Prayer Summary for November 4


We will walk in the cleansing power of the blood of Jesus, today
Continually looking to You and to what You did for us on the cross
Atmospheres will be changed in and by the blood of Jesus
The blood is changing things and turning things around
Getting out of the natural realm and entering into more of the spiritual realm
Pleading the blood of Jesus over pastors and their families
Covering churches and those in positions of authority with the blood of Jesus
Every member of the body of Christ would get up and take their place
Father, You are the change maker!
You are making a way where there seems to be no way
Because of the blood of Jesus, we can come boldly to Your throne of grace
Pleading the blood over the foundations of ministries
Holding and covering every part of the foundation in the blood of Jesus
There will be no weakening or breaking down of that foundation in Jesus’ name!
Applying the blood of Jesus to every crack and crevice
Steps are being ordered by the blood, and paths are being made straight
There is healing, deliverance, and safety in that blood
The blood speaks life, freedom, and liberty
No, we will not be moved by what we see but moved by what we know!
Speaking stability over the body of Christ, today
There will be no confusion or limitation in the name of Jesus!
No weapon formed against us shall prosper
Binding discouragement and the spirit of lack!
Resources of every kind are made available to every believer
We are redeemed by the blood of the Lamb
Increase, advancement, and acceleration by Your Spirit, Father
One heart, one plan, one purpose with You, Lord
Holding the blood against every disturbance and against every evil work
Calling for a spirit of seeing and knowing—a spirit of wisdom and revelation
Making much of the blood, today
Lifting those things before You, Lord
Every weight, limitation, and chain will be broken
Let the Word of God come forth and the truth be revealed
There is a bending and a molding there—to the Word and to the Spirit
A cutting out and a separation from the world
Binding every lie of the enemy in Jesus’ name!
Applying the blood over every article of worship
Sprinkling those articles to be cleansed and pure
Worshiping the only One worth worshiping, the Holy Lamb of God
Protecting the words You have spoken with the blood of Jesus, today
Praying for restoration over the body of Christ
The Word is true, and it will never be changed
Restoring every element, part, and piece
That You would be lifted, glorified, and magnified in this place, Lord
Our eyes must continually be looking upward to where our help comes from
Internal changes are taking place
Lining up our tongues and our voices with those things that we know are true
Taking a drink of the Holy Ghost river
Praying over numbers, that they would be multiplied
Every lie of the enemy will be exposed and revealed in Jesus’ name!
We will continually push ahead into the higher plan of the Father
Moving those things out, strengthening those things up
It’s like a blood mission—a mandate about the blood of Jesus
Doors of opportunity will be opened, and we call for an increase as we walk through
Calling for greater revelation for the body of Christ
Change comes through the word of the Lord
Thank You for the ministry and operation of Your Spirit, Father
We reverence Your presence; You are welcome in this place
Thank You for the blood of Jesus
Your favor goes before us and prepares a way
The blood has been applied, therefore, we will not be denied
We have overcome by the blood, and we will continue to overcome through the blood
Giving You all the glory, honor, and praise, today!

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