Morning Prayer Summary for Thursday, October 17, 2019

Rob led group in time of worship…

Rob shared testimony…

I’ve had some things stirring in me the last few weeks. Kind of personal. But maybe it’s meant for somebody to hear, so I’m going to share it. It all comes down to obedience. Assignments that He’s got for all of us. He brought back to remembrance a couple years ago where I was seeking the Lord, saying, “Lord, use me. I just want to be in your will. Show me what You want me to pray about. I’m Yours.” Well, He answered my prayer in a way I didn’t quite expect. There was a week where I’m at work and all of a sudden, this overwhelming urge to pray came over me. I knew it was from Him. It was emotional. It was a deep yearning to pray out some things. I didn’t know what to do. I’m at work, but thankfully I work for a church. So I’d find a room and I would weep and pray. I said, “Lord, I don’t know what You’re doing but I’m obedient. I’m going to do this.” This would happen several times a day where He would put on me something I was to pray over. I didn’t know what it was. So I would find a room. I didn’t tell anybody else at work what was going on. I just knew I had to obey. So I would find a quiet place and would get before the Lord and tears would come down. About the third day, I’m like, “Lord, how long is this going to happen, because I do have some other things to do here.” The logic part of me was like, do I need to find a pastor and ask “what is going on?” But inside, I knew it was the Lord. I knew it was so I didn’t have to ask anybody, a pastor about it. I knew I just needed to obey, because it was an assignment. That went on for about a week until finally I had a release about it. To this day, I don’t know what it was all about. I don’t know if it was an assignment for somebody here or for somebody in China that was being persecuted. We don’t always have the answer to that, do we? But it was a powerful time for me because I just knew I had to obey. No matter if people knew what was going on or not.

So fast forward to a few weeks ago. The Lord alerted me to a situation and it was something that someone was going through. I’m like, “Okay, Lord, we’re part of a big church. Somebody’s got to step up and meet this need because this shouldn’t be happening.” He kept putting this situation in front of me. I’m walking through Home Depot on a Friday night, just trying to get some things. He said to me, “Hey, Rob, you’ve got this ability to meet this need.” I just lost it. I’m at Home Depot and I’m doing everything I can not to bawl in an aisle. I didn’t want to face anybody and let them see that I was really torn up. “Lord, can you pick a better time?” But I had to repent, and I said, “Okay, Lord, I’m so sorry that I’m trying to put this onto somebody else when You put this on my heart.” I went home and said to Sandy, “Honey, this is what He’s told me.” She said, “Yes, for sure. Let’s do this.” So we did. It wasn’t a big deal. It just involved some acts of kindness. Throughout the week, He kept on prompting me to help with this situation. Assignments, right? God just wants to use us. When He tells us to be something to be obedient and do it right away. So I did. I’m so glad I did.

So a few days ago, I’m meeting with someone and got some information on this that and I could see, “Okay, God.” Just these acts of kindness will put a bubble around a situation. God brought me into that. He said, “See what happened here?” Again, I’m at work. I lose it. I’m not that way all the time at work. Ha, ha. But I had to leave work for a while and sit in my car and just weep. Because I’ve been praying, “Lord, help me to see people through Your eyes. Help me to walk out Your love walk.” God was saying, “I’m showing you these situations through My eyes.” And it involves seeing some situations that were hard for me to see and involved some humanity that I didn’t want to see. It wasn’t that it made me mad. It just gave me compassion for the frailty and where we are as Christians. And God was saying, “I’m going to let you in to My world and see things through My eyes. It may not be easy.” It was not an easy week for me. But I guess the reason I’m sharing that is to say let’s just ask the Lord “Help me to see people through Your eyes, to be obedient right away when You tell us to do something. Let’s consecrate our hearts this morning and say, “Lord, use us. We are here for You. You are Lord of our lives and that means Lord over every area. It means Lord of our time, our money, our love walk with others. Help us to see people through Your eyes even when it’s not comfortable. Give us assignments, Lord. Thank You, Lord. ♪ thank You, Lord… thank You, Lord… ♪

Group worships the Lord…

Pastor Ray…

I like what you said, “to see others the way He sees them… to see through His eyes.” You talked about our love walk. I saw this, this morning. I read this about love from a minibook by Keith Moore.

Excerpt from “God Loves Me” by Keith Moore

Perfect love casts out fear. All fear. And fear can be tormenting. When you’re afraid your bills are not going to get paid, fear gnaws at the back of your mind while you’re trying to work, or when you’re trying to do things around the house. And fear affects your relationships.
So many people are under duress and stress because of financial pressure, and it’s just a fear that they’re not going to make it. It’s a fear that the money is not going to be there on time, or that they’re not going to have enough. Or they might be in fear about their body—that it’s not going to improve or that it’s going to get worse. It’s a fear that they’re going to die in mid-life, or that they’re going to die prematurely.
If you yield to it, that fear is with you all of your waking hours. It will wake you up in the middle of the night. It is tormenting, and it is not from God. God didn’t give us the spirit of fear.
What will get rid of the fear?
Complete love. Full love will throw it out. It will cast it out and push it out so that you just have boldness. I like the sound of that, don’t you? The love of ?god and the faith of God are inseparable. They are inseparable in operation.
Paul said in 2 Timothy 1:12, “For I know Whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against the day.” I know in Whom I have believed. Faith is not just mental adherence to principles or a legalistic ritual or routine. Faith is in knowing the One who said the words. I know Him. I don’t know all there is to know about Him, but I know Him, and He knows me. I know enough about Him to know that if He said it, we can count on it. And we can build the building on it. We can count on it. To know Him is to know love, because God is love.
When you know that God loves you, it’s going to take away a lot of your questions. It’s going to take away your frustrations and your wavering. When people ask, “Will God heal me?” They don’t know how much He loves them or they wouldn’t have asked the question. “Will God help me pay my bills? Will God help me get caught up? I’m behind. Will God help me get out of debt? I don’t know—do you think it’s His will?” To ask that means you don’t really know Him. I didn’t say you weren’t saved, but you don’t really know Him, because if you knew how much He loved you, you wouldn’t even ask that.

Pastor Ray continues…

It is like what Rob said about we choose to walk in love, but this is another side of the mountain, so to speak. God is love. And He loves us. So there’s no question about whether things will work out right. He loves us. So we take that Word and apply it. Pastor Lynne has a testimony of when years ago, depression came on her. She would take the Word, put it beside the bed on the floor and stand on it. She literally stood on the Word and began to declare it over her. There were many different things that she did, but basically she stood on the Word until she was free. Because the Word is what works. Not some other man’s word unless he’s speaking the Word. If we just get that revelation.


Lord, thank You. You loved us so much that You sent Your Son. You had the plan that He would go all the way through to the cross at Calvary and shed His blood for each of us. That blood is working on our behalf here in these days that we’re living. 2019. Moving more toward the end of a year and beginning to look toward to 2020. So we know that the power of Your blood and Your name. Thank You, Lord. (tongues) You are the way maker… You’re making ways that are new… we remind ourselves that the enemy is defeated… no weapon formed against us will prosper… we prosper in that which we put our hands unto… we want to always serve You… humble ourselves… You’ve enabled each of us to do what You’ve called us to do… You called us… Hallelujah! …

I want us to receive communion this morning together. Before we do that, I wanted to share something. When we remind ourselves about what He’s done for us through the elements of communion, let the Holy Spirit show you others that He went to the cross for that His blood was shed for and that the stripes upon His back were taken for them too. I wanted to pray for Pastor Paula White. I want to lift her up. When I turned on the TV this morning, she was on Fox News. They were interviewing her about a new book. She was sharing about how she first met the President when he tuned in, in the middle of the night. Paula was on TV preaching the Word. That’s how they were connected years ago. But God placed her in that White House, a born again, Spirit filled women of God. A pastor! I couldn’t help just think about the authority that she walks in and the anointing that is resident within her. Wherever she goes in the White House, whatever meeting she is a part of, the anointing is there. That breaks yokes and chains.


So, Father, in Jesus’ name, we come together in agreement and pray for Pastor Paul White. We lift her up before You and we pray that the plan and purpose you’ve given to her. This morning, she testified about different things that took place, how Your Word was faithful to get her through, her family and different things in her past… how You worked things out on her behalf. We’re praying today for her future, for what she’s been called unto. In these days that we’re living in and the influence from heaven that comes through her into the White House and those leaders in Jesus’ name. That same love flows through her, but the anointing is resident there and it’s making a way and she will not be intimidated by what others say. But she will stand up strong even stronger that she’s been before. Standing on Your Word… what You’ve called her to do… we plead the blood of Jesus and cover every aspect of her life… the protection of the blood… not one weapon formed against her or her family will prosper… resources are coming to a greater degree than they’ve ever done before… finances, relationships, connections… resources of every kind… they’re on the way… (tongues) gain ground… increase in influence… she can and she will… the steps, Father… the higher ways… we call her blessed, protected, and directed by heaven…

Word came forth about church…

Old ways are beginning to be shaken off, saith the Lord. I started to hear this. The old ways in these new days are being shaken off and you are stepping out from those ways into God’s preplanned ordained new ways. And they’ll be higher steps and sometimes you’ll look and see and wonder… ha, ha, ha… hallelujah!… if that’s heaven calling you or how you’ll do it or when you’ll do it, but know that it will be from heaven above, for He’s calling all of us up another step. And it’ll be like a paradigm shift from some old thoughts and old thinking and new days and new thoughts and new revelation concerning our personal assignments from heaven. Can we do it? Will we do it?  You can do all things through Christ Jesus and the power from heaven, the anointing of the Holy Spirit working inside you will cause you to step up. And after that, when you’ve taken that place and that position, there is more. There is greater. The grace of God. Mercy of God. These are new days.

Let’s just know that He loves us so much. Each one of us. He’ll always be faithful. So all the doubt and questions, let them go. For we know God loves us so much. He’ll never stop or quit. So we’ll walk in Your ways.

Group had communion…

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