Brother DJ…
Good morning! Happy Friday! When we pray, you’re going to hear the instruction. You’re going hear the word of encouragement. You’re going to hear what God wanted you to do for this day and this whole year.
His praises shall be in our mouths. Not the complaining! But praises shall be in our mouths.
It just quickly comes to my mind as Proverb 3, commit your ways to the Lord. And then He said, in all your ways, acknowledge Him. We lean not to our own understanding, but in all our ways, acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path.
Thank you, Father, you direct our paths this morning.
Bless the Lord our soul and forget not all His benefit. We bless you, Lord. Who forgives all our sins.
He remembers not our inequities. What happened today, an hour ago? What happened? He doesn’t remember.
He heals us from every single disease.
He’s willing to heal you from every single disease. Whatever is stressing you. Whatever is not easy on you, on your body. He said, I will remove the burden and yokes shall be destroyed because His anointing is here this morning.
He said when you don’t know what to pray, just pray in tongues. Pray in the Spirit.
Thank you, Father. There is no one like you. No one else can touch our hearts like you do.
He meets all your needs. Thank you, Father. You are great.
You’re doing a miracle on the inside of us. We worship you for He was wounded for our transgression.
And by the stripes of Jesus Christ, you are healed. And we are healed. And He sent His Word and healed your disease. Thank you, Father.
We sent your Word. You’re going to make it easy because your burden is easy and light.
For this reason, I kneel before the Father from whom all of our families are named.
He will strengthen you today.
Christ shall dwell in us through faith so Christ can live through us today. Christ will live through us. I pray the eyes of your understanding shall be enlightened. Eyes of understanding shall be enlightened to know the purpose and the glorious inheritance.
I pray you shall be rooted and established in His love … to know His love, to know this love which is higher, longer, wider.
If you know this love, which is to go all the way, to know this love so we are filled with the fullness of God. Filled with the knowledge God… filled with the glory of God… filled with the wisdom of God…
Now unto you who’s able to do exceedingly, abundantly what we can pray or ask or imagine, according to His mighty resurrection power that is working within us… through us.
We are claiming the Psalm 23 in all 2023, for all the Living Word church members, or you that are watching online. Thank you, Father. The Lord is my shepherd. We shall not lack. We shall not want. He lay us down in green pasture. He restore your soul. He guide me and you in the path of His righteousness, for his namesake.
We will fear no evil. He’s with us. He’s in us. Surely He anointed your head and my head with oil that our cup overflow… cup overflow this year… cup overflowed today with the joy, peace, love, wisdom, direction, understanding.
He says surely and goodness and mercy shall follow you and me all the days of our life. We shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever and forever. The Lord is my shepherd. He’s giving you rest. He’s giving you peace. He’s giving you joy in the midst… even when you walk through the valley or the shadow of death, even when you walk through this issue or that problem, you shall not fear. The Lord is with us. He’s working through us.
Brother DJ shared…
I remember years ago, Eric H., way younger than me, he saw my miserable life. I guess he had a pity on me. He said, “You need to go to church.” I said, “Church?” He said, “You need to go with us and pastor will pray for you.” I said, “What is prayer? And who’s the pastor? What is a pastor?” He said, “You need to come to church.” I said, “No.” A week passed by. He told me again. “You need to come to church.” I said, “No. I don’t go to church. I don’t know what church is. I don’t go to church.” He kept asking. He knew the secret. Take one person to church and see what happens. Finally, I said, “Okay, come and pick me up.” He came and picked me up. That was almost 23 years ago.
I go to the church not knowing what to expect. And then he left me alone and he went to start playing music. He was playing drums. I’m sitting there and suddenly this pastor, he’s a Spanish pastor. He’s walking toward me. And I see him and his face was glowing like sunshine. And then he comes to me, “Welcome.” He hugged me. I’m like, “Don’t hug me.” I sat there and they start singing and singing and singing. And the peace started coming upon me. I didn’t know what to expect. I can remember that 23 years ago. Right at this time in January, the song goes, “Change my heart, O Lord. Make me ever new. Change my heart, O Lord. May I be like you. Change my heart, O Lord.”
As if you’re watching this morning, He will change your heart and give you a new heart.
I’m sitting there… I remember that day when this song was sang and the pastor start preaching. “If you believe in Him, He will change your life.” I went into the church one way and came away totally different. Thank you, Father. And that was a first day I went to church. I haven’t stopped. Thank you, Father.