Prayer Summary for Tuesday, November 03, 2015

Pastor Ray shared…

Yesterday when we were praying, I had Erika read a prophecy from sister Billye. Billye was talking about when we’re praying in tongues, you might hear a word. It’s something that we’re receiving by the Spirit. She said you should repeat that word and kind of watch over it prayerfully. While we were praying yesterday, the word I kept getting was “plateau” as in leveling off. At the end, Pastor Paul had scripture and he heard the words “go up,” like move up, step up.

Pastor Tim and I were talking afterward and I told him about the word I got—plateau. He said he had the words “status quo.” He said on the weekend, he was mowing his lawn and he became overcome by the Holy Spirit and he started praying in other tongues concerning “status quo.” Pastor Mac in his last series was talking about repetition and we’re not talking about that. We’re talking about status quo in the Church and not taking the steps up that we should take to move up or stir ourselves up.

Next, I wanted to share with you a word that came forth from last year during morning prayer. It’s goes along with 2nd Corinthians 3:17, “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty (emancipation from bondage, freedom). 18 And all of us, as with unveiled face, [because we] continued to behold [in the Word of God] as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are constantly being transfigured into His very own image in ever increasing splendor and from one degree of glory to another; [for this comes] from the Lord [Who is] the Spirit.”

Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. We’re being changed, transfigured from one degree of glory to another. That happens when we’re continually filled and focused on stirring ourselves up in the Lord. There are things that we have to do, right? I like that for the corporate setting we have here every morning, together with Him we invite Him. We want more of Him. I don’t want to stay the same. I don’t want you to stay the same. I mean that in a good way. We want to change and be transfigured. We want to go from one degree of glory to another degree of glory. We don’t want to plateau out and be kind of semi-satisfied. That’s kind of what Pastor Tim was saying. He was tired of status quo.


Heavenly Father, thank You so much for the power of Your Spirit. This scripture is so true: where the spirit of the Lord is, where the Holy Spirit is in residence, where the Holy Spirit is moving, there is absolute freedom and liberty. So we welcome You this morning Holy Spirit. We need you. We want you. We want to be changed. We want to be rearranged. We want to be turned around if we need to be, whatever is needed for us to not be satisfied with plateau or status quo but continually looking and receiving and believing and walking by faith into the more.

Continued sharing…

This word came on December 8, 2014.

“Shut the door on that. Shut the door, lock it, and throw away the key, for that has been finished and you have been set free. Close the door, lock it up, and throw away the key, for you have been called to walk in victory. That, that has been opened before will try to stop you from entering into and walking out more—the more that I have called you to walk out. There are many more operations by My Spirit that will bring about change, not just in you but through you. Changes that will take place, that have been predestined for this month to take place. So lock up the door, throw away the key, and walk with Me. For by My Spirit, I have called you to operate in and through Me. I have called you to be free and walk in absolute, total victory. So see yourself seated with Me in heavenly places, full of great joy, full of peace, full of comfort, and full of My strength. And do everything you can do to keep yourself walking in My love. My love through you will bring about absolute total unity in My body, for it is through Me and by My love and My power in you. Do not let one second go by without being filled with Me. Do not question what others have done. Don’t question what they have said and what it looked like. Just stay seated with Me in heavenly places above all of the lack, all of the doubt, all of the junk, and all of the strife, and you will walk in victory with a brand new shout. For what you say will be from Me, and what you hear that is from Me, but what you declare will bring about great peace in the places that I have predestined for it to come forth in these hours, these days that you are living in. It is a season of My grace. It is a season of My comfort for you. Take it by faith, walk in it, and receive it. Healing is there too; restoration is in it. It is all My power, My glory, and My presence,” thus said the Lord.

Remember the first part: shut the door on it, lock it up and throw away the key. For it’s already been finished and you’ve already been set free! Free, free, free!


We pray for an even greater multiplication of freedom in you and me
To roll off every care so much so that it cannot stay there
Roll free in glory and liberty and strength
Doing our part and declaring it with all our hearts
Look like they would never change—but they’ve already been changed
Victory in the spirit
Stability concerning the assignments
Seated in heavenly places
Calling things that be not as though they are
Keys—we watch over the keys—to open and to close
We open up those greater ways
Opening up for increase
Breaking patterns that have held the Church down
We rise up and shake off the dust—free of cares and anxieties
Taking greater territories
A great enabling
We pray over the pathway, the steps
Readjusting—some things need a new key
Words can be the key
Praying in other tongues and listening with our spiritual ears
Deleting some things—gone!
Like a blast from heaven—blowing up the old and bringing in the new

Pastor Ray shares…

Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty and freedom. There is freedom of utterance. There is liberty to speak, to utter forth plans and purposes that will come and move your feet. Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is absolute freedom to stand up, freedom to go ahead, freedom to go through, freedom to overcome every obstacle of the world’s ways and walk in heaven’s ways. Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom from the past. Where the spirit of the Lord is, there’s freedom to go into the future.

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