Morning Prayer Summary for Friday, May 31, 2019

Pastor Ray shared…

Yesterday if you were here, Mary was singing an older song, “Moving With the Cloud.” You’re moving with the cloud of glory. Sandy, my wife, was online and found a book by John G. Lake about heavenly authority. I didn’t have that book! I thought I had all of his books. So get me that book! I wanted to read something from that book this morning.

Also, Franklin Graham has designated Sunday as a day of prayer for the President. When I think about praying for the President and our country, I thought “what if we didn’t pray? What if we disobeyed the Word that says to pray for those in authority.” Kenneth Hagin said the Lord told him that in the 60s and 70s, we wouldn’t have had to go through all the rebellion that we went through as a nation if the Church had only prayed. If the church doesn’t pray, all hell… put it like that… will break loose. We’re not open to that. We’re contending for greater. The phrase “Make America Great Again,” we could alter that to “Let’s Make America Greater Than Ever Before.” And by that we mean “move of the Holy Spirit, revival, the anointing, you know, all the things that we yearn for and we want to see.” And we will see!

I’m going to read this excerpt about Moses from John G. Lake’s book, “Heavenly Authority.” Okay, get the picture. Moses is standing by the Red Sea. Just imagine what was going through his mind. He’s got all those people with him. Here John G. Lake painted a word picture.

When Moses stood at the Red Sea he tried to back out of that relationship God was establishing and tried to throw the responsibility back on God. He was overwhelmed. It was too marvelous. Surely God must not have meant it. but God knew. When he began to recognize himself as an individual and God as another it was offensive to God. He thought he could back up and pray for God to do something for him the same as God used to do in the old relationship. He could not do it. When he got down to pray, in the mind of God, the idea of Moses not backing water and getting out of that close place, that inner relationship, that divine symphony of Moses’ sound and God’s—it was offensive to Him. And God said, “Wherefore criest thou unto me?”

In other words, shut up your praying. Get up out of there.

Pastor Ray interjected…

That was his interpretation of that verse. Okay, we face things like that and we are tempted, of course. I had something lately where I thought, I’m asking that but I’ve already asked that. You better be changing your words and expectation about what He’s doing and what He will do and line them up and not keep bringing up the same scenario. Same way with angels, ministering spirits. We do send them out. But we have to watch over what we say when we send them. So here, I like how he put it he was trying to back out of his connection with the Lord and then gonna get down and start praying. So the Lord, basically, said “Stop praying and get up and get out of there.” This is the next part of the excerpt.

“Lift thou up, thy rod, and stretch out thine hand over the sea, and divide it” (Exo. 14:15–16).

Pastor Ray interjected…

That was his response that he got from the Lord. Right.

God did not say, “Moses, you stretch forth your hand, and I will divide the sea.” But He said, “Stretch out thine hand over the sea, and divide it.”

Pastor Ray interjected…

That’s absolute faith. Faith in Him.

“Moses, you are I are one, stretch forth your hand and divide the sea. You have all there is of me and I have all there is of you. We are one and indivisible.” God and man becomes one. the heart of man, the mind of man, the soul of man enteres into God and God into him. The divine fires of the eternal Christ, by the Holy Ghost, come from heaven, and the lightnings of Jesus flash through the life, bless God, and the power of Christ invigorates and manifests and demonstrates through that relationship.

Pastor Ray…

That’s the whole thing—our connection to Him. Relationship with heaven. I want to read one other paragraph.

Friends, we need a coming up into God. This church, and the church around the world needs to come up into God. We have been traveling around in a circle, and digging our noses in the ground, and we have had our eyes on the ground, instead of up in the clouds, instead of up at the throne. Look up to the glorified One! If you want to see His bleeding hands, look to heaven where He is to see them. Do not look back to Calvary to see them. He is the risen,

Pastor Ray…

And he uses this word “regnant” which means “reigning and ruling.” It’s regnant. Reigning and ruling.

…regnant, glorified Son of God in heaven, with all power and all authority; with the keys of hell and of death! He is the divine authority, the eternal overcoming, manifestation of God in Heaven. And you and the regnant, glorified Christ as one, are the divine manifestation of God. Come up to the Throne, dear ones. Let the throne life, and the throne love, and the throne power and the throne Spirit, and the Holy Ghost in heaven possess you, and you will be a new man in Christ Jesus! And your tread will be the march of the conqueror and your song the song of victory, and your crown the crown of glory, and your power the power of God.

Pastor Ray…

I love that… when we keep looking up. Otherwise, we’re looking like Moses tried to separate himself from the relationship, that he was seeing his own natural flesh ways separate from God.


Father, we thank You for that picture of who we are in You. We see ourselves and see our company, this company at Living Word, looking up. Things are looking up. As we look up, things all around us are beginning to look up or manifest in the will and purpose of God. Where we have not done that, we repent. We come before You this morning in repentance about that. But we know we don’t live in the past. We’re not living in the old days or old ways. We’ve stepped out of it and we know Your plan for us is to keep stepping up further and not looking back. We look back on what You have done, what Your Word says what You will do. And we look ahead and call those things that be not as though they were. We speak and see it that way. We see the big picture of victory for the church, victory in our walk and talk and what we see and what we experience. Victory in Christ. Thank You for the blood this morning. We don’t want to look at the negative situations in our country and we don’t magnify those things. We want to magnify what Your Word says and continually contend and pray and declare Your will over our country, to move it more and more in Your will and plan.


We’re going to make a declaration but before I start, I would like to bring to your remembrance a vision that Pastor Lynne Hammond had on July 26, 2016. I’m going to read it as a refresher and for anyone that hasn’t heard it before.

Lynne Hammond Vision
July 26, 2016

I saw a dark skeleton shaped cloud in the Middle Eastern headdress hovering next to the torch of the statue of Liberty’s hand. the skeleton was blowing puffs of smoke toward her. And each time the smoke hit her, the symbol of liberty, the standard I’ve lived by my whole life would reel as if she was about to fall. What was wrong with her, I wondered. As if an answer, the image of a hand appeared, starting out as small as a child’s. The hand quickly grew into powerful fist holding a cup. It was cut through by a sword marked with a crescent and a moon. The hand tried to force the statue of liberty to drink from the cup. And an evil voice said, “You must drink the dregs of this cup of judgment, punishment to your inhabitants.” Recognizing the words as an echo of Jeremiah 25:28-29, I thought, “How dare you try to use scripture against her, you demon power from hell.” Then all of a sudden, I heard another sound. It was coming from the other side of the torch and sounded like a swarm of buzzing bees. As the bees became louder and louder, I realized that it was the voices of praying people. I could tell by how they sounded, they knew their authority in Christ. They knew that ever demonic power and principality is defeated and we as the body of Christ on earth are here to enforce that defeat on every side and in every place. As they continued to pray and use their authority, a most interesting thing happened. The angels would join them. “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. When the righteous rule, the people rejoice,” the prayers would say. Then in response, the angels would smile and say in return, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. When the righteous rule, the people rejoice.” Psalm 33:12, Pro. 29:2. Every time they made those declarations, the hand would relinquish his hold and stop pushing the cup of judgment toward lady liberty. Gradually, the hand began to vanish and I saw again, the glorious door God has opened for America. Then the Lord spoke to me, “You can have one or the other. You can have my glory in this nation, or you can have what the devil is trying to do. So keep praying. Pray for America until you see the end of dark cloud of evil. Pray until you see devil worship and every other kind of “ism” driven out. This is an everlasting prayer assignment for me until the church is raptured.”

Frances continued…

As we take authority right now and pray for our nation.

Father, in the name of Jesus and according to Your Word, we pray for those in authority in our country. In every segment of our society. First of all, we lift up the workers of righteousness, those who labor tirelessly to uphold your righteous standard and statues. Crown them with Your wisdom, discernment, strength, courage, favor and success. And for those other ones, Father, we pray you will bless them with the fear of God in their hearts in a Damascus Road experience. So they may turn totally away from darkness and walk in the light and become mighty warriors for Your kingdom. As for the wolves in sheep’s clothing and the unrepentant, we ask that they be quickly removed from positions of honor so they cannot mislead people anymore. We plead the blood of Jesus over President Trump, Vice President Pence, William Bar, and their families, their staff, the cabinet members, and all those who would join hands with our President and with You to defend and rebuild our nation. We ask for the seven-fold Spirit to rest upon them right now. Let Your Word cling to them and let them not depart from Your plan. Strengthen them with Your mighty power to stand against lies, hatred, wickedness and deception. Guide President Trumps decisions. Let Your light shine upon his path and show him the path of complete reversal of every evil way. We hold the blood of Jesus, cutting off the root of these evil ways and command it to be uprooted and be removed in Jesus’ name.  We decree and declare that times is up for the corrupt in all areas of our society. Be they in our educational system, businesses, arts and entertainment, churches, families, media and all levels of our government. Such as judges, mayors, attorney generals, councilmen, governors, senators, congressmen and those who sit in all manner of forts and commissions. Those who are involved in the FBI, CIA, DOJ, DOD, the State Department, the Supreme Court, the White House, the Special Counsel, the law enforcement, the military and so on. We ask for the divine justice to fall right now. We pray for their souls to come into Your kingdom, dear Lord. But Your justice has to be done right now in our nation and even throughout the whole earth. So that Lucifer’s kingdom can come to an end. We decree and declare it’s over for the new world order. And the army of God is rising up and taking our rightful place. Father, let there be changes in politics, education, family, media, entertainment, businesses, churches, and all areas of our society in Jesus’ name. As the legislative body of Christ, we enforce the crumbling of the abortion laws in our land. The shedding of innocent blood such as the likes of Planned Parenthood and all the demonic inspired and influence organizations, businesses, and entities. Dear Lord, continue to surround our President with godly people who impart wise counsel to him. We bind the infiltration of Jezebel into his faith counsel. In fact, we hold the blood of Jesus binding Jezebel and evil cohorts in every segment of our nation. Father, crown our President with unprecedented and unparralled wisdom, discernment, fullness, strength, stamina, courage, favor and success. Bless him, Father, with safety, peace, a sound marriage, and family relationship. Creative ideas and solutions. As you had blessed King David with his mighty men, surround our President with stalwart and loyal people who stand with him to push back darkness and be victorious. Speak to him Yourself, Lord, in dreams and visions and even in audible voice. And the voice of a stranger he will not follow. Cause the way of the wicked to be set to confusion and come to nothing. Deliver us from the traps and snares the enemy has laid for us. And let the wicked be caught in their own devices and be brought to shame. Let prideful and lying lips be silenced in Jesus’ name. Slanderers will not be established in America. Let wisdom from above rain on our nation and be constantly speaking to our leaders and help them to humble themselves and submit to Your will. We cast down and demolish imaginations and arguments against the knowledge of God. And we bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. We bind spirits of deception, division, witchcraft, perversion, murder, suicide, violence, hatred, civil wars, tumults, hostility and lawlessness, blasphemy and fires from hell that have burned in our cities. We decree and declare and it is established that we have victory after victory in Jesus’ name. Father, we ask that You will open spiritual eyes and ears, hearts to be receptive to stand behind Your anointed and appointed, President Trump. And Your merciful will for our nation. We hold the blood of Jesus, breaking every curse, hex, vex, incantation, voodoo, witchcraft of all kinds leveled at our President, every righteous defender, rebuilder, and their families, our nation, and everyone who stands in the gap and prays for our President and nation. We bind every spirit of backlash, retaliation, retribution, revenge, hindrance, delay that comes against any of us. In Jesus’ name. We loose the judgment of God on the wicked spirits that are tuning in, coming against any of us or our President and his family. We dispatch warring angels, mighty hosts of heaven to go and pull down all the strongholds and the platforms the enemy has been operating against our President, our nation and all the righteous defenders and rebuilders. Destroy all the evil plots and plans, lies and slander, snares and blockages. Enforce the boundaries of our nation. Clear the way for God’s glorious light to break forth mightily in our nation that justice, judgment, and vindication may be rendered. We speak grace over America. We pray and believe the voice of truth, salvation, revival and restoration to be proclaimed and heard and accepted and firmly installed across our land. We pray for a mighty outpouring of Your Spirit with signs, wonders and miracles. That will usher in a great awakening. The harvest of souls, Lord. Father, let Your mighty work in America become a beacon of hope for people everywhere. However, whoever wishes to come into this country shall go through the lawful way. We expect the voices of rejoicing to be heard in our nation for Your goodness, mercy and prosperity in Jesus’ name. Amen.


Open your hearts… to the moving of His Spirit… wake up, wake up… don’t miss His moving… don’t miss what He’s doing… ha, ha… lift your voice… (singing tongues)… Father, we lift up the nomination… line up, line up… come into alignment with the plan and the purpose of God in Jesus’ name… thank You, Father God… it’s goes Your way, Father… so you can bring Your plan to fruition… bring it about… yes, yes… yes, it does matter… bringing everything into position… into Your way… yes, into that station… coming into that station in the name of Jesus… come up into that station… no. we say no in Jesus’ name… you will not go another way… no! … You will say nay when you’re supposed to say nay… and you will say yay when you’re supposed to say yay…. you will bow… you will come into alignment with the plan of God… you will come into alignment in the name of Jesus… we hold you to the plan… those doors that He opens will not be closed by any man… those doors that He has appointed for such a time as this… are held open by His hand… no darkness, no weapon formed against… that will prosper in the name of Jesus… for the nation… inside the chambers… we go inside the secret chambers, Father… we step in there, Father… by Your Spirit and we take ascendency there and over those plans that the enemy is fashioning, Father, now in Jesus’ name… we step in there and we say, “NO, you will not prosper, you will not come to fruition, you are dismantled today in the name of Jesus”… yeah, yeah, yeah… those lingering thoughts, those lingering plans, they dissolve, they come apart… now in the name of Jesus… that’s right… yes, yes… I thank You that they succumb to their own plans, they succumb to their own evil ways, Father, and they are brought to nothing… they are brought to naught… those weapons that built up and compiled, Father, they are destroyed today by the power of Your Spirit in Jesus’ name… that stockpile, in the name of Jesus, we speak to you, we speak to that stockpile and we command you in Jesus’ name to be destroyed today … supernatural intervention… yes, you passed over… go back around… you pass by, but you were supposed to see that thing… go back, go back and see that thing… go back and get that thing… don’t be distracted… let the Holy Spirit lead… let the Holy Spirit display… let the Holy Spirit expose… in the name of Jesus… yes, yes… don’t be too quick to move… be led, be led by the Spirit of God… every step, in the anointing, in His peace, in His grace, in His blood… every step enlightened, lit up by Him… an illumination of His Spirit… so clear, so clear… the leading of the Holy Ghost… it’s the leading of His Spirit… that still small voice… that unction of the holy one… the anointing on the inside… yielding over unto Him… oh the grace of God to reach out, to reach down into that river of the Holy Ghost… to flow in His peace and His grace… every minute of the day… ha ha… it’ll even be shocking that it’s so easy to hear Him… it’s so easy to be led by Him… it’s so easy… it’s time for you to leak in a good way… leak all over the place, everywhere you go… His glory and His grace getting all over everyone you come in contact with… open up your heart, open up your mind… so He can use you all the time… open, open, open up your heart… let Him move, let Him flow… hey, hey, you know the way to go… He’s the source… He is the source… ha, ha… He is everything you need… His kindness, goodness, grace are available to you… His angels… they heed your voice… they wait to hear your word… they’re waiting to be dispatched… wake up… wake up to who you are…

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