Prayer Summary for Friday, July 01, 2016

Jerre led in worship…

Barb prayed and shared…

Thank You, Lord. Thank You for Your presence. We’re so grateful… so sweet and refreshing. You are so good. We taste and see that You are good. We’re grateful for all the things You provided us for. We’re thankful for the blood of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. We’re thankful for the move that’s going on in the earth.

This morning I woke up early. I had a dream and I’m not someone who remembers their dreams. My husband could tell you every day he dreams. Last night I had a dream and we were at the church and it was packed. It was almost time for prayer to start. The place was wall to wall people. They were streaming in trying to find seats, looking around. This was an air of excitement. Wow! What’s going on? I could see you all sprinkled throughout the crowd and you’re out there. I thought, “It’s going to be so good today.”

The Lord’s been talking to me about expectation and coming to a service or prayer meeting just expecting God to do amazing things. So I’m standing near the front, actually looking for a seat cuz it was packed. People were actually in the front row! People were scooting over for me to sit. This man walked up to me and said something to me. He must have been from a different country because his accent was thick. I could understand everything but one word. I said, “I’m sorry.” He repeated it again. I looked at him and said, “I’m sorry. I still don’t understand you.” What he was saying was, “Where is the ‘something’ seat.” I didn’t know what the “something” was. After the third time, I finally got it. He said, “Where is the running seat?” I laughed and said, “I’m already sitting in that one.”

He came expecting to run. He’s like, “I’m going to run. Where’s the running seat?” I thought, “Wow, isn’t that great.” Have you ever been in a place where it feels electric… “something is going to happen?” That’s what we’re looking for. We’re excited not just when Rinehart comes or a special minister but “Mac Hammond is going to be there this weekend.” Or “Pastor Lynne is going to speak this weekend!” We don’t get to hear Pastor Lynne very often and I’m so excited. Like, Lord, okay, she’s going to be here. We finally get to have her. We’re just going to draw and pull and she’s going to preach things that she’s never preached and we’re going to have a move of the Spirit. It’s not going to be just another meeting. We’re going to expect. I’d like to pray about that today.

When you come this weekend into the meeting, just expect. “Okay, God, this is not going to be just another weekend service. We’re having God in this place. We’re going to see miracles in this place. People are going to be changed now.” We talked about this a couple weeks ago, listening to a service by Bill Johnson. He said, “Can a nation be saved in a day?” He said, “Yes. A nation can be saved in a day.” So what else can God do in a day? Let’s expect God to do things this next weekend…and every day!

Who is sitting in the running seat today? Why do we run? You either run because you’re running away from someone. So if you’re running fast enough and the Devil is chasing you, he’s not going to catch you. Then you also run because you’re in a race and you’re in a competition. But you also run because you’re excited! So whichever way you need to run, if you’re trying to get away, that’s fine. You’ll be far ahead of the enemy. If you’re running just cuz you’re running and pushing in the race, run that way. If you’re just running cuz you’re excited, run that way! Hallelujah!

It can’t just be that we come to service just because it’s something that we have to do. It is something that we want to do. I was talking to my mom who is in California. They were on vacation and wanted to visit this church. She said we got there early and we couldn’t find a seat. She said, at my church, you can find a seat even if you’re 30 minutes late. She said it was so exciting to see that the people were early sitting in their seats excited for the service to begin. She said, “I wish my church was like that.”

Let’s pray for the service, lifting up Lynne.


We’re so grateful that You established this church. You built it and You will make this church to excel and spring forth and be the light that You created it to be. You have set it for an intended purpose and that’s to reach this city and this state and reach out further into the nation. So we lift this body up to You, Father. We lift the pastors to You in Jesus name, that each one would walk in the fullness of Your Spirit, that Your anointing would flow in every single one. That they would not be bound by a program or a man’s idea. That they would always submit and humble themselves to Your Spirit.

Father, we’re tired to seeing the same old thing. We want to see the miracles, the signs and wonders that You promised we would see. You said, “now is the time” and we agree, Father God. It’s not 10 years off, 20 years off. It’s for right now. Father, in this body in this church, we’re asking You to set it on fire in the name of Jesus. Let the fire burn out the junk, burn in the good, burn in the anointing. Let Your light shine in all the people in the name of Jesus. I thank You that You are moving through the staff, in Jesus’ name. You’re moving with Your holy fire. You’re moving in the name of Jesus Christ through all the staff. You’re moving through the pastors right now. You’re burning in Your ideas. You’re burning in Your ways.

You are training them to yield
To lay aside those things that hinder
I’m not talking about sin, I’m talking about things
Father, get those things out of the way, even the wrong ideas or wrong plans
We lift up Pastor Lynne, that You would set upon her tongue a coal of fire
That her eyes would be clear and open in Jesus’ name
That she would be allowed access, that we would allow her the access that she wants to access
That she would be able to go where she needs to go
That she would be able to speak the words that need to be spoken
So that You can move in the people
Your resurrection power active, resurrecting the people, their bodies and minds
You said in the last days You would pour out Your Spirit upon all flesh
Sons and daughters would prophesy
We call for that, Father, for the gift of prophecy would begin to flow
People would not be afraid to speak a word of the Lord but that they would have boldness
Father, it’s so important that we have it that way
We have to have it all
Deliverances, Father, setting free the captives
A liberty, Father, like never before… complete freedom
Flaming fire… a firebrand, moving like a firebrand
Touching every heart… something different
Healing begins to break forth… it’s a breaking out… like a mighty fountain springing forth from the earth
It will not be held back
Exposing the real man… exposing the truth
The enemy won’t be able to hold it back because of the power
The enemy cannot stand against it
He’s not going to string it out… He’s going to do it now
Every opportunity that is open up to Him, He’s going to take it
So let’s open up every door for Him to move
We open up the gates and say “Come in! Display Yourself… Let Your glory be displayed!”
Let them leave transformed by the glory of God
It’s a time appointed for this church, for this body and we are walking in it in the name of Jesus Christ
We will not miss our appointed time
This time, it’s not going to stop or shut down
We’re stepping into that anointing, that grace
Obey, obey, obey!
The Lord has done great things for us, whereof we are glad…

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