Pastor Ray shared and led prayer…
We have to pray fast today as we only have 30 minutes. They have a memorial service this morning so we need to vacate the room.
I want to do a couple things. First I want us to make a confession over ourselves and then a couple things about our country. Every day, we pray for the President, for our country, for our leaders. We can’t get tired of praying for our leaders. We’re going to send out an email to all of our prayer groups telling them to make sure they dedicate time in their groups to pray for the President and the country. One time Brother Hagin talked about the 60s when the nation was in rebellion and all the unrest that took place at that time. He said the Lord told him none of it would have happened if the Church would have done what the Church was called to do. And what is that? Pray. We don’t want to be behind in covering our nation in prayer.
First, I want us to make the confession. We’ve done it before but I would like to do it again at the beginning of the year, to declare it. So say it after me:
Father God, I believe You… I am your child… I serve You… I belong to You… And I believe You… I’m the seed of Abraham… And I’m fully persuaded that what You’ve said to me, You’re well able to perform… I am persuaded that every good thing You have begun in me, You will complete it… You will finish it until the end… You are the author and the finisher of my faith.
I believe You… It shall be in my life and over all mine, just like You have said… Just like You’ve told me… I will serve You, and I will run my whole race… I will finish my whole course with joy… I will overcome every trial… I will be more than a conqueror…
Things are changing in my life… The perfect will of God, the complete plan of God is unfolding in my life… The Lord is causing me to see… I am seeing… I am knowing… I am understanding the will of God, the plans of God, the ways of God… Revelation is flowing in my life. I will see things I have no seen… I will understand great things I have not understood… I will grow… I am growing and I will grow mighty in spirit, in faith, in grace, in truth, in power, in victory. Hallelujah!
My finances are getting stronger… I’m coming out of debt… I’m getting stronger… Money flows to me in great abundance… I always have more than enough… I lack for no good thing… I want for no good thing.
My body is kept by the power of God… Every system, every organ, every part is kept by the anointing of God, by the strength of God… No disease can live in my body… No disease can operate in me… I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might…
My children, my grandchildren are growing up in the nurture, in the instruction, in the protection, in the care of the Most High… Everyone will live free. Everyone will serve God… Everyone will be fruitful in the things of God. Hallelujah!
No weapon formed against me shall prosper…No work of the enemy, no purpose of his will stand, but the purpose of God, the plan of God will stand, will be completed, will be fulfilled in my life. Hallelujah! Thank You, Lord!
My ministry will not be held down… My ministry will not be suppressed… It will not be restricted… It will not be stopped… But all that the Lord has called me to do shall come up, shall come out, shall come forth… Every word of God He’s spoken concerning me shall come to pass.
I saw something yesterday. Erika and I were talking about expansion, and then she started praying about expansion. She expanded the prayer further than I thought she would. The prayer was expanded about expansion! At one point, I think she started praying over the states and Minnesota. If you watch the news, there are things happening politically in Minnesota. I saw it like this. We’ve declared year after year after year, going way back, “Minnesota will continually move to the right.” We’ve done it for years starting before Paul Wellstone. I saw this. If you get strong in the Lord about it, like this, “NO! Minnesota is not going back the wrong way, but Minnesota is going in the right way. What way is that? God’s perfect will and plan for Minnesota.” Sometimes you have to stomp your feet! Concerning our country, I want to read Psalms 37 a little bit.
“Fret not yourself because of evil doers. Neither be envious against those who work unrighteousness, (that which is not upright or in right standing with God). 2 For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb. Trust (lean on, rely on, and be confident) in the Lord and do good; so shall you dwell in the land and feed surely on His faithfulness, and truly you shall be fed. 4 Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He will give you the desires and secret petitions of your heart. 5 Commit your way to the Lord [roll and repose each care of your load on Him]; trust (lean on, rely on, and be confident) also in Him and He will bring it to pass. … 37 Mark the blameless man and behold the upright, for there is a happy end for the man of peace. 38 As for transgressors, they shall be destroyed together; in the end the wicked shall be cut off. 39 But the salvation of the [consistently] righteous is of the Lord; He is their Refuge and secure Stronghold in the time of trouble. 40 And the Lord helps them and delivers them; He delivers them from the wicked and saves them, because they trust and take refuge in Him.”
Thank You, Lord, that the church is rising up and doing what You’ve called the church to do
Thank You for supernatural Holy Spirit, God given breakthroughs for every ministry that calls on Your name
We put no restrictions, no names on different streams of ministry
We pray for greater increase and momentum and enlargement
That there would be churches on every corner
We pray for pastors, ministers and pray they declare Your plan, purpose and will to the sheep they are over
Thank You for supernatural revelation, understanding and insight and freedom to move in the power of Your Spirit
To do what You’ve called each ministry to do
We want to be like You’ve called us to be like… to follow after Your will and purpose and plan for each of us
We take hold of Your purpose and will for us individually but we are locked arm in arm together as members of Your body
We declare Your blood over the body…
Those that have exited, we ask that they come back in
We press on and march ahead and speak and declare Your Word
We go on in Your strength… Your joy brings strength
Money… finances… we loose ministering spirits to go and get the money and bring it to the church
We declare that we have more than enough finances to do everything You’ve called us to do
We pray for our pastors Mac and Lynne… we declare whatever they set their hands to, prosperity of every thing
Momentum, increase, revelation and what You’ve called them to do
The best that’s yet to come… we don’t lean on our own understanding but we trust in You
We plead the blood over our nation, over every state, over the President… we pray a hedge of protection around him and declare not one weapon formed against him will prosper… weapons of words cannot come to pass… the blood of Jesus protects every step he takes… his steps are ordered from heaven…
We pray for those in authority around him… that they speak Your word and increase over him…
Protection for his family… no weapon formed against them will prosper
New breakthroughs in Jesus’ name… places we’ve never stepped before… increase on every side
We pray over every laborer… showing them the right places to go…. right words to speak
Breakthroughs … this year is a year of breakthroughs
Expectations increase… walking out the greatness of God almighty
Boundaries move out… boundaries holding back the church, get out of the way!
Entering into the new and greater and an increase
Locations… specific locations… we lift that up… places we’ve been called to go
Outside the boundaries… outside the box…
Answers to solutions… making a way… You make a way where there was no way
Limits… be removed… deception, leave!
Thank You for the wind of Your Spirit, the rain, the fire, the oil
Every limitation, get out of the way… low place be smoothed out… high places come down
Entering into new days of expansion in every way
Turnarounds… some things that were held back, be loosed in Jesus’ name
Come forth now!
We ask You for a fresh fire, a stirring in our hearts we can do what You’ve called us to do
Things that were broken will be back together again
Restoration! Made new and back on the road again