Prayer Summary for Thursday, October 8, 2015

Jerre led in worship…

♪ Singing songs and hymns and spiritual songs… making melody in my heart to You, Lord… Singing songs and hymns and spiritual songs, making melody in my heart to You, Lord. Be being filled, O we’ll be being filled… Singing songs and hymns and spiritual songs, making melody in my heart to You, Lord… We’re going over, we’re not going under… Cuz, Lord, You said we are, You are our everything, Lord, and we’re not appointed to wrath, Lord… So we’re going over, we’re going over… We’re singing songs and hymns and spiritual songs… making melody in our heart to You, Lord… ♪

Jerre shared…

Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs making melody in your heart to the Lord. We were taught to sing out of our hearts. Pastor Lynne taught us that. Erika and I were talking about the glorious church. How are we going to get there? It’s already in the Word. Be being filled, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, making melody in your heart to the Lord. And there is that part of singing with grace in your heart to the Lord.

Mary shared…

I remember back when I started coming to Living Word and being part of the praise and worship ministry and how Pastor Lynne would say that: “Okay, Susan, I don’t want you to sing something you know. I want you to sing out of your spirit.”


That’s the river inside of us.


And from that time, I just remember saying, “I want to do that.” One of the things that I do with the interns is I’ll take out the psalms and I’ll pull on an intern and the first couple of verses I will tell them to sing it. When we have the Word of God in our hearts, that’s what we have to draw from. When God calls on you to step out, will you have the Word in you? And whatever He’s calling for is what we want. Amen?


You’ve got to put the wood on the fire first, don’t you? First you have to put the wood—the Word—in there. Then there is like the bottomless things of God. We have some things we can sing and say that the Word has put in us, but there are bottomless things of God. Think about that. Bottomless! Bottomless love.


That makes me think too when the scripture says when we abide in Him and He abides in us, we can ask anything and when we are asking, if we’re really living and abiding in Him, it’s really Him asking. So when we have the Word of God in us, that’s Him. And we’re praying out whatever… even if it’s one word when we’re responding to that word, the anointing is on it and it’s for a purpose.


The second part of that scripture, is “if we know He hears us…” Do we really know He hears us right now today? He’s listening right now today to our exhortation. Last night when we had that worship time, it was like the top came off. I don’t know how to say it. It was like this big dome opened up last night and it was like looking down from above. It’s the same as if we know He hears us today, then we ask whatever those petitions we ask, they will be granted to us.

♪ Singing songs and hymns and spiritual songs… making melody in our hearts to the Lord… (singing in the spirit…) Can You hear us, O Lord… You’re listening to us, O Lord… as we sing songs and hymns and spiritual songs to You… Because You’re worthy of the highest praise, my King… worthy of the highest praise… ♪

Pastor Ray shared…

Maybe this is just for myself, but I felt the Holy Spirit say “I’m putting a demand on My church…” I’m taking it personally because I’m part of the Church. You know how it is when someone in the natural puts a demand on you? If Pastor Mac or Lynne put a demand on you, are you going to go, “I don’t know… I can’t do that.” That’s not an option. It reminded me of when Pastor Mark Brazee talked about what it was like to be in the services with brother Hagin. When brother Hagin would say to him, “Brother Mark, you got something?” Inside he’d say, “I have not a thing.” But what did he do? He would stand up, because brother Hagin would say, “Come on up here.” He said by the time he would get to the steps, guess what? He had something. And it was a step of faith.

I’m not sure why this is coming up right now but the first prayer missions trip Sandy and I went on was to Brussels. I had never spoke with an interpreter before. I had an interpreter named Donato. We were so green but we were filled with the Holy Ghost. We had Him. But at one point, during one of the services that I was doing, Donato, was interpreting for me and all of a sudden he fell out! He’s on the floor! He was out of it. It wasn’t a heart attack. It was a spiritual “attack.” He was so filled that he couldn’t stand up. Not only could he not stand up, he couldn’t speak. And he was the interpreter! You can imagine… I can’t say anything that they could understand. Fortunately, Pastor Lillian Rood was there and she could interpret and she stepped in. Donato is now pastoring a church in Europe now. So he went from the floor to a pastor’s position! So the Lord is good and His mercy endures forever… and the rivers… let’s go back to that for a second.

He said I am putting a demand on My church. The way I understood it, it’s a demand to let the river flow. Let it flow. So that’s what we’re doing right now. We’re just letting it flow, not knowing exactly where we’re going but knowing that He hears us and He directs us.

Jerre continues in worship…

♪ You are so very, very good… O Lord, you are so very, very good… Your mercy endures forever… ♪

Barb shared…

The Holy Spirit shows me the funniest things sometimes in prayer. Today I got a snapshot of my son who about a month ago was in the youth ministry services and they were having a party night. At the party night, they have sumo wrestling and they have these big sumo suits that you can put on and you can pretend you’re a sumo wrestler. My son sent me a snapshot of himself laying on the floor in this big suit, five or six times his size. As I’m sitting here this morning, the Holy Ghost showed me that snapshot. He said, “That’s who You are in Me!” Believers think they’re walking around as this normal little Christian. “What power do I have?” The Holy Spirit says “When I am in you, it’s like you’re in that sumo suit. You are big and powerful. You are full of Me.” When we receive the Holy Spirit, Ray didn’t get a little piece of the Holy Ghost and Erika didn’t get a little piece of the Holy Ghost and Mary didn’t get a little piece of the Holy Ghost. We each got the Holy Ghost! The full power, fire of the Holy Ghost on the inside of us.

My husband is a big football fan. We were watching this documentary on one of the players of a team that he likes. I’m not a Steeler’s fan so I don’t know their names but all I know is that they call him “the Bus.” As I was sitting here and Jerre sang “We’re going over.” He snapped me back to this documentary and this guy was so big, just watching the videos, it was like he was playing against little kids. I mean these are NFL football players and he is tossing them aside like they’re little kids! He’s running over them, throwing them off to the side. It was hysterical. I thought, “Is this for real? This guy is amazing.” The Bus. Jerome Bettis, that’s his name! Anyway, the Holy Ghost said, “That’s what you are like in Me! You’re like the Bus. You’re like that sumo wrestler. I’m in you and we go together and I take you to these places and we run over the enemy and we run through the camp and we go to these places and I will take you to all the places that you need to go. And it’s in My power, not in your power and strength, but it’s by the Holy Ghost.”

So remember today, it’s not you. All we have to do is lean on Him. We sing a song in the spirit and He takes us like that big gigantic powerful person through that situation. He takes us. We don’t take ourselves. He carries us in His power and His might.

Jerre continues worship…

♪ We serve a great big God… God, You’re living in me… You are a great big God in me… God, You’re living in me… You are a great big, great big God… ♪

Erika shared…

Somebody out there might be saying, “What are you doing?” We’re “be being filled.” If you want the great big God on the inside of you, you better be filled with the great big God. As we were singing, I had this on the inside of me. I could see a baby face, the face of a baby. In a moment, that face matured. The Church of the living God is growing up in Christ, growing up in the Holy Ghost. Great big on the inside. The overcomers, marching into God. I see that. We can do that. We can march into the enemy’s camp. In the realm of prayer, you’re going to have to go some places. You’re going to have to know some places. And how do we go? Overcomers filled with the Spirit, walking in the spirit, talking in the spirit. Does that mean you’re always talking in tongues? You might. But it means talking in the spiritual language that God gives to you at the moment that you need it. And there are some that need to go forth in this day… from where you sit, you can travel in the spirit and speak and say, “Thus far and no more… You cannot go here, Devil from hell.” It’s all part of the plan… be being filled … filled with the Word… filled with the Spirit… singing in psalms and hymns and making melody in our hearts… from that place we go.

One of the things I’ve been praying about is what Pastor Lynne shared with us in the morning prayer yesterday about a rescue operation. If you didn’t hear about it, Periscope Lynne Hammond. Try and get it. But about the rescue operation, God has given the Church a divinely granted opportunity to intervene in the lives of men just like Jesus. She used the scripture yesterday morning from Galatians 4. “So I greet you with great words, grace and peace. We know the meaning of those words because Jesus Christ rescued us.” The Message Bible. He rescued each one of us from the evil world we’re in by offering Himself as a sacrifice for our sins. God’s plan is that we all experience that rescue. Glory to God forever. So we’re going to wind up today praying about the rescue operations in the earth.


The operations and manifestations of the Holy Ghost to bring about the greatest rescue mission
We yield our hearts and lives to that, Your rescue operation
Rescuing those without homes
The God of hope and comfort can snatch them out
We pray about those that captured those people
You have ways and means to rescue, to invade the invaders
Supernatural operations and manifestations of Your Spirit
To rescue them, daily such as those that should be saved
More laborers, thrusting them into the fields
They must see and know and go

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