Prayer Summary for January 30


The following confessions were read during Morning Prayer:

God is on my side,
For the blood has been applied.
Every need shall be supplied,
And nothing shall be denied.
So I enter into rest,
And I know that I am blessed.
I have passed the test,
And I will get God’s best!

–Trina Hankins

The Blood of Jesus purges me of every defilement of the enemy.
The Blood of Jesus keeps and guards my mind day and night.
The Blood of Jesus prevents deception and aborts every attempt of the enemy to deceive me.
The Blood of Jesus is my divine covering and protection against all the fiery darts of the evil one.
Yea, the Blood of JESUS IS ALIVE! So full of life and grace it perfects that which concerneth me reconciling everything in me to the perfect will of God every day and in every way.

–Grace Roose

He who once gave His blood for us will surely, every moment, impart its effectiveness. Trust Him to do this.
Trust Him to open your eyes and to give you a deeper spiritual insight. Trust Him to teach you to think about
the blood as God thinks about it. Trust Him to impart to you, and to make effective in you, all that He enables
you to see.

–Andrew Murray


We apply the blood of Jesus to every situation, Lord
Keeping our eyes fixed and focused on You
Thank You for the supplies and resources that You have provided to us, Father
We purpose to continually enter into rest, resting and yielding to Your Spirit
Humbling ourselves before You today, Lord
We receive the love that You have given unto each and every one of us
Thank You for Your presence and the power of Your Holy Spirit
Declaring that we would come together in unity and in one accord
We stand on and trust in Your Word, Father
Your Word is true, and we believe that those things that You have said will come to pass!
Thank You that we have the peace of God that transcends all understanding
We rejoice in You, and we have a great revelation of Your love for us
You loved us so much that You sent your Son, Jesus, to die on the cross for us!
Yes, we are overcomers in, by, and through the blood of Jesus
Thank You for what was done on the cross, Father
We bring that back to our remembrance today, Lord
Our eyes are fixed and focused on You and on the blood that was shed for us
All of our hope and trust is in You and in You alone
We take steps of faith, continually moving ahead and contending for all that You have for us
Thank You that every need would be met according to Your Word
Spirit, soul, and body; we are blessed in every arena!
No weapon formed against us will prosper in the name of Jesus!
We place the helmet of salvation upon our heads; and we put on the breastplate of righteousness
Our feet are shod with the preparation of peace
Your joy is on the inside of us, which brings about great strength
Nothing is impossible with You!
You are so beautiful, awesome, and wonderful!
Father, we hold the blood of Jesus over every situation
We cover every believer in that precious blood
Keeping our eyes focused upon it, as we walk out those steps that You have set before us
Taking the blood by faith and applying it over Your will and over Your plans, Father
You are the way maker; You are working those things out according to Your purpose!
Yes, Father, we will walk in those steps that You have set before us
Calling those paths straight that need to be straightened out, Lord
We will cooperate all along the way, we will run when we need to run, and walk when You say walk!
You are watching over every minute of every day, and we plead the blood over every detail!
Continually staying steady in all that we know and all that we have been called unto
Cooperating with You and with Your plans
By the blood of Jesus, we clean up those ways, and we watch over every detail in the name of Jesus!
No, we will not go through doors that You have not called us to go through
Give us eyes to see and ears to hear those things You are calling us to
Praying for divine utterance and divine operations in the Holy Spirit
We will watch over those steps and fulfill them in Your perfect timing, Father
Calling for nothing to be missing and nothing broken
Declaring that those things would be restored and made whole!
By faith, we call those things straight… by faith, we call those things open!
Praying over every part, heart, and position in the body of Christ today!
Leaders and those in positions of authority, it is time to rise up and move forth!
We will continually lift others up by and through Your love, Lord
There is restoration and repair work being done there!
Strengthen us of and by Your Spirit, O God
Repair that, restore that, and resurrect that in the name of Jesus!
We apply the blood of Jesus to the complete restoration of that
Reveal and unveil those things to us, Father
Show us when, where, and how we need to work and move together
Calling for advancement in the body of Christ today!
Thank You for supernatural strength for each and every day
We will put our hand to the plow!
By Your Spirit, there will be advancement in a new way!
Yes, we will possess the land
Divine strategies and direction are given of and by Your Spirit, O God
We will see and seize every moment and every opportunity, Father
There is strength in numbers, and we ask for a greater influence in the body
Praying over the purchasing of properties for the advancement of Your kingdom
No longer wanderers but planting roots deep in the ground!
Established by Your Word, established by Your Spirit, and established in Your love
No devil in hell or evil power of the enemy will stop what You have planted and watered
Calling forth that seed to be unlocked and that it would bring forth fruit in this hour!
Our eyes are continually upon You, our ears are opened to all that You have to say
We will stay the course, and we will not fall back or be intimidated!
Yes, we will advance in boldness and courage with the anointing of the Spirit
You have anointed us to do the job, anointed to lead, and anointed to proceed
Declaring for an increase in demonstrations and operations of Your Spirit, O God
Those things are being unlocked and loosed in Jesus’ name!
Grow, develop, spread, shine, give life, and give light
There is a greater shifting taking place today, Lord
Entering in and moving ahead to all that You have called us to, Father
We lift up those changes, those steps and those ways, and we cover them by the blood
Calling for those things to be uncovered and revealed in the name of Jesus!
Casting down those wrong motives, wrong words, and lying ways!
That pendulum is continually moving more and more in God’s way!
Calling for answers, help, and solutions from heaven today!
Sudden change and shiftings in Jesus’ name
Give us an even greater direction of and by Your Spirit, O God!
Boundaries are being pushed out even farther than they ever have been before!
Shaking free from those old ways, but planting our feet on Your new ways, Lord
There is an increase in momentum in every step we take!
Walls and barriers are being brought down!
Pleading the blood of Jesus and calling for protection over embassies
We are directed and led by Your Spirit, Father
When the embassy moves from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, we call for the timing to be just right!
It will be right, and it shall be on time, it will be in the right way, and it shall come to pass
Casting down any evil plans of the enemy that would try and come against them, Lord
We hold up the Supreme Court before heaven today
Calling for the right man or the right woman to fulfill that place of office
They will be the right person to keep this nation moving in the right way
We take authority over man’s interference in the name of Jesus!
Interference, we hold the blood against you!
We declare that no weapon formed against this nation would prosper
Loosing angels and ministering spirits to go and work on behalf of God almighty
Bring forth His man, His candidate, and His plan in the name of Jesus
We thank You for the advancement of Your plan and Your ways, Father
This nation is moving more and more into Your righteousness
Thank You for all of the implementation and execution of Your plans
Give strength to obey for all those in positions of authority
Let them see and hear clearly, let them have great insight and understanding
All things are working together for an even greater outcome of this nation!
We call for an arising in this nation in the name of Jesus
Progress, progress, progress!
Thank You for our President, and we apply the blood of Jesus around and about him, Father
Pleading the blood over his mind, over his heart, and over his family
We cover his cabinet and those under his authority in the precious blood of Jesus
Loosing angels and ministering spirits to watch, guide, guard, and protect them
By Your mercy, Father, You continue to strengthen, quicken, show, and reveal Yourself to him
Calling for an advancement, and we apply the blood over the ways and avenues ahead
We pray for wisdom for them, Lord
They will walk carefully, they will walk wisely, and they will walk circumspectly
Calling for anything that would hold us back from advancement to be removed in Jesus’ name!
We will move forward in the will of God and will produce results for His kingdom
All those things are falling into place, falling in line, and flowing together
Divine cooperation and collaboration of and by Your Spirit, O God
No, we will not fall short, but we will accomplish all that You have called us to
Thank You for the peace that surpasses all understanding
We give You all the glory, honor, and praise today, Lord

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