the flow and what the Lord’s leading us to do. You’re here to seek the Lord this morning. I feel like there’s been this kind of increasing momentum of people just coming back to the Lord, becoming more hungry for the Lord, seeking the Lord. He’s just kind of drawing us back, back to Him, back to His heart.

Father, we just worship you this morning. We put the eyes of our heart on you. We focus on you. We give you our worship, and we give you our attention and our affection this morning.

Pastor Heather…

Let’s invite Him in. Just remember, when we come to prayer, when we watch prayer online, when we come into the chapel, it’s not a spectator sport. You come and you bring something. We’re going to go to a place with Him this morning, but we all have to come and bring our supply. And so I want to welcome Him. Let’s welcome His presence. And then I think we need to sing in the spirit a little bit. It takes time sometimes to walk out of that natural realm in our head and coming… maybe we got ready this morning and we ran out of bread. We couldn’t have our toast or whatever. Whatever your situation was, some guy cut you off in traffic on the way here. But we’ve come right now and to be fully present, that’s when you’re going to connect with the heart of God to be fully present. And so how do we do that? Not by sitting watching. This isn’t like a consumer kind of a thing. Like we’re coming to sit down and be like, “What do they have to give me today?” Or “What do you have for me today, Lord?”

He is not like a magical ATM machine, right? We come to prayer so our hearts can connect to His heart, so we can have that touch from heaven. So we can invite Him in. So we can worship Him. So we can glorify Him. So we can recognize that He is God and we are not.

And if we come with this humble, humble heart, that we’re coming before the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, and He already knows everything we have need of before we even ask Him. And He’s just waiting. He’s just waiting for us to come to His throne. And so I just want to encourage you to not have a posture of just sitting back and observing or being a spectator or a consumer this morning. But to participate, to bring your supply, to bring your expectancy, to bring your worship, to bring your honor, to bring your praise, to bring your thankfulness this morning.

There’s so much that you can bring… to bring your heart and just lay it bare on His altar this morning. Because whatever is in it, whatever is in your heart that needs a touch. When you come in prayer and worship and expectancy, He gives you everything.

So instead of seeking that one thing you need this morning, whatever it might be, or the many things you need this morning. It says, when we seek His face, when we seek Him first, all these things are added unto us. So instead of looking in the direction of a “I need a solution to this answer. I need a financial breakthrough. I need healing in my body…” I need, I need, I need, I need. You come and you say, “I’m here to worship you, God. And I lay my heart and everything that is broken about it, everything that needs a touch from you, everything that is great about it, everything that is terrible about it, I bring it and I lay it at your feet because you are the King of Kings and the Lord of lords. And you are worthy of my worship and my praise. And I know when I put my trust in you, you will take care of everything. You already have the answer before I come.

And so let’s get our hearts in that place, that posture this morning of we’re bringing something to the King this morning. We’re coming into the presence of royalty this morning. Not only royalty, but a Father that loves us. And is excited and He’s waiting for us with open arms, waiting for us to come before Him.

So let’s start with singing in other tongues. And I believe that does something. It triggers us to walk out of this natural realm of problems and things that are happening in a world that is just shaking right now. And it takes us in through that veil into the supernatural… that’s where He’s moving, that’s where He’s moving.

Group begins to sing in the spirit…

Pastor Heather prayed…

We welcome you into this space right now. Thank you that you even just now are walking among us.

See that now with your eyes of faith, wherever you are. If you’re watching online, just see Him walking into the room that you’re in. See Him walking into this chapel. And I see Him coming and He’s got a crown on His head. And a train that fills the temple as He walks in majesty and grace. Then we just say, “holy, holy, holy is the Lord. God Almighty, you are welcome.”

You are welcome in this place. And we worship you in your beauty and your majesty and your power. Thank you, Father, for the honor of your presence. And we can worship before your throne because of the blood of Jesus. We are seen as righteous. We are seen without spot and wrinkle. We are your children. We are your beloved. We say thank you, Father. We’re so grateful. Come and walk among us now; we are in the presence of royalty.

And just as He’s walking among us, even as He’s in that space wherever you are, in your car, in your home, at work. as He enters the room, He brings fullness and joy and peace. The Prince of Peace is in the room. The Prince of Peace is in the room.

Oh, we worship you. You are high and lifted up. You are on your throne, and we will not be shaken.

So we put everything in its rightful place this morning… as we worship, as we praise, as we magnify you, Father, we put everything back in its place. Everything that’s out of sorts, everything that’s fallen off a shelf, everything that’s taken your place, Father, we put everything back in its place. And we place you at the top, at the highest place, the throne of our hearts.

And we refuse to worry. We refuse to be anxious. We refuse to be depressed because we know we are seated with you in high places. We are at the right side of your throne. And you have conquered every fear, you have broken every chain, you have appointed every day. And so we refuse to listen to lies that tell us otherwise because surely you are walking out before us and making a way where there seems to be no way. And surely you go behind us and you protect us from our past. And surely you are holding us now in the present, in your firm, strong, capable hands. We are held. We are secure. We are safe in our Father’s arms.

So let the world shake because we are safe. We are in the secret place. We are in the hidden place, and we are under your wings. We are never alone, as you never leave us. You never forsake us. And you won’t start now.

So strengthen us, Father. A strengthening now…

I see people that are tired, that are worn out, that are broken, Father. I thank you for strengthening, a refreshing, as we are in your presence, as we worship, you strengthen us. We mount up with strength like eagles.

So receive that strength now. Receive that strength from above. He says you’re not doing it alone. You’re not in this alone. I am still on My throne. I am not shaken. I am not worried. I have a plan. So come up higher, come up higher now, come up higher. Come see what I see. Come see what I see from My throne in heaven. Let Me show you, let Me show you. Let Me show you that I have a plan. I have a plan for every minute, every second for such a time as this.

And I will not leave you like an orphan. I will not leave you alone because you are My child, My beloved. I’ve given you everything you need to walk out My plan for you. So take it, take up what I’ve given you. Take up that sword. Take up that shield. Don’t cower in fear. Take up your shield, take up your sword, put on your helmet, put on your breast plate. Because I’ve given you everything you need for this time, for this season. And I will strengthen you and I will empower you.

Mountain moving faith… Whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven. So begin now. Begin loosing. Begin binding. Don’t cower in fear. Don’t run and hide. Loose and bind!

So we do, Father, we loose your Spirit. We loose the angels to go out and do what they need to do. Smoothing out roads, smoothing out plans, smoothing out wills, lining up things on earth as it is in heaven, on earth as it is in heaven. Let your kingdom come in our lives, in our churches, at Living Word, in our families, in our states, in our nation, in our world… Oh, let heaven come. Invade, invade, invade every heart, every space. We give you free reign. We get out of the way and we get in our place. Equipping, equipping, equipping.

And so now Prince of Peace, do what you do best. Bring peace into our masses. Bring order, bring restoration, healing the broken things, healing the broken heart, healing oil flowing into every heart, every crack and crevice. Where the enemy has come and stolen, he has to repay.

And so now we speak that enemy, “Pay up, it’s time to pay up.” Payday has come. Every stolen thing returned in Jesus’ name. Broken hearts, broken marriages, broken families restored, broken churches restored, broken pastors restored. You do it now.

So you are a “now” God. So we increase our expectations now. We expect you to move, Father, because you are a promise keeper. Thank you, Father, you are pouring out your Spirit upon all flesh.

So let’s pray for that rain pouring, pouring, pouring out your spirit. Father, if we ever needed it, we need it now. In our homes, in our churches, in our cities… we ask for the rain of your Spirit to fall, for your presence to sweep in like an all-consuming fire. Nothing can stand in your way. No one can stand in your way. For you will have your way now. Burning, burning, burning. Sweeping, sweeping, sweeping through our churches, our families, our cities, our communities, our nation.

So we see it now. We see flames, flames, flames of your presence sweeping across the world, burning up every evil plan of the enemy, for you will have your way because all the nations belong to you, Lord. They belong to you. Spirit, blow, blow, blowing through hearts, blowing away shaft, blowing away fear, blowing away indecision, blowing away lethargy, blowing away hurt, trauma, every evil thing that would try to hold us back.

Father, blow it away now with your Spirit. Hearts are set free. Chains are broken, broken, broken. Can’t you see? Those chains are broken. You are not held back anymore. So run, run, run your race. The chains already have been broken. The prison door is open. So go, go, go. No more oppression, no more depression. Those chains have been broken.

But you must stand. You must step out. You must run. And I will strengthen you. So now step out, step out, step out of that prison. Step out of those chains. Step out of that fog, that dark cloud. Because you are free. You are free indeed. Whom the sun has set free is free indeed. So run, dance, fly… No more cowering, no more sitting around, running, dancing, flying with Him to new places, to new heights.

Will you go? Will you go? Will you go? Because He’s calling. He’s calling. He’s calling us to go. And we’re sitting in prisons with the doors open. Open our eyes. Open our eyes. Open our eyes. Because you’ve given us everything we need, Father. You’ve already given it to us.

Will you go? Will you go? Will you go? I hear Him calling. Will you go? Will you go? Will you go where I tell you to go?

So answer Him today.

“We will go, Father. We will go where you tell us to go…” Through every shadow of fear, Father, we will go because we know we are not alone. And you’ll give us what we need to go. You’ll equip us to walk into that plan. So just answer Him in your heart.

Now tell Him if you’re going to go. “Yes, Lord, here my Lord. Send me.”

Let that be the cry of our heart. “Here am I, Lord. Send me to the broken hearted. Send me to the nations. Send me to your churches. Send me to your government.”

Wherever He’s calling you, say you will go. Answer the call.

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