Prayer Summary for October 13


Thank You for the precious blood of Jesus and that we have been delivered and set free
We are cleansed, empowered, and over-comers by the blood of Jesus
There are new steps that we must make, and we will continually walk with You
We honor and lift our eyes up to You, Lord, where our help comes from
In the name of Jesus, we have the victory!
Whatever we put our hands onto shall and will prosper!


The following excerpt is taken from The Believer’s Authority by Kenneth E. Hagin:

Exercising Authority

The door to exercising authority pivots upon two phrases Paul prayed for the Ephesians: “…and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places” (Eph. 1:20), and “…hath raised us up together” (Eph. 2:6).

Meditate on these two prayers. Learn to pray them for yourself. Feed on their truths until they become a part of your inner consciousness. Then they will dominate your life. But don’t try to accept them mentally; you’ve got to get the revelation of them in your spirit.

Notice that not only is Christ seated at the right hand of the Father, above all the powers in Satan’s realm, but we’re there, too, because God “hath raised us up together.” Not only have we been made to sit, but notice where we are sitting: “Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion…” (Eph. 1:21).

In the mind of God, we were raised when Christ was raised. When Christ sat down, we sat down, too. That’s where we are now, positionally speaking: we’re seated at the right hand of the Father with Christ. (The act of Christ’s being seated implies that, for the time being, at least, certain aspects of His work are suspended.)

All the authority that was given to Christ belongs to us through Him, and we may exercise it. We help Him by carrying out His work upon the earth. And one aspect of His work that the Word of God tells us to do is to conquer the devil! In fact, Christ can’t do His work on the earth without us!

Someone will argue, “Well, He can get along without me, but I need Him.”

No, He can’t get along without you any more than you can get along without Him. You see, the truth that Paul is bringing out here in Ephesians is that Christ is the Head and we are the Body.

What if your body said, “I can get along without the head. I don’t need my head.”

No, your body can’t get along without your head. And what if your head said, “Well, I can get along without my body. I don’t need it; I can get along without hands and feet.” No, you can’t.

Likewise, Christ can’t get along without us, because the work of Christ and God is carried out through the Body of Christ. His work never will be done apart from us—and we never can get along without Him.

Ephesians 6:12 says, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers….” If you take this verse out of its setting and go on talking about this awful fight we’re in against the devil and describing how powerful the devil is, you’ve missed the whole point Paul was making because that’s not what he’s saying in Ephesians.

Remember, when Paul wrote this letter to the Church at Ephesus, he didn’t divide it into chapters and verses. Scholars did that at a much later date to help us in making reference. You can do great harm sometimes by picking one verse out of a chapter, taking it out of its setting, and making it say something it doesn’t say.

The Holy Spirit through Paul already has said in the second chapter that we are seated above these powers that we have to deal with. Not only is Christ seated at the right hand of the Father, far above all these powers, but we’re there, too, because God has made us sit together with Christ.

Therefore, in our battle against the enemy and his forces, we need to keep in mind that we’re above them and we have authority over them. The Word tells us that Jesus has conquered them. Our job is to enforce His victory. His victory belongs to us, but we are to carry it out.

Resist the Devil

Often we realize that certain trials in our lives are the work of the enemy, and we cry out to God to rebuke him and alter circumstances for us. However, God’s Word tells us to rebuke the enemy ourselves. In James 4:7 we are told, “Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” The authority over the devil is ours. The responsibility is ours.

If we’ll resist the devil, he will flee from us. The Bible doesn’t say, “Get somebody else to resist the devil for you”; it says we are to resist the devil. Too many of us sit idly by, waiting for Jesus to do something when we are the ones who are supposed to resist the devil. Why? Because we have the authority to! (We always want somebody else to do what we’re supposed to do.)

Of course, we’re always going to have spiritual babies, and we ought to carry them on our faith, but some of us ought to grow up enough to be able to help look after the babies and not leave it up to the pastor to do everything.

Conditions exist because we permit them to. Matthew 18:18 says, “Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”

That was the King James Version. I like another translation I once read which renders it, “Whatsoever things ye refuse to be permitted on earth will be refused to be permitted in heaven.”

Exercise your authority!

If you would like to purchase this book, please contact  LW Store  online or call (763) 315-7015.

Continued Praying…

Father, we purpose in our hearts to take our place of authority that You have called us to
You have made a place for us, to be seated in heavenly places with You
As it is in Heaven so it shall be on this earth, so we put all of our trust in You, Father
The move of Your Spirit is needed in these days and in these hours
It is so important for the body to be the body You have called it to be
We will not let any hindrance alter us, but we will stay strong in You, Lord
Turning our eyes toward Heaven today and continually looking through our eyes of faith
You have given us the authority, and we will watch as we pray
Limitations and hindrances, get out of the way!
The army of God is on the move, and we will use that authority that You have granted unto us
We call those things that be not as though they were!
Lifting up the Church today, to keep the body moving in the right way and in the right plans
Praying over positions of authority in the body of Christ
Pleading the blood of Jesus over each and every one of them, Father
Today is the day that You have made, and it will turn out right!
Casting down every hindrance, and every demonic, evil plan of the enemy!
Those things that aren’t clear we say—“Clear up in Jesus’ name!”
The alarm is sounding, and there is urgency!
Lord, we ask You to break those chains that are keeping them in bondage
Break them and set those captives free, Father
Applying the blood of Jesus over their hearing and their perception
It is a call to action, in the realm of the spirit!
Each one has been called, so pick up your banner and carry it all the way through!
Touch their feet, Father, that they would follow Your plan and path that You have set before them
Yes, the transformation must come!
Speaking and declaring that You are the only way, Father
We say to those demonic forces, thus far and no more!
Those evil plans of the enemy will stop, desist, and exit at the very mention of that name—Jesus!
There is power and authority in the name of Jesus!
We will possess the rightful inheritance You have called us to possess!
Calling and declaring God’s way today!
Leaning not on our own understanding, but trusting in You, Lord
No more confusion in Jesus’ name!
Confusion, deception, and fear are all under the precious blood of Jesus!
No weapon, no contention, and no plan of the enemy will operate in that way again!
Holding the blood against every operation and every plan
No more deception among Your leaders and among Your pastors
Give us eyes to see and the strength to push forward
Not by might, not by power, but by Your Spirit, Lord God
We move and live by the spirit in these last days
Give us the mind of Christ in every situation
These are the days and the times of the Lord, and He shall have His way!
We will run the race that You have set before us
Taking our place and position of authority with You, Lord
The glory of the Lord will shine in these last days
Your glory is available in the darkest of places!
We will not be discouraged but encouraged by Your presence and by Your wisdom
You are our comforter and our strength
These are the days of fulfillment, Father!
It is the time and the hour to step further out into the things You have called us to
We find strength, rest, and peace in You, Lord
There is a refreshing, and we receive that refreshing today
You are our provider, and You have equipped us with everything that we need
Calling for a refreshing rain from Heaven today!
No, it is not too late, there is still ways to excel, and still steps to be walked out
Stay strong and steady in these last days!
Take it one step, one detail, and one position at a time
So in and by the blood, we call for some things to be stopped and straightened out right now!
There is authority in the blood and in the name of Jesus
Holding the blood of Jesus against every evil plan and work of the enemy!
Calling those things down in Jesus’ name!
We magnify and glorify that name that is above every other name—Jesus!
You, Lord, are so wonderful and worthy of all of our praise
Your presence makes us whole, and we are so thankful for You, Lord
Thank You for the authority that You have given to each and every one of us
We will stay alert and continue to watch over those plans You have called us to
Every sickness and disease has to flee at the mention of Your name!
Giving You all the glory, honor, and praise today, Father
Thank you for pastors, that they would walk victoriously all the way through to the end, Lord
We plead the blood of Jesus over them and ask that You would give them strength today
Glory be to God!

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