Prayer Summary for Thursday, November 03, 2016

Jerre led worship…

Pastor Ray shared…

I found this by Charles Spurgeon. I like what he said:

[begin quote]
“No man ever learns anything correctly unless he is taught by the Spirit. No man can know Jesus Christ unless he is taught by God. The Holy Spirit gives. He intercedes with Jesus, gives us promises, gives us grace, and in these ways, He comforts us. Remember, He is always a successful comforter. He never attempts what He cannot accomplish.

When Jesus Christ raised the dead, healed the leper, spoke to diseases which caused them to flee quickly, and propelled demons to rush in thousands from those who were possessed by them, it was all done by the power of the Spirit. The Spirit lived in Jesus without measure. By that power, all these miracles were worked.

Let the Gospel be preached and the Spirit poured out. You will see that it has such power to change the conscience to improve the conduct, to raise the depraved, and to chastise and curb the wickedness of the race, that you must glory in it. There is nothing like the power of the Spirit. Only let it come, and indeed, everything can be accomplished.

My firm conviction is that we will see a proportionately greater display of God’s power and a more glorious manifestation of His might in our churches as we have more regard for the sacred Godhead, the wondrous Three in One. May God send us a Christ-exalting, Spirit-loving ministry. Men who will proclaim God the Holy Ghost in all His offices.

There is nothing like reading an illuminated Bible. You may read to all eternity and never learn anything from it unless it is illuminated by the Spirit. Then, the words shine forth like starts. The book seems as if it is made of gold leaf. Every single letter glitters like a diamond. Oh, it is a blessed thing to read an illuminated Bible lit up by the radiance of the Holy Ghost.

Little intellect is needed to be taught of God. if you feel your ignorance, do not despair. Go to the Spirit, the great Teacher, and ask His sacred influence.

We never go an inch toward heaven in any other power than that of the Holy Ghost. We do not even stand fast and remain steadfast except as we are upheld by the Holy Spirit.

The words of the Lord Jesus and the words of His apostles are to be explained to us by the Holy Spirit. We will never get at the center of their meaning apart from His teaching.

The Holy Ghost never comes to glorify us, or to glorify a denomination, or I think, even to glorify a systematic arrangement of doctrines. He comes to glorify Christ. If we want to be in accord with Him, we must minister in a manner that will glorify Christ. [end quote]


Father, we agree for positions of authority… we know it is your will that we pray for those in authority
Both in the church and out of the church
We come by the blood, cleansed by the blood and made righteous
We pray the blood over those positions of authority…
Positions in the church, leaders in the body of Christ leading others in Your ways
For direction… for clarity, understanding, revelation, and wisdom
All of the five-fold ministry gifts… we lift them up to You

Pastor Ray…

I keep hearing the word “delete” in my spirit… just rolling around. It once was, but when you hit that button, it’s gone. Canceled. Done away with. Finished. Over…

Continued praying…

By the power of the blood, we declare some things to be deleted
Words to be deleted… plans to be deleted…
The enemy’s ways and words and plans deleted
No more in the name of Jesus… no record of it… deleted forevermore
There is some dirt that needs to be cleared out and so we apply the blood of Jesus to it
It’s a cleansing force
Cleansing by the blood
The best is still yet to come
So we’re called, anointed, equipped, the authority to declare a finish, an end and a beginning in Jesus’ name
We hold up the new… every day is a new day
Your Word remains the same
Changed, rearranged over into the new… new days, new ways, new plans
Operations of the Spirit to remove limitations
To enter in, a quickening, a knowing, an understanding
It is an approach and so we approach and go through
We hold up the commanders… words of declarations
It’s a focus right now… tune in… focus in on the priorities and watch over the plans and purposes of heaven above
Opportunities have come… open… doors of opportunity
America… America… one nation under God and indivisible
We speak the blood of Jesus over our country
By the blood, we overcome… we testify and declare we overcome by the blood of Jesus

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