Morning Prayer Summary for Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Pastor Ray shared…

Yesterday morning, I had this when I woke up. I live in an apartment and when we get packages from either FedEx or UPS, we get an email from the concierge saying that our package is in the concierge area. There is a huge wall of metal doors, and in the middle, there is a built-in computer. So the other day, Sandy gets a notice, and she had me to go down and put in her personal name and password. When you hit your password, a metal door springs open. They are on hinges that just boom open. I mean it’s scary. If it’s right next to you, it’s like “Whoa!” Well, I punched in her password and bang, bang, bang! I didn’t know it was more than one package and only one package would fit in the storage area. So they were all different sized doors.

This may be a stretch, but all these doors for what I got that day were different sized because all of the packages were different size. So, the only way that I could get those packages was to use her password. I wanted to relate it to prayer. We know what He said in His Word that we have, that we already have. We know what was done at the Cross. We know the power in the name of Jesus but sometimes maybe we forget about the power that is in the name and we kind of more focus on our need. We can ball and squall but that won’t really do anything. We don’t get answers because we ball and we squall. We get answers because of faith in the name that is above every other name.

Like those doors that are different… I just saw it like different requests for different sized prayers. Some were just little ones; some were big ones. But the only way I could get an answer, I could not do anything else. I couldn’t pound on the doors. I couldn’t do anything except hit that password. And so I likened it to the name that is above every other name. What’s that name? Jesus.

So in a way I am not making light of His name. I am making more of His name. That is our password to receive what He’s already promised for us to have. Get it?

Just to think on the power that is in His name. There is enough power to receive or do or to carry out. He is the way maker, His name. But then the name of our Father… I just went down a couple of these. I love to just re-go over the other names for our Father and just get stirred up about it. But Jesus is the name, the power that we declare over the things we go to the Father for. Right?

1. Elohim: “God” – This name refers to God’s incredible power and might.
2. Yahweh: “The Lord” – The Hebrew word for “I AM.”
3. Abba: “Daddy or Father” – He’s the One that can be trusted.
4. El Elyon: “God Most High” – God above every other God
5. El Roi: “The God Who Sees” – The one who chases after us.
6. El Shaddai: “The All Powerful, the Mighty One”
7. Yahwey Yireh: “The Lord will Provide” – He is faithful, able
8. Yahwey Nissi: “The Lord Is My Banner” – Protection, Leadership
9. Jehovah Rapha: “The Lord Who Heals You”
10. Yahwey Shalom: “The Lord of Peace”

These are just names of the Father, but we go to the Father in the name that is above every other name. What’s that name? Jesus.

I was reminded of this in thinking about the power that is in His name. Remember the seven sons of Sceva? I googled that and there was a little side cartoon. It was like Popeye on steroids with a huge beard. He goes “I know who Paul is. Who are you?” And the way they put it was “Who in the @!# are you?” So, the power that is in the name only works for us when we know the power that is in His name. And we have that name within us. We are filled with His Holy Spirit. We come under the blood that was shed at Calvary and we know what the Father gives us by the Spirit every day. Every day we come in here and we believe to be directed and led by the power of that Holy Spirit so that we’ll pray out His will, so we will pray out what needs to be prayed out in that day, like today. What’s the highlight today, Father? What’s on Your heart today? Today.

Continued praying…

We welcome the power of the precious Holy Spirit this morning
Come humbly, with respect, with adoration, with thanksgiving
And welcome more of You
We know there is more because You put it within us to call for more
We know there is greater; we know there are steps on the road to walk out
We know it’s not us, it’s all You
Like we have gone over time and time again, “in us we are nothing, but in You we can do all things.”
We overcome because You overcame
We’re healed because You went to the Cross, died on that Cross, and through that blood, we are healed, we’ve been made whole, our needs are met
Whatever we ask in the name, shall come to pass
We thank You for Your presence this morning
Lift Him up, lift His up, magnify the name
Give glory to that name, thank You, Lord, thank You, Lord

Ms. Annie led us singing There Is Power in the Name of Jesus

Pastor Ray…

We have a group of six ministers from different parts of the country who have traveled together to join us this morning for prayer. (Pastor Ray had them introduce themselves)

When Ms. Annie was singing the part in the song that goes “there’s an army rising up,” that’s the part that today just stuck out to me. A lot of times, I will try to visualize the chain and how it’s broken. But I had this for all of the six of you that came today.

A Word of the Lord came forth:

Time, time sown, time given, given to His plan to increase within you, time given for the ways to be straight and those chains, whatever they might be out into the future, to break, to break now. That as you walk up, walk out, walk through, literally you will continue to walk through. Because every chain, every hindrance, every touch of lack is broken over each one of you. But I saw you as a group. Because you’ve joined yourselves together in Minneapolis and given of your time, back unto you the power of the Holy Spirit will be for you increased upon each one of you in Jesus’ name, by the power of the name.

I saw it like this. You all come up against a chain, like something in the roadway, something in the pathway, something out front of the doorway that you’ve been called to go through. Those things are broken in Jesus’ name. They are broken over you and they are broken for you and these doors of opportunity will blast open. And it won’t be just one. It will be many. But these doors are not doors that you know about yet. You haven’t seen them yet. You don’t know what that door will be like. But it shall blast open for you because every chain has been broken over you and broken for you in Jesus’ name. So the plan and the purpose, the things that God has called you to do, look up and keep looking up but look out, look out ahead for that’s the way you are going for you are in the army of God and you are arising today in Jesus’ name.

So, there is more. There is a greater. So, there is more and there is greater in Jesus’ name. Today, what you’ve seen yourself do is not all or everything that you will do! For I have My eyes upon each one of you and I see your future. I know your past. I know your present. But I know your future and your future… You’ve heard it before. You’ve heard things declared about it being bright. It’s not just bright. It’s filled with My light, My presence, My glory, and you’ll know it every single day, every second of every day that you spend with Me in My presence, you shall see.

So I declare that Spirit of Seeing and that Spirit of Knowing to operate within each one of you in the things that God has called you to do individually. But today you are a representation of an army, an army that goes this way, goes that way, goes back over here, goes over there. So, the things that you’ve been called to do, I demand it and I command it in the name of Jesus this morning “Every little chain, big chain, medium chain, broken in Jesus’ name!”

And those questions, those prayers that you’ve prayed, they shall come forth as you declare My name as your password! It’s My power not your power. It’s My name that will bring those things to pass. A lot of these things are familiar but then out in the future there are things that are not familiar because we’ve not been there yet. But the Father God, the Great I AM, the King of kings, the Lord, the Way-maker, the power of the Holy Spirit operating on your behalf, there are things for you because each one of you individually decided to come.

I have this, I want to thank you because of your individual calls that you’ve come to this place and in your leading and coming to different meetings here in Minneapolis, because of your hunger and thirst for the presence of God, because of your hunger and thirst for prayer, your connection to heaven, there is something about it… So as we began talking about time, talking about changes, talking about increase. It has come for you individually but there’s some things that you’ll be connected together, because you’ve joined yourselves together here in this place!

It’s the way it is. Its God ordained. It’s Holy Spirit given. So expect, just turn up that expectation within you knowing the steps that you take are divinely ordained by heaven. So, by heaven and through heaven and the power from above, you shall walk out your individual destiny. But there are so many others that are connected with each one of you and they too shall see what God has done in and through you and they shall increase in their expectation for heaven to work for them. So, thank You, Father. I declare it over each one of these.

I am just seeing a stirring, seeing an increase, seeing momentum, seeing a furtherance. Limits will not be. Limits will not come out your lips. For your lips will continually speak forth increase! And as you speak it, it shall all come to pass. We thank You for it. Thank You for it, Lord.

Now just join your hands together. Thank You, Father. So like this circle right here, this circle, that these hands are joined together, these are all different parts, all different members of the body with specific calls, individual calls, but also corporate calls, corporately speaking. Calls to bring forth others into this glory that you’ve given each one of these individuals corporately to bring those that are looking to you, that are receiving through you to receive what you have in Jesus’ name. So I declare over your plan, over your purpose, over the road ahead, over the company that you are connected with, we are all connected in the same company, we are all members of that company but we are individual, and we have individual calls. So, your calls have been given by God from heaven. Don’t quit. Don’t give up. Don’t go another way. Don’t ever doubt in the way that you shall go for it shall and it is made straight. Hallelujah. So we set ourselves in agreement, thank You for it. Hallelujah.

Continued praying…

Not staying in the same old way, status quo
But always contending, always expecting
We’ve been called to look on the right side, the light side, the bright side
Never on the defeated way
The defeated way is a disaster but God’s way is the light way!
The glory of God, the presence of God, the power of the Holy Spirit!
Thank You, Father, thank You, Father

Days, and weeks, and months that are to come, today, now, we declare out front. We speak beyond where we are right now for these times and these way are new. There are places where obviously we have never been before. We’ve never even been here before, on this day. It’s a new day. But God is still the same today as He was yesterday.

He is our King, He’s our Lord, He’s our Dad!
We lift You up, Lord, we glorify, magnify Your name
New! New! Ha! Ha! Hallelujah!
Can we do it? Should we do it? When should we do it? How should we do it?
We do see! We do know!
We are in the army! We are part of the army! The army is rising up!
Every chain is broken, every door is open, every way is clear, every plan has already been made!
The big picture, the whole picture
All over the earth, the earth will be filled with Your glory
Revivals will begin to break out and turn into the last great awakening!
So, today where there are those that have been sleeping for a while, we say “Wake up!”
Wake up! Get up! Arise!

Pastor Ray…

You see it for yourself. But we’re seeing it for others. And I know when we sow our prayers, we do everything we can do for others, we call for the plan and the purpose for others, when we call for nations, when we call for our own nation, when we lift up our President, when we lift up our leaders, when we do what we’ve been called to do, when we send out a supply, when we call on the name of Jesus and declare “Jesus is Lord” here and there and all over the earth, all over the globe, we know that those things that we declare, those things shall come to back unto us and lift us up so we shall stay on the attack, calling the things that are not as though they were, impossibilities in the natural but by the Spirit in the supernatural (ha, ha, ha). There is power in the name of Jesus

Ms. Annie led us singing There Is Power in the Name Jesus

The following is a prayer for our nation by Pastor Lynne Hammond:

Heavenly Father, in that wonderful precious name, Jesus, and according to Your Word, we pray for those in authority in our nation. We lift up President Donald Trump, his family, his staff and cabinet members. Let Your Word cling to them and let them not depart from your plan. Strengthen them with mighty power by your Spirit to stand against wickedness, lies and deception. Guide President Trump’s decisions; let Your light shine upon his path and show him the path of reversal for every evil way. Continually surround him with godly men and women who impart wise counsel to him. Cause the way of the wicked to be set to confusion and come to nothing. Deliver us from the traps and snares the enemy has laid for us, and let the wicked be caught in their own devises and be brought to shame.

We take authority over the plots and plans of the enemy against this nation. Let prideful and lying lips be silenced in Jesus’ name. Slanderers will not be established in America. We pray for our Congress, our Supreme Court, our Military leaders and our intelligence agencies. Let the wisdom that is from above reign in this nation and be constantly speaking to our leaders. We exercise the authority you have given us to tread down all the power of the enemy. We cast down and demolish imaginations and arguments that exalt themselves against the knowledge of God, and we bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. We bind spirits of strife and division, civil wars and tumults, spirits of hostility, lawlessness and blasphemy, and fires from hell that have burned in our cities.

We speak grace and peace over America. We pray and believe for the voice of truth, salvation, revival and restoration to be proclaimed and heard across our land. Grant unto your servants everywhere that with all boldness we may speak your Word. We pray for a mighty outpouring of your Spirit with signs, wonders and miracles. We expect the wisdom of this world that is earthly, sensual and devilish to depart and vanish until Your, mighty work in America becomes a beacon of hope for all people everywhere. We expect the voice of rejoicing to be heard in our nation for your goodness, mercy and prosperity, in Jesus’ name, Amen.


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