Morning Prayer Summary for Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Ms. Annie led us singing Psalm 91

Pastor Ray…

Do you know what my favorite part of Psalm 91? Dwelling, living, staying. And you know if you don’t do that, fear tries to come.

Yesterday I had a conversation about the Corona virus. Where does that come from? The Devil.

I heard someone yesterday talking about it. They pointed out that more people die from flu than the Corona virus. It’s not to make light of it but the media is not making light of it. The media is magnifying to bring fear. You saw yesterday or the day before the stock market went down. To me it’s almost like a terrorist attack in a different way, were the enemy would try and come against the United States of America and try to make it not great again or whatever. That’s my rendition of it. Definitely it’s a problem.

We’re going to start doing this pretty much every day – pray Psalm 91. We are just going to do it and do it and do it….

Anytime we ever went to Israel on a trip, everyone had their little Psalm 91 card. We would get on the bus and start praying. And one of the times we went was right after 9/11. Things like that can make you truly dwell and live under the shadow. I like that “in the tower.” Head to the tower, His name is a tower for us. I just picture a tower where the Christians are running, not in fear but for safety sake.

Sandy and I watched a video from Rodney Howard Brown from a year ago about supernatural protection. Much of the message was on Psalm 91 and then, of course, if you have ever listened to Rodney, he can go in a lot different places. He talked to a pastor and witches tried to come against him, his church but they had no success. They could never do what they wanted to do and it finally came out that the head witch said “You’re always pleading the blood!” I love that.

No wonder the Devil wants to get the blood out of the church. “Don’t sing about the blood. It’s too bloody.” Or whatever.

In the message he did a demonstration during the service. He was talking about ministering spirits, angels. Maybe we are not seeing them. He said he has never seen them. But they are with us and there is protection, they are working. He had all of the pastors in the church. Around eight got up in front. He had already preached on the power of the blood, the power of the Word, Psalm 91, the supernatural protection. He said when you speak the blood, declare the blood against the enemy. All the pastors are up there and he said to them start coming toward me and I am going to use the blood and it’s going to make you freeze motionless. So they all started coming against him and Rodney turns around and says “the blood of Jesus – freeze!” and these people are like frozen and can’t move. Why? Because of the blood is protecting us.

Then an example from the Bible when the enemy got so messed up they attacked each other. He did a demonstration on that and they all started fighting each other – literally. He said “Okay, stop!”

It pointed out the absolute power that is in the Word, of course, but it’s the blood. Definitely I am using the blood more than ever.

We are protected, safe in the tower of the name that is above every other name. If you look online in China there is so much fear.

Scripture focus…

And the Lord, he it is that doth go before thee; he will be with thee, he will not fail thee, neither forsake thee: fear not, neither be dismayed. Deuteronomy 31:8 (KJV)

The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer;… Psalm 18:2a (KJV)
(The Lord is our hiding place)

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 (KJV)

So much fear is based on lies and we could say wrong expectations or what ifs… there is no what if, if we are protected by the blood and we’re in that safe place. Thank You, Lord for it. Thank You so much.

Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; You are Mine. Isaiah 43:1 (KJV)

Fear is used I think over 80 times in the Word. It’s a big deal. What we watch, what we see, or what we look at on TV can all of a sudden start bringing a little more fear in.

Think about the pressure that is on our president to stand against all of the lies and inaccuracies and do what he is called on to do. Even yesterday on some of the news media they are saying “well, you know, he shouldn’t be over there in India.” What do they know about it? I turned on the TV this morning and he had a news conference and one of the questions was, “Can you promise that you will not allow Russia to interfere and help you with the 2020 election?” You know inside he was like blowing up but he just held himself together.

So, we pray for our leaders. We pray for our president, pray for those in positions of authority politically and spiritually. If we are not praying for our pastors here, we are missing it big time – big time. We have to cover every position of authority. And the ones that we are under, we get  right behind there and say “Come on, go! Carry it out, do it!” Hallelujah.

Scripture focus…

1) When you sit enthroned under the shadow of Shaddai, you are hidden in the strength of God Most High.
2) He’s the hope that holds me and the Stronghold to shelter me, the only God for me, and my great confidence.
3) He will rescue you from every hidden trap of the enemy, and he will protect you from false accusation and any deadly curse.
4) His massive arms are wrapped around you, protecting you. You can run under his covering of majesty and hide. His arms of faithfulness are a shield keeping you from harm.
5) You will never worry about an attack of demonic forces at night nor have to fear a spirit of darkness coming against you.
6) Don’t fear a thing! Whether by night or by day, demonic danger will not trouble you, nor will the powers of evil launched against you.
7) Even in a time of disaster, with thousands and thousands being killed, you will remain unscathed and unharmed.
8) you will be a spectator as the wicked perish in judgment, for they will be paid back for what they have done!
9–10) When we live our lives within the shadow of God Most High, our secret hiding place, we will always be shielded from harm. How then could evil prevail against us or disease infect us? Psalm 91:1-10 (TPT)

No Corona Virus can come near you or me in Jesus’ name. We come against every disease, every operation of the enemy. I am just thinking of a person right now. They are dealing with absolute junk, an attack! We come against that in Jesus’ name and call it down and call it out. The Word rules, the blood makes a way! Hallelujah! There is protection in the blood! You are healed because you were healed and you will remain healed in Jesus’ name.

What difference the blood makes, what difference a day makes, and hour makes, a minute makes when we declare the blood of Jesus is over us! We cannot, we will not, we are not going to be moved.

We are moved by the presence of God. We are moved in that place. Thank You, Father. Hallelujah. Our secret hiding place, it’s a secret. We’ll always be shielded from all harm. How then could evil prevail against us or disease infect us?

God sends angels with special orders to protect you wherever you go, defending you from all harm. Psalm 91:11 (TPT)

Ministering spirits sent from heaven, they know our names. I sense they are bringing back some things that were stolen. I just had that sense right now. Some things including money that was stolen, that was removed somehow illegally or in a wrong way, it is coming back in Jesus’ name for RESTORATION is in the blood! Hallelujah! Ooohhhh! Miracles, supernatural events unfolding, the glory of God, the manifestation from heaven… Thank You, Father.

We are taking steps. We worship You, Lord.

Ms. Annie led singing in the Spirit

Ms. Cindy…

My mom sent me a text last week. She said “I am sitting upstairs at my big window in my chair looking out at the view. I am doing my morning Bible reading. As I am reading “your youth is renewed like the eagle” a bald eagle flies right across my window. How cool is that!”

My mom will be eighty years old next October. The Devil has tried to kill her 3 or 4 times during her lifetime but he just can’t do it. She has a love for other people and ministers out of that love. Maybe she doesn’t always know the whys but she has a heart that just keeps going forward. So, my prayer for her has always been restoration. And when she texted that to me, I heard God say “I will restore.”

I texted back “It’s True! I have prayed for you. Your latter end will be greater, far surpassing, glorious! Death is the last enemy to be put under foot. And Jesus isn’t coming back for His Church until the restoration of all things. He is restoring your youth! Your best days are ahead and you are not exiting this earth in a vehicle of death. I declare it! Death is not your or my appointment. Death is not at work in our bodily organs! Jesus has completely restored all the years of destruction. Not one destructive weapon prospers but rather is ashes under your feet. We are appointed to endure the furnace of His righteous justice by and through His precious blood. Death is not appointed to endure the oven of His purifying love for you. Your flesh is renewed – now like the flesh of a little child.” He did that for Naaman when he came to see the prophet Elisha – precedent.

DJ was talking to me the other day. He said “How many places in the New Testament does it say that God ‘will do’ things for us?” I answered “I do not know.” All the “I will’s…” were in the Old Testament. And He said in the Old Testament “I will restore all the years that the locust have eaten…” the years where the enemy has come and devoured and destroyed. Destruction is not our appointment in Christ. Right now we are already, our youth is already restored.

Yesterday Pastor Ray said he saw a large window and through that window he said the Church will begin to see things and know things that the Father has wanted us to see and know for years. When he said that, I saw a large eagle in that window. And what that means is everything is being restored or rather it already has been.

Thank You, Lord. Death no longer reigns in our bodily organs. Thank You, Father, for that promise has already been fulfilled, it was finished at the Cross. Old Testament “I will’s” have all become New Testament “fulfilled” now in this time. Thank You, Lord, that we are looking through that window now.

We thank You, Father, that my mother saw prophetically what I have been praying out for us all, the restoration of all things, now in this time in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Scripture focus…

11) God sends angels with special orders to protect you wherever you go, defending you from all harm.
12) If you walk into a trap, they’ll be there for you and keep you from stumbling.
13) You’ll even walk unharmed among the fiercest powers of darkness, trampling every one of them beneath your feet!
14) For here is what the Lord has spoken to me: “Because you have delighted in me as my great lover, I will greatly protect you. I will set you in a high place, safe and secure before my face.
15) I will answer your cry for help every time you pray, and you will find and feel my presence
even in your time of pressure and trouble. I will be your glorious hero and give you a feast.
16) You will be satisfied with a full life and with all that I do for you. For you will enjoy the fullness of my salvation!” Psalm 91:11-16 (TPT)

Pastor Ray…

If the enemy has planned to send people with a Corona virus to different lands, if the enemy is using that or those symptoms as an attack against the earth or against us here in America… We are, of course, lifting everyone up but we are here, we’re in this land… we take that authority by the blood of Jesus and plead that blood over all of our borders, the waterways, containers, ships, planes, trains, highways – we take authority holding, pleading the blood, use the blood, declare it! Oh, that there is such power in that blood! The blood! The blood of Jesus!

We see how it was when it was shed at Calvary, when Jesus said “It’s Finished!” We know He meant “It’s finished!” It’s completed, the work was done, and we’ve over come because of the blood and the words of our testimony saying “We’ve overcome!” We have been protected! We are protected! We will be protected! Our country is safe, the United States is safe by the blood of the Lamb! We plead that blood over the whole country! Ooooh the blood of Jesus! The blood of Jesus! Thank You for the blood. Hallelujah.

Brother DJ…

Hallelujah. Thank You, Father. Pastor Ray, when you were praying the Holy Spirit was reminding me that every time we pray, apply the blood of Jesus upon your pastors. We pray in tongues and apply the blood of Jesus on all the pastors that the power of the enemy will be broken off of them.

Father, we thank You that in the remainder of 2020, the next ten months, You will do an outpouring of the Your Spirit on pastors. We plead the blood of Jesus over the pastors of our church. In the name of Jesus we break the power of the enemy, assignments against their minds, their bodies, against their finances, their children, their grandchildren in the name of Jesus!

They are called by God, anointed by God. And, Devil, you cannot touch our pastors. No weapon of the enemy formed against them shall prosper! All their needs shall be met in Jesus’ name. A thousand may fall at their side and the tens of thousands at their right hand, it shall not come near them in the name of Jesus! We call these pastors blessed, anointed by the Almighty God! Hell shall not prevail against them! Against their families! Against their wives, children!

We apply the blood of Jesus over Pastor Mac and Pastor Lynne, declare today in the name of Jesus – they are blessed! They are prosperous! They are anointed! They will finish their work! Father, we thank You that You pour out Your Spirit on our Pastors today!

♪ Our God is an Awesome God
He reigns from Heaven Above
With wisdom, power and love
Our God is an Awesome God ♪

Pastor Ray…

Our God, my God is an awesome God, a good God, a great God, a faithful Father. Thank You, Father. Thank You, Lord.

When symptoms come I said we would run. I didn’t mean it like in fear but we do know where to go. But then that tower, just by declaring that name and magnifying right where we are standing here, that tower, that protection is over us! It’s movable. It’s not a natural place. It’s a supernatural place! So, that’s where we are, under the tower of the name that is above every other name. Thank You for it, Lord. Thank You, Father.

So, the vision that the Father God gave forth, placed in the hearts of our pastors, Pastor Mac and Pastor Lynne, the vision shall all come to pass. There’s not a portion of it that will never ever come to pass. It is all going to come to pass – the vision, the call of this ministry. Every ministry has a call. Every ministry has a vision or they should have. But we have a vision and it’s already been declared over 30 years ago. We believe and we agree and we declare “It is coming to pass in Jesus’ name.” We thank You for it in advance, we receive it by faith in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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