Prayer Summary October 7


Thank You, Father, for the gift of Your Holy Spirit
For the name of Jesus which is the key that unlocks all answers
We step out today into uncharted territory by faith – going further
Yielding and drawing nearer to You, Holy Spirit


The following excerpt is taken from The Herald of His Coming by Wesley L. Duewel:

Prevailing prayer only prevails through the prevailing Spirit. It is not a work of man, even of the holiest men and women of God. It is the work of the Holy Spirit in you and through your cooperation. Samuel Chadwick confessed, “The biggest thing God ever did for me was to teach me to pray in the Spirit.” No one ever becomes a man or woman of prayer except through the Holy Spirit.

How can you prepare His way so the Spirit can intercede in prevailing prayer through your being? Remember, you will always recognize that you are far too weak in prayer to prevail. Rejoice! “The Spirit helps us in our weakness” (Rom. 8:26). Again and again you will need to confess with Paul, “Lord, I do not know how to pray as I ought. I do not know precisely what all the details are for which I should prevail.” Rejoice! The Spirit Himself intercedes for-you with groans too deep for I \ you ever to be able to express (v. 26).

Since the Holy Spirit is that burdened to help you pray and to prevail through you, God is far more desirous of your prevailing than you ever realized. The Spirit groans for you to become mighty in prevailing prayer. He has infinitely many groanings that are humanly inexpressible – for you to become mighty in prevailing prayer for the many significant needs in the lives of others.

The Spirit wants to make you mighty to prevail for them. God has no other way. He has ordained to bring His will to pass through your prevailing, joined to the prevailing intercession of both God the Son on heaven’s throne of grace and God the Spirit. The Spirit longs to possess you more and more fully that He may pray through you more and more prevailingly.

God understands your heartbroken confession, even as Paul confessed that he did not know how to pray as he ought (Rom. 8:26). At the end of yourself, give yourself again to God in total dependence. Can you confess with Oswald J. Smith, “Ah, that burden, that burden for souls – how it has characterized God’s anointed ones all down the centuries!…a host of…mighty wrestlers with God. Theirs, my brethren, is the experience I crave above all other.”

God desires you to help mediate the light of the Gospel and the saving power of Jesus through your prayer. In redemption there is only one Mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus (1 Tim. 2:5). But God needs thousands of cooperating intercessory mediators today. By your prevailing prayer, place one hand on the throne of grace and the other on the need of the world. Moses did. Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Daniel did. Will you? Luther did. Wesley and Whitefield did. Finney, Brainerd, and Hyde did. Will you?

Continued Praying…

Father, we are so dependent on You
Thank You for eyes to see – we rely on You to show us
Father, You are our strength and help – mighty and all powerful!
Thank You for the new!
We keep ourselves steady – going all the way through
Watching, praying, contending, and going in that way
Taking our place by the power of Your Spirit
Every piece, every part, and every detail—we contend for them in Jesus’ name
We take hold of the whole of it—never letting go or quitting
By Your Spirit we continue to Press into, prepare for, and send out Your plan
We thank you, Father, for ears to hear
Not moved by what we see!
We set our expectation for more and more and still greater and beyond!
Pleading the blood over those things that must stop and must be removed!
We say no more—BE FREED UP!
There is power in the name of Jesus to break every chain of bondage
Breaking the bondage of fear, abuse, poverty, hunger, thirst, lies, depression
All Power is in Your name, JESUS!
Poverty, we call you completely broken—that the Spirit of giving be loosed
We call for an increase in generosity, liberality, giving—Fear of lack, be gone in Jesus’ name!
Leaning over into a greater dependence on You, Father
More and more people living by their giving—making a living by their giving
Thank You, Father, that it’s all in Your BLESSING!
Not fearing the future—Our future is in You, Father
So Very Bright!
We open our hands to the poor, weak, and those in need
Father, thank You, for always meeting all our needs by the riches of Your liberality
Not laying up treasures here on Earth—but our treasure is in You
We purpose to give freely as You direct us knowing that we receive all that we need from You
Thank You, for strength to declare things that have not yet taken place in Jesus’ name
Father, we give you all the praise and all the honor in the precious and all powerful name of Jesus

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