Morning Prayer Summary for Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Ms. Annie led us singing I Cry Holy, Holy, Holy God

Pastor Ray…

Before I came this morning, I was just walking through our apartment. I heard these words: “Take one thing at a time.” Just like that, just out of the blue! You know how sometimes we’re tempted to take upon ourselves care concerning the future and how it will turn out and we forget to focus on the things that are important for the day, for the time we are in, the 24 hour period of a day. Take one thing. Take no care about the other things but watch over the thing that’s relevant for now. Take one thing and because of the quickness of time, the way time is moving, the next thing will be right on the docket. But you’ll have moved through the first thing and you’ll be into the next thing. And then you’ll be into the next thing. And then you’ll be into the next day and take one thing at a time. And in that way, using the blood, of course, and praying out into the future, covering things with the blood, we’ll be right on time all the time. We’ll do what He’s calling us to do in that time, watch over it, do what He says to do, but still take no care about the things that are to come. And certainly not the things of the past because they are over and finished.


Thank You, Holy Spirit, for Your wonderful presence
Just spending time loving You, lifting up Your name, magnifying Who You are
I know we change in Your presence – from one degree to another degree to another degree
Always upward, You’re lifting us, You’re showing us, revealing unto us, speaking to us
Many times in that still, small voice – we open up our ears, hearts
Thank You, Father, thank You, Lord
We minister to You, we love and honor and magnify You, Lord
We magnify Your name! Thank You, Lord

Ms. Annie led us signing We Worship You Almighty God

The following excerpt was taken from Plans Purposes and Pursuits by Kenneth Hagin:

Dear Father God, as Paul said, “I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named.” We bow down before You.

Forgive us, Lord! We thought it was too great a price to pay and we weren’t willing to pay that price.

We thought it was too great a price! But it’s not! It’s not! Forgive us! We’ve not entered into that, and we’ve not done all You said to do. Forgive us! Forgive us! You showed us those things and we thought, They can’t be. It can’t be like that, and we wouldn’t pay that price. We thought, It is too great a price, it is too big, too much to pay.

May not a one of us—not a single one of us—hold back from what You are saying to us. Oh, Father God, though we don’t always understand completely, may we dedicate and consecrate ourselves this to do Your will, so Your plan may be consummated in this hour—so that the work of God which must be done upon the earth shall be done. Oh, Father God, we dedicate ourselves and consecrate ourselves unto Your call, and unto Your bidding, not my plans, not our plans, but Your plans. Father God, there is a move of the Spirit, and there is a work of the Spirit. There is a ministry in the Spirit and of the Spirit and a demonstration of the power of God, and a manifestation of the Holy Ghost in this hour which You want manifested—that we’ve not been able to manifest because some of us have not been willing to pay the price. But we will pay it, Lord. We will, Lord. We will pay the price!

Dear Father God, most of us know more than what we’re living up to. Most of us know better than what we are living up to. Help us, dear Father God, so that we will respond to what You are saying unto our spirits. Life can be different; life will be different. Ministry can be different; ministry will be different.

Oh, my, my, my, the light will shine; the glory will come and it will be manifested. The cloud of God’s glory, the cloud of His Presence shall overshadow thee. The very glory of God shall be shown, and we dedicate ourselves unto it. We consecrate ourselves unto it in this hour, and in this day. In the Name of Jesus. Praise God, hallelujah, thank You, Lord.

If the enemy brings a picture before our minds, we’ll just simply “Oh, Satan, that is just a picture. I’ve turned that over to the Lord. He has it; He’s working it out. It’ll all work out just fine. And I’ll be pleased with whichever way it goes and whatever happens. I’ll be pleased.” For Your way, Father, is best! And Your way is right. Glory to God!

Yes, Lord, we rejoice in that. We will rejoice in that. Yes, I realize that You’re raising up many. Oh, my, they’re just in the beginning stages now. Yes, but if they will prove faithful, if they will stay faithful, they will be promoted and a stronger anointing will come upon them, and it will be increased greatly. And they’ll move into a higher place of ministry, for there are different dimensions in the same office. There are different measures – different dimensions in the same office. And those who stay faithful will move up into a higher dimension of the same office. Yes, and a spirit of knowing will be manifested in a more perfect way in them.

And so they shall speak forth, and much good shall be accomplished. Yes, the plan of God shall be made known. We rejoice, and we are glad.

Pastors are so important in the plans and purposes of God, because the sheep must have a shepherd. And there are to be more pastors than any other ministry gift manifested. And they’re so important in this hour. This is a crucial hour—a critical hour—we say a lot of times. But it is a very, very serious hour. And it is an hour for the pastor, the shepherd to be in full potential and manifestation of his office; to be in full manifestation and potential manifestation of his office. Oh, Father God, may pastors be endued with a new spirit. May every one of them be empowered with revelation gifts, a spirit of knowledge, and a spirit of knowing in their lives.

For Satan is a defeated foe. He’ll not win in any situation, but he will lose every single time, for he is a defeated foe. And pastors shall have much cause for rejoicing.

(Ms. Annie broke out rejoicing!)
Pastor Ray…

For we are the head and not the tail! Broken things shall be restored, sayeth the Lord. Things that were broken up, things that were cracked up shall be restored sayeth the Lord. Restoration days, weeks, and months of restoration power in Jesus name, hallelujah

Oh, my, my, my. And may a special unction rest upon those who go to foreign fields, Lord, where the darkness is so dark. May the light shine even more and may their lives be enhanced with Your glory.

And may every single one of us, whatever area of ministry we may be in, whatever area of life – oh, dear God, may every one of us be willing to pay the price, because there is a cost. Thank God, Jesus paid the price for our redemption and salvation. But there is a price to be paid when it comes to obeying You, and fulfilling the ministry that You called us to do. And sometimes, it means that we do not—that we even have to deny the flesh of legitimate pleasures and things that are all right, but we just have to spend that extra time, that extra time with You.

I am willing—I not only have a willing mind, but from my heart, my spirit – I have a willing spirit! I will to do YOUR will—to follow Your plan. Though it may be hard on the flesh, though there may be a cost, I’ll pay the price and I’ll do Your will. I’ll follow Your plan. Your will shall be accomplished in my life, and Your plan shall be perfected in the Name of Jesus. I will not draw back. I will not go back on the words I’ve spoken no matter what it may seem to cost. No matter how much it may seem to hurt, I know the rewards are great and that it pays to obey God.

Thank You for working in my life. Thank You for preparing me for that which You have prepared for me. Thank You for showing me those things which I see not. Thank You for teaching me those things which I know not. Thank You for preparing me for that which You have prepared for ME. Your will, I will do. Hallelujah!

I purpose to be faithful, to be true, to be dedicated, to be consecrated – not just for tonight, not just in word but in action. And tomorrow and the next week and the next year and forever, I’m Yours! Use me, oh, Lord. Make me a blessing unto humanity.

May Your plan and purpose for my life and ministry be perfected in me. And it is God, God our Father, who is at work within me. Hallelujah. I yield to You. I trust. In You, and I’ll not allow my natural mind to dominate me. I’ll maintain the vision. I’ll maintain the glow. I’ll maintain the commitment. And I’ll not forget – with You, I will go.

Continued praying…

Thank You, Lord
We declare our feet today to go in the way God’s called you to go
Keep moving, keep walking,
Minds keep expecting as the feet keep walking
Keep expecting Your feet to be lined up with My plan and purpose in the way that I have called you to go
As we just declared “We’ll not draw back!”
We are not going back, we’re not stepping over, we’re not stepping away
But we are stepping head first, heart first into more of You
For it is Your presence, it is Your glory, it is Your glowing within us that will bring others to you
We take that charge, this charge, we are committed and do consecrate continually to You
We lay it all at the altar, we believe we overcome because You overcame
Jesus went to the Cross, You did it all the way through and through that blood
And when You said it was finished, it was finished
So, we overcome today, tomorrow, into the weeks to come because of that powerful, precious blood of your dear Son working on our behalf in these days
We take charge of our lives, our flesh
We resist every Devil plan, every Devil opportunity, every Devil picture
Just a PICTURE! But not the truth
So, we stand on the truth of Your Word written in the book and on the pages of our heart by Your Spirit
And we hold fast with the blood, applying it over our nation, our president, our leaders, everyone that is in a position of authority – we hold that blood and declare it over each and every one of them
To walk in Your plan, to walk with wisdom, to have great understanding
We take authority over all the division in America
One nation undivided – we declare it and speak Jesus is Lord over America!
These things shall come to pass, they are coming to pass
And Your glory, it shall be poured out all over the earth
We thank You for it, Lord!
Today we humble ourselves, we’re grateful and thankful for what You’ve done
And based on that, we know what You will do
You said You would guide us and lead us into all truth
So, we declare good days are ahead – not just today, this is a good day!
But good days, greater days are ahead and we shall fulfill the things You have given us to fulfill, up and above, over the top in Jesus’ name
Hallelujah, Amen
Thank you for coming this morning

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