Prayer Summary for Friday, September 08, 2017

Pastor Ray shared…

We’re been praying against the storm and we’ll do that again today. It’s not too late for it to turn. I want to share a couple scriptures first. Mark 4:23, “If any man has ears to hear, let him be listening and let him perceive and comprehend and he said to them, be careful what you’re hearing. The measure of thought and study that you give to the truth that you hear will be the measure of virtue and knowledge that comes back to you and more besides will be given to you who hear.” So what do we hear? The Word of God. Then verse 35, “When evening came, he said to the disciples, “Let’s go over to the other side of the lake.” Leaving the throng of people, they took Him with them just as he was in the boat in which he was sitting and other boats were with them.” There’s more than one boat. “And a furious storm of wind, of hurricane proportions, arose and the waves kept beating into the boat so that it was already becoming filled. But he was in the stern asleep on the cushion and they awoke Him and said, “Master, do you not care that we’re perishing? He arose and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, “Hush now, be still, muzzled.” And what did the wind do? Ceased. “It sank to rest as if it was exhausted by its beating. And there was immediately a great calm, a perfect peacefulness. He said to them, “why are you so timid and fearful? How is it that you have no faith, no firmly relying trust?” And they were filled with awe and feared exceedingly and said to one another, “Who then is this that even wind and sea obey Him?” Sometimes when you hear about they say, “Sometimes they’re so clueless.”

Mark 4:39 in the Message. “Awake now, he told the wind to pipe down and said to the sea, “Quiet! Settle down!” The wind ran out of breath; the sea became smooth as glass. Jesus reprimanded the disciples: “Why are you such cowards? Don’t you have any faith at all?” 41 They were in absolute awe, staggered. “Who is this, anyway?” they asked. “Wind and sea at his beck and call!”

We need to keep speaking what the Word says. Before I read Mark 11, I have this in my Bible: Prayer is not always about asking. Prayer includes declaring. There are many things God has told us to do simply through declaration, yet a lot of times we persist in asking Him to do them. Paul even says it’s unnecessary for us to ascend into heaven to bring Christ into a situation. The word is in our mouths so that if we speak it, we will find ourselves moving the mountain. Jesus told us to speak to the mountain. This is not praying to God so He will move the mountain. It’s speaking to the mountain. Many times we’re told to speak to inanimate things and anticipate there will be a change. The key factor is in the fact that we believe that what we say will come to pass.

Mark 11:23, “Truly I tell you, whoever says to the mountain, be lifted up, thrown into the sea and does not doubt at all in his heart but believes that what he says will take place, it will be done for him. For this reason, I’m telling you, whatever you ask for in prayer believe, trust, be confident that it’s granted to you and you will get it.”


Grace and peace over America
Your truth will be lifted up… the truth of Your Word
The truth will rise up and every lie will go down until it’s a speck and then gone
Lies, be exposed for what you are
Every lie, hindrances
Thank You for revival in America
Every limit and hindrance, get out of the way
The church is rising up
We put an end to some things and we open up the doors of opportunity for others
We shut them down in Jesus’ name
An end to it [that keeps coming up in me]
We make the announcement today… it’s over and done… we put an end to it right now in Jesus’ name
We cover Florida and all the people… we cover them with the blood
We declare a turning now in Jesus’ name… TURN!
From a four to a three to a one and out and done
Restoration and help… the covering of the blood
A revealing and an illumination… seeing and knowing
All the cities… cities that we’re not even thinking about… covered in the blood
Peace, peace, peace unto you… in the name of Jesus, peace to those cities
Thank You, Jesus, You have made a way of escape
For that escape from the storm… from destruction
The word has been declared and peace comes to those cities now
Peace comes to the ocean now in Jesus’ name
Your anointing and power is working… angels are moving and dispatched… to move back that storm… to drive it back
Transferred… all the energy is transferred back where it came from
All that energy is removed in the name of Jesus
How dare you try to rise up against this nation… against us… how dare you to try to come up against our borders
We refuse to allow you here in Jesus’ name… we reject you on every side
We create a barrier, a wall and declare you will not come here… to this nation… or touch our shores
We are done with destruction… we say NO! We refuse you by the power of God…
you are broken and you will not come together again
For the anointing destroys you in Jesus’ name
Let Florida be a witness to Your glory and Your power

Pastor Ray interjected…

Let’s go back over the cities when Barb started praying about the cities, I had this that while all the eyes are on the storms… This keeps coming up: Cover the cities all over the US. Cover every city. We can’t name them all right now but all the key large cities…


We will not be blindsided… we apply the blood over every city in America…the blood covered cities rise up
Hidden things shall be exposed, revealed in time
We pray over every authority… policeman…
We take authority over any surprises in Jesus’ name
No! In the name of Jesus, we cut them off
We pray their eyes are open to see
We pray over every form of transportation… planes, trains, trucks, cars and we plead the blood over containers
The waterways and the ships… no weapon formed against the US will prosper
We pray for revival and a spirit of prayer to move across the nation
All those pockets and places, You begin to move…
Unfold and unravel and unloose in Jesus’ name
Hiding out in those pockets… You unravel those plans and devices… pockets be revealed and exposed
You will not be able to hide… the power of God reveals those pockets… bring them to the attention of the right people
You dismantle them…
We come against chemical attacks… you will not come to fruition here
Now in Jesus’ name… you are exposed and dismantled

Group sings in the spirit…


This morning I saw the storm and it was looking at me. It said, “Do you know that I have to listen to you?” That storm knows it has to listen to us. We have the Name above every name. So if that storm knows it has to listen to us, we respond and say, “Yes, we know that.” And we tell it to be still and to turn.

Pastor Ray shared…

Yesterday someone reminded me that when Jessie was here, he talked about the eye of the storm. He said, “Let’s poke the eye out of that thing with the Word.” So it can’t see. I didn’t detect any fear in this chapel this morning or unbelief. We’re in a place of faith.

Vera shared…

I had a dream a couple months ago. In Maple Grove, it was really raining. It rained so much. At one point, I stood next to my door and was confessing the Word. I wondered if it was going to flood. I continued to pray and confess. Then that night, I slept and I saw as though my townhome was flooded with lots of water. I have a three-season porch. In the gutter, things were started to flow out. Water was coming through and then I saw food coming through. I saw clothes coming through. I saw shoes and it was like God was telling me, “When you see a flood in the natural, let God open your spiritual eyes and you’ll realize it’s His rain and that there’s provision coming. And God is bringing that provision.

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