Pastor Ken…
Good morning, everyone. Good to see you. Welcome on this Tuesday morning to the continuation of 24-Hour Prayer here at Living Word. I just wanted to pause for just a moment here to say good morning to everybody joining us online as well from various parts of the world. Good to have you with us. And during this 24-hour season of prayer through the end of February, our focus is more ministering unto the Lord in stillness and quietness and resetting and recalibrating our hearts and our focus on Him. Not necessarily what we can do for Him or what we can pray for Him. Although we have been, and we will continue to pray intermittently. But more than anything, just drawing on Him and being still before Him as Psalm 46:10 says.
Shared quote…
I actually came across this quote that I thought was very appropriate for this time. It says, “Stillness and rest position our hearts to receive. It is hard to receive from Him when we are striving.” And so God is truly pouring out a unique move of His Spirit that requires us to simply follow Him and be attentive to Him and give Him the highest place and priority in our lives, in our praying, in our decisions, in our minds, in every aspect of us.
And so we’re going to continue with that here this morning, just ministering unto Him, just letting Him visit us and letting our worship be perpetually lifted to Him. It’s counterintuitive to our intellect, but remarkable things can happen and will happen when we simply wait on Him.
God works for those who wait upon Him…
Somebody once said that God works… Actually, the Bible says God works for those who wait for Him, who rests in Him, who worship Him, who simply set their sights and their attention and their focus on Him. God doesn’t need our striving or our religious dutiful efforts. While there are times when we do things, certainly, He’s after our hearts, right? He’s after who we are on the inside, the real us. He’s after our attention and our affection and just space within our lives where He can just be what He wants to be… our creator, our heavenly Father, our all in all, as the Bible proclaims. Our everything.
The promise of rivers of living waters…
And so I just wanted to read something here just as a point of reflection this morning and then maybe pray for just a moment before we go back into some worship. But I thought this was very timely and perhaps speaks to where the church is at and what God is doing again in this hour before Jesus’ Second Coming. And there’s just some really great parallels drawn from the Acts outpouring, the account in Acts where the Spirit was first poured out. The promise of the Father, the promise of Jesus was sent, that being the Holy Spirit. Those rivers of living water that we’re prophesied of in times of old that Jesus promised His disciples would flow from our innermost being in this hour, in this time, in this age of grace.
Cloven tongues of fire…
But it says in Acts 2:3 that on the day of Pentecost, cloven tongues of fire sat upon everyone in the upper room. All 120 had a flame over them, a cloven tongue of fire. Now, remember that a divine shift was taking place as the church was transitioning to a different level. I believe that’s what God’s doing right now. He’s endeavoring to give the church a level up, not because of our striving and struggling and perfectly prayed and articulated supplications and intercessions. Just because He’s God. Amen.
He’s wanting to give us a level up…
He’s just moving in this generation, in this time. He’s wanting to give us a level up. “It was moving from the Old Covenant, the church that is, to a new level of authority and ministry. When that shift began, cloven tongues of fire accompanied by the Holy Spirit sat upon them. Angels ministered this fire to each believer so they would be empowered for the new campaign.
“Angels accompanying the Holy Spirit were firing up the saints to move.” You could say He’s firing us up to move from earth to heaven. Eventually. “Firing us up to move for the last and final push in this particular season of God’s plan on the earth for the church.” This was to be a fired-up movement. The key to any movement is movement. Holy Spirit and His angels were clearly saying, “fire up and move.” This is what has been happening in recent times with increased angelic activity. Angels are now ministering to help release fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit. One of their assignments is to bring fresh fire to believers under the Holy Spirit supervision to spiritually set them on fire.
Angels having the appearance of burning coals of fire…
“Ezekiel 1:13 begins this doctrine by describing angels as having the appearance of burning coals of fire, like the appearance of lamps that went up and down among the living creatures. The angels appeared as flashes of light or pure cloven tongues of fire. The Bible in the Basic English translation says that between the living beings, it looked as if flames were chasing after each other across the burning coals of fire. This is exactly what it looked like on the day of Pentecost, as a bright fire flashed on top.”
Angels were ministering fresh fire of God…
It goes on to say, “On top of the 120 what was happening, angels were ministering fresh fire from God’s altar upon them.” That’s what God’s doing now. Fresh fire from His altar upon the saints. Angels are facilitating that. They’re in charge of logistics, you could say, bringing what’s on the altar to earth. What’s in heaven to earth. The Angel Network was accompanying the Holy Spirit, the other “self” of Christ, assisting in shifting the church to a new level of ministry.
He’s got a new level for you today…
New level for Living Word today. New level for your family today. A level up and it starts with a “fill up.” It starts with a fresh ignition of fire from the altar of God. It is time for a new outpouring. It is time for the church to receive fresh power from on high. It is time for fresh fire upon all believers. It is time for a divine shift to take place in the church to new levels. It is time for the apostles and believers to begin affecting their regions with the Gospel as angels under Holy Spirit supervision network with the church. They’re moving now upon fresh Holy Spirit winds to assist the saints, to do the same work Jesus did. They are flashing about as lightning. We are entering into the greatest time in human history in which the remnant is about to see… I would say “is seeing.” God activity as the church has never seen before. The days that we have been praying forth for years have already begun.
21 + universities are experiencing an outpouring of God…
Can I just prophesy that on a Tuesday morning? “Have already begun.” What is it… 21 plus universities now across the United States are experiencing this unique and precious outpouring of God in the presence of God. And people are being touched, lives are being changed. A net is being cast far and wide, and souls are coming into the kingdom. Hearts are being resuscitated and renewed. People are turning back to Him and turning back to one another. Relationships are being restored.
The works I do, you will do greater…
I believe healings and the miraculous will be seen more and more. In fact, even here this morning. We don’t have to wait for it. It’s already been promised. It’s already been granted. Jesus said the works I do, you will do and even greater works. That’s what the level up is about. That the works… not the works of Ken Olson or the works of you or some other person, but the works of Jesus. We want Jesus to be glorified, right? We want Him to be lifted up. We want Him to be seen on social media once again. As people can only draw a comparison to what they’re seeing in and through the church to one maybe they read about once upon a time in a Bible passage where Jesus worked a work, a miracle. Spoke to the elements, and they obeyed Him. Brought somebody that was dead to life from a tomb, turned water into wine, produced miraculous increase and abundance out of a few fishes and loaves. On and on and on. The Bible says history could not contain the complete works of Jesus, in other words, just in His short lifetime on planet earth.
So how much more must be possible?
How much more must God want to do in and through us if we’ll turn to Him. If we’ll just surrender to Him and we’ll lift up holy hands and worship Him. If we will let Him take up more space, take more ground. Remember, a few weeks ago I talked about how God wants to take ground this year in 2023. The first place He wants to take ground is in our hearts. He wants your heart. That’s really all He wants is your heart. The rest, He’s got it. He’s already written a book of destiny, right? According to Psalm 1:39, He’s already got plans. He’s already put provision in place. Jesus has already paid the price. He’s already set to the credit of your account in heavenly places everything that pertains to your life, you being godly and fulfilling all that He intends for you. That’s a done deal.
Give Him part of you, you’ve never given to Him…
We get freaked out, worked up, wonder about the wrong things. First of all, there is no thing we should get freaked out, worked up, and wonder about. He’s done it all. Our great need and great worship is to turn our hearts into Him. To let Him take the ground of us. I challenge you today as we worship Him this morning, to give Him a part of you you’ve never given to Him before. Maybe it’s a segment of your time. Maybe it’s a trauma you experienced in your past that you’ve not quite dealt with. Maybe it’s a facet of your thinking and your thought processes that continues to live on its own and has needs to be surrendered to God.
A full surrender to Him…
You know that that’s all that’s needed is surrender. That’s what God is after our hearts in full surrender to Him. So let Him take more ground in your heart, in your thought processes, in your relationships, in your decision making. One of the great prayers is the prayer of consecration or commitment, saying, “Lord, there needs to be less of me and more of you. Lord, take ground. Take space. Occupy more of my heart, my thoughts, my decision making, my agenda, my schedule, my past where it comes up, Lord, redeem it, repurpose it.”
We are not waiting on God. He is waiting on us…
But this devotion goes on to say, “The days that we have been praying forth for years…” and we certainly have been doing that here for a long time, “have already begun. Thus, we must get into step with them. We are not waiting on God. He is waiting on us. When the angel touched Isaiah’s lips, the question was, “Who will go for us?” All God is listening for is, “Here am I, God, I’ll go.” That’s all He is listening for. Like the 500 who were instructed to gather in the upper room. You have to choose to either participate in God’s kingdom extension on the earth or miss out on the greatest revival the world has ever seen.”
Can I just ask you that this morning?
Are you ready for the greatest revival the world has ever seen? And that may seem like crazy that I’m asking that, but the truth be told, we’re going to have to grab a hold of Him and hold onto Him because He’s going to take us places we’ve never been. It’s going to be hard on our flesh at times. It will hijack our agendas. It will look different than maybe what we have preconceived in our intellect, in our understanding.
God, we want what you want…
Revival means “God, we want what you want, not what we want,” or what we’re comfortable or what’s convenient for us, or what we’re okay with according to our religious indoctrination of some kind. No, we want God. We want God to be what we just read about… those flashes of light like angels flashing about like great lightnings of God. Not just in the Holy of Holies, in the throne room of heaven, but on planet earth and in the holy of holies of your heart, the lightnings of God flashing so that you can hardly stand, so that men and women fall to their knees in repentance starting with the church.
We’re not talking about playing church…
This is a holy God we’re talking about. We’re not talking about playing church here. We’re talking about the lightnings that created and fashioned the heavens and the earth and continues to create the cosmos as we speak. Those lightnings, that holy fire, that power working in us and working through us as the body of Christ in this hour. I mean, last time I read my Bible, when people encountered the true glory of God, they were transfixed and transformed. Their visage in the case of Moses, under the Old Covenant, completely was altered so they could hardly even look at Moses. Mountains melted at His presence. Mountains! Granite, basalt, all sorts of rock melted at His presence.
And that’s what God wants to do…
He wants to melt hearts, melt lives, mold us, fashion us, shape us and take us from where we presently are individually and collectively and as a body and as a church to where He’s calling us to be. Even right as we step up to the precipice of His return, which you know is within view now. Clearly it’s in view. If the signs haven’t already for a decade or more been so clear and obvious, they have just become more clear. The signs that are in the heavens and in the earth. As one author said, “We live in a world that is literally filled with signs.” So said a secular ungodly author.
Let me just finish this and then we’ll continue here. “You have to choose to either participate in God’s Kingdom extension on the earth or miss out on the greatest revival the world has ever seen.”
So heavenly Father. We pray today for a fresh move of your Spirit. We pray that it would continue to be poured out on planet earth. We pray for a loosing of your angels. We commission angels and ministering spirits to be loosed and to partner with heaven, bringing holy fire off of your altar in heaven to earth.
Lord, we ask that you would continue with a fresh touch of fire that would fall upon us as individuals… upon our families… upon Minnesota…upon America… upon the nations around the world.
Fire upon the nations of Europe, upon the nations of Africa, upon the nations in South America and Central America, upon the nations in Asia… in Australia, including Antarctica and the Arctic Circle and those nations up there upon North America.