Morning Prayer Summary for Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Morning Chapel Prayer Playlist
Morning Chapel Prayer Today

Pastor Dustin…

Good morning, everyone. My name is Dustin, and it’s an honor to pray with you all this morning. Let’s just begin by doing that. Let’s just pray in the spirit.

Benefits to praying in the spirit…

Remember, when you’re praying in the spirit, you’re praying out God’s perfect will. You’re praying out mysteries. You’re stirring yourself. You’re edifying yourself.

God has good things that He’s planned and prepared for you this year. But they’re revealed and unveiled by and through the Spirit of God. So yield yourself over to praying in the spirit. Now and in the days to come, yield yourself over to praying in the spirit. Because what God has planned for you doesn’t come by… He’ll give you inspiration. He’ll give you wisdom. But…

It’s not going to come by your own might.
It’s not going to come by your own power.
It’s not going to come by your own wisdom.

God is the source…

He’ll give you things. He’ll drop things in your heart. But He’s the source. And so there are things that need to be accomplished in your life, in the areas that God has called you to be a part of. There are things that need to be accomplished, kingdom purposes that need to be accomplished. But it can’t just be something that you string together by yourself in your own wisdom. He’ll give you wisdom. He’ll give you strategies. But it comes from His mind. It comes from His heart.

So you’ve got to acknowledge Him. You’ve got to look to Him. You’ve got to build it into your schedule and then allow for unscheduled prayer.

“What? That’s crazy.”

I just want to say God will do things suddenly, but there’s no shortcuts. And what I mean by that is…

You’ve got to seek Him for yourself.
You’ve got to spend time in prayer for yourself.
You’ve got to fast for yourself.
You’ve got to read the Word for yourself.
You’ve got to develop this relationship with Him for yourself.

You’ve got to cultivate a relationship with Him…

And He’ll do things that eye hasn’t seen, ear hasn’t heard, neither has it entered the heart of man. He’ll do exceedingly and super abundantly far over and above all that you dare ask or think. He’ll do things suddenly in your life. But you’ve got to cultivate that relationship with Him. You’ve got to cultivate that prayer life. You’ve got to seek Him. It’s not a works thing. It is not an effort thing. It’s not a merit thing. It’s just a relational thing.

He’s speaking about your future. He’s speaking about the things that He has planned for you. He’s speaking, so incline your ears. Allow the Spirit of God to create vision in your heart. Allow Him to give you the steps and step out in faith and do what He’s put in your heart to do. Be quick to listen, quick to respond, quick to obey.


So we thank you, Father. We thank you for words. We thank you for insight. We thank you for revelation. We thank you for discernment. We thank you for ideas. We thank you for wisdom. We thank you for divine protection. We thank you for health.

Make Him your focus, your goal…

Everything that you need is found in Him. Everything that you seek is found in Him. So seek Him first. Seek first His kingdom. Make Him your priority. Make Him your focus. Make Him your goal. And as you get lost in Him, you’re going to find yourself. As you get lost in Him, you’re going to see these things come to you. You’re going to see them come to pass.

So just keep praying in the spirit. If God gives you something to pray out in your understanding, just pray it out right where you’re at. Be faithful. We join together in unity, in faith, in agreement.

God has prepared good things for us…

And we thank you that you have prepared good things for us. You have prepared good things for Living Word Christian Center. You’ve prepared good things for us individually. You know the end from the beginning, Lord. We’re so grateful that you knit us and formed us in our mother’s womb. We’re so grateful that you deposited gifts, talents, abilities, graces on the inside of us. And I thank you that you’re leading us. I thank you that you’re moving us. I thank you, Father, that you’re moving us into the good things that you have prepared for us. And we thank you that you have prepared a way.

So remain flexible. So flow with Him. Don’t resist. Flow with Him. Just flow with Him. There’s unforced rhythms of grace.

I’m a visual person, so I think of it like you’re on an inner tube on a river. There’s a current that you’re flowing with. That’s amazing. Unless you’re trying to swim against it, then it’s difficult. Then it’s not a lot of fun.

So cooperate with His promptings. Cooperate with His leadings. Flow with Him. Be sensitive to His Spirit. Be quick to listen, quick to respond.

There’s grace available to you…

He said His yoke is easy and His burden is light. There is a grace that’s available to you. There is a grace to do what He’s called you to do what He’s graced you to do. There’s a grace. So get in your grace… get in your place. Get in your grace. And follow His flow. Just flow with Him. Just flow with Him in the place that He’s prepared for you. And He’s spoken to you. He’s spoken to you about things. So get in your place and flow. Get in your place and flow with Him. Let Him bring it to pass. Let him open up doors of opportunity. Let Him do it in His way, in His time.

No peace is a warning sign…

There should be a peace. If there’s no peace, that’s like a red light, a warning sign on your dashboard. If there’s no peace, you should take note of that. There should be an ease. Not that it will be easy, but there will be a flow with it. There will be a grace for it.

The Bible is your bread…

I want to read a couple of verses to you to encourage you. The Bible is bread. The Bible is life. We need to read the Word of God, or we will starve to death spiritually. Reading the Bible is not the same thing as listening to worship music. You need both. You have to read the Bible, right? This is a Word church, right? We’ve got to read the Bible.

Ephesians3:12, “Because of Christ and our faith in Him, we can now come boldly and confidently into God’s presence.

Hebrews 4:16, “Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence so that we may receive and find grace to help us in our time of need.”

Remember who you are in Christ…

I was talking to somebody recently that was diagnosed with cancer and they have some tumors. We were talking about treatments and what they want to do, and they’re like, “If God told me to give this thing up…” There’s something particular that they felt like they were supposed to give up. They’re like, “God told me to give this thing up 30 years ago and if I would’ve just given it up 30 years ago, I wouldn’t be here today.” And they were in church this past Sunday. I was like, “Remember what Pastor Mac said this Sunday? When he was talking about grace and remembering who you are in Christ and having confidence and not getting bogged down in like your own merits and abilities and effort. I think this is important as we dream about the future, as we think about what God has planned and prepared for us. I think it’s important that we do that from a place of remembering who we are in Christ.

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