Morning Prayer Summary for Thursday, January 23, 2020

Annie led group in worship…

♪ All-consuming fire… You’re our heart’s desire… living flame of love… come baptize us… ♪

Pastor Ray…

Thank You, Lord. He is an all-consuming fire. It’s an internal fire… a fire in our thoughts… a fire in our speaking… seeing… knowing. That holy fire even changes how we thing, what we do, where we go, what we say, how we live. Thank You… Father, You said in Your Word to “be being filled” over and over and over again. Baptized anew with Your precious holy fire… the Holy Spirit and fire… thank You for it today… our thoughts are consumed with You… more and more and more… that will enable us to do more… give more… do more… we yield to You our hearts and lives… You are worthy of all the honor and praise…

Annie, do you want to sing that please?

Annie led group in singing…

♪ I bow my knees, I bow my heart, I bow my life before Your throne… ♪

Pastor Ray…

Lord, we lift You up and take our seat with You in heavenly places… we watch, listen, and obey… thank You…

This book just popped into my heart this morning. Brother Hagin’s “Tongues: Beyond the Upper Room.” I’ve read it but I saw this one part where he said we have to avoid Pentecostal “ruts.” I was like, “What?” He said a lot of times, we’ll get in a rut because we’ve always done things one particular way. He gave an example of visiting a church where he was invited to do a couple services. He was ministering and then all of a sudden, he felt directed to do something. He was surprised when he said it. He said, “There are people in here right now that need to be filled with the Holy Ghost.” It was like six people stood up. Normally, we would have them come up, have somebody lay hands on them to baptize them in the Holy Ghost. But he said before he could even think about it, he said, “Be filled and baptized with the Holy Spirit.” One lady jumped up and began to pray in other tongues. She got out into the aisle and started dancing up and down the aisle. The pastor of the church was like, “Wow!” Turns out they had worked with this lady for over two years to get her baptized in the Holy Ghost. They did everything they knew to do. Hagin said, “No wonder she was dancing in the aisle.” She was baptized in the Holy Ghost in a different way. He said we should watch out to always be directed and led by the Spirit. Right? We need to avoid being in a spiritual rut. That doesn’t mean we have to change everything and not do certain things. One example he used was when people come up to the front to kneel down and pray. That’s great. How he would do it when he came here, he took the chairs, he’d kneel down in front of one of the chairs on the platform and begin to pray in other tongues. So it’s not that you shouldn’t kneel. But maybe not always kneel.

This is sort of funny. Last night, there were three of us and the Holy Ghost included and Pastor Folu. We did the Wednesday service. Before the service started, the ushers get everything ready. I had the podium right in the middle because I thought that’s where it should be. I looked and it was gone. What? It was over on the side and he was over there buffing it up, cleaning it. I said, “I would like to have that over in the middle.” He said, “Okay. After the singers are done, I’m supposed to bring it over.” I said, “There are no singers.” “What?” It’s just the way we felt led to do it. Miss Annie was the singer. We did have a singer.

This is what I saw from brother Hagin. He said “The next wave of God’s Spirit is coming.” I was to read you a short excerpt from this book.

“The Next Wave of God’s Spirit Is Coming”

When you’ve preached as long as I have (almost seven decades), you can start to see some things come in waves. And I can sense it in my spirit—there is another wave coming. Get ready for it. It isn’t coming just because God said it’s coming. We are going to have to enter into the deeper realm of prayer we have been talking about and give birth to that which God wants to do.

Pastor Ray interjected…

So we have a part to play. Like he said, I sense there’s another wave but it’s not going to just happen if we just sit back. He continued.

If you’ve ever gone down to the ocean and watched the waves come in, you know that before a wave ever breaks on the shore, it has its beginning is way out in the deeper waters of the ocean. The potential energy of the wave begins long before you ever see the final result washing up on the shore.

Well, that’s what praying in tongues accomplishes in the spiritual realm. When you pray in tongues, you give impetus to the next move of God’s Spirit before that spiritual “wave” is ever seen with your natural eyes!

When I talk to other ministers, I realize we all have the same thing in our spirits. We haven’t necessarily communicated in the natural with one another. There is just something in our spirits that tells us another wave is coming!

Pastor Ray interjected…

I believe that with all my heart. Another wave, another move, an increase of the Spirit of God… it’s time. He continued…

So what do we do about it? Well, we determine that we’re not going to stay with the old wave and ride it into the shore, only to be left high and dry on the sand! Instead, we turn around and start swimming back out to the deep part of the ocean so we can get on the next wave—the next mighty move of God’s Spirit on this earth. And how do we swim back out to the deep? By setting aside time and dedicating ourselves to fellowship with the Father and to pray in the Holy Ghost!

Pastor Ray continued…

And there are things happening all over the earth, spiritually speaking. Good things and bad things. And here, this body, this church, it’s not just our right but it’s a necessity that we continually keep turning and praying toward the next wave. Those waves, like he said, they start way out in the deep.

So we call to the deep this morning. Deeper waters, a deeper move of the precious Holy Spirit. When Annie is singing about baptized in the Holy Spirit, just a refreshing a renewing, a surge of Holy Spirit power that will keep us moving in these hours that we’re living in, all around us are people who need the baptism of the Holy Ghost.

So we believe today, Father, there will be many people baptized in the Holy Ghost… no matter what stream of ministry they may be in… we pray for the body of Christ this morning… we’re not going back… we’re not going to sit and watch things go by… but we know by experience that if we do not stop doing what He’s called us to do, we’ll in in on that wave… and another wave… and in those moves of the Holy Spirit, there is absolute strength that comes to each of us enabling us, equipping us and anointing us to go further than we’ve gone before. Thank You, Lord.

Annie, when you were singing about the baptism of the Holy Ghost, you started singing in other tongues, correct? I never heard that sound from you before today. It was a different tongue. I’m just telling you that was different. We’ve been speaking about the difference in all of us as individuals. Like we said a couple days ago, when that fire came on the 120, there was individual tongues for each of them. The same is true for us. We each have different and unique fingerprints. I’m just repeating things that Annie has already said. There are no two tongues that are the same. Annie, sing in other tongues.

Annie led group to sing in the spirit…

It keeps coming up in my heart to share this. Can I share it? The first thing that happened when Pastor Ray asked me to sing in tongues was is fear. Well, wait! He said he’s never heard that tongue before from me. What if I can’t do that again?

Pastor Ray…

You don’t have to.


I have no idea how that happened or even that it was happening. Because when we’re praying in tongues, we’re yielding to Him. We’re bypassing our minds and yielding and just by faith… it takes faith to speak in tongues. There are times when the fire falls and it comes out like a gusher. There are other times when we step out of the boat and start walking on the water and keep our eyes on Jesus. You know what I’m trying to say? All of us have to pray in tongues by faith. Because we’re yielding to Him by faith because He’s a faith God. So I’m like, I’m hoping if I start singing in tongues that it’s something fresh, new. But by faith, I’m just going to follow Jesus and get out of the boat and walk toward Him. I’m going to keep my eyes on Him. If I sink, He’s going to grab me and pull me up. How about we all sing together, using our faith that we’ll have fresh oil and fire from Him.

Group begins to pray in the spirit…

Annie …

They heard them all speaking in tongues in the book of Acts and declaring the wonderful works of God. Let’s all declare His wonderful works together in tongues.

Group began to pray in tongues…

Pastor Ray…

I keep hearing this. When we were singing, in my spirit by the Spirit, “I’ve only called you to yield. I did not call you to figure it all out. I did not call you to try to see everything out into the future. For I know the future for you before you get there. So I’ve put a call, words, unique just to you. So when you do what I’ve asked you to do is yield and yield and then there will be another level and yield there and yield there some more. And there will be some other preparations that are being made by you individually yielding and it will all work out right.” (tongues)

Sustain it… contend for it… call for it… yearn for it… My fire, My presence, My passion, My cleansing… thank You, Lord… we rest in You…

Annie, I feel like you should sing something.

Annie began to sing…

♪ Peace, peace, wonderful peace flowing down from the Father above… sweep over my spirit forever I pray… ♪

Pastor Ray…

Before we finish, I wanted to declare this… it’s a prophecy that David Shearin gave here at Living Word a couple years ago. This is just a part of it. He spoke over Living Word saying:

I say this church will be known for the glory of God. I say this church will be known for the glory of God. A real harvest is when people really get born again. A real harvest is when people really get filled with the Holy Spirit. A real harvest is when people really get healed. I said, it’s the real deal. And you got the real deal. This is not play time. This is the real, come on. These are soldiers that have (tongues) … soldiers that have been released from heaven. When God puts His grace on a church, when God puts His grace on a place, I said when God puts His grace on a place, you get involved in that church and that grace that is on that man of God, your pastor, I said that grace that is on him was not just for him. It was for you. Oh, I said it wasn’t just for him. It was for you. It’s a gift of God for you. It’s the anointing of God for you. It’s the Word of the Lord for you. It’s the plan of God for you. It’s the plan of God for the church. And you’re right in the middle of the will of God. I love to be right in the middle of the will of God. I’d rather be in the will of God than any place I know, right in the middle of the will of God. That’s where you’re to go. What you do with the will of God is going to determine every outcome in your life. And you’re right in the middle of something that heaven has already ordained. It’s been going a long time but the increase is here. I said the increase is here. We’re not looking back. (tongues) We’re not looking back to the way it just used to be. We’re taking the things that are old and the things that are new and they’re coming together so that we can show the glory of God in this generation. It’s your time. It’s your place. And it’s right now that you ought to take your place, get in your place and say “We’re marching. We’re marching with heaven’s orders.”

Here is the whole prophecy:

Pastor David Shearin
Holy Ghost Meetings
June 24, 2018

So I hear the sound of the abundance of rain and the heavens are opened over Living Word and over Minneapolis. It happens more than in these walls. When the Holy Ghost shows up, it runs out in the streets. I said when the Holy Ghost shows up, it runs in the streets! Listen, the Holy Ghost showed up and was poured out on 120, but there were some people in the streets that got affected. Cuz when you get full of the Holy Ghost, it’s going to take you to the streets. It’s going to take you to your community. It’s going to take you out there. I’m’ telling you, it doesn’t just take us out in the glory, but when we go there, we can go there. You understand me? I said, when we get in the glory, we get filled with the Holy Ghost. When we leave that place, we’re going with the glory. And it’s going in the streets. Wisdom is crying in the streets of Minneapolis. I said wisdom is crying in the streets of Minneapolis. And people are going to hear your voice, so the voice of praise and thanksgiving and rejoicing is going in the streets of Minneapolis and the glory of God… He said He would give grass to every man. I said, He would give grass to everyone. Grass. In other words, you’re going to have some harvest on the day of Pentecost.

Some people are afraid of a move of the Holy Spirit, but what happened when they had that move of the Holy Spirit? They went out in the streets and Peter stood up and preached and 3,000 people got saved. Don’t be afraid of the glory of God cuz it’s more powerful than your little three points. Alright, are you ready now? Go ahead and shout. Your praise, your praise, your praise, … to God. Glory to God! Your giving went up to God tonight. God sees it. Not too long ago, the Holy Spirit said this to me: “You’ve never sown a seed that I didn’t see.” God sees your seed. It went up before God as a memorial tonight.

Word for Living Word …

But God sees your prayers. And there’s been prayer that has gone up in this place. Thirty some years, prayers have gone up in this place. Before that, prayers went up to God. A cry for the rain. A cry, desire for the rain. A hunger, a thirst for the rain. Listen, God has never, never, never, never not heard the prayers of the righteous. His eyes are over the righteous. His ears are open to their prayers. This place is a place of prayer. God said My house shall be called a house of prayer. All those prayers that have gone up, you think they fell on deaf ears? No! God heard the prayers of the righteous. And when you cry unto God for the rain, you better know that God desires it more than you. God desired to pour out the Holy Spirit more than we desired to receive it. But if we desire to receive it, He’ll sure pour it out on us. Glory to God. So now we’ve got the prayers and we’ve got the giving that’s been going on. Not just tonight, but it’s been going on for years. And it went up before God. And He’s seen it and He’s shown Himself faithful. But there is an increase that’s coming to this place. Oh, come on, Church. I said, listen, don’t play with it. Believe it. I said believe it. There is an increase that’s coming to this place, an increase, a harvest of souls. The increase of God. When God increases you, no man can stop you. When God says it’s your time, it’s your time. When God opens the door, the door is open. When God shuts the door, the door is shut. But when God says yes, He means yes. And when God puts His approval on you, He means you’re approved. And when God says you’re blessed, you’re blessed. And when God says that you are more than a conqueror, you’re more than a conqueror. If God says that you are a church that influences this city, then you are a church that influences this city. Somebody ought to shout on that word right now.

I say this church will be known for the glory of God. I say this church will be known for the glory of God. A real harvest is when people really get born again. A real harvest is when people really get filled with the Holy Spirit. A real harvest is when people really get healed. I said, it’s the real deal. And you got the real deal. This is not play time. This is the real, come on. These are soldiers that have (tongues) … soldiers that have been released from heaven. When God puts His grace on a church, when God puts His grace on a place, I said when God puts His grace on a place, you get involved in that church and that grace that is on that man of God, your pastor, I said that grace that is on him was not just for him. It was for you. Oh, I said it wasn’t just for him. It was for you. It’s a gift of God for you. It’s the anointing of God for you. It’s the Word of the Lord for you. It’s the plan of God for you. It’s the plan of God for the church. And you’re right in the middle of the will of God. I love to be right in the middle of the will of God. I’d rather be in the will of God than any place I know, right in the middle of the will of God. That’s where you’re to go. What you do with the will of God is going to determine every outcome in your life. And you’re right in the middle of something that heaven has already ordained. It’s been going a long time but the increase is here. I said the increase is here. We’re not looking back. (tongues) We’re not looking back to the way it just used to be. We’re taking the things that are old and the things that are new and they’re coming together so that we can show the glory of God in this generation. It’s your time. It’s your place. And it’s right now that you ought to take your place, get in your place and say “We’re marching. We’re marching with heaven’s orders.” (tongues)

You’ve got the orders from heaven. You’ve been given the instruction, the directions and now is the time and it is a good time. I said it is a good time. Cuz you said “No, I won’t quit. I’m going on and I’m going up and I’m going in to take the land. It’s my time.” Come on, Church. If you dare to right now believe the Word of the Lord in this place, put your faith on it and say, “God, I believe what I’m hearing. And I’m going to believe it and I’m going to see it. I believe to see the glory of God. I don’t just believe it. I will see the glory of God.”

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