Father, thank You that we come before You because of the blood
You have taught us that we can use the blood in any situation
Today, we speak the blood over our lives, hearts, families, churches, pastors, and this nation
Declaring no plot or conspiracy of the enemy will come forth!
We see a wall of the blood all around us
Father, we are not willing for even one to be lost
Declaring we ARE the Church of the living God!
You have brought us into this time for such a time as this
We bend our hearts and knees before You for there is none other
For us, the days are getting brighter and brighter
Thank You for the glorious transformation of the Church in every realm of society
For each one to know who’s they are and whom they serve
Seeing and seizing every opportunity and framing our world
Praying that there would be an inner strengthening
That we would speak what You want us to speak
We pray about the shift and progress
No obstacle is too big for God!
Jesus, Your blood is sufficient for us to do our job!
Declaring, “We still believe in the blood of Jesus Christ!”
Thank You for Your blood, Jesus, that washes over us
The blood is opening up the secret ways
Complacency and status quo must leave and get out of the Church!
Weariness, BE GONE!
Body, take your place, run the race, and finish your course!
You have been prepared!
Fear, you must leave!
Knees, be strengthened!
Arms, be lifted up!
Get to running your race; now is the time to run!
By the blood, every step has been ordained
Every decision is being made through the blood
Pastors are covered in the blood!
Let go and let your heart be filled with joy!
The blood opens places that could not be opened, brings down walls that could not be brought down, breaks yokes that could not be broken
Take your place to run your race!