Prayer Summary for November 2

Jesus, You are so wonderful and gracious, what a precious Savior
Thank You that You came, thank You that You gave, and thank You that You live
All that we are is because of You, Lord
You have given us eternal and abundant life
We are so thankful and grateful for the wonderful name of Jesus
Jesus, Jesus—we use and speak that precious name
In You, we live, move, and have our being
We exalt You today, Father
Magnifying the name of Jesus, and no devil in hell can come against that name!
There is no other name, but the name of Jesus!
Jesus, be Jesus in and through us today!
Glory to God!
The following prophecy was given by Sister Billye Brim on July 25, 2010:
Prophecy for the Pray-ers
The time and purpose for all of our lives are very important and, in fact, you are alive to meet those appointments, those people, to pray those prayers. Listen and keep ever aware and alert to the voice of the Spirit, and what He would have you say and what He would have you to pray when you go around your house, and you hear a word, repeat it, for it will be from Me. If at the beginning of your day, you will acknowledge me in all your ways; then I will alert you, for it is critical in this day that I have my body speak and say what I want it to say. Know you are on call; you are on call. Give me your all; you are on call. In the daylight hours, in the nighttime too, everything is speeding up and will until you are through to the brightness of the new day. And so, this is not the time to let the enemy keep you sitting in confusion, in darkness and despair, wondering why you are alive or why even care. But this is the time to know of your import. This is the time to know, for it is short. Yea, give me your thoughts, your words, and do not shrink for you are on the very brink of the most wondrous days that have ever been. And yea, even before the brightness of the new day, you shall see upon the body of Christ the anointing come, the anointing of finest hour. Do not center on the negative. Yea, be aware and alert and know it’s there, but you focus on the light of My face and upon sureness of My Glory and My Grace. Who will begin to walk in a new atmosphere? You’ll begin to walk where things are very clear. You’ll hear a voice; you’ll turn around and say, “Who said that?” It is because your hearing is tweaked in this day. Those plans that seemed hard to come by and know before; now they will be very clear. It is not like it was in days of yore. There have been some key moments; there have been some key happenings and things have stepped up. And you will see the operation of the dunamis power. Spoke I not unto you and said when Oral Roberts moved to Heaven there came a shift and there will be another. For you shall soon hear of the departure of another brother and know that when he goes, another shift will occur. And it is not you that is being shaken; it is darkness. You receive a kingdom that cannot be shaken. And though all around, others might see darkness and not you; you’ll see Me. Hah! You’ll get another breath; you’ll get another pick-up, even in your body, my very queen. So, rejoice and be exceedingly glad for days of rejoicing!  Praise God!
Nothing is held back that you need in this hour. Every word that has been spoken concerns every person in this room. We thank You, Lord, that you have the wherewithal to do it. You have time; it’s measured, but you have it.
Continued Praying…
Thank You, Father, for Your Word—Your Spirit spoken Word
Your arm is not too short to perform what You said in Your Word
We stand in this place, and we watch the operation of Your mercy and grace being fulfilled today
Father, Your dunamis power is at work in and through us
Calling for greater acceleration, as we head toward the end of days
These are the days of glory, to see glory, to live in glory, and to walk and talk in the glory
You have prepared us, and You saw fit that we should live now!
We receive that power, the power to see us through all the way to the end
Thank You for the mighty moving force of the living God
The church is moving out into the highways and the byways
Yes, we will go where we are called, Father
The church is being strengthened, arising and standing erect to the true height of Your Word
We will walk in the light of whose we are and who we serve!
No, we are not standing on the sidelines, but we are participating in the end time move of the Holy Ghost
Every believer taking up the mantle, in a new and a fresh way
Acting, walking, and talking in the spirit
Words of power are being delivered by the Spirit
More utterance for every believer!
Speaking of and by Your Spirit, dear God!
All of the parts and all of the members are working together for Your purpose and plan, Father
Spiritual understanding and enlightenment!
Like a mighty wave changing the atmosphere and the very terrain of this earth
Supernatural aid and assistance of and by Your Spirit, Lord God
Stepping out and joining ranks together—alignment in the name of Jesus!
Combinations, cooperating with Your Word, cooperating in that plan!
Keep our eyes fixed and focused on You, Lord!
We are strong in the Lord and in the power of His might!
Declaring that we are the head and not the tail, we are above and not beneath!
Each and every one has a purpose and a call!
Calling for every detail to come in line with Your Word, Father
No, we will not get off track, but we will stay in that way!
Give us eyes to see, ears to hear, and ways to follow, Lord
Every part, every supply, and every gift will take the place You have called them to
Pressing ahead to the higher calling in Christ Jesus!
Father, Your name is above every other name!
We will rise up and go forth!
Lifting up the commanders!
Alignments and assignments!
You have given us recipes for success, recipes for overcoming and recipes for life and not death
Shift into the right way, shift into the right plan, a shifting is taking place!
Boundaries are being pushed out, further, wider, deeper!
Pressing ahead to victory!
Staying steady all along the way, it is the alignment about the assignment
Collaboration, it is a corporate flow
Calling for light from heaven, today!
You have called us for such a time as this!
We call by the words we speak, Father
By the blood we go and by the blood we see!
Hallelujah! Glory be to God!

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